
JulianMyJulian's Pastebin

165 1,070 0 2 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
my retort to - "What would good AI art look like?" May 25th, 2024 Never 11 0 None -
Unrelated, but I have often wondered, "what if MetalJesusRocks transitioned" Apr 12th, 2024 Never 15 0 None -
Untitled Apr 12th, 2024 Never 9 0 None -
a list of podcasts I used to listen to before I gave up and just watched TV shows at work Apr 12th, 2024 Never 20 0 None -
I never sent this to the conversation it was meant 4 Jan 1st, 2024 Never 18 0 None -
Single Moms in your area! - re:the Narcissistic personal website Disorder Dec 28th, 2023 Never 45 0 None -
Nobody asked, but I want to elaborate and dispel any acusation that I'm transphobic or promote such Dec 27th, 2023 Never 42 0 None -
the Tendobrain becomes a Parody of itself a Parody of itself a parody of itself a parody of itself Dec 12th, 2023 Never 24 0 None -
RE: "What is the upside to Trakt over Letterboxd tho" Oct 31st, 2023 Never 30 0 None -
Jennette McCurdy would probably frown at me for my 2A.M. thoughts Jul 30th, 2023 Never 53 0 None -
Just don't ask me about Pirate Warriors 4, I will cry Jul 18th, 2023 Never 40 0 None -
a Julian Response to: How To Stop Caring And Learn To Love Spoilers by James Somerton Apr 29th, 2023 Never 52 0 None -
Licence to Shill revoked by order of his majesty... MrShill? Apr 22nd, 2023 Never 73 0 None -
re:Julian why do you tiktikatiktack with the keyboard Apr 1st, 2023 Never 49 0 None -
Re: the new resident evil remakes are so pointless Apr 1st, 2023 Never 54 0 None -
re: an image of two Japanese Geeks peeing at urinals, as another Geek enters, dressed as a touhou- Mar 31st, 2023 Never 45 0 None -
re: What's the next dogshit twitter alternative Mar 28th, 2023 Never 65 0 None -
this would never happen to Mark Bagley, I'm so pissed off Mar 28th, 2023 Never 57 0 None -
"Whats good about Final Fantasy Games?" He said Mar 13th, 2023 Never 55 0 None -
an additional comment on the thing I jsut posted Feb 12th, 2023 Never 65 0 None -
a brief siloquy on A.I. Image Generation and why I dont believe it is Art Feb 12th, 2023 Never 58 0 None -
Untitled Nov 4th, 2022 Never 76 0 None -
Untitled Nov 4th, 2022 Never 58 0 None -
This is serious, but along the way of writing it, I turned it into a joke May 7th, 2022 Never 56 0 None -