
I never sent this to the conversation it was meant 4

Jan 1st, 2024
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  1. I'm fine with those SEWlike(Super Eyepatchwolf like) people existing, but I think it's just as exhausting for them to pretend that there's no problems with a particular Creative work as the people who just hate living and channel that into lowbrow media observation disguised as criticism. But the happy crowd get a pass because there are so many mooks who have nothing except affirmative media so all you have to do is get in front of the mic and say "thing good" and people will fill in the blanks with their own emotional attachment.
  2. Increasingly as well are people who dominate conversations with nothing but negativity on a particular media or subject, and if I could trade the blind fanboys for the serial hatoids, I feel like the paradigm would just shift too far in the other direction. There's a balance that should be easy to achieve, but for some reason the function of a critic has been in flux, and warped into some kind of fake Ken Burns perversion.
  3. they need to be more thorough, there should be sketches, any episodes missing from a series review just means that the opinion is incomplete therefore invalid, the read is too dry, the reader is 12 years old, aesthetically one should present themselves in the context of their fan bonafides, one should cosplay, one should never cosplay, it's too risky to not display the media in question on the screen in some capacity, it's not risky enough (imo), the work itself being so inequitable that one must pollute their writing with sponsored content.
  5. I think I'm just growing tired of the format, even if one starts out in earnest and is making videos based on subject matter that they do have a genuine love for, if only just to spotlight their knowledge and then share their interests with the world at large. I wonder if it's just not possible to do that as a job without flanderizing oneself.
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