
a list of podcasts I used to listen to before I gave up and just watched TV shows at work

Apr 12th, 2024
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  1. here are the shows I'm currently Listening to:
  2. Formalism Friday - Comic Podcast with artists who have knowledge of the inner workings
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  4. Mega64Podcast - it's what it says on the tin, featuring Rocco
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  6. Dino and Dana's Safe Space - Dino's Podcast after he stopped being Friends with Andy (No, not really)
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  8. The Internet Archive Audio Portal - It's not a Podcast, but you're a coward if you're unwilling to spin that wheel and see what it spits out.
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  10. Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend - Conan's show is actually what made me realize that I need to sober up (in a non alcoholic fashion, I dont drink) and pay more attention to my friendships and make sure that I'm looking out for the people I consider friends, even the ones where our dynamic is more like Mr PeanutButter and Bojack (Guess which one I think I am). Because I'd like to be able to have these sorts of amicable conversations in the far future, joyfully patting each other on the back as we talk about our shared pasts
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  12. Slightly Something Else - a Video Games Podcast with Yahtzee (the Zero Punctuation guy. I'm a fan of his reviews) and Jack Packard (I'm just a fan of him in general), Jack hasn't been on in a while, other people have stepped in to speak for the last few months. (at the time of writing this list, The Escapist hadn't cause the creation of Second Wind, please disregard this inclusion)
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  14. GameFace - I interned for Shane a long looong time ago. I just check in to see how things are going with Him and SIFTED. Boilerplate Gaming Podcast, might not be for you. I'm a big fan of his work and sifted is a great spin on an idea I and many other had in the early 2010s, but siftd is doing it right.
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  16. Friday Night Paper Fight - a Magic Podcast by a group of really talented comedy dweebs who frequently waste their skills on Magic content because it pulls in gobs of sponsorships and clicks (they also genuinely like the game, which may count for something if you're that kind of person)
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