
DonkeyKongGenius's Pastebin

1,230 21,123 0 7 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Vicarius Filii Dei Sep 20th, 2021 Never 388 0 None -
On Cancel Culture May 19th, 2020 Never 306 0 None -
On Liked Youtube Videos Nov 2nd, 2019 Never 222 0 None -
On Charity and Dignity Jun 30th, 2019 Never 612 0 None -
Retro Craze Response May 30th, 2019 Never 8,094 0 None -
Journey to Silius Data May 11th, 2019 Never 161 0 None -
Dispute Feb 13th, 2019 Never 274 0 None -
Patreon Supporters Feb 6th, 2019 Never 252 0 None -
Full Time Streaming Dec 16th, 2018 Never 960 0 None -
Old Chat Rules Dec 10th, 2018 Never 85 0 None -
Support Benefits Nov 11th, 2018 Never 312 0 None -
Mod Command Changes Sep 16th, 2018 Never 137 0 None -
CV3 JP Time Saves Jul 18th, 2018 Never 113 0 None -
Castlevania 3 Regional Differences Jul 17th, 2018 Never 147 0 None -
Partner App Essay Jun 28th, 2018 Never 302 0 None -
The Nintendo CRAZE Jun 17th, 2018 Never 972 0 None -
Dragon Warrior Manipulation Route Feb 12th, 2018 Never 935 0 None -
Cheer/Donation Custom Alerts Oct 27th, 2017 Never 1,986 0 None -
Slot Machine Details Aug 19th, 2017 Never 204 0 None -
Subscriber Leaderboard Jun 29th, 2017 Never 386 0 None -
Jordan D'Darkwing Jun 26th, 2017 Never 199 0 None -
Chat Rules Jun 26th, 2017 Never 842 0 None -
Donation Leaderboard Jun 26th, 2017 Never 444 0 None -
Giveaway History Jun 26th, 2017 Never 159 0 None -
Software/Hardware Jun 26th, 2017 Never 1,033 0 None -
TMR's List of Hardest Games Jun 26th, 2017 Never 137 0 None -
List of Suggested NES Games Jun 10th, 2017 Never 174 0 None -
Bit Cheer Leaderboard Jun 4th, 2017 Never 258 0 None -
Hosting Leaderboard Jun 4th, 2017 Never 272 0 None -
1000 Follower Special May 16th, 2017 Never 359 0 None -
The Ninpo System May 13th, 2017 Never 218 0 None -
DKG_Bot Commands May 6th, 2017 Never 180 0 None -