
On Cancel Culture

May 19th, 2020
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  1. As a person who has been defamed with half-stories and been maliciously subject to "cancel-culture" that seeks
  2. to destroy reputations like a modern-day mob with pitchforks and torches I can easily sympathize with
  3. anyone who has been in the crosshairs of targeted harassment by cancelists. I am speaking of so-called
  4. 'Social Justice Warriors' who have ordained themselves as the decisive force in our culture to try and correct
  5. any perceived wrong in the world, by any means necessary I might add. I am speaking of a militant activism that
  6. justifies political violence, and justifies diliberate, macro-aggression towards any merely perceived, even
  7. unintentional, micro-aggression, even if it is actually none existant. I would propose that there is a distinction
  8. between the world as it really is, how it could be, and the way it is often interpreted and perceived.
  9. It is as if the cancelist sees a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, classist, and white supremacist
  10. hiding behind every tree. Math is racist, cauliflower is racist, in-game chat is sexist, most gamers are white
  11. supremacists, etc, etc. It has likewise become fashionable to color anyone they perceive as such, or simply do not
  12. like, or even just a person who thinks differently, as if they are Satan incarnate. As a result, people are defamed,
  13. demonized, and vilified. I don't subscribe to this culture of which has become toxic, vile, and based on manipulated
  14. perceptions. People forgot how to be charitable and remain open to reason no matter where it might lead, even if it runs
  15. counter to our preconceived ideas, but instead, people create false narratives based on an uncharitable interpretation
  16. of one or two factors while ignoring all the rest. Plausible deniability is ignored as if there cannot exist any
  17. intent or motive other than the one the cancelists attribute to the individual, and assume to understand the person
  18. better than the person understands themselves to the point where even when said person explains themselves with full
  19. transparency and honesty, the cancelist will not believe it because who you really are, and who you say you are, is in
  20. conflict with the caricature of you in their mind, and they will always side with their fabrication. No attempt is made
  21. to understand the person or to even have a heart to heart conversation with them, as if all they really care about is if
  22. their presentation of you can win an ideological battle, or feel virtuous by signaling that they have identified a perceived
  23. wrong and are taking severe action in order to attack it. It’s like a social engineering tactic designed to intimidate
  24. and bully others into conformity which manifests itself in hate messages in the hope that one can be driven to fearful
  25. submission to those behind their keyboards, at least this seems to be the effect. These tactics actually have a very
  26. divisive social impact that ruins relationships, turns people against one another, and makes others suspicious of others.
  27. This culture has lost what it means to have faith, to have hope, and to live charitably. You want to seek greater diversity?
  28. You want to help make this world a better place? You want to make a change for the better? Then live a life of holiness,
  29. of charity, of sacrifice, of conscience, mercy, and forgiveness. Seek to live such a holy and impressive life that exude
  30. all the virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. If you live in this manner
  31. it shall be a light in the darkness, and it will inspire others. The goal should be one of redemption. Being presented
  32. with such good examples of speech and behavior brings deep conviction of heart, and nothing ever has long lasting impact
  33. like a heart that has been radically transformed. People are led to repentance by being presented with understanding,
  34. charity, mercy, and forgiveness. This is how we change the world, one heart at a time, not by recruiting a mob and
  35. spreading lies in order to tell someone how bad of a person you think they are. You may have good intent, and a
  36. commendable motive to make a difference, but you are doing it in a way which exudes vice and is divisive. Spend time
  37. getting to know another person, try to work through your bias against others, and be willing to understand
  38. other worldviews, and be patient with those who think differently than you.
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