
Sunu's Pastebin

Indonesia    3,463 32,337 0 12 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Blynk IO contoh ESP8266 Jul 18th, 2022 Never 1,719 0 Arduino -
Blynk 5 LED array Jul 18th, 2022 Never 468 0 Arduino -
Blynk ESP8266 virtual pin V0 Jul 17th, 2022 Never 1,541 0 Arduino -
ESP8266standAloneBlynk2 Jul 17th, 2022 Never 790 0 Arduino -
testing syntaz Aug 3rd, 2021 Never 1,385 0 Arduino -
Flameshot screenshot border Jul 19th, 2021 Never 1,305 0 Bash -
Uji 2 pwm generator Apr 25th, 2019 Never 366 0 Arduino -
delay.h Sep 10th, 2020 Never 263 0 C -
io.h Sep 10th, 2020 Never 201 0 C -
Sborka.lib Dec 17th, 2019 Never 4,484 0 None -
Diac_st.lib Dec 10th, 2019 Never 618 0 None -
DB3.asy Dec 10th, 2019 Never 607 0 None -
MOC3021.asy Dec 8th, 2019 Never 648 0 None -
irf9540nslpbf.asy Mar 31st, 2019 Never 318 0 None -
irf9540nslpbf.spi Mar 31st, 2019 Never 346 0 None -
BTA16-600B.asy Dec 5th, 2017 Never 762 0 None -
S6025L.asy Nov 19th, 2017 Never 777 0 None -
tecc_scr.lib Nov 19th, 2017 Never 742 0 None -
irf9540n.spi Apr 13th, 2017 Never 274 0 None -
irf9540n.asy Apr 13th, 2017 Never 257 0 None -
1N5817 1N5818 1N5819 Apr 4th, 2017 Never 246 0 None -
irg4pf50w.spi Mar 6th, 2017 Never 428 0 None -
irg4pf50w.asy Mar 6th, 2017 Never 357 0 None -
stgp7nc60hd.lib Mar 6th, 2017 Never 419 0 None -
stgp7nc60hd.asy Mar 6th, 2017 Never 319 0 None -
irlb3034pbf.spi Mar 5th, 2017 Never 677 0 None -
IRLB3034PBF.asy Mar 5th, 2017 Never 388 0 None -
TIP142_test.asc Feb 28th, 2017 Never 254 0 None -
npndarlington.asy Feb 28th, 2017 Never 291 0 None -
TIP140_141_142.lib Feb 28th, 2017 Never 292 0 None -
TAMBAHANstandard.bjt Feb 28th, 2017 Never 723 0 None -
tip142gabunganELDA5B public.lib Feb 28th, 2017 Never 325 0 None -
I2C scanner Apr 1st, 2024 Never 764 0 Arduino -
Airtable avegaraing 001 Nov 7th, 2017 Never 307 0 None -
Octave half wave hw3 Oct 12th, 2016 Never 253 0 Octave -
Scilab hw2 cari_UdAC Oct 12th, 2016 Never 261 0 Scilab -
Octave half wave avg Oct 11th, 2016 Never 231 0 Octave -
Scilab rms 201610 001 Oct 11th, 2016 Never 282 0 Octave -
Octave frms Oct 11th, 2016 Never 242 0 Octave -
1n4007 onsemi lib Oct 10th, 2016 Never 878 0 None -
ACS712.ino Nov 26th, 2014 Never 349 0 C -
FF3O206H2BMNS8L.ino Nov 26th, 2014 Never 362 0 C -
R population variance & population standard deviation Sep 3rd, 2014 Never 403 0 R -
tCImean confidence intervals for the mean Sep 1st, 2014 Never 394 0 R -
zCImean confidence interval Sep 1st, 2014 Never 377 0 R -
R kemungkinan normal (normal probability) V3 Sep 1st, 2014 Never 447 0 R -
R kemungkinan normal Aug 31st, 2014 Never 387 0 R -
avconv batch May 13th, 2014 Never 370 0 Bash -
test.s attiny2313 Oct 22nd, 2013 Never 254 0 ASM (NASM) -
compatible avra Oct 22nd, 2013 Never 225 0 ASM (NASM) -
usbasp usbtiny udev gnu/linux rules Oct 17th, 2013 Never 242 0 Bash -
simple sample arduino shift left bit Oct 13th, 2013 Never 229 0 C -
Arduino UNO GNU/Linux serial port Oct 11th, 2013 Never 223 0 Bash -
myArduinoUno328pAVR combined_template Oct 9th, 2013 Never 240 0 C -
arduino editor makefile Oct 8th, 2013 Never 219 0 Make -
basic AVR C template Oct 8th, 2013 Never 227 0 C -
DFROBOT lcd sketch Oct 8th, 2013 Never 208 0 C -
find cp mv copy move Sep 6th, 2013 Never 281 0 None -
unison gtk merge option meld kompare Sep 5th, 2013 Never 220 0 None -
arduino_shift_right01 Feb 16th, 2012 Never 228 0 None -
mod and print percent sign Jan 21st, 2012 Never 213 0 C -
ArduinoFuncMethods Jan 16th, 2012 Never 208 0 None -
simuino FAQ Jan 16th, 2012 Never 231 0 None -