Pastes Archive
This page contains the most recently created 'public' pastes with syntax 'Octave'. [ show full archive ]
Name / Title Posted Syntax
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
Untitled 1 year ago Octave
DIP_PRACTICALS 1 year ago Octave
LDLT pivot 1 year ago Octave
bs_tester() result 1 year ago Octave
bs_tester() 1 year ago Octave
backward_substitution() 1 year ago Octave
forward_elim() 1 year ago Octave
fe_tester() 1 year ago Octave
Simpson's 3/8th Rule (Simple) 2 years ago Octave
yanni_userfuntion 2 years ago Octave
yanni-problem2 2 years ago Octave
numInt 2 years ago Octave
Trabalho Introdução Engenharia Grupo 3 2 years ago Octave
gauss 2 years ago Octave
pvp toggle on/off skript required worldguard 2 years ago Octave
Macroeconomics 2 years ago Octave
Macroeconomics 2 years ago Octave
bialko.m 2 years ago Octave
vis.m 2 years ago Octave
Linear Equation Details 2 years ago Octave
Gas Tank 2 years ago Octave
Untitled 2 years ago Octave
ex_9 2 years ago Octave
Adaptive Simpson's Method with true error for g = e^xsin(e^x) 3 years ago Octave
Adaptive Simpson's Rule with constant 1/1000 3 years ago Octave
Adaptive Simpson's Rule 3 years ago Octave
Composite Simpson's Rule 3 years ago Octave
Miejsce Zerowe - Newton 3 years ago Octave
Schemat Aitkena-Wlasna Medota 3 years ago Octave
applyRawFlatFrame.m 3 years ago Octave
swapRedBlueChannels.m 3 years ago Octave
channelsToRawBayer.m 3 years ago Octave
rawBayerToChannels.m 3 years ago Octave
rawToRGB_BooleanMatrixSelection.m 3 years ago Octave
rawToRGB.m 3 years ago Octave
Untitled 3 years ago Octave
compc_cpc 3 years ago Octave
filtra_freq 3 years ago Octave
criacao_mask 3 years ago Octave
circle 3 years ago Octave
Untitled 3 years ago Octave
transform_freq 3 years ago Octave
matlab worst language 3 years ago Octave
Blur kernel generator 3 years ago Octave
Octave deberes 3 years ago Octave