
Eromang's Pastebin

12,464 74,236 0 12 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon edition backdoor timeline Feb 21st, 2016 Never 3,360 0 None -
CVE-2013-1347 DOL index.php decoded base64 May 6th, 2013 Never 843 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2013-1347 DOL index.php May 6th, 2013 Never 1,122 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2013-1347 DOL Information gathering script May 6th, 2013 Never 1,723 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2013-1347 DOL textsize.js May 6th, 2013 Never 836 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2013-1347 electionguide Information gathering script May 5th, 2013 Never 796 0 JavaScript -
Gong Da new variant Apr 14th, 2013 Never 982 0 JavaScript -
"~pr1.tmp" Dark South Korea Apr 7th, 2013 Never 742 0 Bash -
OSX/Pintsized binaries private and public keys Mar 24th, 2013 Never 3,602 0 None - used in watering hole attacks Mar 20th, 2013 Never 404 0 JavaScript -
Java exploits in watering hole attacks Mar 20th, 2013 Never 329 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2013-0025 in watering hole attacks Mar 20th, 2013 Never 338 0 JavaScript -
debug Mar 17th, 2013 Never 314 0 JavaScript -
Java applet 7d3637ce350a8bcceb3f74c2d8129fd3 Part 2 Mar 4th, 2013 Never 6,391 0 None -
Java applet 7d3637ce350a8bcceb3f74c2d8129fd3 Mar 4th, 2013 Never 687 0 None -
Some Facebook, Apple & Twitter hashes Feb 21st, 2013 Never 584 0 None -
sIIESTRI multidimensional variable decoded Feb 14th, 2013 Never 355 0 JavaScript -
Adobe Reader 0day sHOGG decrypt key Feb 14th, 2013 Never 1,197 0 JavaScript -
Gond Da CVE-2013-0422 Jan 13th, 2013 Never 874 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2012-4792 packed Jan 6th, 2013 Never 753 0 JavaScript - CVE-2012-4792 Jan 1st, 2013 Never 2,321 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2012-4792 drive-by version of 7 December Dec 30th, 2012 Never 3,688 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2012-4969 diff with CVE-2012-1889 Dec 27th, 2012 Never 368 0 Diff -
CVE-2012-1889 Dec 27th, 2012 Never 330 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2012-4969 19 September Decoded ! Dec 27th, 2012 Never 737 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2012-4969 19 September ! Dec 27th, 2012 Never 652 0 JavaScript -
Linux/Chapro.A Apache malicious module Dec 19th, 2012 Never 1,047 0 None -
Darkleech malicious Apache module strings Dec 19th, 2012 Never 323 0 None -
KaiXin Exploit Kit EK November 2012 Dec 5th, 2012 Never 1,076 0 JavaScript - index.html Nov 17th, 2012 Never 732 0 JavaScript -
CVE-2011-3402 Nov 10th, 2012 Never 343 0 HTML 5 -
metasploit debug1 Nov 5th, 2012 Never 689 0 None -
eiAD.class obfuscated code Oct 26th, 2012 Never 635 0 Java -
Java.jar obfuscated dropper Oct 25th, 2012 Never 837 0 Java - de-obfuscated index.html Oct 21st, 2012 Never 602 0 JavaScript - index.html Oct 21st, 2012 Never 601 0 JavaScript -
unknown format Oct 14th, 2012 Never 707 0 None -
Moh2010.swf ActionScript Decompilation Sep 14th, 2012 Never 3,490 0 ActionScript -
New variant Aug 31st, 2012 Never 2,919 0 Java - CVE-2010-3856 Aug 29th, 2012 Never 778 0 Bash - index.html Rhino exploit Aug 29th, 2012 Never 654 0 JavaScript - index.html deobfuscated code Aug 29th, 2012 Never 731 0 JavaScript - index.html obfuscated code Aug 29th, 2012 Never 299 0 JavaScript -
Java 7 0day Gondad Exploit Kit Aug 27th, 2012 Never 2,000 0 JavaScript -
PHP 5.4.5 CVE-2012-2688 _php_stream_scandir overflow Jul 20th, 2012 Never 847 0 Diff -
Another potential DoS CVE for Oracle MySQL of July 2012 Jul 19th, 2012 Never 288 0 None -
More than 1 year to patch YaSSL vulnerabilities in MySQL Jul 19th, 2012 Never 300 0 None -
Is Oracle MySQL Server bug #13898343 CVE-2012-1689 ? Jul 19th, 2012 Never 326 0 Diff -
MySQL bug 13871079 Jul 18th, 2012 Never 284 0 Diff -
Untitled Apr 22nd, 2012 Never 417 0 None -
MySQL Bug 13510739 Apr 10th, 2012 Never 4,059 0 PL/SQL -
Better_Business_Bure_encoded Feb 27th, 2012 Never 356 0 JavaScript -
Horde Backdoor PoC Feb 15th, 2012 Never 2,839 0 PHP -
open_calendar.js Feb 14th, 2012 Never 1,552 0 None - PHP IRC Bot encoded Dec 14th, 2011 Never 1,033 0 PHP -
ISC BIND 9.8.1 P1 diff DoS Nov 16th, 2011 Never 787 0 Diff - Oct 24th, 2011 Never 1,532 0 Bash -
decoded-payload Oct 24th, 2011 Never 1,440 0 Java -
payload Oct 24th, 2011 Never 1,594 0 Perl - Oct 24th, 2011 Never 1,734 0 Perl - Oct 24th, 2011 Never 2,058 0 Perl -