
AntonioVillanueva's Pastebin

9,785 173,349 -1 9 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Encodage et de décodage Base64 <-> Hex Jun 4th, 2024 Never 42 0 C++ -
CODEC JS POUR CHIRPSTACK May 17th, 2024 Never 67 0 JavaScript -
Cracking edb-debugger May 16th, 2024 Never 748 0 C++ -
CRACKME CESAR May 15th, 2024 Never 622 0 C -
Funcion socket c++ Apr 8th, 2024 Never 700 0 C++ -
Control PAP con Joystick y A4988 Mar 3rd, 2024 Never 960 0 Arduino -
Control NEMA11 con A4988 gestion micropasos Mar 3rd, 2024 Never 1,149 0 Arduino -
Control Motor PAP nema 11 con A4988 Mar 1st, 2024 Never 915 0 Arduino -
Temporizar un tiempo con chrono Mar 1st, 2024 Never 544 0 C++ -
Analyse du temps en C++ avec la bibliothèque ctime Mar 1st, 2024 Never 767 0 C++ -
Contrôle du temps en C++ Mar 1st, 2024 Never 672 0 C++ -
Control motor PAP con arduino Feb 25th, 2024 Never 845 0 Arduino -
Certificat pfx dans Python Linux sans tmp Nov 28th, 2023 Never 665 0 Python -
certificats pfx dans python Linux Nov 28th, 2023 Never 518 0 Python -
professeur de télégraphie Oct 30th, 2023 Never 111 0 Python -
Test de la bibliothèque série Arduino Oct 12th, 2023 Never 79 0 Arduino -
Test go Sep 22nd, 2023 Never 741 0 Go -
Calculo serie armonica no aparece d Aug 25th, 2023 Never 1,252 0 C -
Débogage du port RS232 Aug 2nd, 2023 Never 950 0 Python -
RS232 TX ALEATORIO Aug 1st, 2023 Never 965 2 Python -
Rechercher les lignes répétées. Il ne tient pas compte de la ligne de commentaires Jun 1st, 2023 Never 1,212 0 Go -
Actualiza ACT ALM_VALUE May 25th, 2023 Never 718 0 Python -
Generador 2 tonos independientes en stereo usando ALSA May 11th, 2023 Never 930 0 C -
Generador 2 todos para ALSA LINUX May 11th, 2023 Never 588 0 Python -
go cgo librerias dinamicas en c May 9th, 2023 Never 1,018 0 Go -
printf en go goland May 9th, 2023 Never 1,195 0 Go -
Cargando librerias dinamicas de c en go Apr 26th, 2023 Never 1,100 0 Go -
Clases Go interface struct Apr 20th, 2023 Never 1,100 0 Go -
Ejercicio 2b rutinas y los canales Apr 19th, 2023 Never 872 0 Go -
Ejercicio 1b Go Crear un servidor web simple Apr 19th, 2023 Never 2,155 0 Go -
Ejercicio 10 Go ordenar array strings Apr 19th, 2023 Never 931 0 Go -
Ejercicio 7 Go calculo factorial Apr 19th, 2023 Never 1,008 0 Go -
Ejercicio 6 palindromo en Go Apr 19th, 2023 Never 1,062 0 Go -
Go ejercicio 5 Apr 19th, 2023 Never 830 0 Go -
Ejercicio Go 4 Apr 19th, 2023 Never 990 0 Go -
Escritura de fichero *.bmp dibujo cuadrado Apr 18th, 2023 Never 1,247 0 C -
Filtra caracteres en c Apr 17th, 2023 Never 615 0 C -
Filtrer caractères dans une chaîne C Apr 17th, 2023 Never 650 0 C -
Web Server in Go Goland Mar 31st, 2023 Never 1,961 0 Go -
Test types génériques dans Go Mar 31st, 2023 Never 983 0 Go -
RESTFUL server in Go Mar 30th, 2023 Never 1,848 0 Go -
Net Shark finder Mar 17th, 2023 Never 791 0 Python -
Parser dict {key}:{value} fichero externo Jan 24th, 2023 Never 1,131 0 C -
TOKENS desde fichero strtok Jan 20th, 2023 Never 902 0 C -
Tokens strtok Jan 20th, 2023 Never 928 0 C -
RESTfull Web Server avec AUTH et base de données externe Jan 11th, 2023 Never 915 0 Python -
basic auth RESTfull web flask pyhton Jan 10th, 2023 Never 752 0 Python -
Flask pyhton basic auth Jan 10th, 2023 Never 677 0 Python -
Web Rest Server Python Jan 10th, 2023 Never 882 0 Python -
Una simulacion Strac - unipi Dec 14th, 2022 Never 742 0 C -
Read File in C Dec 8th, 2022 Never 500 0 C -
Search Token returns value Dec 2nd, 2022 Never 689 0 C -
Enlace simbolico en C tipo ln -s objetivo simbolico Oct 4th, 2022 Never 1,006 0 C -
Load & process File Aug 26th, 2022 Never 922 0 Python -
MQTT TKINTER IPX800 V5 Ctrl. Aug 17th, 2022 Never 1,002 0 Python -
MQTT PUB & SUB RELAI IPX800V5 Aug 12th, 2022 Never 1,689 0 Python -
MQTT PUB + SUB python example Aug 11th, 2022 Never 1,036 0 Python -
Test Client MQTT with mosquitto broker Aug 9th, 2022 Never 784 0 Python -
Test MQTT python suscribe Aug 3rd, 2022 Never 931 0 Python -
TEST FUGAS VALGRIND Jul 20th, 2022 Never 866 0 C -
récupérer le nom du module et son pid Jul 11th, 2022 Never 1,033 0 C++ -
Recupera texto en C++ al efectuar system Jul 11th, 2022 Never 1,388 0 C++ -
test casting uint16_t array to uint8_t array Jun 15th, 2022 Never 1,339 0 C -
Test conversion 16 caractères binaires Jun 13th, 2022 Never 806 0 C -
FM24CL16 FRAM test with wire in Arduino May 23rd, 2022 Never 931 0 Arduino -
Lectura de datos de un puerto serie May 9th, 2022 Never 1,050 0 Python -
Modbus Tester May 3rd, 2022 Never 695 0 Python -
Test libreria de Alexander Emelianov Apr 19th, 2022 Never 1,140 0 Arduino -
Conversion d'une chaîne ip en ip en tableau de bytes Apr 13th, 2022 Never 1,430 0 Arduino -
write and Test ip in arduino EEPROM Mar 21st, 2022 Never 904 0 Arduino -
Power Save digitalPinToInterrupt EEPROM Mar 15th, 2022 Never 966 0 Arduino -
Control Condensador mariposa arduino Mar 13th, 2022 Never 1,404 0 Arduino -
Mueve un condensador multivuelta con un PAP simula capacidad y vueltas Mar 10th, 2022 Never 1,174 0 Arduino -
Test Motor PAP con final de carrera Mar 10th, 2022 Never 939 0 Arduino -
Arduino Nano web server with w5500 Mar 1st, 2022 Never 1,148 0 C -
Analizando IPs Dec 27th, 2021 Never 1,572 0 Kotlin -
TextWatcher modelo IP en kotlin Dec 14th, 2021 Never 1,223 0 Kotlin -
TextWatcher test in kotlin Dec 13th, 2021 Never 1,152 0 Kotlin -
Cajas de seguridad Dec 10th, 2021 Never 1,202 0 Kotlin -
Transform String -> to Array<UShort> -> to Array <UByte> Nov 30th, 2021 Never 1,285 0 Kotlin -
Transform Array<UShort> to Array <UByte> KOTLIN Nov 30th, 2021 Never 1,348 0 Kotlin -
swap function with generic parameters for Int KOTLIN Nov 29th, 2021 Never 1,359 0 Kotlin -
Funcion KOTLIN con argumento generico Nov 29th, 2021 Never 1,116 0 Kotlin -
Conversion Array<UShort> to Array<UByte> KOTLIN Nov 26th, 2021 Never 658 0 Kotlin -
Function to transform Array<UShort 16bits > into Array <UByte 8bits> Nov 25th, 2021 Never 362 0 Kotlin -
Genero UByteArray desde un String con una funcion Nov 24th, 2021 Never 1,419 0 Kotlin -
ByteArray desde String con una funcion Nov 24th, 2021 Never 895 0 Python -
CRC16 MODBUS KOTLIN Nov 23rd, 2021 Never 417 0 Kotlin -
Ejercicio Type checks and casts KOTLIN Nov 19th, 2021 Never 1,133 0 Kotlin -
Ejercicio dos dados en Kotlin Nov 18th, 2021 Never 1,141 0 Kotlin -
Calculo de CRC16 con tablas pre-calculadas Nov 12th, 2021 Never 992 0 C -
Endiannes , detectando y corrigiendo arquitecturas Nov 12th, 2021 Never 1,143 0 C -
Envio y recepcion de estructuras con Stream y libreria SoftwareSerial arduino Oct 28th, 2021 Never 812 0 C -
Test de la libreria SoftwareSerial en Arduino nano Oct 28th, 2021 Never 1,296 0 C -
TX 433Mhz arduino test Sep 8th, 2021 Never 558 0 C -
Arduino RX 433Mhz + Oled Sep 8th, 2021 Never 610 0 C -
héritage des classes + operateur externe Aug 25th, 2021 Never 1,290 0 C++ -
Exercice de redéfinition des opérateurs internes et externes c++ Aug 19th, 2021 Never 1,935 0 C++ -
Nuevo servidor Web con Threads para robot Raspberry control velocidad TESTs Jul 20th, 2021 Never 1,717 0 Python -
Simulacion print para el robot rasbperry con threads Jul 20th, 2021 Never 1,105 0 Python -