
Userxbw's Pastebin

1,236 30,823 2 7 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
boardgame c++ for someone Apr 20th, 2023 Never 822 0 C++ -
word guess c++ (halfass working project of someone elses) Apr 20th, 2023 Never 825 0 C++ -
Find delimiter and get other content C++ Oct 5th, 2022 Never 975 0 C++ -
Monitor sales C++ Sep 19th, 2022 Never 1,068 0 C++ -
Img.cpp Setting image to background C++ Sep 14th, 2022 Never 40 0 None -
(votes) Get info into struct array C Sep 11th, 2022 Never 1,083 0 C -
Crazy argc argv voting program C Sep 11th, 2022 Never 1,058 0 C -
Struct array, functions, error handling C++ Sep 10th, 2022 Never 1,152 0 C++ -
getline C Sep 8th, 2022 Never 1,215 0 C -
Struct open binary file C Sep 8th, 2022 Never 1,123 0 C -
std::list manipulation c++ Sep 8th, 2022 Never 1,035 0 C++ -
Finds substrings C++ Sep 7th, 2022 Never 917 0 C++ -
Look in directories/sub directories print files C Sep 5th, 2022 Never 1,102 0 C -
Students grades without 2d arrays C++ Sep 2nd, 2022 Never 1,601 0 C++ -
Employee types records C++ Aug 31st, 2022 Never 855 0 C++ -
Company payment template c++, Aug 30th, 2022 Never 1,041 0 C++ -
Check file Char to ASCII count c++ Aug 25th, 2022 Never 779 0 C++ -
Search file for matching word C Aug 21st, 2022 Never 896 0 C -
ASCII TABLE manipulation magic number is 32 Aug 19th, 2022 Never 785 0 C -
Print ascii magic number upper to lower case Aug 19th, 2022 Never 910 0 C++ -
getopt and getsubopt C Aug 18th, 2022 Never 1,143 0 C -
Header file C Aug 18th, 2022 Never 696 0 C -
Get files and insert into list C w/o header file Aug 18th, 2022 Never 1,234 0 C -
while loop and arrays in C Aug 17th, 2022 Never 670 0 C -
argv array based C Aug 14th, 2022 Never 1,042 0 C -
Password mask c++ Aug 13th, 2022 Never 1,035 0 C -
Search pattern in 2d char arrays in C Aug 13th, 2022 Never 838 0 C -
Open file read into buffer Aug 12th, 2022 Never 1,381 0 C -
Students using 2d arrays subject average c++ Aug 11th, 2022 Never 1,058 0 C++ -
Students using vectors subject average c++ Aug 11th, 2022 Never 1,442 0 C++ - May 27th, 2019 Never 393 0 None - May 27th, 2019 Never 314 0 Bash -
e16 install script May 27th, 2019 Never 315 0 Bash -