
HristoBaychev's Pastebin

Bulgaria, Burgas    2,131 55,405 2 2 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
bankacc Apr 21st, 2023 Never 1,193 0 PHP -
shop Apr 20th, 2023 Never 1,029 0 PHP -
racing Apr 14th, 2023 Never 615 0 PHP -
indexRacing Apr 14th, 2023 Never 585 0 PHP -
battleofPHP Apr 13th, 2023 Never 869 0 PHP -
calendar Apr 8th, 2023 Never 712 0 PHP -
belot2 Mar 28th, 2023 Never 801 0 PHP -
belot1 Mar 28th, 2023 Never 781 0 PHP -
students Mar 26th, 2023 Never 783 0 PHP -
is_palindrome Mar 18th, 2023 Never 925 0 PHP -
enterTheNumber Mar 14th, 2023 Never 602 0 PHP -
Stream Of Letters Feb 8th, 2023 Never 848 0 Python -
Hospital Feb 5th, 2023 Never 773 0 Python -
Traveling Feb 12th, 2023 Never 1,192 0 Python -
Special Number Feb 12th, 2023 Never 660 0 Python -
Building Feb 5th, 2023 Never 647 0 Python -
Graduation Feb 7th, 2023 Never 629 0 Python -
Exam Preparation Feb 5th, 2023 Never 726 0 Python -
Graduation Feb 2nd, 2023 Never 707 0 Python -
Shopping Jan 28th, 2023 Never 649 0 Python -
World Swimming Record Jan 28th, 2023 Never 689 0 Python -
Godzilla vs. Kong Jan 28th, 2023 Never 613 0 Python -
Toy Shop Jan 28th, 2023 Never 633 0 Python -
Time + 15 Minutes Jan 28th, 2023 Never 89 0 Python -
Bonus Score Jan 28th, 2023 Never 530 0 Python -
Sum Seconds Jan 28th, 2023 Never 431 0 Python -
Area of Figures Jan 28th, 2023 Never 443 0 Python -
Speed Info Jan 28th, 2023 Never 443 0 Python -
Number 100...200 Jan 28th, 2023 Never 444 0 Python -
Password Guess Jan 28th, 2023 Never 5,712 0 Python -
Even or Odd Jan 28th, 2023 Never 405 0 Python -
Greater Number Jan 28th, 2023 Never 410 0 Python -
Excellent Result Jan 28th, 2023 Never 427 0 Python -
Movie Tickets Feb 12th, 2023 Never 1,261 0 Python -
High Jump Feb 12th, 2023 Never 788 0 Python -
Tournament of Christmas Feb 8th, 2023 Never 1,189 0 Python -
Renovation Feb 7th, 2023 Never 556 0 Python -
Football League Feb 1st, 2023 Never 670 0 Python -
Equal Pairs Feb 1st, 2023 Never 598 0 Python -
Game Number Wars Feb 1st, 2023 Never 749 0 Python -
Untitled Jan 31st, 2023 Never 116 0 None -
Best Player Jan 31st, 2023 Never 816 0 Python -
Renovation Jan 29th, 2023 Never 971 0 Python -
Football Results Jan 23rd, 2023 Never 952 0 Python -
Fish Tank Jan 28th, 2023 Never 472 0 Python -
OddEven Position 2 Jan 27th, 2023 Never 58 0 None -
Odd / Even Position Jan 27th, 2023 Never 706 0 Python -
Basketball Equipment Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 905 0 Python -
Food Delivery Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 899 0 Python -
Repainting Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 664 0 Python -
Supplies for School Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 752 0 Python -
Vacation books list Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 669 0 Python -
Deposit Calculator Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 640 0 Python -
Radians to Degrees Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 656 0 Python -
USD to BGN Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 613 0 Python -
Yard Greening Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 628 0 Python -
Pet Shop Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 608 0 Python -
Projects Creation Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 566 0 Python -
Concatenate Data Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 75 0 Python -
Greeting by Name Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 572 0 Python -
Inches to Centimeters Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 595 0 Python -
Rectangle Area Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 586 0 Python -
Nums 1...10 Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 82 0 Python -
Hello SoftUni Jan 22nd, 2023 Never 70 0 Python -
extRest Oct 6th, 2021 Never 239 0 C -
extDefPi Oct 6th, 2021 Never 92 0 C -
DefPI Oct 6th, 2021 Never 91 0 C -
staticver Oct 6th, 2021 Never 88 0 C -
g_ver Oct 6th, 2021 Never 94 0 C -
swapCaps Oct 6th, 2021 Never 108 0 C -
swapSymbol Oct 6th, 2021 Never 94 0 C -
reverseandcount Oct 6th, 2021 Never 82 0 C -
COUNTSymbol Oct 6th, 2021 Never 90 0 C -
Запишете в осем последователни байта в паметта със стойност 0xBB(1011 1011) Oct 6th, 2021 Never 99 0 C -
Запишете в четири последователни байтове в паметта със стойност 0xAA(10101010) Oct 6th, 2021 Never 105 0 C -
10CountBitInNumber Oct 5th, 2021 Never 106 0 C -
9chNumOddPos Oct 5th, 2021 Never 87 0 C -
8secInYears Oct 5th, 2021 Never 100 0 C -
7shape Oct 5th, 2021 Never 111 0 C -
6shop Oct 5th, 2021 Never 122 0 C -
5rest Oct 5th, 2021 Never 109 0 C -
4definevervol2 Oct 5th, 2021 Never 216 0 C -
3X Oct 5th, 2021 Never 85 0 C -
2defineVer Oct 5th, 2021 Never 104 0 C -
1definition Oct 5th, 2021 Never 105 0 C -
sky trip Jan 21st, 2023 Never 886 0 Python -
hotel room Jan 21st, 2023 Never 1,249 0 Python -
zada` Jan 21st, 2023 Never 735 0 Python -
odd or even - with acsii table Oct 2nd, 2021 Never 175 0 C -
live in Jupiter input - sec Oct 2nd, 2021 Never 116 0 C -
Jupiter Oct 1st, 2021 Never 94 0 C -
Declaration Oct 1st, 2021 Never 96 0 C -
Brexit Oct 1st, 2021 Never 134 0 C -
toTheMoonKG Oct 1st, 2021 Never 87 0 C -
Conversion Oct 1st, 2021 Never 117 0 C -
Untitled Jun 29th, 2023 Never 97 0 None -
asd Apr 22nd, 2023 Never 41 0 None -
cars Apr 20th, 2023 Never 620 0 PHP -
belot3 Apr 2nd, 2023 Never 28 0 None -
Untitled Mar 17th, 2023 Never 37 0 None -