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- void FUN_10092920(void)
- {
- char cVar1;
- int iVar2;
- undefined4 uVar3;
- char *pcVar4;
- undefined8 local_18;
- int steam_id;
- undefined4 local_8;
- Msg(" \n");
- local_8 = 0xff00ffff;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8,
- "\n======================================== VERIFY SYSTEM LOG ======================== =======================\n\n"
- );
- cVar1 = (**(code **)(*DAT_106cfc3c + 0x100))();
- if (cVar1 == '\0') {
- local_8 = 0xff0000ff;
- pcVar4 = " Sys Video - LOW \n";
- }
- else {
- local_8 = 0xff00ff00;
- pcVar4 = " Sys Video - FINE \n";
- }
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8,pcVar4);
- iVar2 = (**(code **)(*cvar + 0x34))("mat_queue_mode");
- if (*(int *)(*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x1c) + 0x30) == 0) {
- local_8 = 0xff00ffff;
- pcVar4 = " Sys Processor (1 Core Mode) - LOW \n";
- }
- else {
- local_8 = 0xff00ff00;
- pcVar4 = " Sys Processor - FINE \n";
- }
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8,pcVar4);
- (**(code **)(*DAT_106cfc3c + 0x80))();
- local_8 = 0xff00ff00;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8," DirectX 9 Mode - FINE \n");
- iVar2 = (**(code **)(*DAT_106cfc3c + 0x80))();
- if (iVar2 < 0x50) {
- local_8 = 0xff0000ff;
- pcVar4 = " Sys DX level is - LOW (UNCOMPATIBLE MODE) \n";
- }
- else {
- local_8 = 0xff00ff00;
- pcVar4 = " Sys DX level is - FINE \n";
- }
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8,pcVar4);
- Msg(" \n");
- Msg(" OS Windows \n");
- Msg(" Platform PC (Windows) \n");
- local_18 = FUN_103e82b1(0);
- uVar3 = FUN_103e8244(&local_18);
- Msg(" Current Date: %s \n",uVar3);
- (**(code **)(**(int **)PTR_DAT_105fca78 + 8))(&steam_id);
- /* */
- if (steam_id == 35072778) {
- local_8 = 0xffff007f;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8," DEV PLAYING - BJ \n");
- }
- /*
- Reaper */
- if (steam_id == 354628480) {
- local_8 = 0xffff007f;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8," DEV PLAYING - TWI \n");
- }
- /*
- Obsolete */
- if (steam_id == 474289828) {
- local_8 = 0xffff007f;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8," DEV PLAYING - OBS \n");
- }
- /* IF one of thoose three - enable some kind of developer mode */
- if (((steam_id == 35072778) || (steam_id == 354628480)) || (steam_id == 474289828)) {
- iVar2 = (**(code **)(*cvar + 0x34))("oc_dev_646576656c6f706572");
- (***(code ***)(iVar2 + 0x18))(1);
- }
- /* Check for anticitizens:
- */
- if (((steam_id != 396014311) && (steam_id != 6749166)) &&
- ((steam_id != 30299103 && (steam_id != 121070924)))) {
- local_8 = 0xff00ffff;
- ConColorMsg((Color *)&local_8,
- "\n================================================================================= ==========================\n"
- );
- Msg(" \n");
- iVar2 = (**(code **)(*cvar + 0x34))("oc_dev_756e636f6d70617469626c65");
- if (*(int *)(*(int *)(iVar2 + 0x1c) + 0x30) != 1) {
- return;
- }
- Error("Upgrade your PC, the current hardware is just ridiculous");
- }
- Error("STOP talking SH1T about us");
- /*
- */
- return;
- }
- All comments ("Check for anticitizens:") are not in binary, they are added by user who did reverse engineering of client.dll
- see noclick's video
- Estalking the people who gave your mod criticism and coding in their steam IDs to crash the mod is a whole new level of petty I didn't think was possible. This mod needs to get removed for this.
- Wait cant you technically change the dev mode thing to your steam id/link so you can get the dev menu?
- what degenerates.
- the sun is leaking
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