

Jan 3rd, 2018
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  1. #======================================================#
  2. # The Overseer - The Anti Cheat God #
  3. # Do not touch anything, all of this is valuable data. #
  4. # #
  5. #------------------------------------------------------#
  6. # #
  7. # Project started on 9/17/17 #
  8. # LAST UPDATE ON: 1/1/17 at 5:22 PM #
  9. # #
  10. #------------------------------------------------------#
  11. # # _____
  12. # Note to user: This skript is written with skript # / _ \ \
  13. # variables, so your server MAY crash with this. A # | / \ | \ \
  14. # simple fix of this server crash is to delete the # | O | ) | |
  15. # variables file in plugins/skript/. To warn you, this # | \_/ | / /
  16. # Skript is one of my first few major projects, and # \_____/ /
  17. # I wish to make this anticheat better with #
  18. # absolutely no skript variables. The checkings are #
  19. # also in progress, if you feel as you want to change #
  20. # something, feel free to, but be warned that you may #
  21. # very well mess up, and all problems are not to be #
  22. # in fault of JTNCrafter and JTNStudios. #
  23. # #
  24. # If you need help, go to the website in which you #
  25. # found this resource, if you can, also try #
  26. # '/overseer' or '/overseer help' #
  27. # #
  28. #------------------------------------------------------#
  29. # ________________________ #
  30. # / \ #
  31. # Other notes to take! #
  32. # \________________________/ #
  33. # #
  34. # The anticheat may not be 100% cheat-proof, but it #
  35. # the anticheat will help you find hackers! #
  36. # #
  37. #------------------------------------------------------#
  38. # Made by JTNStudios (C) #
  39. # Skript written by JTNCrafter #
  40. #======================================================#
  42. #================================================================================================#
  43. # OPTIONS (Added 9/26/17) #
  44. #================================================================================================#
  46. options:
  47. OSChat: &8[&r&5&k&lI&r &a&lOverseer&r &5&k&lI&r&8]
  49. #================================================================================================#
  50. # The Overseer Command! (Added 9/18/17) #
  51. #================================================================================================#
  53. command /overseer [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  54. permission: overseer.admin
  55. permission message: You can't use that here! Type '/help' for help.
  56. description: The Overseer Anticheat by: JTNCrafter!
  57. aliases: /os
  58. trigger:
  59. if arg 1 is set:
  60. if arg 1 is "clear":
  61. if arg 2 is set:
  62. if arg 3 is set:
  63. if arg 3 is "killaura" or "ka":
  64. set {kavio.%arg 2%} to 0
  65. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Kill Aura Violations have been reset!" to player
  66. if arg 3 is "fastclick":
  67. set {fcvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  68. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Fast Click Violations have been reset!" to player
  69. if arg 3 is "speed":
  70. set {spvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  71. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Speed Violations have been reset!" to player
  72. if arg 3 is "flight":
  73. set {fvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  74. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Flight Violations have been reset!" to player
  75. if arg 3 is "jesus":
  76. set {jvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  77. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Jesus Violations have been reset!" to player
  78. if arg 3 is "antikb" or "antiknockback":
  79. set {akvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  80. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Anti Knockback Violations have been reset!" to player
  81. else:
  82. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a hack!" to player
  83. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer clear <player> <hack>'" to player
  84. else:
  85. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a player!" to player
  86. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer clear <player> <hack>'" to player
  87. message "&c/overseer check <player> <hack>" to player
  88. message "&c/overseer clear <player> <hack>" to player
  89. else if arg 1 is "toggledetection":
  90. if arg 3 is set:
  91. if arg 3 is "killaura" or "ka":
  92. if {os.ka} is true:
  93. set {os.ka} to false
  94. message "{@OSChat} &c&lKill Aura&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  95. else:
  96. set {os.ka} to true
  97. message "{@OSChat} &c&lKill Aura&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  98. else if arg 3 is "speed":
  99. if {os.sp} is true:
  100. set {os.sp} to false
  101. message "{@OSChat} &c&lSpeed&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  102. else:
  103. set {os.sp} to true
  104. message "{@OSChat} &c&lSpeed&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  105. else if arg 3 is "flight":
  106. if {os.fl} is true:
  107. set {os.fl} to false
  108. message "{@OSChat} &c&lFlight&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  109. else:
  110. set {os.fl} to true
  111. message "{@OSChat} &c&lFlight&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  112. else if arg 3 is "jesus":
  113. if {} is true:
  114. set {} to false
  115. message "{@OSChat} &c&lJesus&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  116. else:
  117. set {} to true
  118. message "&9The Overseer> &c&lJesus&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  119. else if arg 3 is "fastclick":
  120. if {os.fc} is true:
  121. set {os.fc} to false
  122. message "{@OSChat} &c&lFast Click&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  123. else:
  124. set {os.fc} to true
  125. message "{@OSChat} &c&lFast Click&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  126. else if arg 3 is "antikb" or "antiknockback":
  127. if {os.akb} is true:
  128. set {os.akb} to false
  129. message "{@OSChat} &c&lAnti-Knockback&r&7 is now not detecting!" to player
  130. else:
  131. set {os.akb} to true
  132. message "{@OSChat} &c&lAnti-Knockback&r&7 is now detecting!" to player
  133. else:
  134. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a hack!" to player
  135. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer clear <player> <hack>'" to player
  136. else if arg 1 is "clearall":
  137. if arg 2 is set:
  138. set {kavio.%arg 2%} to 0
  139. set {spvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  140. set {fvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  141. set {jvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  142. set {akvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  143. set {fcvio.%arg 2%} to 0
  144. message "&9{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 2%&c&l's&r&7 Violations have been fully reset!" to player
  145. else:
  146. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a player!" to player
  147. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer clearall <player>'" to player
  148. else if arg 1 is "detectall":
  149. set {os.ka} to true
  150. set {os.sp} to true
  151. set {os.fl} to true
  152. set {} to true
  153. set {os.akb} to true
  154. set {os.fc} to true
  155. message "{@OSChat} &c&lAll Hacks&r&7 are now detecting!" to player
  156. else if arg 1 is "undetectall":
  157. set {os.ka} to false
  158. set {os.sp} to false
  159. set {os.fl} to false
  160. set {} to false
  161. set {os.akb} to false
  162. set {os.fc} to false
  163. message "{@OSChat} &c&lAll Hacks&r&7 are now not detecting!" to player
  164. else if arg 1 is "clearbans":
  165. if arg 2 is set:
  166. set {osbc.%arg 2%} to 0
  167. message "{@OSChat} &7All bans have been cleared from&c&l %arg 2%&r&7!"
  168. else if arg 1 is "help":
  169. message "&5&l&m===============&8[&r&a&lThe &4&lOverseer&r&8]&5&l&m===============" to player
  170. message " " to player
  171. message "&a&lOverseer Commands (Full Page)" to player
  172. message " " to player
  173. message "&c/osinfo <player>" to player
  174. message "&c/osdetection" to player
  175. message "&c/overseer clear <player> <hack>" to player
  176. message "&c/overseer clearall <player>" to player
  177. message "&c/overseer toggledetection <hack>" to player
  178. message "&c/overseer detectall" to player
  179. message "&c/overseer undetectall" to player
  180. message "&c/overseer clearbans <player>" to player
  181. message "&c/overseer notify <player>" to player
  182. message "&c/osunban <player> - Unban a Overseer Banned Player!" to player
  183. message "&c/overseer help (Shows This Page)" to player
  184. message " " to player
  185. message "&a&lInfo on how to use this on the Spigot site!" to player
  186. message "&a&l"
  187. message " " to player
  188. message "&5&l&m===========================================" to player
  189. else if arg 1 is "log":
  190. open chest with 3 rows named "&8[&2&lOverseer&r&8] &c&lChange Log" to player
  191. format slot 0 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.1) Fast Click on BETA" with lore "Fast Click Hack is being worked on!" to close then run " "
  192. format slot 1 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.2) Kill Aura Completed!" with lore "Kill Aura is finished!" to close then run " "
  193. format slot 2 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.3) Jesus Hack on BETA!" with lore "Jesus Hack is being worked on!" to close then run " "
  194. format slot 3 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.4) Speed Hack on BETA!" with lore "Speed Hack is being worked on!" to close then run " "
  195. format slot 4 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.5) Toggle Detection Added!" with lore "Now you can toggle detection!" to close then run " "
  196. format slot 5 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.6) Flight on BETA" with lore "Flight Hack is being worked on!" to close then run " "
  197. format slot 6 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.7) Jesus, Speed, Flight Completed!" with lore "All of these hacks are done!" to close then run " "
  198. format slot 7 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.8) Fast Click Completed!" with lore "Fast Click is finished!" to close then run " "
  199. format slot 8 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.9.1) Overseer Info Added!" with lore "Do '/osinfo' to open GUI!" to close then run " "
  200. format slot 9 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.9.2) Overseer Detection Added!" with lore "Do '/osdetect' to open GUI!" to close then run " "
  201. format slot 10 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.9.3) Fake Error Message Fixed!" with lore "No more of that fake error message!!" to close then run " "
  202. format slot 11 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.9.4) Overseer Detection Bugfixes!" with lore "Fixes on '/osdetect'" to close then run " "
  203. format slot 12 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v0.9.5) Overseer Changelog Added!" with lore "Do '/os log' to open GUI!" to close then run " "
  204. format slot 13 of player with empty map named "&c&l(v1.0.0) New Ban Effect / Ban Counts!" with lore "Do '/os help' for the new command!" to close then run " "
  205. else if arg 1 is "toggleban":
  206. if {os.ban} is true:
  207. set {os.ban} to false
  208. message "{@OSChat} &7Overseer will now &c&lNOT&r&7 ban hackers!" to player
  209. else:
  210. set {os.ban} to true
  211. message "{@OSChat} &7Overseer will now &c&lBAN&r&7 hackers!" to player
  212. else if arg 1 is "notification" or "notify":
  213. if arg 2 is set:
  214. if {osadmin.%arg 2%} is true:
  215. set {osadmin.%arg 2%} to false
  216. message "{@OSChat} &7The player will not be notified about hacks!" to player
  217. else:
  218. set {osadmin.%arg 2%} to true
  219. message "{@OSChat} &7The player will be notified about hacks!" to player
  220. else:
  221. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a player!" to player
  222. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer notification <player>'" to player
  223. else if arg 1 is "reload":
  224. execute console command "sk reload Overseer"
  225. execute console command "sk reload OS"
  226. message "{@OSChat} &7Reload Complete."
  227. else:
  228. message "&5&l&m===============&8[&r&a&lThe &4&lOverseer&r&8]&5&l&m===============" to player
  229. message " " to player
  230. message "&a&lOverseer Version: &6&l1.0.1" to player
  231. message "&a&lCreator: &6&lJTNCrafter"
  232. message " " to player
  233. message "&5&l&m===========================================" to player
  234. message " " to player
  235. message "&a&lLast Update: 1/1/17 at 5:22 PM"
  236. message " " to player
  237. message "&5&l&m===========================================" to player
  238. message " " to player
  239. message "&a&lOverseer Commands (Basic)" to player
  240. message "&c/osinfo <player>" to player
  241. message "&c/overseer clear <player> <hack>" to player
  242. message "&c/overseer clearall <player>" to player
  243. message "&c/overseer toggledetection <hack>" to player
  244. message "&c/osunban <player> - Unban a Overseer Banned Player!" to player
  245. message "&c/overseer help (Shows All Commands)" to player
  246. message " " to player
  247. message "&5&l&m===========================================" to player
  249. #================================================================================================#
  250. # Overseer Info Command (Added 9/25/17) #
  251. #================================================================================================#
  253. command /osinfo [<player>] [<offlineplayer>]:
  254. permission:
  255. permission message: Unknown Command. Type '/help' for help.
  256. aliases: /overseerinfo
  257. trigger:
  258. if arg 1 is set:
  259. open chest with 3 rows named "&8[&2&lOverseer&r&8] &c&l%arg 1%" to player
  260. format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  261. format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  262. format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  263. format slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  264. format slot 4 of player with skull of the arg 1 named "&c&l%arg 1%&r&c&l's Skull" with lore "&c&lTotal Overseer Bans: &6&l%{osbc.%arg 1%}%" to close then run " "
  265. format slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  266. format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  267. format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  268. format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  269. format slot 10 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  270. format slot 12 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  271. format slot 14 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  272. format slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  273. format slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  274. format slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  275. format slot 16 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  276. format slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  277. format slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&4&lFast Click" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{fcvio.%arg 1%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  278. format slot 19 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Fast Click Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 1% FastClick"
  279. format slot 12 of player with diamond sword named "&4&lKill Aura" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{kavio.%arg 1%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  280. format slot 21 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Kill Aura Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 1% KillAura"
  281. format slot 14 of player with feather named "&4&lFlight" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{fvio.%arg 1%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  282. format slot 23 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Flight Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 1% Flight"
  283. format slot 16 of player with leather boots named "&4&lJesus" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{jvio.%arg 1%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  284. format slot 25 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Jesus Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 1% Jesus"
  285. if arg 2 is set:
  286. open chest with 3 rows named "&8[&2&lOverseer&r&8] &c&l%arg 2%" to player
  287. format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  288. format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  289. format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  290. format slot 3 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  291. format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&c&l%arg 2%" with lore "&c&lTotal Overseer Bans: &6&l%{osbc.%arg 2%}%" to close then run " "
  292. format slot 5 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  293. format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  294. format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  295. format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  296. format slot 10 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  297. format slot 12 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  298. format slot 14 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  299. format slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  300. format slot 21 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  301. format slot 23 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  302. format slot 16 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  303. format slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  304. format slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&4&lFast Click" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{fcvio.%arg 2%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  305. format slot 19 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Fast Click Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 2% FastClick"
  306. format slot 12 of player with diamond sword named "&4&lKill Aura" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{kavio.%arg 2%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  307. format slot 21 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Kill Aura Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 2% KillAura"
  308. format slot 14 of player with feather named "&4&lFlight" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{fvio.%arg 2%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  309. format slot 23 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Flight Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 2% Flight"
  310. format slot 16 of player with leather boots named "&4&lJesus" with lore "&c&lViolations: &2&l%{jvio.%arg 2%}%&r&c&l!" to close then run " "
  311. format slot 25 of player with tnt named "&5&lDelete Jesus Violations!" with lore " " to close then run "os clear %arg 2% Jesus"
  313. #================================================================================================#
  314. # Overseer Detection Command (Added 9/25/17) #
  315. #================================================================================================#
  317. command /osdetection:
  318. permission: overseer.detect
  319. permission message: Unknown Command. Type '/help' for help.
  320. aliases: /overseerdetection
  321. trigger:
  322. open chest with 3 rows named "&8[&2&lOverseer&r&8] &c&lToggle Detection" to player
  323. format slot 0 of player with emerald block named "&2&lDetect All Hacks!" with lore " " to close then run "os detectall"
  324. format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  325. if {os.fc} is true:
  326. format slot 2 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Fast Click" with lore "Setting is ON!" to close then run "os toggledetection FastClick"
  327. else:
  328. format slot 2 of player with red stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Fast Click" with lore "Setting is OFF!" to close then run "os toggledetection FastClick"
  329. if {os.ka} is true:
  330. format slot 3 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Kill Aura" with lore "Setting is ON!" to close then run "os toggledetection KillAura"
  331. else:
  332. format slot 3 of player with red stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Kill Aura" with lore "Setting is OFF!" to close then run "os toggledetection KillAura"
  333. if {os.fl} is true:
  334. format slot 5 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Flight" with lore "Setting is ON!" to close then run "os toggledetection Flight"
  335. else:
  336. format slot 5 of player with red stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Flight" with lore "Setting is OFF!" to close then run "os toggledetection Flight"
  337. if {} is true:
  338. format slot 6 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Jesus" with lore "Setting is ON!" to close then run "os toggledetection Jesus"
  339. else:
  340. format slot 6 of player with red stained glass pane named "&5&lToggle Jesus" with lore "Setting is OFF!" to close then run "os toggledetection Jesus"
  341. format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  342. format slot 8 of player with redstone block named "&c&lUndetect All Hacks!" with lore " " to close then run "os undetectall"
  343. format slot 9 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  344. format slot 10 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  345. format slot 11 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  346. format slot 12 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  347. format slot 13 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  348. format slot 14 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  349. format slot 15 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  350. format slot 16 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  351. format slot 17 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  352. format slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  353. format slot 19 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  354. format slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  355. if {os.ban} is true:
  356. format slot 21 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is ON" to close then run "os toggleban"
  357. else:
  358. format slot 21 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is OFF" to close then run "os toggleban"
  359. if {os.ban} is true:
  360. format slot 22 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is ON" to close then run "os toggleban"
  361. else:
  362. format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is OFF" to close then run "os toggleban"
  363. if {os.ban} is true:
  364. format slot 23 of player with light green stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is ON" to close then run "os toggleban"
  365. else:
  366. format slot 23 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lOverseer Ban Players" with lore "Setting is OFF" to close then run "os toggleban"
  367. format slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  368. format slot 25 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  369. format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to close then run " "
  371. #================================================================================================#
  372. # Overseer Unban Command (Added 9/20/17) #
  373. #================================================================================================#
  375. command /osunban <offlineplayer>:
  376. permission: overseer.unban
  377. permission message: Unknown Command. Type '/help' for help.
  378. trigger:
  379. if arg 1 is set:
  380. set {osbanned.%arg 1%} to false
  381. message "{@OSChat} &c&l%arg 1%&r&7 is now unbanned from &2&lThe Overseer&r&7!" to player
  382. else:
  383. message "{@OSChat} &7You need to specify a player!" to player
  384. message "{@OSChat} &7'Do /overseer unban <player>'" to player
  385. #================================================================================================#
  386. # Ban Effect (Added 9/20/17) #
  387. #================================================================================================#
  389. command /osban <player> <text>:
  390. permission: overseer.ban
  391. permission message: Unknown Command. Type '/help' for help.
  392. trigger:
  393. if {os.ban} is true:
  394. set {_ostp} to arg 1's location
  395. set {_osban} to "%arg 1%"
  396. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  397. send "{@OSChat}&7 I see... a hacker! It's &c&l%arg 1%" to all players
  398. add 1 to {osbc.%arg 1%}
  399. execute console command "effect %arg 1% slowness 12 255 true"
  400. execute console command "effect %arg 1% jump_boost 12 128 true"
  401. wait 20 ticks
  402. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt ~ ~ ~5"
  403. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~5"
  404. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  405. wait 20 ticks
  406. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt ~5 ~ ~"
  407. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~5 ~ ~"
  408. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  409. wait 20 ticks
  410. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt ~ ~ ~-5"
  411. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~-5"
  412. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  413. wait 20 ticks
  414. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt ~-5 ~ ~"
  415. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~-5 ~ ~"
  416. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  417. wait 20 ticks
  418. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon LightningBolt ~ ~ ~"
  419. execute console command "execute %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ /summon lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~"
  420. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  421. send "{@OSChat}&7 Goodbye &c&l%arg 1%&r&7!" to all players
  422. wait 20 ticks
  423. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  424. execute console command "osremove %{_osban}% %arg 2%"
  425. wait 20 ticks
  426. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  427. wait 20 ticks
  428. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  429. wait 20 ticks
  430. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  431. wait 20 ticks
  432. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  433. wait 20 ticks
  434. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  435. wait 20 ticks
  436. teleport arg 1 to {_ostp}
  438. #================================================================================================#
  439. # Ban Command (Added 9/20/17) #
  440. #================================================================================================#
  442. command /osremove [<player>] [<offlineplayer>] <text>:
  443. permission: overseer.ban
  444. permission message: Unknown Command. Type '/help' for help.
  445. trigger:
  446. if arg 1 is set:
  447. kick arg 1 due to "&c&lYou were banned by &2&lThe Overseer&r&c&l for: &4&l%arg 3%"
  448. set {osbanned.%arg 1%} to true
  449. set {osbannedr.%arg 1%} to "%arg 3%"
  450. if arg 2 is set:
  451. kick arg 2 due to "&c&lYou were banned by &2&lThe Overseer&r&c&lfor: &4&l%arg 3%"
  452. set {osbanned.%arg 2%} to true
  453. set {osbannedr.%arg 2%} to "%arg 3%"
  455. #================================================================================================#
  456. # Ban out of the server! (Added 9/20/17) #
  457. #================================================================================================#
  459. on join:
  460. if {osbanned.%player%} is true:
  461. kick the player due to "&c&lYou were banned by &2&lThe Overseer&r&c&l for: &4&l%{osbannedr.%player%}%"
  463. #================================================================================================#
  464. # Fast Clicking (COMPLETE) (Added 9/22/17) #
  465. #================================================================================================#
  466. on left click:
  467. add 1 to {clicks.%player%}
  469. every second:
  470. loop all players:
  471. if {os.fc} is true:
  473. if {clicks.%loop-player%} is greater than 12:
  474. loop all players:
  475. if {osadmin.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  476. add 1 to {fcvio.%loop-player-1%}
  477. send "{@OSChat} &c&l%loop-player-1%&r&7 is suspected of &c&lFast-Click [%{fcvio.%loop-player-1%}%&c&l]&r&7!" to loop-player-2
  478. wait 1 tick
  479. if {fcvio.%loop-player-1%} is greater than 2:
  480. execute console command "osban %loop-player-1% Fast-Click"
  481. set {clicks.%loop-player%} to 0
  482. else:
  483. set {clicks.%loop-player%} to 0
  485. #================================================================================================#
  486. # Kill Aura (COMPLETE) (Added 9/18/17) #
  487. #================================================================================================#
  489. on damage of a player:
  490. if {os.ka} is true:
  492. if attacker is a player:
  493. if victim is a player:
  494. if damage is caused by a projectile:
  495. wait 3 ticks
  496. else:
  497. if attacker's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  498. set {_ka} to distance between attacker and victim
  499. if {_ka} is greater than 4:
  500. add 1 to {kavio.%attacker%}
  501. loop all players:
  502. if {osadmin.%loop-player%} is true:
  503. send "{@OSChat} &c&l%attacker%&r&7 is suspected of &c&lKillAura [%{kavio.%attacker%}%&c&l]&r&7!" to loop-player
  504. if {kavio.%attacker%} is greater than 2:
  505. execute console command "osban %attacker% KillAura"
  507. #================================================================================================#
  508. # Water/Lava Walk / Jesus (COMPLETED) (Added 9/19/17) #
  509. #================================================================================================#
  511. every 2 seconds:
  512. if {} is true:
  513. loop all players:
  515. loop-player is not flying
  516. loop-player is not riding
  517. loop-player doesn't have jump boost
  518. loop-player is not sneaking
  519. loop-player is alive
  520. set {_y} to loop-player's altitude
  521. wait 2 ticks
  522. if {_y} is greater than y-coordinate of loop-player:
  523. wait 3 ticks
  524. else:
  525. if block 0.1 below loop-player is stationary water or stationary lava:
  526. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to true
  527. set {_bpos} to block at loop-player
  528. set {_bposup} to block above {_bpos}
  529. set {_bpos2} to block under {_bpos}
  530. set {_buu} to block under {_bpos2}
  531. set {_bn} to block north of {_bpos2}
  532. set {_bw} to block west of {_bpos2}
  533. set {_bs} to block south of {_bpos2}
  534. set {_be} to block east of {_bpos2}
  535. set {_bne} to block east of {_bn}
  536. set {_bse} to block east of {_bs}
  537. set {_bnw} to block west of {_bn}
  538. set {_bsw} to block west of {_bs}
  539. set {_bnu} to block under {_bn}
  540. set {_bwu} to block under {_bw}
  541. set {_bsu} to block under {_bs}
  542. set {_beu} to block under {_be}
  543. set {_bneu} to block under {_bne}
  544. set {_bseu} to block under {_bse}
  545. set {_bnwu} to block under {_bnw}
  546. set {_bswu} to block under {_bsw}
  547. if {_bn} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  548. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  549. else if {_bpos} is stationary water or stationary lava:
  550. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  551. else if {_bposup} is stationary water or stationary lava:
  552. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  553. else if {_be} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  554. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  555. else if {_bs} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  556. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  557. else if {_bw} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  558. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  559. else if {_bne} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  560. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  561. else if {_bse} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  562. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  563. else if {_bsw} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  564. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  565. else if {_bnw} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  566. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  567. else if {_bnu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  568. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  569. else if {_beu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  570. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  571. else if {_bsu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  572. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  573. else if {_bwu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  574. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  575. else if {_bneu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  576. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  577. else if {_bseu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  578. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  579. else if {_bswu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  580. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  581. else if {_bnwu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  582. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  583. else if {_buu} is not air, stationary water or stationary lava:
  584. set {_jnf.%loop-player%} to false
  585. wait 1 tick
  586. if {_jnf.%loop-player%} is true:
  587. add 1 to {jvio.%loop-player%}
  588. loop all players:
  589. if {osadmin.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  590. send "{@OSChat} &c&l%loop-player-1%&r&7 is suspected of &c&lJesus [%{jvio.%loop-player-1%}%&c&l]&r&7!" to loop-player-2
  591. if {jvio.%loop-player%} is greater than 2:
  592. execute console command "osban %loop-player% Jesus"
  594. #================================================================================================#
  595. # Flight (COMPLETED) (Added 9/19/17) #
  596. #================================================================================================#
  598. on explosion:
  599. if {speedable} is true:
  600. set {speedable} to false
  601. wait 20 seconds
  602. set {speedable} to true
  603. if {os.fl} is true:
  604. set {os.fl} to false
  605. wait 20 seconds
  606. set {os.fl} to true
  608. every second:
  609. if {os.fl} is true:
  610. loop all players:
  611. if loop-player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  613. loop-player's flight mode is false
  614. loop-player isn't riding
  615. loop-player doesn't have jump boost
  616. loop-player is not flying
  617. block below loop-player is not a ladder
  618. block in front of loop-player is not a ladder
  619. set {_y} to loop-player's altitude
  620. wait 2 ticks
  621. if {_y} is greater than y-coordinate of loop-player:
  622. wait 3 ticks
  623. else:
  624. if block 0.1 below loop-player is air:
  625. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to true
  626. set {_bpos} to block at loop-player
  627. set {_bposup} to block above {_bpos}
  628. set {_bposupup} to block above {_bposup}
  629. set {_bposupw} to block west of {_bposup}
  630. set {_bposupe} to block east of {_bposup}
  631. set {_bposupn} to block north of {_bposup}
  632. set {_bposups} to block south of {_bposup}
  633. set {_bpos2} to block under {_bpos}
  634. set {_buu} to block under {_bpos2}
  635. set {_bn} to block north of {_bpos2}
  636. set {_bw} to block west of {_bpos2}
  637. set {_bs} to block south of {_bpos2}
  638. set {_be} to block east of {_bpos2}
  639. set {_bne} to block east of {_bn}
  640. set {_bse} to block east of {_bs}
  641. set {_bnw} to block west of {_bn}
  642. set {_bsw} to block west of {_bs}
  643. set {_bnu} to block under {_bn}
  644. set {_bwu} to block under {_bw}
  645. set {_bsu} to block under {_bs}
  646. set {_beu} to block under {_be}
  647. set {_bneu} to block under {_bne}
  648. set {_bseu} to block under {_bse}
  649. set {_bnwu} to block under {_bnw}
  650. set {_bswu} to block under {_bsw}
  651. if {_bn} is not air:
  652. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  653. else if {_be} is not air:
  654. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  655. else if {_bs} is not air:
  656. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  657. else if {_bw} is not air:
  658. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  659. else if {_bne} is not air:
  660. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  661. else if {_bse} is not air:
  662. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  663. else if {_bsw} is not air:
  664. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  665. else if {_bnw} is not air:
  666. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  667. else if {_bnu} is not air:
  668. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  669. else if {_beu} is not air:
  670. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  671. else if {_bsu} is not air:
  672. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  673. else if {_bwu} is not air:
  674. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  675. else if {_bneu} is not air:
  676. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  677. else if {_bseu} is not air:
  678. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  679. else if {_bswu} is not air:
  680. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  681. else if {_bnwu} is not air:
  682. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  683. else if {_buu} is not air:
  684. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  685. else if {_bposupw} is cobweb:
  686. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  687. else if {_bposupe} is cobweb:
  688. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  689. else if {_bposupn} is cobweb:
  690. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  691. else if {_bposups} is cobweb:
  692. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  693. else if {_bposup} is cobweb:
  694. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  695. else if {_bposupup} is cobweb:
  696. set {_nf.%loop-player%} to false
  697. wait 1 tick
  698. if {_nf.%loop-player%} is true:
  699. add 1 to {fcheck.%loop-player%}
  701. every 5 seconds:
  702. loop all players:
  703. if {fcheck.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to 4:
  704. add 1 to {fvio.%loop-player%}
  705. set {fcheck.%loop-player%} to 0
  706. loop all players:
  707. if {osadmin.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  708. send "{@OSChat} &c&l%loop-player-1%&r&7 is suspected of &c&lFlight [%{fvio.%loop-player-1%}%&c&l]&r&7!" to loop-player-2
  709. if {fvio.%loop-player%} is greater than 2:
  710. execute console command "osban %loop-player% Flight"
  711. else:
  712. set {fcheck.%loop-player%} to 0
  714. #================================================================================================#
  715. # AntiKnockback (INCOMPLETE) (Added 9/20/17) #
  716. #================================================================================================#
  718. #on damage:
  719. # if {os.akb} is true:
  720. # if attacker is a player:
  721. # if victim is a player:
  722. # victim's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  723. # victim doesn't have regeneration:
  725. # victim is not flying
  726. # victim is not riding
  727. # if damage is caused by a projectile:
  728. # wait 3 ticks
  729. # else:
  730. # set {_pos} to victim's location
  731. # wait 5 ticks
  732. # push victim backwards with force 0.02
  733. # wait 5 ticks
  734. # if distance between {_pos} and location of victim is 0:
  735. # set {_nak.%victim%} to true
  736. # set {_bpos} to block at victim
  737. # set {_bposup} to block above {_bpos}
  738. # set {_bposupup} to block above {_bposup}
  739. # set {_bposupw} to block 0.5 west of {_bposup}
  740. # set {_bposupe} to block 0.5 east of {_bposup}
  741. # set {_bposupn} to block 0.5 north of {_bposup}
  742. # set {_bposups} to block 0.5 south of {_bposup}
  743. # set {_bposw} to block 0.5 west {_bpos}
  744. # set {_bpose} to block 0.5 east {_bpos}
  745. # set {_bposn} to block 0.5 north {_bpos}
  746. # set {_bposs} to block 0.5 south {_bpos}
  747. # wait 1 tick
  748. # if {_bpos} is cobweb:
  749. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  750. # if {_bposup} is cobweb:
  751. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  752. # if {_bposupup} is cobweb:
  753. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  754. # if {_bposupw} is not air:
  755. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  756. # if {_bposupe} is not air:
  757. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  758. # if {_bposupn} is not air:
  759. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  760. # if {_bposups} is not air:
  761. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  762. # if {_bposw} is not air:
  763. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  764. # if {_bpose} is not air:
  765. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  766. # if {_bposn} is not air:
  767. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  768. # if {_bposs} is not air:
  769. # set {_nak.%victim%} to false
  770. # wait 1 tick
  771. # if {_nak.%victim%} is true:
  772. # add 1 to {akvio.%victim%}
  773. # loop all players:
  774. # if {osadmin.%loop-player%} is true:
  775. # send "{@OSChat} &c&l%victim%&r&7 is suspected of &c&lAntiKB [%{akvio.%victim%}%&c&l]&r&7!" to loop-player
  776. # if {akvio.%victim%} is greater than 2:
  777. # execute console command "osban %victim% Anti-Knockback"
  778. # else:
  779. # #message "{@OSChat} &7Anti-Knockback not found." to all players
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