
pv protect

Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. #Thank you for using my PlayerVaults Duplication Protect V1.0.6 Skript#
  2. #This has been recently updated for 1.12.2 compatibility#
  3. #Be sure to check out my other Skripts and Plugins below#
  4. #Just copy and paste the following links into your browser or search engine#
  5. #
  6. #
  7. #
  8. #Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy my plugin!#
  10. on command "/pv":
  11. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  12. loop-block is lily pad or carpet or ladder or water or lava
  13. cancel event
  14. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% Tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults"
  15. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  17. on command "/chest":
  18. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  19. loop-block is lily pad or carpet or ladder or water or lava
  20. cancel event
  21. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% Tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults"
  22. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  24. on command "/playervaults:pv":
  25. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  26. loop-block is lily pad or carpet or ladder or water or lava
  27. cancel event
  28. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% Tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults"
  29. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  31. on command "/playervaults:chest":
  32. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  33. loop-block is lily pad or carpet or ladder or water or lava
  34. cancel event
  35. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% Tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults"
  36. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  38. on command "/playervaults:vault":
  39. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  40. loop-block is lily pad or carpet or ladder or water or lava
  41. cancel event
  42. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% Tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults"
  43. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  45. on command "/sethome":
  46. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  47. loop-block is lily pad:
  48. cancel event
  49. message "&4You cannot set your home here. Please move a couple of blocks away from Lily pads!" to player
  50. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  51. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% was kicked from the server because they tried to duplicate with Player Vaults by setting their home on a lily pad!"
  54. on command "/sethome":
  55. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  56. loop-block is carpet:
  57. cancel event
  58. message "&4You cannot set your home here. Please move a couple of blocks away from carpet!" to player
  59. execute console command "kick %player% &cPlease do not attempt to duplicate on our server!"
  60. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% was kicked from the server because they tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults by setting their home on a carpet!"
  62. on command "/sethome":
  63. loop blocks in radius 3 around the player:
  64. loop-block is ladder:
  65. cancel event
  66. message "&4You cannot set your home here. Please move a couple of blocks away from ladders!" to player
  67. broadcast "&c<!> &4%player% was kicked from the server because they tried to Duplicate with Player Vaults by setting their home on a ladder!"
  69. command /pvprotect:
  70. trigger:
  71. send ""
  72. send "&7Player Vaults Duplication Protect &cV1.0.6 &7By FrostedWeFall!" to player
  73. send ""
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