
ODSP legalities and Court

Nov 24th, 2023
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  1. Figured it out
  2. Ontario Inc. 240whatever had to obtain the insurance claim over my injury so couldnt let me get in the way and manipulated the paperwork so that my birthday would be 1992 since concussion
  4. But the 1991 version of the ODSP claim is the one that had insomnia listed
  6. Now that its been 1 year i get to review and make corrections since name orientation and date
  8. Elias Bitwayiki is 1991
  9. Bitwayiki Elias is 1992
  11. And they think the injury is causing me to forget or be confused when actually they had to break and separate due to multiple claims being filed
  12. One by me
  13. And One being filed in my name by someone claiming to be my lawyer forcing me to identify as Elias Bitwayiki
  14. When ive had to identify as Both Bitwayiki Elias & Elias Bitwayiki but thats too messy for people who cant manage my history so claiming fraud and changing identity is the only hope they had
  16. Until i started a business and they were able to open a business banking account in my name to separate money i was obtaining and having filed to me to my business and they can claim stupid excuses that dont make sense for someone with OCD since they need to boil and cook things down to the basic elements for them to manage easier but im more experienced dealing with complexities due to Lightning Damage, C-PTSD OCD ADHD. Running out of excuses and all they do i spoof location to make purchases luckily i stay in the library
  18. no they assumed a position in my company which means requesting assistance with self employment would mean auditing my company they have to keep delaying the request and stalling with multiple case workers who keep making mistakes in regards everything I say to try and discredited me thank the lord you cant discredit someone with OCD i accidentally keep track
  20. They used tunneled VPN to claim i never got my Oct ODSP payment when I have BMO receipts of me depositing it into the ATM on gulf links its getting to be absurd due to them having to have someone force a mistake in my place me going along with it since its not an issue for someone transparent they should know better but have to have mistakes look like im responsible for them
  22. Discrediting me but due to being hit with lightning ive always had progressive concussion issues self managed with cannabis since ive had enough time to learn how to deal with my condition. It explains why everything was so obvious like if i was freshly concussed tinnitus and migraines would of been more of an issues but
  24. Shadow govuernment can vouche for prior history along with peculiarities that have to do with my personality, mood, personal life, professional life, and family history
  26. Hamilton Community Legal Clinic assisted with them not providing any information on what needed to be said due to me not mentioning the concussion since i knew i was hit with lightning and they thought i was just “loopy” stupid fuc*ing idiots word for people who do the same thing everyday like its an issue
  28. So now thecivil claim along with whatever claims they’re involved in the argument they have to make is that im a fraud, Always been poor, trying for a money grab, but the education would have had me on a trajectory to make more than they would ever be able to give me look at how I speak look at how i file and deal with my problems
  30. I dont have to compartmentalize since now i know how its connected due to how i had the accident idc about them getting money since it wasnt a natural fall i dont “faint” embellishing the facts dont matter since they would have had to keep recorded video of me out back smoking and ive been going without water and smoking more and have never fainted or passed out
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Nothing matters other than what i say im doing
    3. Since theyll always be making excuses in regards to my situation and acting like i should know better they need to make it look like im working on something and dont ask for anything being the 1992 they used a brand new identity and used the old one to make it seem like i have a father or mother when im independent and have been independent long enough to manage myself better but only way they can manipulate that is by accommodating me in a place that less than desireable
    5. Never had hygiene issues due to showering and bathing twice daily but at 1297 Marlborough court they had to vocally exclaim things for audio recordings like i smell ? As an autistic thats impossible ive gone months before without bathing and only issue was bad breath as a kid but as an adult it has to look like i cant take care of myself due to them making me feel insecure about my living arrangements to the point i didnt bother cleaning my room and perpetually made it look like i was packed to leave at any moment so when the police arrived they could make the claim i was dirty but documented the living area as well as my own cleaning and making my bed every morning
    7. Perpetuating suicide when I have a strict guide line ive been following is sad on their part continuously discrediting someone who has just been waiting to follow through with evidance knowing time doesnt matter due to being subjugated and targeted by groups of people using my compromised device as an excuse to claim harassment when ive been on camera so often its more than highly unlikely boarderline impossible but they need to back date and make a claim for money im entitled to and have worked for and have been harassed into traumatic responses where i dont care about belonging now there playing at the idea that i buy things for people and make donations and forget but since my icloud is compromised theyll have to take pictures of documents i dont have or claim i forgot to document which is honestly sad
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. iPhone continuously disconnects from library wifi to make it seem as if im trying to hide or look suspicious
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Luckily my Ontario Works Identification number has been the same since highschool
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Due to the orientation of my name my sister cant make decision for me im independent and they manipulated and fraudulently used her identity to compromise her in the eyes of officials to make it seem as if the apple doesnt fall far from the tree as far as i know I can only speculate from what ive seen of our homelife situation since she would assume responsibility for things and just pay to deal with the situation without confronting or arguing with authority figures they had to focus on someone who wouldnt put up much of a fight and assume im wrong out the gate. I think so far ahead due to lightning i get to see pattern recognition so high i waited for them to mess it up so i could take my time sorting everything out while in the Civil claim bubble since who else would work this hard at trying to fuck me over
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Being a programmer and web developer means i pay attention to every [ ] space comma indent every symbol coupled with social engineering and my customer service skill there isn’t an argument im not prepared to have ive been plotting on my own disability longer than they knew about me and ive known about them hacking me since 2013 due to how many parties they had Asian people invite me to or else id be in the library reading comics and dong things on the internet but i took an academic approach to my drug usage and prepared for racist or dirty cops prepared to be drugged secretly seeing someone act aggressive is different compared to seeing evidence of an out burst there whole goal has been to recreate the same scenario but that meant consistently drugging harassing me doing everything they could for a reaction when its me setting up people who think im stupid enough to be set up. So now im coming correct and they have to keep claiming things that wont hold up and incriminate themselves more and more everytime they have to make a request to do something in regards to me when the problem has always been the same compromised device (ipad ordered from china since they log and curate devices by taking pictures of the box IMEM numbers and information to put you in a server that allows them to tamper with you digitally at a distance) knowing its the same program that was injected into my Raspberry Pie from AdaFruit its the same police working with that family thinking im someone thats just money hungry but damage has already been done when all i did was keep trying to go to school so now im expected to continue going when ive been damaged and harassed by people trying to avoid scrutiny and legal issues. Im not that complicated and documented the harassment they used to state claims or prove points that didnt hold up always having to try something means me leaving a situation due to stress is an excuse that looks like i ran from a problem but i always circle back once im acclimated and thats why they have to continue secretly investigating claims freshly made one after the other just to keep the harassment going but PTSD from a war means ill just take it and deal with it later so they need to make me think its to late to acknowledge or that ive been distracted and forgot or dont need it since im doing something to get by instead its fucking ridiculous im in school and if thats all they wanted to claim i was better off or didnt need i know how people like this think its so easy thinking ADHD is the only thing they can take advantage of by putting new problems in front of me to deal with one after the other
    3. But now temporary housing means im in a place to deal with whatever whenever so whats the next excuse ?
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Trying to manipulate me by using my family not knowing how horrible they’ve been to me mean its more of a liability for them to be tampering or using anything in regards to them
    3. Better identifying as 201984903 and all those other tax numbers
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Also i wouldnt be this confident if i wasnt who i said i was online thats not a joke and im worried for people more than they can scare me since trying to scare means you care when the internet just doesnt give a fuck right or wrong and im always vouching for my own truth idk how that aligns with whatever you said but here hoping you look out for yourself the same i do
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Ouuuu you work for the government did you know that the government works for people like me who are stuck being so honest people hate me for
    2. knowing thats the family that corrupted my device as a kid to try and get me out and away from my mom but not to benefit but to enslave is messed up since they would have been transparent never forgetting and having situational memory is why that Civil claim needs to be pending for as many years as it takes ive read so many documentation planing on my own disability and designing my life only to be forced into taking advanced action in filing and following through with my itinerary
    3. giving someone power of attorney that was already being manipulated is how they incriminated themselves since my identity is what it is due to my family status i know who wants a piece grandmothers a matriarch of historical importance to my country thats not a joke and its nationally relevant the kind of thing the media eats up
    4. My uncle stealing my moms money while i knew what i knew about the internet means i know who was responsible just had to bide my time and wait them dropping hints to see if there was any residual emotional or memory of the trauma they caused to mind break me is funny knowing my family is a military family i had that happen so early its like this idiot stole my wallet while i watched him knowing if i hit him or did anything he would use his status and social standings to make me look bad claiming homophobia everything i know how people like this opperate i was on the dark web learning and playing games with my life i dont fuck around
    5. Learned to be a lawyer to fight my countries government on behalf of my mom for allowing someone to profit illegitimately with someone else’s staked claim to land is unforgivable that knowledge allowed me to not let anyone fuck with me when they tried since everyone wants to be someone or something. Ive only ever cared about doing things that made me happy knowing people try and take whatever happiness you make for yourself they highlight themselves from over extending themselves to try and reach
    6. Im patiently waiting since thats the phase im on while they have to do too much denying counter claiming the whole nine yards proving things ive claimed whole heartedly no friends since they were just providing drugs and thats a slippery slope like allowing someone to give you things not knowing they’re keeping track to bill you later.
    7. Leaving a situation to better location looks like running but ignoring things as basic as diagnosis’s from 2002 is just. Irresponsible mistake most likely made by people in a rush with no time or patience
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. I grew up on the internet i don’t know who would waste their time trying to get me to believe something so rediculous even filing my taxes everything is attached to the company im taking to court since i distinctfully rememember when the document changed but thats for auditing purposes knowing documents were signed in my name with the excuse that i had a brain injury and forgot they didnt take into account the shadow government knew about my lightning disability from the jump so its meaningless to make claims along those lines when i never forgot anything important
    2. Knowing how hard money has been imprinted into my brain with PTSD and trauma its no shot i cant forget stupid shit being a minimalist means i never cared about anything other than the future i designed for myself as a digital Nomad
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. School bursary and benefits they need to take notes to apply for things they need and i dont care fishing for trout and im hooked on moby dick like a Japanese spear man who has a vendetta
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Being fast making mistakes while i never changed clothes for purposes of audits and investigations they would try and manipulate LOL forcing me to do sign and appear as a specific identity but not making corrections in regards to me identifying as both since most people assume the orientation they forced the assumption against my wishes and choose what to believe to better suit their own position 🤣
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Also foresight and planning this intensive and exact could only be completed with the ability provided from lightning working alone and personality fluctuations and interests allow me to approach every issue as someone with different lenses and filters pattern recognition this extensive provided by PTSD organization readiness and preparedness thanks to OCD no leg to stand on the claims made since concussions debilitate but superseded lightning damage means it wasnt enough to do whats already always happening to me
  • s1337668
    210 days
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    1. Last thing separating my identity and giving me problems only for me to make money from those issues is honestly funny since you cant change reality i did so much work me being successful is promised and all you can do is watch as situations work out in my favour due to labour and work poured into my goals nothing but time spent alone skipping school at the library alone doing homework and studying for my future freedoms okay byeeeeeeeee
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