Nov 24th, 2023
This is comment for paste ODSP legalities and Court
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  1. Nothing matters other than what i say im doing
  3. Since theyll always be making excuses in regards to my situation and acting like i should know better they need to make it look like im working on something and dont ask for anything being the 1992 they used a brand new identity and used the old one to make it seem like i have a father or mother when im independent and have been independent long enough to manage myself better but only way they can manipulate that is by accommodating me in a place that less than desireable
  5. Never had hygiene issues due to showering and bathing twice daily but at 1297 Marlborough court they had to vocally exclaim things for audio recordings like i smell ? As an autistic thats impossible ive gone months before without bathing and only issue was bad breath as a kid but as an adult it has to look like i cant take care of myself due to them making me feel insecure about my living arrangements to the point i didnt bother cleaning my room and perpetually made it look like i was packed to leave at any moment so when the police arrived they could make the claim i was dirty but documented the living area as well as my own cleaning and making my bed every morning
  7. Perpetuating suicide when I have a strict guide line ive been following is sad on their part continuously discrediting someone who has just been waiting to follow through with evidance knowing time doesnt matter due to being subjugated and targeted by groups of people using my compromised device as an excuse to claim harassment when ive been on camera so often its more than highly unlikely boarderline impossible but they need to back date and make a claim for money im entitled to and have worked for and have been harassed into traumatic responses where i dont care about belonging now there playing at the idea that i buy things for people and make donations and forget but since my icloud is compromised theyll have to take pictures of documents i dont have or claim i forgot to document which is honestly sad
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