
Travelling to Gaiar (30/4)

May 9th, 2018
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  1. 03:27] Lotlhuitl turned the corner.. stiffening as she saw someone.
  3. That young man.
  5. The one who slew Owain.
  7. A blue and white cat mask concealed Lotlhuitl's face from view, but not her identity. The Nagual's figure was distinctive, after all. If anyone knew who she was, the mask wouldn't have hidden anything.
  9. Her eyes, green and feline, visible through slitted, carved eye holes, focused on Kayn. Intensity. There was a strange luminescent quality to her gaze.
  11. Whatever emotions, whatever intent she might have had, the mask did a good job at hiding when Nagual would have otherwise failed to do. (Her poker face sucked!)
  13. Metal jostling against metal.
  15. The Nagual was draped in looted jewellery. It jingled as she stepped closer to him. Hips swaying. Metal staff held loosely in her left hand.
  17. "Quite the list of names," she muttered, standing RIGHT behind him. Looking down at him. Her voice muffled by the mask.
  18. (Lotlhuitl)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [03:33] Taking his time to sneak away from Ikkaku, Kayn journeyed through the plains south of Ardent. The young man took his time, simply walking through the fields and climbing up small hills.
  23. A lot had transpired in the last month or so, from he and Elizabeth fighting to being under arrest. He just needed to escape from it all. As he roamed around though, he felt something..off. Kayn picked up the sound of someone walking, someone adorned in jewelry or armor that clanked with each step.
  25. With no warning aside from that, the Nagual stood behind him, standing a bit taller than he did and called out to the man. Turning around slowly, he'd match her gaze, peering through the mask and focusing on her eyes.
  27. "Mm, you again." he greeted simply, taking a quick second to scan her form. He thought it was odd to see her without Haruhi, but then again the two aren't joined by the hip.
  29. "What list are you referring to?"
  30. (Kayn Erudon)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [03:43] "Me again." Lotlhuitl breathed, voice still muffled by the mask. Her tail twitched, flicking from side to side as she STARED down at Kayn.
  35. There was seemingly no reaction from the Nagual as his gaze dipped to scan her form. Her outfit was best described as scandalously revealing and or colourful. Sabatons, greaves, armour reached to midway up her thigh. Gauntlets, bracers. Adornment, rather than protective, perhaps.
  37. "The list of people you've killed." She lifted a hand, resting it where her lips and mouth would be, against the mask. A thoughtful gesture. "At least I've made the assumption. I truthfully only care about one. That is, unless you've killed more lately?"
  41. (Lotlhuitl)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [03:51] He maintained eye contact with her now. Something about this encounter didn't feel right to the younger man, so for the duration of it he'd be on guard. Though, it wasn't given away by his posture. He seemed to be just as relaxed as ever, he'd just keep a keen eye out for anything suspicious.
  46. A brow was raised for a moment. "Well, while there's been a few attempts on some others..only one has died due to the lack of intervention." His reply was to the point.
  48. "And seeing that only one died..It's only right that I assume you cared about Owain. No surprise there, seeing that Haruhi said it was unfortunate as well." No remorse was shown as he spoke about Owain, clear signs that Kayn had no regrets about killing him.
  50. "I do have to wonder though..why do you both even care about him? He was allied with Aetherius, so why give him the light of day?"
  51. (Kayn Erudon)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [04:04] Lotlhuitl tensed as Kayn asked his questions in return. "It's none of your business, but I had plans for him." Her eyes narrowed, a deep exhale playing out against the wooden mask she wore. "Why I cared for him, beyond that, is none of your fucking business."
  56. In truth, Owain had successfully hid the extent of his involvement with Aetherius from her. But to admit that would make her sound foolish. So she declined to do so!
  58. "I don't care for your tone."
  60. Her tail twitched. Fluffy. Bangles jingling.
  62. "Here's a list of other things I don't care for: I don't care for how you keep getting in my way. I don't care for having my plans be messed up. I had plans for Owain."
  64. She leant in, intending on getting real close.. pressing her face well into his personal space as her voice dropped. "AND I have plans for Amyas. Stay the fuck away from him."
  65. (Lotlhuitl)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [04:15]
  69. {LOAD GAME}
  71. [04:18] His eyes widened a little with curiosity as her tone shifted to a more violent one, even weaving a curse word in here and there. Honestly, he was surprised to hear this coming from her. However, he still didn’t feel threatened for some reason –even as she leaned in extremely close. Kayn stood his ground, moving not an inch back and kept his eyes locked onto hers as she spoke. They’d shift from a widened position and soon enough he’d be glaring back towards her.
  73. Even at the mention of such traitors like Amyas and Owain was enough to make Kayn angry. As her lecture came to an end, the man cleared his throat now.
  75. “Plans for him you say? A shame, a shame…See, traitors like him don’t have the luxury we call life. His fate was sealed the moment he left Ardent and joined with the Demons, similar to Owain." he explained, moving an arm to gesture with. "I’m not going to go out of my way and travel to Aetherius to find him if he’s there, but if I spot him in Ardent I’m going to arrest or kill him; and I say arrest because if I try to execute him in public again surely Ikkaku those will be around to stop me..If they're not though, well, may his Gods be with him."
  77. It was Kayn's turn to be on the offensive now though, taking a step towards the woman and staring her down.
  79. "Now..what plans did you have for those traitors..? If it's anything with aiding the Demons, I'll have to kill you right here, right now."
  81. (Kayn Erudon)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [04:37] For a second, the Nagual was BEWILDERED by Kayn's response to her. She'd expected him to back down. A sharp intake of breath came from the woman as she listened. As he gestured. As he... stepped in. About a step was all that was between the two of them, and so it was that the young man had almost pressed himself against her. Her body was warm. Warm, and lightly crackling with electricity at his presence.
  86. Lotlhuitl's oh-so-fluffy tail bristled. Her ears were pinned back. Her eyes narrowed. He hadn't listened to her.
  88. Some part of her wasn't surprised. Some part being, well, the majority of her. By the spirits, she was envious of people who could just MAKE others fear them without any real effort.
  90. Heck, she was envious of this young punk. He obviously thought he could just push her around.
  92. "Shut the fuck up, Kayn."
  94. Lotlhuitl moved to attempt to shove him away from her. An open palmed shove to his chest, both hands. Intending to push him out of her personal space. Plainly, she only wanted him there when she was looming over him. Not when he was trying to get tough with her!
  96. "I'm no friend to those who prostitute themselves to demons. Gaiar has my CHILDREN. I need someone who can just walk in there and get them BACK for me."
  97. (Lotlhuitl)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [04:48] No attempt was made to block the woman's thrust as she pushed him back, though he'd only stagger a step or two. It seems as though he had made her angry, and what an amusing sight to see it was. He thoroughly enjoyed doing this to others, getting pleasure from it almost.
  102. She goes on to explain why exactly she needed those two, and he'd nod his head slowly, somewhat understanding her reasoning.
  104. "I see..It's no reason to trust either of those two morons --but that's quite the noble goal you have there." he began, regaining his composure and standing upright once again, calmly looking into her eyes.
  106. "I do wonder though..If either of those two weaklings could just stroll into Aetherius and take your children..Why haven't they just left yet? Obviously they're not being guarded if Owain or Amyas could just walk in and take them. Hmm..hmm...unless they're too young to just do it on their own." At this point, Kayn seemed lost in his own thoughts, allowing his mind to wander and his mouth to just run off for a bit.
  108. He'd snap back to Lotlhuitl after a moment though.
  110. "I think I'd be able to just do it really. The town's not really guarded...Should be a fun experience over all." He seemed to be in a rather jovial mood all of a sudden, as if he had something in mind.
  111. (Kayn Erudon)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [04:49] Lotlhuitl says, "I have no idea where they're being kept."
  115. [04:49] Kayn Erudon says, "Mrm.."
  116. [04:49] Lotlhuitl says, "That's what I needed those two for.."
  117. [04:49] Kayn Erudon asks, "How old are they?"
  118. [04:49] Lotlhuitl says, "Five."
  119. [04:50] Kayn Erudon asks, "..are they Nagual as well?"
  120. [04:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes. Twin boys."
  121. [04:50] Kayn Erudon says, "Then they shouldn't be too hard to spot out I reckon."
  122. [04:51] Lotlhuitl says, "Xohuiotl and Atoli.."
  123. [04:51] Lotlhuitl says, "I haven't seen them in years."
  124. [04:51] Kayn Erudon asks, "If I may ask..Why are they even in there?"
  125. [04:51] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  126. [04:51] Lotlhuitl says, "Because their father was Xoconan."
  127. [04:52] Lotlhuitl squinted at Kayn.
  128. (Lotlhuitl)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [04:52] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you really not know who I am?"
  132. [04:52] Kayn Erudon says, "First time I met you was back with Haruhi in the snow."
  133. [04:52] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. see. "
  134. [04:52] Kayn Erudon says, "I knew that he was the father though, I've heard that elsewhere."
  135. [04:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Heh."
  136. [04:53] Kayn Erudon asks, "Am I supposed to know who you are?"
  137. [04:53] Lotlhuitl says, "... believe me, it doesn't bother me that you don't know."
  138. [04:54] Lotlhuitl says, "I've heard the rumours. They're hardly kind or.. complimentary."
  139. [04:54] Kayn Erudon says, "I see..I can say the same about myself."
  140. [04:54] Kayn Erudon says, "I don't care what people say though."
  141. [04:55] Lotlhuitl says, "... people say you're angry, Kayn."
  142. [04:55] Lotlhuitl says, "Haruhi thinks you're going to just keep hurting people."
  143. [04:55] Kayn Erudon says, "She's not..wrong. Anyone allied with scum will be treated as such."
  144. [04:55] Kayn Erudon asks, "You feel like taking a stroll?"
  145. [04:55] Lotlhuitl asks, "... to Gaiar?"
  146. [04:55] Kayn Erudon says, "Mmhm."
  147. [04:57] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm surprised that you're coming."
  148. [04:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'm not a coward."
  149. [04:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, honestly. This is probably idiotic."
  150. [04:58] Kayn Erudon says, "Then why haven't you dont this befor-- Oh."
  151. [04:59] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I've been working on a way to get into the city without being noticed."
  152. [04:59] Kayn Erudon says, "We're just about there."
  153. [04:59] Kayn Erudon asks, "Are you ready?"
  154. [04:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "Wait. Are you actually serious?"
  155. [05:00] Kayn Erudon asks, "Why did you think I was kidding?"
  156. [05:00] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  157. [05:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you want me to list the reasons?"
  158. [05:00] Kayn Erudon says, "Sure."
  159. [05:01] Lotlhuitl says, "One, theres two of us and an entire city of Argathan demons."
  160. [05:01] Kayn Erudon asks, "Mmhmm?"
  161. [05:01] Lotlhuitl stared.
  162. (Lotlhuitl)
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. [05:01] Kayn Erudon asks, "Go on?"
  166. [05:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.."
  167. [05:02] Lotlhuitl says, "How do you even know where Gaiar is.."
  168. [05:02] Lotlhuitl squinted at Kayn.
  169. (Lotlhuitl)
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [05:03] Kayn Erudon says, "It's common knowledge at this point..This'll be my third time going there --the others were to rescue people."
  173. [05:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh."
  174. [05:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Right. Well. "
  175. [05:03] Kayn Erudon says, "On my last trip we ran into Xoconan and Kayeliun."
  176. [05:03] Kayn Erudon says, "Fun times."
  177. [05:03] Lotlhuitl winced.
  178. (Lotlhuitl)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [05:03] Kayn Erudon says, "Anywho.."
  182. [05:03] Kayn Erudon asks, "Are we going?"
  183. [05:03] Lotlhuitl says, "... yes."
  184. [05:03] Kayn Erudon says, "Such bravery."
  185. [05:04] Lotlhuitl says, "... shut up"
  186. [05:04] Kayn Erudon says, "Heh."
  187. [05:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "... you're lost?"
  188. [05:07] Lotlhuitl whispers: (ohh.. I don't think drea is even ONLINE)
  189. [05:08] Kayn Erudon whispers: [Well, now we know]
  190. [05:08] Wandering through the streets of Gaiar, something catches Zenkichi's eye. Pointing towards Iris, he remarks, "Nice doll." It seemed that... in spite of how spooky it might appear to the average person, he was just the kind of guy to like spooky stuff like that! I mean, if a guy like him was going to carry around a *doll* of all things, it might as well be spooky.
  191. (Zenkichi)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [05:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: (I'm gonna drop a sweet red)
  195. [05:08] Samael's scarlet eyes would glare curiously at the outsiders
  198. " something you need ? "
  201. he would slight grin with his fangs showing. although he wasn't being very hostile
  202. (Samael)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [05:09] Iris murmurs something that sounds vaguely like 'Thank you' - before holding her doll tighter to her chest.
  206. (Iris Gywn)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [05:11] His interest quickly fading - as it does with all things - Zenkichi glances around him... catching a glimpse of a certain someone out of the corner of his eye. With interest, he watches Samael and the guy who's only defining feature (to Zenkichi that is) was that he was standing in front of the cool angry guy.
  210. (Zenkichi)
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [05:12] A masked Nagual, skin as black as ebony -- the blessings of Ixchel! -- sauntered in from the east. A young man following her. Jewellery glittered - she was draped in the stuff. And so it was that each sway of her hips was accompanied with the sound of metal jostling against metal.
  215. Lotlhuitl's face was concealed, but not her identity, or really, much of her body.
  217. "I'm looking for some children."
  219. The Nagual smiled beneath her mask. Though the expression didn't reach her eyes. Green and feline and vaguely glowing.
  221. "Xohuiotl and Atoli."
  222. (Lotlhuitl)
  223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. [05:14] Behind her would be Kayn, taking a few steps to eventually stand by her side. He twitches a little just from being in the town. A hand reached up and scratched the collar placed around his neck then fell to the curse mark placed over his heart.
  227. He could feel several sources holding his power at bay..but for how long..? The man said nothing though, and just stood beside Lotlhuitl for the time being.
  228. (Kayn Erudon)
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [05:15] Samael says, "lord zaruma we have guest . looking for children they said."
  232. [05:15] Demetrius kept close to Osha, his tail wagging all the while, eyeing the nagual in the black mask and the man in the collar. He could have swore he had seen them before.
  233. (Demetrius)
  234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. [05:16] The Archon shifted his gaze at the man stood beside Lotl, curiously observing him through a pair of crimson hues.
  238. "And what is this one doing here?"
  240. "I certainly remember him on the battlefield, standing on the Ardent's side. Another one that decided it's a good idea to wander into city, or?"
  241. (Zaruma)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [05:16] Lotlhuitl says, "He's mine."
  245. [05:17] Kayn Erudon says, "Yes..we're lovers."
  246. [05:17] Zaruma says, "That's not what I asked."
  247. [05:17] Lotlhuitl says, "... I wouldn't say -that-."
  248. [05:17] Demetrius 's tail twitches.
  249. (Demetrius)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [05:17] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm accompanying the woman here."
  253. [05:18] Zaruma asks, "Lotl, do answer my question. How come you've captured him?"
  254. [05:18] Osha says, "Oh. It is Kayn. Hi Kayn."
  255. [05:18] Lotlhuitl asks, "Because I could?"
  256. [05:18] Kayn Erudon says, "Hello, Osha."
  257. [05:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Why do the strong do anything."
  258. [05:18] Osha asks, "Wow.. You remember my name?"
  259. [05:18] Kayn Erudon says, "You were impressive, so yes."
  260. [05:18] Zenkichi's hand clutches tightly... nails digging into his palm. Fuck. Silently, he became increasingly jealous - eyes diverting to the floor. A deep rooted part of him really wished he was as angry as Kayn was. Then he'd get a scantily clad badass girl that he could call his lover. For now he had to resign to being the scumsucking bottomfeeder he was.
  262. AND that girl also had a strong sense of righteousness through strength? Truly... he had it made.
  263. (Zenkichi)
  264. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. [05:18] Zaruma says, "I see. Be mindful that if you intend to keep him around, he's as same as any other captive in Aetherius."
  267. [05:18] Osha says, "Wow.. He is just as nice as I remember."
  268. [05:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I desire my children, Zaruma."
  269. [05:18] Zaruma says, "If he steps out of line, he can end up dead."
  270. [05:19] Lotlhuitl says, "If he steps out of line, I'll take responsibility for him, myself."
  271. [05:19] Zaruma says, "Very well."
  272. [05:22] Occasionally, the man would twitch, the collar around his neck letting off an occasional red spark. His body ached by this point as his magic occasionally flared up.
  275. (Kayn Erudon)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. [05:22] Demetrius puffs out his chest. He needed to seem imposing next to the towering girl beside him. He had to protect her after all. Flames spouting from his exposed skin, hair standing on end and muscles bulging.
  279. (Demetrius)
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. [05:24] Zenkichi may or may not have shufflestepped over towards Kayn and Lotlhuitl's side. Wait... he had heard that other name before, hadn't he? The gears began whirring in his head. Thinking was a very difficult task for the lad - so he'd basically be unable to do much more than stare off into oblivion as he tried to remember recent events.
  283. (Zenkichi)
  284. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. [05:24] Zaruma says, "Anyhow."
  287. [05:24] Zaruma says, "You should probably inform Somnus that this man is under your watch, to avoid confusion."
  288. [05:25] Lotlhuitl says, "I see."
  289. [05:25] Lotlhuitl says, "I will do so."
  290. [05:26] Lotlhuitl asks, "Is Somnus still playing gaoler?"
  291. [05:26] Zaruma says, "He is a Warden, yes."
  292. [05:27] Osha says, "Kayn. When you are free."
  293. [05:27] Osha asks, "Can we spar again. For old time's sake?"
  294. [05:27] Kayn Erudon says, "I can't muster up much strength..I was cursed."
  295. [05:28] Osha says, "When you are free. And healthy then."
  296. [05:28] Kayn Erudon says, "<That's if this goes away..>"
  297. [05:28] Kayn Erudon says, "Mm.."
  298. [05:28] Osha says, "And you do not feel like killing me. That last one especially."
  299. [05:28] Kayn Erudon says, "I've little reason to want to kill you."
  300. [05:28] Osha says, "I saw you. Kill Owain. I am not sure why. But I heard you scream that he associated here."
  301. [05:29] Lotlhuitl snorted lightly, rolling her eyes behind the mask.
  302. (Lotlhuitl)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. [05:29] Zaruma says, "Does Ardent's culture not promote being obnoxiously virtuous? I wonder how Wrath appeared."
  306. [05:29] Kayn Erudon asks, "Oho? So you are as well?"
  307. [05:29] Lotlhuitl asks, "...wrath?"
  308. [05:29] Kayn Erudon asks, "Eh..You're curious?"
  309. [05:29] Osha says, "Not. Really. Sort of."
  310. [05:30] Zaruma says, "He's a wielder of Sin. Nothing too big, considering there are many of those that wield it."
  311. [05:30] Zaruma asks, "But Sin from Ardent?"
  312. [05:30] Kayn Erudon says, "If you're truly curious as to how this 'Sin' manifested.."
  313. [05:31] Kayn Erudon says, "You Demons are the cause of it."
  314. [05:31] Zaruma asks, "Oh?"
  315. [05:31] Zaruma says, "You're welcome."
  316. [05:31] Kayn Erudon says, "I suppose I should be thanking you..For it is this power that'll be your own undoing."
  317. [05:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Shut up, Kayn.."
  318. [05:32] Zaruma says, "Many have tried to best me, child. Many of those that are much, much more powerful than you."
  319. [05:32] Demetrius cracks his knuckles together. For the briefiest of moments, the flames about his body flicker with holy light, a golden sheen to the flames.. and then the moment is gone, the flames dissipated into a light akin to a summer sun radiating from his being.
  320. (Demetrius)
  321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  323. [05:32] Zaruma says, "But try your luck, if you may. You would lose your life just like the others."
  324. [05:32] Osha says, "It was. Nice seeing you. Kayn."
  325. [05:32] Kayn Erudon says, "He was curious, woman. So I answered him."
  326. [05:32] Osha says, "I will. Leave you be."
  327. [05:32] Kayn Erudon says, "See you, Osha."
  328. [05:33] Osha exclaims, "Oh. Do not die. Please. Bye. Bye!"
  329. [05:33] Kayn Erudon says, "And believe me Demon..Had I not been cursed by those fools from Ardent, I'd have your head by now."
  330. [05:33] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha."
  331. [05:33] As the check hit, Zenkichi finally had enough intelligence to figure out where he had heard that name before! ...Maybe? It sure SOUNDED similar. It was close enough in Zenkichi's memory to be worth popping the question. Looking over towards the bigass Nagual, Zenkichi approaches.
  333. "...Hey." ...For once, he didn't know how to start a conversation with someone. It didn't feel right to push his whole 'I'm better than you' thing onto someone he actually admired. So - in a rare moment of being humble - he cuts the bullshit.
  335. "I think I'm supposed to find you. You know about Ixchel, yeah?"
  336. (Zenkichi)
  337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. [05:34] Lotlhuitl says, "I do enjoy young m-- "
  340. [05:34] The Archon gave it a roll of his eyes.
  342. He wasn't quite impressed by Kayn's boastful nature, all things considered that he had bested too many powerful foes in the past to even remotely view him as a threat. To Zaruma? Just another who'd throw large claims, but never live up to them.
  344. To that, he promptly spoke.
  345. (Zaruma)
  346. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. [05:35] Lotlhuitl says, "I am not yet forsaken by Ixchel, yes."
  349. [05:35] Zaruma says, "Words are nothing, Wrath. You'll learn that soon enough, if you're smart."
  350. [05:35] Zaruma says, "But I may be overestimating you when I imply that you'd be getting any smarter."
  351. [05:35] Zenkichi says, "Uh... huh."
  352. [05:35] Zaruma says, "-Considering you actually decided to challenge me, that is."
  353. [05:35] Samael arms crossed and stomping on the ground. mildly annoyed
  355. " had you been strong in the first place you would not have been cursed "
  357. Samael would turn to the fire and ignore the rest of what was going on until something was wrong .
  358. (Samael)
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. [05:35] Kayn Erudon says, "I will challenge you."
  362. [05:36] Kayn Erudon says, "Soon enough."
  363. [05:36] Zaruma says, "Sure, why not. I've not feasted in life essence for a while."
  364. [05:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Zaruma. He's mine. I forbid this."
  365. [05:36] Lotlhuitl GLARED at Kayn.
  366. (Lotlhuitl)
  367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. [05:36] Zaruma says, "If he comes to me with a sword, I will not refer to your ownership."
  370. [05:36] Zaruma says, "Control your mutt or his head rolls."
  371. [05:36] Kayn hissed back at her.
  372. (Kayn Erudon)
  373. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. [05:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Indeed."
  376. [05:36] Lotlhuitl says, "But please. He's.. young. Spirited. I like that about him."
  377. [05:36] Zenkichi glanced around... seemingly confused. Damn.
  379. He didn't really have a plan to get past this point, did he? There's a long, awkward pause as he tries to piece together the words to speak. But he figures that there's probably more important business going on.
  381. "...I'll ask about that later. You look busy." He explains.
  382. (Zenkichi)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [05:36] Lotlhuitl spoke completely tersely, tail flicking..
  386. (Lotlhuitl)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [05:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, I am busy."
  390. [05:37] Kayn Erudon says, "Keh.."
  391. [05:37] Zaruma frowned, giving Kayn a glare at that laughter imitated. Obviously, the Archon was not very pleased to hear it.
  392. (Zaruma)
  393. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. [05:37] Zaruma says, "--And you as well. That Dryad..."
  396. [05:38] a slight ear to the conversation . he couldn't believe the matter of disrespect being dished out even at this.. the city of demons. obviously the guy had some type of death wish. or maybe he had something up his sleeve so open to comment.... what if she was lying and didn't have him around her finger as she said she did. One would start to raise questions of obedience
  397. (Samael)
  398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. [05:38] Kayn Erudon asks, "Dryad?"
  401. [05:38] Lotlhuitl asks, "... *that* Dryad?"
  402. [05:38] Zaruma says, "Sibri. I've grown tired of his constant odd laugh."
  403. [05:38] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. see."
  404. [05:39] Kayn Erudon asks, "Aren't you two friends?"
  405. [05:39] Zaruma says, "Sibri and I? He attempted to take my head on war, but ultimately failed."
  406. [05:40] Zaruma says, "The young Jianghese that accompanied him in two-versus-one against me died."
  407. [05:40] Zaruma says, "But he escaped."
  408. [05:40] Lotlhuitl asks, "Sibri did that?"
  409. [05:40] Kayn Erudon says, "Hm, a shame. I would have preferred if he had been the one to die there."
  410. [05:40] Kayn Erudon says, "Do better next time, Demon."
  411. [05:40] Lotlhuitl glared at Kayn.
  412. (Lotlhuitl)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [05:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Everything you say is stupid."
  416. [05:40] Zaruma says, "Do not tell me what to do."
  417. [05:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: Just shut your mouth, really..
  418. [05:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: Have you forgotten -WHY- we came here?
  419. [05:41] Kayn Erudon says, "A threat.."
  420. [05:41] Kayn Erudon whispers: Yeah yeah..
  421. [05:41] Zenkichi actually backed down from a conversation. Fuck. He had never been punked out like this before! Even in the face of impossibly strong people he always had enough guts to keep shit-talking or bantering with them. But how could he hold up against someone that KAYN was getting whipped by?! That guy was basically the best thing since sliced bread. Which meant Lotlhuitl was like... something? He didn't know of any sayings that actually involved going even further beyond sliced bread.
  422. (Zenkichi)
  423. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425. [05:51] Lotlhuitl stood beside Kayn, standing close enough to the young man to whisper to him. The blue-haired woman had to tilt the mask slightly to achieve this, her breath danced across Kayn's ear in the process.
  427. Yes, she was as Zenkichi thought. A figure to be ENVIED. Leaning back, the Nagual's ears had twitched, almost as if sensing something. Zenkichi. Lotlhuitl let her mask fall back in place, briefly turning to regard the other young man. She even tilted her head. Her green eyes almost seemed to glow. But that was probably just because of some sort of enchantment, some reflection from runes which were surely carved into the back of the stylised feline mask she wore. Or maybe it was because of how her pupils had dilated, causing light to reflect at her gaze. Almost aberrantly so.
  429. Lotlhuitl exhaled. Her tail twitching. Gaze turning to regard Zaruma with that same glow for a second before she raised her ordinarily silky voice to address the crowd at large.
  431. "Well. Does anyone know anything of Xohuiotl and Atoli? They're five. My children." She hesitated, teeth gritted. "Xoconan's children."
  433. A hand reached out to gently tug at the collar Kayn wore. "Otherwise, I'll take this one to see Somnus."
  434. (Lotlhuitl)
  435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437. [05:52] Lotlhuitl says, "... who is over there, now."
  438. [05:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: Fuck. That's not good.
  439. [05:53] Kayn Erudon whispers: What?
  440. [05:55] The Archon was mostly pre-occupied with thought, considering that the conversation with Kayn at large was stopped; he had no particular interest left, and as much as Kayn's talking up was unfavourable, Zaruma almost wished that the young one would push it further, if only to doom himself to a fight versus the entity of power itself.
  442. Why? All more feasting to do, of course.
  444. But as Lotl spoke, a pair of crimson hues shifted towards her, listening to what she had to say. Children of hers and Xococan?
  446. "Unless someone is oddly interested in someone else's children, I do not see why would anyone hear of them."
  448. "But no, this was not a public knowledge, I believe."
  450. A dry remark to her exclamation regarding having children with Xococan, before he promptly continued after her next words.
  452. "Do so. Somnus is right there."
  453. (Zaruma)
  454. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  456. [05:59] Lotlhuitl says, "... I mean, we were married."
  457. [06:00] Zenkichi was still entirely absorbed in his thoughts, idly drifting off into fantasy as he awaited nothing in particular to come to him. Staring off into nothingness once more with a slightly slack jaw... it almost seemed like he wasn't going to notice Lotlhuitl looking his way. But surely, she wasn't looking at him in particular. She was looking at something a bit deeper than skin and bone.
  459. He still caught that look.
  461. ...Something snapped back into place in his mind. Everything returning to its rightful place. If Lotlhuitl was attuned to his feelings. If she sensed envy from him? Then she'd just as quickly feel it burn away. See it burn away in his eyes. Sure. Lotlhuitl was amazing. The way she conducted herself was something that Zenkichi could easily admire. But his aspirations surpassed her.
  463. He wasn't aiming for her. He was aiming past her. The look that Lotlhitl caught was nearly insane. But not in the way that she might be used to. Zenkichi wasn't the kind to cackle in the moonlight, but rather he was the kind to set his goals so astronomically high that it'd take him more than a lifetime of work to get a quarter of the way done with them.
  465. The power he wanted was power. Seemingly without purpose. In the same way one might tend to a garden every Sunday just to give themselves something to do - Zenkichi was progressing forward without any clear goal. Just to give himself something to do. Because wasting the power of Magic was way too lame for him.
  467. As the glance parted, Zenkichi got a right little smirk to him. It felt like an entire conversation had been made - without a single word exchanged. 'So this is how the cool people did things?' he thought. He could get used to this.
  468. (Zenkichi)
  469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  471. [06:03] Lotlhuitl says, "... oookay. Yes, I'll do that. C'mon, Kayn"
  472. [06:03] Kayn Erudon says, "Mmhm."
  473. [06:08] "...cursed with the sin of wrath." Somnus scarlet eyes fall upon the man, biting back the urge to snarl. It's not as if Somnus had an issue with being a sin, but- this is simply all he knew about the man. Clenching his fists tight, the man shrouded in abstract nothingness doesn't dare wander too close. Most couldn't handle dealing with a heart of darkness.
  475. Most went mad attempting to comprehend the incomprehensible.
  477. A brief glance is given to Lotlhuitl. Should he be angry? Should he care? In all honesty, he isn't sure what he feels in this moment. All that mattered is that she managed to attain something of value.
  479. "Unsure. Our last conversation had nothing to do with family matters. Regardless, this is...a fine catch."
  481. His gaze shifts to the Archon.
  483. "Zaruma. Plans...for this one?"
  485. (Somnus Illarian)
  486. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  488. [06:10] The Archon turned his gaze towards the trio behind him, although the crimson gaze has fallen upon Somnus mostly, if anything.
  490. "I care little what happens to him, for as long as I never see him on the battlefield against us."
  492. "If he may join our ranks instead, all the better, but I sincerely doubt he'd consider such generous offer."
  494. "Even if he knows he will eventually die in Ardent for being a Sin."
  496. The response was rather brief and to the point. Remembering something, Zaruma continued his speech.
  498. "And, ah-- I think Lotl wanted him to breed with her or something, but that's not very relevant to the benefit of Aetherius."
  499. (Zaruma)
  500. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  502. [06:11] Realizing that he was getting caught up in doing a WHOLE LOT of thinking and not a whole lot of doing (read: his primary objective.) -- Zenkichi hops to it! All that dreaming and wanting to do shit didn't matter if he didn't ACTUALLY do it!
  504. In an amazing display of stupid brilliance, Zenkichi hops to it! Literally. As in he jumps into the air. Then he jumps the air. Yes indeed, Zenkichi kicked the air itself to propel himself further. His feet catching on 'solid air' as it were, he continues to kick himself up a little bit every time he gets close to the ground. It's hard to tell if it's actually proper magic or simply some flaw in the way reality worked that he was exploiting.
  506. Probably magic. But dumb magic.
  508. Zenkichi jump-cancels his way on out of the city. Off to greener pastures.
  509. (Zenkichi)
  510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. [06:17] Eye would wander over to the pale Demon, tracing his form as he spoke. He'd twitch several times again as a thick red miasma flickered on and off around his body. Sharp pangs of pain shot through him as the corrupted mana within him seeped out and he'd clutch the left side of his chest where the cursed mark lied.
  516. Breathing deeply now, he'd regain his composure, dark sienna eyes trailing over to Zaruma.
  518. "Well, you're right about that, Demon. Ardent's people are foolish to arrest and brand me over something like this..But joining your ranks is something that'll never happen." Letting out a final huff, it seems as though his power was under control once more, causing the pain to stop flowing through his body.
  519. (Kayn Erudon)
  520. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522. [06:18] Zaruma says, "--I see."
  523. [06:18] Zaruma says, "Lotl, have your use of him, as quick as possible."
  524. [06:18] Zaruma says, "I am not intending to keep potential enemies alive."
  525. [06:18] Zaruma says, "He'll be disposed of soon after."
  526. [06:31] Somnus Illarian says, "..."
  527. [06:31] Somnus Illarian says, "I can think of worse ways to die, I suppose."
  528. [06:35] "Mm," Lotlhuitl breathed, voice muffled by her mask. She was being polite. The Nagual was on her best behaviour. But even so: She REALLY did not like Somnus. Nothing about her indicated that ANYTHING had changed, with regards to how she felt about him.
  530. She envied him.
  532. Lotlhuitl had folded her arms in front of her chest, gaze tracking from Somnus as he addressed Zaruma to Zaruma himself. The Nagual was silent while this discussion went on. Tail slowly flicking. She'd even reached a hand out to idly inspect the collar Kayn wore when Zaruma said something that made her VISIBLY stiffen.
  534. "Hk--" Lotlhuitl exhaled sharply, tail bristling.
  536. No, she didn't have issue with Zaruma's offering Kayn a position. Nor did she disagree with the assessment that he would eventually die in Ardent for being a Sin. Admittedly, the talk of Sins and Ardent did make her frown... though she did not know why. And she did not have TIME to really reflect.
  538. She wanted to breed with him?
  540. Twitch.
  542. "I-ah-"
  544. If she hadn't been wearing a mask, it would've been OBVIOUS that she'd been surprised at the comment. It took her three or four seconds to compose herself. She blinked, frowning INTENSELY behind the mask. Her ears briefly pinned back, tail wrapping around her bare waist as she wracked her brain for what even to say in this kind of situation.
  546. "That is wise, Lord Zaruma. But might I say, Kayn is hardly a potential enemy. He was branded by Ardent. And now he is mine."
  548. She gave a dramatic sigh, leaning in to try and grab hold of the collar he wore. She was starting to feel out of her element. This kind of shit surely only happened to her.
  550. "But very well. As quickly as possible -- though, I really have no intention of rushing anything." She grit her teeth. Tone towing a fine line between terse and ultra-sterile-polite. "I will get full use out of Kayn. And who knows, by the end of his time with me he may have even come to his senses."
  551. (Lotlhuitl)
  552. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  554. [06:37] Zaruma says, "Any of those that fail to swear their loyalty to me is a potential enemy, Lotl."
  555. [06:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I see."
  556. [06:37] Zaruma says, "Even those that actually do swear their loyalty are still potential enemies."
  557. [06:37] Zaruma says, "But the likes of Kayn? Even moreso."
  558. [06:38] Kayn Erudon asks, "So then..almost everyone would be a potential enemy?"
  559. [06:38] Zaruma asks, "I've been betrayed too many times to trust anyone. But to trust the life of a man that openly admits he would not join my cause?"
  560. [06:38] Zaruma says, "It makes him an enemy of my cause."
  561. [06:39] Zaruma says, "Ah- child. Soon you'll learn that everything in this world runs on betrayal and lack of trust."
  562. [06:39] Zaruma says, "To actually entertain the idea that one cannot betray you one day is to be an idiot."
  563. [06:39] Kayn Erudon says, ". . ."
  564. [06:40] Kayn Erudon says, "Wise words coming from someone like you, I didn't expect that."
  565. [06:40] Kayn Erudon says, "Believe me."
  566. [06:40] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm aware.."
  567. [06:40] Kayn Erudon says, "The moment I was branded I figured that out."
  568. [06:40] Zaruma says, "Perhaps if you had bothered to study my kind beyond the propaganda that Ardent offers to you, you would realize why Aetherius still lives."
  569. [06:40] Kayn Erudon asks, "And why is that?"
  570. [06:41] Zaruma says, "Ascended Ones, such as myself, are simply superior. We possess decision making skills that humans oft lack."
  571. [06:41] Zaruma says, "We can live through tough times when any human would perish."
  572. [06:41] Zaruma says, "And we're stronger than you. We adapt."
  573. [06:42] Kayn Erudon says, ". ."
  574. [06:42] Kayn Erudon says, "Interesting."
  575. [06:45] Somnus shrugs.
  576. (Somnus Illarian)
  577. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. [06:45] Somnus Illarian says, "That's how it is."
  580. [06:45] Somnus Illarian says, "If you can't fix him, he dies."
  581. [06:45] Kayn Erudon asks, "..Fix?"
  582. [06:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  583. [06:45] Somnus Illarian says, "Yes. Fix. You're ill if you're under the impression that defiance will earn the right to live. "
  584. [06:46] Lotlhuitl says, "... I mean, he is a sin."
  585. [06:46] Lotlhuitl asks, "Isn't that the very *nature* of a Sin magi?"
  586. [06:46] Lotlhuitl asks, "Defiance?"
  587. [06:46] Somnus Illarian says, "No."
  588. [06:46] Somnus Illarian says, "Hedonism."
  589. [06:46] Lotlhuitl says, "... I disagree."
  590. [06:46] Kayn Erudon asks, "Well, Lotl?"
  591. [06:47] Somnus Illarian says, "Wonderful."
  592. [06:47] Zaruma says, "To be a Sin is to indulge. The Warden is not wrong."
  593. [06:47] Lotlhuitl says, "To be a Sin is to defy fate."
  594. [06:48] Zaruma says, "It matters little. You still indulge."
  595. [06:48] Lotlhuitl says, "To stand up to the powers which govern this petty world."
  596. [06:48] Zaruma says, "Just because they're a Sin, does not mean I will not kill them for defying me."
  597. [06:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I *admire* little Kayn."
  598. [06:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, well."
  599. [06:48] Kayn Erudon says, ". . ."
  600. [06:48] Lotlhuitl says, "It's all about learning where to channel ones defiance.."
  601. [06:49] Zaruma says, "Either he learns that, or he dies. You were told the decision."
  602. [06:49] Zaruma says, "Now work upon it."
  603. [06:49] Lotlhuitl says, "... I will."
  604. [06:49] Lotlhuitl says, "But, I.. wish to ask Somnus something."
  605. [06:49] Somnus Illarian says, "After staring divinity in the face...I'm inclinded to disagree, but-"
  606. [06:49] Somnus Illarian asks, "Hm?"
  607. [06:49] Lotlhuitl whispers: Look. You're one of the last people who saw Xoconan alive.. I..
  608. [06:50] Lotlhuitl whispers: I need to know everything.
  609. [06:51] Somnus Illarian says, "Everything? His put on those damned cursed gloves, and became even more deranged. Our last conversation...was little more than plans for the future."
  610. [06:51] Somnus Illarian says, "I was to take the helm of Ardent, and...wished for unity."
  611. [06:51] Somnus Illarian says, "Unity through conquest."
  612. [06:51] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmn."
  613. [06:51] Somnus Illarian says, "..and if you're curious, he wanted both you, and Xitlalit dead."
  614. [06:51] Lotlhuitl says, ".. I know."
  615. [06:52] Lotlhuitl says, "The last time I saw him, he went mad and tried to murder me."
  616. [06:53] Somnus Illarian says, "Yes, he threatened to do the same to me, should I betray him. Used you as an example."
  617. [06:53] Somnus looks to the sky.
  618. (Somnus Illarian)
  619. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  621. [06:53] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  622. [06:53] Kayn Erudon says, "Quite the odd couple.."
  623. [06:53] Lotlhuitl asks, "Me and Xoconan, Xoconan and Somnus, or Somnus and myself?"
  624. [06:54] Kayn Erudon says, "..You and Xoconan."
  625. [06:54] Kayn Erudon says, "Idiot.."
  626. [06:54] Lotlhuitl frowned behind her mask.
  627. (Lotlhuitl)
  628. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  630. [06:54] Somnus Illarian says, "Xoconan was nothing more than a friend, and-"
  631. [06:55] Somnus sighs.
  632. (Somnus Illarian)
  633. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  635. [06:55] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't have to justify my relationship with Xoconan to anyone."
  636. [06:55] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm not expecting you to, relax."
  637. [06:55] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't tell me to *relax*."
  638. [06:55] Malgannan rolls his eyes, more Outlander bickering.
  639. (Malgannan)
  640. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  642. [06:55] Kayn Erudon says, "Fine then, calm down.."
  643. [06:56] Somnus Illarian says, "The wrath sin telling someone to relax. This is amusing."
  644. [06:56] Kayn Erudon says, "I thought the same just now."
  645. [06:56] Lotlhuitl says, "... it is slightly."
  646. [06:56] Malgannan says, "Sin. Yet another human weakness."
  647. [06:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "... w e a k n e s s?"
  648. [06:57] Lotlhuitl asks, "Really?"
  649. [06:57] Malgannan says, "Weakness, yes. You lose control to powers greater than yourself."
  650. [06:57] Malgannan says, "A risk."
  651. [06:57] Lotlhuitl says, "One who lives without risk is a coward."
  652. [06:57] Malgannan says, "Do not play with magic you cannot control."
  653. [06:57] Kayn Erudon says, "A risk with great reward, Demon."
  654. [06:57] Malgannan says, "Yes, but a day will come where you will pay the price."
  655. [06:57] Malgannan says, "It is only a matter of time."
  656. [06:57] Kayn Erudon says, "The same can be said for anyone."
  657. [06:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... cute, Demon."
  658. [06:57] Lotlhuitl asks, "What name should I call you?"
  659. [06:57] Malgannan says, "No. I wield powers I control. That do not affect my ability to think rationally."
  660. [06:57] Malgannan says, "You may call me Malgannan."
  661. [06:57] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl. And this is my -slave-, Kayn."
  662. [06:57] Somnus Illarian whispers something.
  663. [06:58] Kayn Erudon says, "Anything tinged with the Occu--"
  664. [06:58] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm not your slave."
  665. [06:58] Malgannan asks, "A slave?"
  666. [06:58] Malgannan asks, "He is your slave?"
  667. [06:58] Somnus Illarian whispers something.
  668. [06:58] Malgannan exclaims, "GAHAHAH!"
  669. [06:58] Lotlhuitl says, "What do you mean, not my slave.."
  670. [06:58] Zaruma whispers something.
  671. [06:58] Lotlhuitl whispers: I had to put up with them all thinking I want to fuck you.
  672. [06:58] Lotlhuitl whispers: You're going to deal with this now.
  673. [06:58] Kayn Erudon whispers: That's not my problem.
  674. [06:59] Lotlhuitl whispers: Oh, I think it is.
  675. [06:59] Malgannan asks, "If he is your slave why are you having an argument with him instead of beating him?"
  676. [06:59] Kayn Erudon whispers: It really isn't.
  677. [06:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I like him unbruised."
  678. [06:59] Lotlhuitl says, "He's pretty."
  679. [06:59] Malgannan says, "You people never seize to amuse me."
  680. [06:59] Kayn Erudon says, ". . ."
  681. [07:00] Kayn Erudon says, "You have issues, woman."
  682. [07:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Wow. "
  683. [07:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "-I- have issues?"
  684. [07:00] Lotlhuitl says, "You're a Sin of Wrath."
  685. [07:01] Malgannan says, "You sound like a married couple."
  686. [07:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  687. [07:01] Kayn Erudon says, "We are."
  688. [07:01] Lotlhuitl says, "That's absurd."
  689. [07:01] Lotlhuitl says, "No."
  690. [07:01] Lotlhuitl asks, "What?"
  691. [07:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: What the fuck.
  692. [07:01] Kayn Erudon whispers: You've had your fun, now it's my turn.
  693. [07:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: Stop.
  694. [07:02] Lotlhuitl glared at Kayn.
  695. (Lotlhuitl)
  696. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  698. [07:02] Kayn Erudon whispers: Only if you do.
  699. [07:02] Kayn glares right back.
  700. (Kayn Erudon)
  701. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  703. [07:02] Malgannan holds back more laughter.
  704. (Malgannan)
  705. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  707. [07:02] Lotlhuitl GLARED EVEN MORE.
  708. (Lotlhuitl)
  709. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  711. [07:02] Malgannan asks, "Are they a married couple?"
  712. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "We're not, yet."
  713. [07:03] Malgannan asks, "Did slavery turn into romance... Or was the slavery part simply a joke. Or delusion from the woman?"
  714. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Tragically, we never will be.."
  715. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Zaruma has declared Kayn too stupid to live."
  716. [07:03] Malgannan exclaims, "BAHAHHA!"
  717. [07:03] Kayn Erudon says, "..."
  718. [07:03] Kayn Erudon says, "If you keep this up."
  719. [07:03] Kayn Erudon says, "I am quite literally going to kill you."
  720. [07:03] Malgannan says, "I've never understood the purpose of marriage."
  721. [07:03] Malgannan says, "It seems so pointless."
  722. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "... it's a different kind of slavery."
  723. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Prettier name."
  724. [07:03] Malgannan says, "With that I can agree."
  725. [07:03] Kayn Erudon says, "Don't go getting all deep on us now."
  726. [07:03] Malgannan asks, "What is your name Outlander?"
  727. [07:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Mine? I am Lotlhuitl."
  728. [07:04] Malgannan says, "Lotlhu-"
  729. [07:04] Malgannan says, "Lotlhuitli"
  730. [07:04] Malgannan exclaims, "Lotlhuitl!"
  731. [07:04] Lotlhuitl says, "... that's right."
  732. [07:04] Kayn Erudon asks, "You're a fan of hers?"
  733. [07:04] Malgannan says, "A fan? I am no one's fan."
  734. [07:05] Kayn Erudon asks, "Not a literal fan, but moreso..you admire her?"
  735. [07:05] Malgannan asks, "....?"
  736. [07:05] Malgannan says, "She amuses me."
  737. [07:05] Malgannan says, "Just like you."
  738. [07:05] Lotlhuitl says, "... great."
  739. [07:05] Kayn Erudon says, ".."
  740. [07:05] Malgannan says, "Because you are both such idiots."
  741. [07:05] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  742. [07:05] Kayn Erudon says, "Keep that up and you're going to die as well."
  743. [07:05] Malgannan says, "And the death threaths! So predictable."
  744. [07:05] Malgannan asks, "Don't you think, Samael?"
  745. [07:06] Samael says, ".... this place is not what it use to be my lord..."
  746. [07:06] Samael says, "people slander the names of the would be rulers of this place infront of them"
  747. [07:06] Lotlhuitl turned a rather baleful stare towards Malgannan.
  748. (Lotlhuitl)
  749. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  751. [07:06] Malgannan says, "It seems like the ''married'' couple has found a united purpose in seeking my dead."
  752. [07:06] Malgannan says, "Come then, show me your power."
  753. [07:07] Kayn Erudon asks, "The power of love?"
  754. [07:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well. I accept."
  755. [07:07] Samael says, "love is not meant for one.."
  756. [07:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: Look. I'm s-sorry. I got carried away.
  757. [07:08] Malgannan unsheathes his halberd, grinning. He was likely to lose but this was too amusing to step down from.
  758. (Malgannan)
  759. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  761. [07:08] Malgannan asks, "...?"
  762. [07:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: Lets just.. fight this demon, then get out of here.
  763. [07:08] Kayn Erudon whispers: What about the children?
  764. [07:09] Lotlhuitl whispers: We can return, can't we?
  765. [07:09] Lotlhuitl whispers: I've.. made no headway..
  766. [07:09] Kayn Erudon whispers: True.
  767. [07:09] Malgannan asks, "What is the matter, Somnus?"
  768. [07:09] Somnus Illarian says, "I can't ignore death threats to the Lords fof Gaiar Aetherius."
  769. [07:09] Somnus Illarian says, "..one of them can fight you, or I'll have to join you."
  770. [07:09] Kayn Erudon asks, "Lord?"
  771. [07:09] Somnus Illarian says, "Simply how it is."
  772. [07:09] Malgannan says, "You make a fine point there. These Outlanders are too easily angered."
  773. [07:09] Lotlhuitl says, "You invited me to see my power."
  774. [07:09] Lotlhuitl says, "In truth, I'm not the killing type, Somnus."
  775. [07:09] Malgannan says, "Your ''slave'' threathened me."
  776. [07:09] Malgannan says, "Come, slave."
  777. [07:09] Kayn Erudon says, "Mm? I'm no slave."
  778. [07:09] Kayn Erudon says, "But sure, this'll be interesting."
  779. [07:10] Malgannan says, "Husband... Slave... Lover."
  780. [07:10] Malgannan shrugs.
  781. (Malgannan)
  782. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  784. [07:11] Somnus Illarian says, "To each their own. "
  785. [07:11] Lotlhuitl whispers: Hm.. child?
  786. [07:11] Iris sits herself down and whips out her sketchbook! Good opportunity.
  787. (Iris Gywn)
  788. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  790. [07:11] Iris Gywn whispers: Hi.
  791. [07:11] Lotlhuitl whispers: Hello there..
  792. [07:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: Say, do you happen to know two young Nagual boys?
  793. [07:12] Iris Gywn whispers: No?
  794. [07:13] Lotlhuitl whispers: Atoli and Xohuiotl?
  795. [07:13] Iris Gywn whispers: No, sorry.
  796. [07:13] Sin of Wrath. So easily tricked into one on one combat. He believes his sin makes him stronger, yet it makes him vulnerable. Easily angered... Too easily offended. And the result? Now the ''slave'' is standing in the arena before a Kaor of Gaiar Aetherius. All part of the plan... Let's see if his sin will grand him the strength to best Malgannan.
  798. "Very well Outlander. Show me your best."
  799. (Malgannan)
  800. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  802. [07:15] A shroud of shadowflame surrounded his form, followed by a similar magic that the Demon before him used. Each ticking second his magic was active, Kayn would feel pain rushing through his body, causing him to cough violently for a few seconds even.
  804. Wiping his mouth, he'd look over to his opponent and nod his head, showing that he was ready.
  805. (Kayn Erudon)
  806. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  808. [07:15] Malgannan says, "May the strongest warrior win, Outlander."
  809. [07:15] Malgannan says, "Try not to stumble."
  810. [07:15] Kayn Erudon says, "Right.."
  811. [07:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: Well, thank you child. Nice sketches..
  812. [07:17] Malgannan says, "Surprisingly easy."
  813. [07:17] Malgannan asks, "Where is the sin you speak of?"
  814. [07:17] Kayn Erudon says, "Heh..."
  815. [07:17] Kayn Erudon asks, "You think so?"
  816. [07:17] Malgannan says, "Show me your anger."
  817. [07:17] Kayn Erudon says, "You're not worth it."
  818. [07:17] Malgannan exclaims, "GAHAHAHA!"
  819. [07:17] Malgannan says, "You are afraid you will lose control."
  820. [07:18] Malgannan exclaims, "Better!"
  821. [07:20] Somnus Illarian says, "I love anime."
  822. [07:20] Lotlhuitl STARED at Somnus.
  823. (Lotlhuitl)
  824. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  826. [07:20] Kayn Erudon says, "It seems even when I can't muster up my strength it's enough to handle you."
  827. [07:21] Malgannan says, "Very impressive. And that without the Sin."
  828. [07:21] Malgannan says, "You live up to your words at least partially."
  829. [07:22] Somnus slow claps.
  830. (Somnus Illarian)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [07:22] Malgannan asks, "Tell me, Outlander. If you are so strong, why are you a slave to a woman?"
  834. [07:22] Lotlhuitl asks, "Excuse me?"
  835. [07:22] Lotlhuitl asks, "What does me being a woman have to do with -anything-?"
  836. [07:22] Kayn Erudon says, "I'm no slave, I just let her think believe what she wants."
  837. [07:22] Kayn Erudon says, "It keeps her quiet."
  838. [07:22] Malgannan says, "Understandable."
  839. [07:23] Somnus Illarian says, "..."
  840. [07:23] Lotlhuitl inhaled sharply.
  841. (Lotlhuitl)
  842. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  844. [07:27] Malgannan says, "You are the stronger warrior. I will admit when I have been bested."
  845. [07:27] Malgannan says, "I am impressed."
  846. [07:27] Malgannan says, "Well done."
  847. [07:27] Kayn Erudon says, "I am Kayn, remember it."
  848. [07:28] Malgannan nods.
  849. (Malgannan)
  850. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  852. [07:28] Malgannan says, "Now, I have other matters to attend to. Good luck with your ''master''."
  853. [07:28] Malgannan chuckles.
  854. (Malgannan)
  855. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857. [07:28] Kayn Erudon says, "Tch.."
  858. [07:29] Kayn Erudon says, "C'mon lover."
  859. [07:29] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  860. [07:29] Lotlhuitl GLARED.
  861. (Lotlhuitl)
  862. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  864. [07:29] Somnus Illarian says, "Amusing."
  865. [07:30] Kayn Erudon says, "Let's go."
  866. [07:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Fine."
  867. [07:30] Kayn Erudon says, "Well, that was fun."
  868. [07:31] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... fine, I deserved all that.
  869. [07:32] Kayn Erudon whispers: It's quite alright, I didn't mind testing myself against the Demon anyhow.
  870. [07:32] Kayn Erudon whispers: Now I know that I can kill him for sure..
  871. [07:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Follow."
  872. [07:32] Kayn Erudon says, "Say please."
  873. [07:32] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  874. [07:38] Outside of the city, the Nagual peeled her mask from her face as she spun around to face Kayn.
  876. To say she was angry was an understatement. But.. the anger wasn't truly what she felt in her heart of hearts. She was hurt. Anxious about her children. Humiliated.
  878. Torn.
  880. Kayn had done more than ANYONE else in assisting her get her children back. She owed him for that. Owed him. And she still needed him.
  882. "You.. you're insufferable." She gasped, tail flicking back and forth. Her delicate face was twisted up with emotion. Her voice was quiet, her ears pinned back, mask dangling from fingertips as she leant into his personal space once more. Her green gaze staring WITH INTENSITY into his own eyes. Her lips hovering over his, that is, unless he stepped away.
  884. "How can you be so damn strong..?"
  886. Her tail twitched. She'd thought the demon was going to wipe the floor with him. She thought she was going to have to jump in and RESCUE him.
  888. Again, he didn't need her. Again, she was the pathetic one who needed others.
  889. (Lotlhuitl)
  890. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  892. [07:45] He followed her to the outskirts of Aetherius and into an open field. It was a rather sudden stop. A part of Kayn thought that for a moment, they'd be leaving town, but as his mind began to wander, she turned around and unmasked herself.
  894. The first words that came from her were an insult directed towards him of course. Though as he inched forward to respond to her she had leaned into him, getting extremely close once again and just like before, he didn't budge. This time around though..she wasn't trying to threaten him, but she seemed so much more...vulnerable.
  896. This shook Kayn, honestly, and he was at a loss for words for a few seconds as she hovered over him. Their eyes met, her intense gaze matching his now curious eyes as she posed a question to him. Blinking a few times, he hesitated before answering her.
  898. "I suppose..it's because I know what I fight for...And who I fight for." His response was simple enough, and while he wasn't trying to sound noble or anything..it was simply the truth.
  899. (Kayn Erudon)
  900. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  902. [07:55] Lotlhuitl continued to STARE for a few seconds. Just long enough to grow, well, awkward. Uncomfortable. Her breath hitched, her ears still flicked backwards.
  904. "Oh, I see." She whispered, her tail flicking back and forth. He knew what he fought for and who he fought for. By the spirits. A strange sort of cold chill took over Lotlhuitl as she regarded Kayn. She hadn't lied - she did find the man pretty. And, well. He certainly was her type. Another angry brat of a man who would probably hurt her if she gave him half a chance.
  906. Vulnerable. Yeah, the Nagual felt vulnerable. Weak. That is, until her mana surged within her - until the aberrant power which dwelled within her SANG out to her.
  908. She exhaled. Slowly. Her rich brown skin taking on a healthy flush as she regarded Kayn. As she envied him. He was better than her. By the spirits. She hated feeling like this. She wanted him to long for her power. Long for her. She wanted him to feel exactly the same as her.
  910. Envious.
  912. "You think you're better than me, do you?"
  914. Lotlhuitl wasn't sure if it was a hallucination or what, but reality shuddered.
  916. The field was gone. Kayn and Lotlhuitl were standing within a long hall of mirrors. Their broken, warped glass reflected Kayn and Lotlhuitl endlessly. Warping their reflections. The mirrors cracked. Broken glass flying everywhere.
  919. And then everything twisted 90 degrees, before righting itself. There was a distinctly pale green glow radiating from Lotlhuitl.
  921. ENVY.
  923. Standing close to him in the field, Kayn would have to notice the strange pale green reflections that sparkled in the corner of his vision. Radiating outwards from Lotlhuitl. Aberrant. Reality defying.
  925. Sin.
  926. (Lotlhuitl)
  927. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. [08:08] He continued to stare back at her, his once curious gaze now more refined and aware, even narrowing slightly as she whispered to him. There was something amiss here..odd, yet familiar. And as Kayn felt this, she'd speak again, accusing him of thinking that he was better than her. He opened his mouth to reply, but nothing could come out for the time being.
  931. Never did he think that he was going to feel something like this coming from someone else. A pale green glow radiated from Lotlhuitl's form, shimmering in his eyes as if being reflected from a polished glass. The amount of depravity in the air was thick now, akin to when Kayn had used his own power for the first time.
  933. He stood there, jaw slightly dropped and wide eyed as he witnessed her transformation. Slowly, a smile was formed and a chuckle escaped his lips.
  935. "To think..that there was someone just like me so close by....Where were you hiding all of this time, Lotlhuitl?" As he spoke, his own aura took to his form, a stark contrast to the green that shimmered around her. Though it pained him to do so, it's been so long since he just sat in the corrupted mana, and it felt oh so refreshing.
  937. "Do I think I'm better than you..I did, but now I see that I was wrong to do so. Perhaps..we're equals now. After all, it's supposed to be like that in a marriage, right?" he joked, a smirk curving his lips now.
  938. (Kayn Erudon)
  939. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  941. [08:35] "Just like you? I'm--" Stunned. She was stunned. Lotlhuitl blinked slowly, gaze dipping to examine Kayn, to examine the power swirling around them. The strange reflections which flickered and spun, like translucent, pale green, broken mirror shards.
  943. By the spirits. He.. he was right. She was a SIN. That's what this power was. This corruption.
  945. Lotlhuitl, Sin of Envy, GLARED at Kayn.
  947. Corruption.
  949. It hung in the air between them, around them. It was flowing through her veins like poison. It hurt. Like venom.
  951. Envy was like shards of glass being forced beneath fingernails. Her fingernails, his fingernails. She didn't fucking care.
  953. "We're not equa--!" Snarled words, cut off as he quipped about marriage. A distinct red flush rose to her cheeks, her breath catching.
  955. It was a real WORRY for her that he was actually better than her. Stronger than her.
  957. "Don't." She said, her breath playing out across his skin as she stared down at him. The Nagual GLAREDas he laughed at her. "I wasn't hiding. I'm not a coward."
  959. She shuddered. Suddenly looking at Kayn from beneath long, dark eyelashes.
  961. "The only fucking reason I don't gut you right now is because I need you."
  962. (Lotlhuitl)
  963. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  965. [08:39]
  966. {LOAD GAME}
  968. [08:43]
  969. {LOAD GAME}
  971. [08:46]
  972. {LOAD GAME}
  974. [08:48] As she became more and more enveloped in her sin, Kayn seemed to thrive off of it. The negative emotions flowing through the air was extremely refreshing, seeing that he had spent most of his time around people attuned to the Order spectrum.
  976. A careful eye is kept on her form as she speaks, sending threats and the like towards Kayn and progressively becoming more violent. Obviously she took what he said in the wrong way. He wasn't trying to call her a coward, rather, he was questioning where she had been all of this time.
  978. Both of their magics were displayed proudly in the fields of Aetherius, though Kayn's would soon begin to sway as Elizabeth's curse came into effect. The strain was too much on his body and eventually it'd fade away, causing Kayn to act a little more reasonable this time around.
  980. "It's clear that some women don't know how to take a joke." he retorted swiftly, folding his arms and standing his ground. Moving an arm, he'd offer a dismissive wave. "I wasn't calling you a coward, I was just wondering where the other Sin magi were is all...And enough with the threats too. Don't forget that I'm trying to do you a favor here."
  982. Even in his weakened state, he stood firm, unwavering in the face of danger.
  983. (Kayn Erudon)
  984. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  986. [08:51]
  987. {LOAD GAME}
  989. [08:59] If he had met her with anger, the Nagual likely would have met his anger with violence.
  991. Reason? From a Wrath Sin?
  993. He surprised her. Lotlhuitl deflated slightly. Her fluffy blue-black ears were not so much pinned backwards now as they were, well, pointed down. Tail flicking, a sort of nervous energy building within her before breaking as she exhaled.
  995. And slowly, one by one the strange green reflections shattered out of existence.
  997. "Funny." She finally said, breaking her stare. Lotlhuitl knew it would have perhaps been prudent to apologise. He was right: He HAD been helping her. Doing her a favour. She owed him.
  999. But by all the spirits in the highest realms, to do so felt a little too much like grovelling. And boy, did he not like that idea. So instead, she just looked, well. Uncomfortable. Lowered her voice. "Xitlalli is a Sin. Lust. But I don't know where she is. Amyas knows where to find her."
  1001. Her gaze slowly tracked back to regard Kayn. Still regarding him from beneath long lashes. "And.. Xoconan, before he tried to kill me, told me that Caesar is one, too." She bit her bottom lip. "Greed."
  1002. (Lotlhuitl)
  1003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005. [09:00]
  1006. {LOAD GAME}
  1008. [09:08]
  1009. {LOAD GAME}
  1011. [09:09] Surprisingly, yes, he was being reasonable..
  1013. The curse placed upon his heart by Elizabeth was one that forced negative emotions down and should he even try to activate his power he'd feel immense pain. Fighting against those in tune with the lifestream proved difficult for the Sin magi.
  1015. Eventually, she broke eye contact with him and her power began to fade away as well. She looked as like something was wrong, as if she were thinking about something, but Kayn wouldn't question it. He kept his eyes focused on her, even as she looked away momentarily, trying his best to read the woman.
  1017. When she finally spoke, it was regarding some of the other Sins and their whereabouts. He didn't know who Xitlalli was, but he was certainly shocked to find out that Caesar of all people was a Sin.
  1019. "To think that there were so many of us on Agartha. Honestly, I thought I was the only one until I saw another with an aura similar to mine at the war. A woman with purple hair who also used Shadowflame in battle. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see her up close.." he drifted off for a moment, wondering what he would've done if the two had met.
  1021. Shaking his head slightly, he'd snap back to her. "Anyhow, you got that out of your system?" Obviously referring to her sudden outburst just now.
  1022. (Kayn Erudon)
  1023. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1025. [09:20]
  1026. {LOAD GAME}
  1028. [09:21] The Nagual had trouble concealing her emotions. Some might say she wore her heart on her sleeve, but that was an understatement. Lotlhuitl was an open book.
  1030. Kayn made her nervous. Why? To be honest, she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. His calm now was unnerving, when she was struggling to not spiral downwards into paranoia.
  1032. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She'd nodded ever so slightly as he mused about other Sins. In truth, she hadn't really thought about it. Hadn't really put two and two together. She'd KNOWN she had this power, of course. She'd.. used it when fighting Xoconan. But the realisation of what it meant?
  1034. Subconsciously she had to have known.
  1036. His question brought her out of her own thoughts. She took a sharp intake of breath, eyes narrowing for half a second. And then she bit her bottom lip. Nodded. Raised her mask back to her face, before she could embarrass herself further.
  1038. "I'm.. I'm not sorry." She muttered, voice muffled. "But I was out of line. I am grateful for your assistance."
  1039. (Lotlhuitl)
  1040. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1042. [09:27]
  1043. {LOAD GAME}
  1045. [09:30]
  1046. {LOAD GAME}
  1048. [09:31] A sly smirk etched its way across Kayn's face as she masked herself once again and he marked this as a mental victory for himself. As she followed up by telling him that she was grateful towards him he'd nod his head. All of this was good progress. In a place like this, it was better to have powerful allies that you can call upon, and judging by how she was treated in Gaiar, she was someone he'd prefer to have on his side.
  1050. He raised a hand and attempted to ruffle her hair a little, right between the ears. The man suspected that she might not have liked this gesture, so his hand reached up quickly to do so! He'd pet her head slowly, nodding as he did so.
  1052. "Don't apologize then..It doesn't really matter much." he began, pulling his hand away and shrugging.
  1054. "You're welcome."
  1056. His hands would fall back to his sides, hidden by his cloak and out of sight. He was holding it in for a while now, but he couldn't any longer. A little snicker escapes his lips and he'd bring a fist up to stifle it.
  1058. "You're a terrifying woman you know, and a lucky one. Had I not been cursed by Elizabeth I would've beaten you right there. You should be careful when you say things like that around me, the last person to do that lost an arm." Kayn spoke with a gleeful smile on his face and kept up a somewhat jovial attitude, as if he weren't afraid of her.
  1060. "Anywho..What do we do now?"
  1061. (Kayn Erudon)
  1062. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1064. [09:43] The wind caused ripples in the grass not unlike waves out at sea. A green sea surrounded them. Smelt sweet.
  1066. Lotlhuitl might have explained that what had happened in Gaiar had been a complete surprise to her. Declaring Kayn as her capture had been, well, an impulse. An attempt at a plausible story as to why Gaiar shouldn't be alarmed at his presence.
  1068. In truth, the entire trip had been an indulgence of impulse -- Lotlhuitl had needed to prove that she wasn't a coward.
  1070. A strangled gasp rolled from behind the mask as Kayn reached up and touched her. Ruffled her hair. Soft and silken, it wasn't easily ruffled. But somehow, Kayn managed. He pushed her hair out of place. Hair ended up falling in front of her face, in front of the mask. Tumbling over her shoulders.
  1072. She hadn't stopped him, not because she welcomed such things. No, his action SURPRISED her. She hated being touched without her permission.
  1074. "Nn!" She hissed, finally stepping back from him. She'd raised a hand to her head, flattening her hair, smoothing over it an excessive amount. Almost like she was trying to forget the memory of his touch.
  1076. "Don't." The Nagual's voice was muffled by her mask, but he'd be able to see that her eyes had narrowed. Her ears were pointed straight back again. Tail bristled.
  1078. "You.. you..." She'd raised her chin, staring down at him.
  1080. "What do we do now?" She repeated, exhaling sharply through her nose. It was a good question. "First, we are going to duel. I.. I need you to see that I'm not some weak plaything for you to touch, or mock, or laugh about."
  1082. She cast her gaze back to Gaiar. "I don't know what happened in there. That was not what I expected. I.. I shouldn't say much more out here. Who knows who listens."
  1083. (Lotlhuitl)
  1084. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1086. [09:49] He figured that she was going to react violently to his touch, and that she did. His hands were back beneath his cloak now and he'd raise a brow as she challenged him to a duel. Never once did he think that she was weak, she was the wife of Xoconan after all, a feared and powerful figure.
  1088. He took a few steps back, a hand reaching up and grabbing ahold of his scythe. He brought the weapon around and extended his arm out to the side so that the arch of the Scythe would curve around his torso. Waves of shadowflame enveloped his form and as per usual, he'd wince in pain and stagger. Honestly, it was a pain going through this.
  1090. "Well, I've never once thought that you were a weak woman. I act the way I do not because I doubt your strength, but I am confident in my own is all. Regardless, we'll see what I can do in a duel."
  1092. That said, darkened winds would circle around his form now.
  1094. "Whenever you're ready."
  1095. (Kayn Erudon)
  1096. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1098. [10:06] Their battle was like much of Kayn's other battles. Quick and decisive.
  1100. She moved about the field, teleporting left and right and sending a barrage of bubbles his way. To counter it, he himself moved about, using his rather large weapon to block the majority of her attacks as he shifted his winds in her direction to mess with her movements.
  1102. This time around...Kayn feels as if he's seen all of this before. He's fought countless matches in the arena situated in Ardent, and has fought quite literally hundreds of opponents. In his mind, the battle was laid and mapped out from start to finish already.
  1104. Once her style of fighting had been established, Kayn rushed in at her. Swirling bouts of mourngale would suck her closer into him and he'd quickly blast her back with a wave of shadowflame. As she flew through the air, her body would be met with a massive arrowhead made of blackened flames, swerving through the air and pummeling her into the ground.
  1106. He'd crouch over her as the battle came to an end, resting forearms on his knees before poking at her figure.
  1108. "Huh..I hope that wasn't too much for you, Lotlhuitl. You fought well though, it's been a while since I fought a blood mage."
  1109. (Kayn Erudon)
  1110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1112. [10:09] Ixtana wasn't fighting, sparring, or anything of the sort. The mid-teens Nagual was just out, batting her hands at fireflies and putting them in a jar.
  1114. ...Of course, that had led her somewhat astray over near Aetherius. For her, this was more a weird traumatizing place, considering the only interactions she'd had in this region were of people wanting to eat her.
  1116. Eventually Ixtana jumped over to the western meadowy areas and saw two Magi finishing up what looked like a fight. The Nagual proceeded to crouch down a solid five or so meters away, peering out from the underbrush.
  1117. (Ixtana)
  1118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1120. [10:22] "Hkk-"
  1122. The masked Nagual landed flat on her back. Winded, maybe even lightly grazed, but no serious injuries.
  1124. Well, other than to her pride.
  1126. Eyes wide, the Nagual stared up at the night sky. Gaze briefly glowing as she looked to Kayn, crouching over her. "Nn," she protested at being poked. Her tail flicked out, batting against him, as she looked almost sullen for a moment. Though, really, the mask hid most of that.
  1128. It didn't hide her sigh. Well, not completely. It did muffle it, but still. Her eyes fluttered closed for a second as she tried not to dwell on how she felt about men like him.
  1130. "It wasn't too much." She breathed. Attempted to sit up. She was aware that with Kayn crouching over her that she could only get up really at his leisure. She didn't so much feel frightened of him, but rather, perturbed that she'd lost the duel.
  1132. Begrudgingly, she would give him her respect.
  1134. Lotlhuitl's ears twitched, and she looked past Kayn. Past him, out towards Ixtana. The Nagual's emerald green gaze almost glowed in the dim light. Her pupils so dilated, they seemed to reflect all the available light like some sort of mirror.
  1136. She didn't spot the girl, however.
  1138. "I heard something."
  1139. (Lotlhuitl)
  1140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1142. [10:28] He'd fix himself to stand upright after batted his hand from prodding her form. He was happy to see that she didn't react violently to losing to him, otherwise he'd have to put her down once more and at this point, activating his power was just a pain.
  1144. As he stood upright, he'd place his scythe back into its strap and rub the back of his neck, sighing a sigh of relief that all of this was finished. He'd snicker a little as she told him that it wasn't too much, but something seems to have gotten her attention.
  1146. Kayn didn't have the keen sense of hearing that most Naguals did, and the same goes for his sight, so he'd just peer into the general direction of where Lotlhuitl was looking.
  1148. "Mm? Something like what? It's probably just a boar or some other creature.."
  1149. (Kayn Erudon)
  1150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1152. [10:33] Yup, those two other Magi had been fighting, judging by how one was crouched over the other just a moment ago. Or maybe something else, it's a little difficult to tell past events when you're not the one experiencing them directly.
  1154. Where Lotlhuitl said, "I heard something", the younger Nagual's own ears twitched. Just for a moment, far downwind to the south a ways, something thumped against the ground.
  1156. Ixtana completely dropped her cover from the bushes around the meadowy plains and pounced off after whatever small animal was making the noise. Granted, she's still in earshot of the two other Magi and within plain sight now, but really wanted an early breakfast.
  1158. Wandering around, green-blue prismarine eyes scanning about for recemt burrows.
  1159. (Ixtana)
  1160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1162. [10:44] The Nagual kept close to Kayn.
  1164. Lotlhuitl had regarded Ixtana when the kid had emerged from cover, chasing after wild game. "Nah. Some kid," the Nagual woman muttered in reply to Kayn.
  1166. The Nagual was standing next to him now. Lightly dishevelled. Her blue-black hair was all mussed up, the odd blade of grass sticking to her clothing. Or, well, lack thereof. One could very well have jumped to conclusions about what they'd been up to.
  1168. The mask she wore hid her lack of amusement that the young man saw fit to snicker at her. Her stare was almost baleful, but it was directed towards the middle distance. Her green eyes tracked the fireflies as they danced two and fro, the light catching her eye.
  1170. She was running her hands through her hair when she caught sight of Sibri.
  1172. "Sibri," Lotlhuitl breathed his name in lieu of any greeting. She was pleased to see him, her face lighting up behind the mask -- though, this pleasure was tempered as the Nagual realised how close she was standing to Kayn.
  1173. (Lotlhuitl)
  1174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1176. [10:49] A curious sight greeted him when he wandered west across the shaggy, overgrown grass of Aetherius, heading toward the coast. Stopping to take it in while standing a short distance away, Sibri pursed his lips- the look he had was something of neutrality, his eyes on the Nagual.
  1178. "What are you doing here? Keeh." He asked plainly, then his focus turned to Kayn, "And you." His tone was thorny, unwelcoming, and he followed it with a step forward, remembering how he was one of the first to charge for Ardent in the battle.
  1179. (Sibri)
  1180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1182. [10:53] As the younger Nagual revealed herself, Kayn would simple ignore her presence for the time being. A potential threat gone for now. He observed her for quite some time before he hears Lotlhuitl say quite the familiar name.
  1184. The man turned his head to see the Dryad approaching them now, and from the tone of his voice he could tell that he was not pleased to see Kayn. Truthfully, Kayn wasn't particularly happy to see him either.
  1186. While the Coalition was on the side of Ardent he had some respect for Sibri, but since its fall and all that --including what Zaruma said about the man, he felt indifferent.
  1188. Narrowing his gaze, he'd step beside Lotl, keeping eye contact with the man.
  1190. "Sibri..." he began, his speech drifting off. "Why did you attack Zaruma with someone from Ardent..?" Quick and straight to the point, Kayn had no time to waste.
  1191. (Kayn Erudon)
  1192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1194. [10:54] Ixtana simply dug around in the burrows to the south. Maybe there's a bunny or mole here - She seems too pre-occupied with this to stop for the conversation up north.
  1195. (Ixtana)
  1196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1198. [10:54] "That was years ago," Sibri snapped back, his frown deeping. Another step. "Why are you here."
  1199. (Sibri)
  1200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1202. [10:57] "My children are in Gaiar." Lotlhuitl said, thinking that was enough to answer Sibri's question. She took a half step towards the purple-haired Dryad. Posture non-threatening, as if she hoped to smooth the meeting of these two over.
  1204. "He's here because of me." Lotlhuitl said, inclining her head slightly before continuing in a hurry: "I brought him here. He's mine."
  1205. (Lotlhuitl)
  1206. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1208. [11:01] As Sibri mentions that the incident took place years ago, a sigh would escape Kayn's lips.
  1210. "A shame..then that means you're still with the Demons I suppose. You know, I had high hopes for you back when the Coalition was a thing. Now to think that I'll have to kill you someday is almost upsetting."
  1212. Eyes panned over to Loth as she steps in between the two and a hand moved to touch the collar placed around his neck.
  1214. "She's not wrong there either." He backed her statement up, showing that he had been captured 'n all.
  1215. (Kayn Erudon)
  1216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1218. [11:02] Ixtana turned back to stare at the duo-turned-trio's dialogue with prismarine Nagual eyes peering out a short distance away. She seems to have caught her target, a rabbit squirming on her elbow.
  1219. (Ixtana)
  1220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1222. [11:06] The Dryad's brow quirked with Lothuitl's response, finding her explanation distinctly dissatisfactory. He scrutizined Kayne for a few moments, his eyes falling half-lidded, though retaining a faint pink glow in the darkness. "Very well, keeh. If you think that is wise."
  1224. Sibri's hand lifted to snake his fingers into Lothuitl's own a moment later, taking her hand. A light pull eased her into him if there wasn't any resistance.
  1226. --Though the gesture of affection toward his partner soon soured when he heard that. The tempature around them would drop suddenly, and Sibri's gaze on Kayn fell like an act of murder, shifting into a cold glare. "You? Kill me? Keh-keh."
  1228. "Are you an idiot--a fool? Do you have a death sentence? Go on. Try it. I'll bury you without any hesitation. Keeh."
  1230. A single blue petal fell from above then, floating between them like a snowflake drifting.
  1231. (Sibri)
  1232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234. [11:16] "What would you have me do?" Lotlhuitl genuinely asked Sibri with an tilt of her head. "I entered Gaiar. None protested my presence, seeing who I had captured. Though, to be fair, no Cruxati were within."
  1236. Lotlhuitl didn't resist, but neither did she seem entirely comfortable with being pulled into Sibri's arms. To be fair to Sibri, it wasn't at all him. Hand holding in public was enough to make the Nagual somewhat uncomfortable. Public displays of affection were not her sort of thing. A blush rose to her cheeks, concealed by the wooden mask she wore. She squeezed his hand lightly, letting out a hum of delight which was muffled by her mask.
  1238. Her gaze was entirely on him as Kayn spoke. She might have winced. Hard to tell with the mask and all, but she stiffened against Sibri. Shivering violently as he grew COLD against her nearly bare flesh.
  1240. "I-" She stammered, a false start because of the cold. Deep breath. "I take responsibility for him, Sibri. He's my pet. I captured him." She reached up, aiming to stroke her warm hand gently against the dryad's cheek. "Don't indulge his death wish."
  1241. (Lotlhuitl)
  1242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1244. [11:24] He watched the interaction between the Dryad and the Nagual intensely and narrowed his gaze somewhat. He could feel it again, his rage bubbling beneath the surface of his skin. However, as soon as the strong negative emotions came to be he'd feel the effects of Elizabeth's 'curse' almost immediately and he'd cough, clutching onto his chest.
  1246. He grimaced a little, gritting his teeth and an eye was forced close as he breathed heavily. This wasn't the first time that the pain shot through his body, for some reason it hurt a lot more this time. The collar around his neck began to spark occasionally, releasing streams of red lightning that'd linger around Kayn.
  1248. "An idiot, a fool..Nothing I haven't heard before..But I am none of those things." he retorted, having a steady gaze on Sibri. His eyes would trail over to Lotlhuitl now as she stroked his cheek with her hand and attempted to sooth the Dryad.
  1250. He'd peer through the holes in her mask for a moment, but nothing was said towards her. "I suppose another time..Sibri."
  1251. (Kayn Erudon)
  1252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1254. [11:30] As he held Lothuitl, Sibri's unblinking stare was of course fixed on Kayn- though his free hand did gravitate toward her shoulder, easing the Nagual against him. Even as she comforted him, the glare that fixed on the man was unyielding- the Dryad's nostrils were flared ever so lightly, and his upper lip peeled back slightly.
  1256. "A word of advice for you- cowards are perfectly fine." His head tilted to the side then, "But loud-mouthed ones that make death threats when unable to back it up are not. They are- unbearable. Keeeh."
  1258. The disapproving look turned into something of boredom and apathy within a split second, and the tempature around the Dryad eased off, his features softening somewhat. With a glance toward Lothuitl, he smiled down at them, a touch of concern brewing against his expression, "-It is dangerous to be in Aetherius. Keh. If you intend to return to Ardent, that is."
  1260. "Is there a purpose to this, Lotl?Keeh. Ah- I have something to show you later, too," the curve to the Dryad's lips grew slightly when mentioning that.
  1261. (Sibri)
  1262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1264. [11:47] Though she had slightly turned her face to Kayn, she couldn't look him directly in the eye. Not when clinging to Sibri. She was a tall woman, but the Dryad was taller. Her body slotted in against Sibri's, and her rich brown skin grew goosebumps as his arm drew to her shoulder, pulling her further against him.
  1266. She'd glanced briefly to inspect Kayn's expression, even as she avoided eye contact. Her own expression was serious, if not lightly cringing as Sibri told Kayn off. She remained pressed against him, shivering.
  1268. "Kayn, really." Terse, and yet she could have said so much more. The Nagual didn't call him stupid, or even roll her eyes. Which was exactly what she normally would have done!
  1270. "I know, Sibri." He was right. It was dangerous for her to be in Aetherius. Bad things happened to people in Ardent who were outed as having traveled to the demon city. And usually because of Kayn.
  1272. She didn't attempt to lie to Sibri: she did not try to tell him that she had no intention of ever returning to Ardent. That was a lie that she could not tell convincingly, mask or no mask.
  1274. "Purpose?" She blinked, peering up at the dryad. "I worry about my children, Sibri. Who cares for them, now that Xoconan is dead? Who will teach them of the spirits?"
  1276. The Nagual's tail twitched, ears pricking forward at Sibri's mention of something to show her. She raised a hand to her face, shifting the mask as she leant up on her tiptoes to whisper. Her heart had begun to race.
  1278. "Oh? What did you do to Ariana?"
  1279. (Lotlhuitl)
  1280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1282. [11:56] He kept his eyes focused on the Dryad, ignoring Lotlhuitl's brief statement at him. In fact, most of what she said now was drowned out as Sibri's words echoed through his head. Just who did this man think he was? Very unfortunate timing indeed..If Elizabeth hadn't placed this mark on him then he would've dealt with him by now.
  1284. He grinds his teeth over and over, his stare only becoming more and more intense as he drowns out the world around him, save for Sibri. The Dryad was the focus of his attention. Once more, sharp pangs of pain shot through his body, but he didn't care, in fact, he'd let it fuel his anger.
  1286. Soon enough, a shimmering red aura enveloped Kayn's person and he gave off a terrifying heat, amplified by his occultic magic.
  1288. "You know what..Sibri...I don't even need my full strength to take you on..." he mumbled, though it was loud enough for all to hear. A fierce cloakof shadowflame covered his body now, swirling fiercely as dark winds howled around the immediate area.
  1290. Grabbing his scythe now, he'd point the weapon towards the Dryad. "..This is for calling me a coward." he hissed before launching his assault.
  1291. (Kayn Erudon)
  1292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294. [12:02] An understanding nod was given with the mention of the children, accompanied by a slight frown of concern, "-Ah yes. I remember seeing them with Xoco once, keeh..." The Dryad murmured, feeling a sense of discomfort and unease, knowing full well what the plasma magi was capable of in his prime. Sibri was silent in thought for a second.
  1296. --And then his thought track was lost with the mention of Ariana. "We will... Talk about that when we're alone. Keh."
  1298. Feeling the bubbling rage of Kayn's stare, Sibri's attention returned to the man only to witness the shroud of red take over moments later. It felt like unfiltered anger, festering and raw, but the Dryad had no time to dwell on the unique magic--Kayn launched toward him in his attack, and Sibri was quick to response by breaking his embrace with Lotl and pushing them to the side.
  1300. --He had to defend himself.
  1302. Animating with a lift up of his hand and a shift of his boots, earthen spikes shot between them, establishing a barricade of sorts that would delay the sin magi momentarily. Then, Sibri grinned, and out of his sleeves blue petals suddenly shot out, racing around him in a storm of razor-like leafs.
  1303. "Oh. That's much better. Show me what you can do. Keh-keh-keh."
  1304. (Sibri)
  1305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1307. [12:10] Ixtana simply stood off to the side with her prey in her arms as the scene unfolded. All this noise, all this conversation - And the magic everyone still feels compelled to show off with. A half-frown from one side of her mouth.
  1308. (Ixtana)
  1309. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1311. [12:11] Lotlhuitl had been dutifully holding Sibri's hand, leaning her head against his shoulder. One of her fluffy ears had twitched against the line of his jaw. She was soft and warm and she was here.
  1313. And invisible, to Kayn's rage.
  1315. Familiar energy.
  1317. The Nagual had gasped, tensing, sensing the corruption even without looking to the angry young Jianghuan. She'd turned, mask sliding back down, about to--
  1319. Sibri pushed her to the side.
  1321. The Nagual, surprised, fell. Out of harms way, to be sure! She'd let out a little startled yelp, landing on her knees.
  1323. Her expression? Confused and a little hurt. But who could tell, her delicate features hidden behind the snarling blue and white cat mask.
  1324. (Lotlhuitl)
  1325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1327. [12:22] As soon as the spikes launched up from the ground, a second later something else escaped too- blue vines that slithered out, thorned and dangerous, each shooting toward Kayn. Whipping, seeking to restrain and constrict- they were invulnerable to the intense heat of his flames and connected to Sibri directly, like an extension of his will.
  1329. And so they fought. The small grin on the Dryad's lips never did leave him, despite close encounters with blasts of black fire that soared nearby, burning harshly. His water magic clashed with the flames and the battlefield was soon covered by a mist of intense steam that lingered.
  1331. "Feast on his blood, my little pets, keeh," Sibri urged- the vines soaking any of his life essence that they came into contact with. The mandrakes also aided the assault of nature, a deep blue in color, aligned with the essence of winter that empowered Sibri's dark brand of magic.
  1333. When Kayn was forced to his knees by the barrage of attacks, Sibri approached. Slow, almost leisurely steps. Around him his petal storm continued to spin, and he lifted his hand up, pointing at Kayn with his index finger.
  1335. A single petal flew forward at high speeds- the sharp protectile whizzed through his shoulder and out.
  1337. Again, another. This time his upper leg. The petal entered blue and left red.
  1339. Then a third one dug deep into his hip...
  1341. "-Ah. What should I do with him, Lotl? Keh-keh."
  1342. (Sibri)
  1343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345. [12:33] It was a different type of pain for Kayn. The pain of not being able to defeat somebody whom he had confidence in beating. Try as he may, his flames couldn't destroy the blue vines that soared towards his being, and with each swipe they'd drain away at his essence. Not to mention that for each second his magic remained active he could feel the sting of Elizabeth's curse.
  1347. He was whittled down by the amount of creatures and constructs Sibri had called to aid him in the fight and eventually he'd find himself on his knees. A sharp petal whirled through his shoulder and he'd grunt in pain. Another one shot through his thigh, causing him to cough. And the final one was buried deep into his hip and he'd drop in pain.
  1349. His palms hit the floor and all traces of his magic vanished by this point. He was no longer able to sustain his curse or his own occultic power due to the sheer pain he's experiencing right now. Kayn breathed deeply, pulling in as much air as he can before his mouth was pinned shut.
  1351. The mans molars grinded on one another as the battle flashed through his mind, but even in his current emotional state he couldn't pull any more strength from his body. As he hears Lotl's name, he'd glance up towards her, one of his eyes closed from the pain and a glare glued to his face.
  1352. (Kayn Erudon)
  1353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1355. [12:34] Lotlhuitl watched.
  1357. Actually, she stared. Her breathing was laboured beneath the mask, despite her attempts to remain calm and collected. In the end she just winced.
  1359. Sibri's powers may have been cold, but he was a young man and as hot headed as the next.
  1361. Ugh.
  1363. Men.
  1365. Her tail had twitched, her gaze unimpressed as she watched the fight. Hypocritical? Oh, yes. She'd certainly fought people for less than why Kayn was attacking Sibri, and for why Sibri was joyfully mutilating Kayn. But Lotlhuitl was perhaps either unbothered by her own hypocrisy, or unaware of it.
  1367. No, it wasn't the violence itself that didn't impress Lotlhuitl. It was that she wasn't the cause of it. That she might as well be window dressing, some pretty thing just standing at the periphery of the scene to add some visual flare.
  1369. If that, really.
  1371. She felt invisible.
  1373. And so she didn't immediately answer Sibri when he asked her what she should do with Kayn. Instead, she walked over to him, abandoning the random Nagual teenager who had been hanging out collecting braces of conies. She reached for him. Looking down at Kayn.
  1375. Because of the angle of her mask, the shape of the eyeholes et cetera, only Kayn would have been able to see her eyes for a moment.
  1377. How she had blinked, plainly weighing up her feelings about what had just occurred.
  1379. She felt she knew what the right response was: to grab Sibri's hand and gleefully ask to sacrifice the young, angry Jianghuan man. But that wasn't what she was going to say. She was going to disappoint Sibri.
  1381. She owed Kayn a favour.
  1383. "Let me stop the bleeding, Sibri. Please. He's mine."
  1384. (Lotlhuitl)
  1385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1387. [12:34] Errezila wonders what is going on.
  1388. (Errezila)
  1389. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1391. [12:40] The request had him tilt his chin back in thought, his grin fading away. The eagerness in the dryad's eyes to send a final petal through the skull of his challenger was all so clear, and his hand hovered there, hesitating, before finally falling to his side.
  1393. "--Fine-fine. I did promise him I'd bury him, but," peeling his sights from the half-dead magi to Lothuitl, Sibri smiled wide, exposing the tip of his yellow canine, "-For you, anything. Keh-keh-keh."
  1395. With a turn and a skip, he took to her side and then went around her, both of his hands landing on her shoulders. "Sorry about the push. You were about to get burned. Keeh." Sibri murmured with innocence and playfulness, his eyes indulging in the bleeding man.
  1396. (Sibri)
  1397. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1399. [12:46] He watched as Lotlhuitl came closer to him and even offered to help him with his wounds and whatnot. Deep breaths were taken as she drew near and as he made eye contact for a split second, he'd cast his head down and yell.
  1401. "Don't..!"
  1403. His palms were on the ground, and as they shook, he'd push himself off of the floor. The man stood there, bloody and beaten, looking as if he were ready to drop dead at any moment really; yet for some reason, he still refused to be treated by Lotlhuitl.
  1405. He kept a steady gaze on the woman for the time being, using his scythe to hold himself up now as the tip of its staff was buried into the earth. "Don't you dare..." a final comment was made.
  1407. Kayn's eyes trailed over to the Dryad now and he'd just stare at him momentarily, glaring at him. "This isn't over, Sibri...I'll find you..some other time." His pride was hurt, his bodied was battered, and overall he just felt like a wreck. For the moment, he just wanted to rest, and to recover.
  1408. (Kayn Erudon)
  1409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1411. [12:46] Ixtana stood off to the side, continuing to entrap the bunny in her arms. Failing to vocalize at the previous petal-destruction, or even make a sound at all - Unless you counted the rabbit trying to escape and making chittering noises.
  1412. (Ixtana)
  1413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1415. [12:46] Errezila asks, "I am guessing a boarder tresspasser?"
  1416. [12:46] Lotlhuitl says, "... no."
  1417. [12:47] Sibri says, "More like... A slave misbehaving. Keh."
  1418. [12:47] Errezila says, "Ah, well, you mortals have a good day."
  1419. [12:47] Alea lands on the bush. She perches herself there, legs swaying.
  1420. (Alea)
  1421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1423. [12:48] Errezila notices the fairy, but a bit curious of their identity.
  1424. (Errezila)
  1425. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1427. [12:48] Errezila says, "Greetings."
  1428. [12:49] Alea look sideways at Erezila.
  1429. (Alea)
  1430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1432. [12:49] Alea says, "Hm? Hello."
  1433. [12:49] Alea looks back ahead.
  1434. (Alea)
  1435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1437. [12:50] Errezila says, "I do not believe, I have seen you here before."
  1438. [12:51] Alea says, "Mhm! "
  1439. [12:51] Alea asks, "Seen many of my kind, I take it?"
  1440. [12:51] Errezila says, "Are you new here? Or have you been in hiding- I have."
  1441. [12:52] Alea says, "Agartha's big and I'm small..."
  1442. [12:52] Alea places a finger on her lips, thoughtfully.
  1443. (Alea)
  1444. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1446. [12:52] Alea asks, "Why does having never seen me surprise you?"
  1447. [12:52] Errezila says, "I know mostly everyone here, or have seen their face. So if I meet someone new, if it's an ally, I'd like to be known of them, so I know who is and isn't enemies."
  1448. [12:53] Alea says, "Why do you have to be an enemy or an ally? I don't understand."
  1449. [12:53] Alea flies up from the bush to buzz around the Demon.
  1450. (Alea)
  1451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1453. [12:53] Alea says, "Ooh, you're big."
  1454. [12:54] Errezila asks, "We are at war, being known of allies and enemies, is an essential, no?"
  1455. [12:55] Alea says, "Hmmm. I guess? But why be at war at all. Why not just relax instead? Much nicer."
  1456. [12:55] Errezila says, "Myself am not at war, but the country is. That decision is not mine to make."
  1457. [12:55] Errezila says, "Unfortunately."
  1458. [12:58] Alea says, "Oh. "
  1459. [12:58] The rest of the people (and demon) who had gathered and were chittering around them were largely ignored by Lotlhuitl.
  1461. Lotlhuitl knew that she was disappointing Sibri. But she didn't look away. Didn't change her request. Silent, she regarded the dryad until he said fine, fine.
  1463. For me anything?
  1465. A glimmer of happiness rose within her. Now, that was an emotion she was unfamiliar with. The tip of the Nagual's tail had twitched rapidly, she looking to Sibri through dark eyelashes. The snarling blue cat mask hid the blush spreading across her face.
  1467. She had been pleased as Sibri placed his hands on her shoulders. "I forgive you."
  1469. And then her good mood faded.
  1471. Ugh, men.
  1473. Lotlhuitl had been reaching out for Kayn as he lay prone, bending at the waist, hair sliding over her lovely flesh.
  1475. But then he went and screamed out 'Don't!' and forced himself to his feet.
  1477. She wasn't, strictly speaking, all that great at healing magic anyway... But she could do it in a pinch. She'd stitched all of Xoconan's wounds. Soothed burns and encouraged healing with water magic.
  1479. "Very well." Lotlhuitl said, not without some bitterness as she retracted the delicate hand which had reached for the injured and bleeding young man.
  1481. She frowned behind the mask, gaze noting his wounds.
  1483. With a sigh, Lotlhuitl found herself offering something to him: A medical kit she'd pulled out of a satchel on her hip. Inside was gauze, catgut stitches and some curved needles for sewing flesh, along with some rudimentary herbs.
  1485. "You're useless to me, dead."
  1487. There was almost a plea in that.
  1489. That said, she looked to Sibri. "So what was it that you wanted to show me, dear?" She gave a pointed look to Kayn. "Is it far?"
  1490. (Lotlhuitl)
  1491. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1493. [12:59] Alea whispers something.
  1494. [12:59] Alea whispers something.
  1495. [12:59] Errezila whispers something.
  1496. [13:00] Errezila whispers something.
  1497. [13:00] Alea whispers something.
  1498. [13:00] Errezila whispers something.
  1499. [13:00] Alea whispers something.
  1500. [13:01] Errezila whispers something.
  1501. [13:01] Alea whispers something.
  1502. [13:01] Alea tilts her head.
  1503. (Alea)
  1504. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1506. [13:02] Errezila whispers something.
  1507. [13:02] Alea whispers something.
  1508. [13:04] Errezila whispers something.
  1509. [13:04] Errezila whispers something.
  1510. [13:05] Alea whispers something.
  1511. [13:07] The dryad's initially sour mood had been reversed completely, a certain energy in his eyes with the scent of Kayn's blood filling his nostrils. It kept his lips into a permanent smile, and of course, having Lotlhuitl in his arms only added to the effect.
  1513. Sibri's arms wrapped tightly around her stomach with his chin perching against her neck, and he inhaled deep- enjoying her scent alongside the aftermath of a battle. "How kind of you, keh-keh," chimed from his lips, before he tipped forward to kiss against the side of her neck lightly.
  1515. His gaze went to Kayn right after- glancing from him to the medical kit. "You know-" The Dryad's hand lifted off of Lotl's stomach, rising slowly, "If someone saves your life, it's customary to thank them. Keeh..."
  1517. With the motion of his digits, the sin magi would feel his limbs go rigid and weak, each of them like a puppet on a string, straightening out. Standing. Forced to from the control Sibri had over his blood in his exhausted state.
  1519. Then he closed his eyes, satisfied, and returned to kissing Lotl's neck- down toward her collar bone, enjoying himself with a smile. He parted moments later, glancing up, "It is far, keh. We'll go there after we've made sure your children are safe."
  1520. (Sibri)
  1521. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1523. [13:12] Samael asks, "hmm....lute i do not know of this group but i know the masked woman and the sycth wielding idiot are in love they are tto be treated as ally's along with the purple haired one . do you understand?"
  1524. [13:12] Ixtana says, "Hmmh."
  1525. [13:12] Lute says, "Yes, SIr"
  1526. [13:21] As the medical kit was tossed towards Kayn, he'd catch the thing before putting it away. He watched in silence as Sibri placed a kiss on her neck. His gaze was intense, but there was nothing else he could do at this point. The Dryad then took control of his body, forcing him to stand upright in his weakened state before lecturing him on how to behave.
  1528. Once again, he went to kiss her and finally, he'd stop. He looked towards the Nagual and narrowed his gaze slightly. Remembering what she told him earlier, he'd take a page from her book now.
  1530. "I'm not thanking you.."
  1532. And with that, he'd walk off.
  1533. (Kayn Erudon)
  1534. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1536. [13:21] Sibri says, "...Not me, obviously. Keh."
  1537. [13:21] Ixtana says, "Hms."
  1538. [13:40] Whether Lotlhuitl had wanted to lean into Sibri, whether she'd wanted to snuggle against him as he kissed her neck, or whether she had not, she just didn't. But neither did she attempt to pull away. And considering her reluctance for public displays of affection, that was indeed something.
  1540. His arms were wrapped around her slender stomach, her waist. She smelt clean. Well, and of combat. She'd fought and been beaten down earlier today. Blood. Lightly singed fur? Jasmine? Grass.
  1542. She'd squirmed lightly as Sibri's lips brushed against her neck. A muffled, "nn," coming from behind the mask. Her eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
  1544. Opening in time to see Sibri puppet Kayn. Force him to stand up straight as he lectured him. Lotlhuitl didn't interrupt. She had saved Kayn's life. Sibri would have killed him. And to be honest? He wouldn't have even been unrighteous in that action. Kayn had attacked him.
  1546. The only reason Sibri had spared the wrathful young man was because she had asked that of him.
  1548. And silent, but staring at Kayn, she wanted him to know that.
  1550. Though, that stare was broken as Sibri returned to kissing her. The Nagual had made another sound, again muffled by her mask. Let out a tiny little "ah!" - possibly of embarrassment. Surprise. Almost a squeak, really.
  1552. Though, did she really mind?
  1554. Med kit handed over, Kayn seemingly held in place, she, well, forgot him a moment. Sibri would take her somewhere once her children were safe. "Ah, yes," she exhaled.
  1556. And then Kayn proclaimed that he wouldn't thank her.
  1558. Blink.
  1560. "Kayn. Where do you think you're going?" She hissed, distinctly alarmed.
  1561. (Lotlhuitl)
  1562. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1564. [13:41] Lotlhuitl says, "... ah.. whatever. Sibri, I'll be able to track him down later. He's not going to get far with those wounds.."
  1565. [13:44] Ixtana stepped back, beside herself and her rabbit at this scene. Granted, the young Nagual didn't turn tail and run off, but the weird petal things that still occasionally accompanied Sibri had her mesmerized. Ixtana stared over at Lotlhuitl.
  1566. (Ixtana)
  1567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1569. [13:44] A nod was given to that, and he was eager to get away with her, alone. His smiling lips touched the tip of her nose when he turned to face her, "You did well," Sibri chimed out, before taking her hand and tugging the Nagual elsewhere, "-Let's retire for the night, and search in the morning. Keh-keh."
  1570. (Sibri)
  1571. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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