

Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Messages:
  2. Config-Reload: '&7You have just reloaded the Config.yml'
  3. Not-An-Enchantment: '&cThat is not an enchantment'
  4. Right-Click-Black-Scroll: '&7Black scrolls will remove a random enchantment from your item.'
  5. Need-More-XP-Lvls: '&cYou need &6%XP% &cmore XP Lvls.'
  6. Need-More-Total-XP: '&cYou need &6%XP% &cmore Total XP.'
  7. Need-More-Money: '&cYou are in need of &a$%Money_Needed%&c.'
  8. Hit-Enchantment-Max: '&cYou have hit the max amount of enchantment an item can have.'
  9. Inventory-Full: '&cYour inventory is too full. Please open up some space to buy that.'
  10. Tinker-Inventory-Full: '&cThe inventory is full. Sell all or remove items.'
  11. Tinker-Sold-Msg: '&7Thank you for trading at &7&lThe &4&lCrazy &c&lTinkerer&7.'
  12. Players-Only: '&cOnly players can use this command.'
  13. No-Perm: '&cYou do not have permission to use that command!'
  14. Not-Online: '&cThat player is not online at this time.'
  15. Remove-Enchantment: '&7You have removed the enchantment &a%Enchantment% &7from this item.'
  16. Doesnt-Have-Enchantment: '&cYour item does not contain the enchantment &6%Enchantment%&c.'
  17. Doesnt-Have-Item-In-Hand: '&cYou must have an item in your hand.'
  18. Not-A-Number: '&c%Arg% is not a number.'
  19. Get-Success-Dust: '&7You have gained &a%Amount% &7Success Dust.'
  20. Give-Success-Dust: '&7You have given &a%Amount% &7Success Dust to &6%Player%&7.'
  21. Get-Destroy-Dust: '&7You have gained &a%Amount% &7Destroy Dust.'
  22. Give-Destroy-Dust: '&7You have given &a%Amount% &7Destroy Dust to &6%Player%&7.'
  23. Not-A-Category: '&6%Category% &cis not a category.'
  24. Clean-Lost-Book: '&7You have just cleaned a lost book and found %Found%&7.'
  25. Book-Works: '&aYour item loved this book and accepted it.'
  26. Book-Failed: '&cYour item must not have liked that enchantment.'
  27. Item-Destroyed: '&cOh no the destroy rate was too much for the item.'
  28. Item-Was-Protected: '&cLuckily your item was blessed with Devine Protection and didnt break.'
  29. Give-Protection-Crystal: '&7You have just given %Player% %Amount% Protection Crystals.'
  30. Get-Protection-Crystal: '&7You have gained %Amount% Protection Crystals.'
  31. Break-Enchantment-Shop-Sign: '&cYou have just removed a Crazy Enchantment Shop Sign.'
  32. Send-Enchantment-Book: '&7You have sent &6%Player% &7an Crazy Enchantment Book.'
  33. Not-A-GKit: '&c%Kit% is not a GKit.'
  34. Still-In-Cooldown: '&cYou still have %Day%d %Hour%h %Minute%m %Second%s cooldown left on %Kit%&c.'
  35. Given-GKit: '&7You have just given &6%Player%&7 a %Kit%&7 GKit.'
  36. Received-GKit: '&7You have just received a %Kit%&7 GKit.'
  37. No-GKit-Permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use the %Kit% GKit.'
  38. InfoGUI:
  39. Categories-Info:
  40. Back:
  41. Right: '&7&l<<&b&lBack'
  42. Left: '&b&lBack&7&l>>'
  43. Helmets:
  44. Name: '&e&lHelmet Enchantments'
  45. Lore:
  46. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  47. - '&a- Leather Helmet'
  48. - '&a- Chain Helmet'
  49. - '&a- Gold Helmet'
  50. - '&a- Iron Helmet'
  51. - '&a- Diamond Helmet'
  52. Boots:
  53. Name: '&e&lBoot Enchantments'
  54. Lore:
  55. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  56. - '&a- Leather Boots'
  57. - '&a- Chain Boots'
  58. - '&a- Gold Boots'
  59. - '&a- Iron Boots'
  60. - '&a- Diamond Boots'
  61. Armor:
  62. Name: '&e&lArmor Enchantments'
  63. Lore:
  64. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  65. - '&a- Leather Armor'
  66. - '&a- Chain Armor'
  67. - '&a- Gold Armor'
  68. - '&a- Iron Armor'
  69. - '&a- Diamond Armor'
  70. Bow:
  71. Name: '&e&lBow Enchantments'
  72. Lore:
  73. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  74. - '&a- Bow'
  75. Sword:
  76. Name: '&e&lSword Enchantments'
  77. Lore:
  78. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  79. - '&a- Wooden Sword'
  80. - '&a- Stone Sword'
  81. - '&a- Gold Sword'
  82. - '&a- Iron Sword'
  83. - '&a- Diamond Sword'
  84. Axe:
  85. Name: '&e&lAxe Enchantments'
  86. Lore:
  87. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  88. - '&a- Wooden Axe'
  89. - '&a- Stone Axe'
  90. - '&a- Gold Axe'
  91. - '&a- Iron Axe'
  92. - '&a- Diamond Axe'
  93. Tool:
  94. Name: '&e&lTool Enchantments'
  95. Lore:
  96. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  97. - '&a- All Pickaxes'
  98. - '&a- All Axes'
  99. - '&a- All Shovels'
  100. - '&a- All Hoes'
  101. Pickaxe:
  102. Name: '&e&lPickaxe Enchantments'
  103. Lore:
  104. - '&cEnchantable Items:'
  105. - '&a- Wooden Pickaxe'
  106. - '&a- Stone Pickaxe'
  107. - '&a- Gold Pickaxe'
  108. - '&a- Iron Pickaxe'
  109. - '&a- Diamond Pickaxe'
  110. Misc:
  111. Name: '&e&lMisc Enchantments'
  112. Lore:
  113. - '&aRead enchantment to'
  114. - '&aSee enchantable Items.'
  115. Other:
  116. Name: '&e&lOther Info'
  117. Lore:
  118. - '&cInfo on these items:'
  119. - '&a- The Tinkerer'
  120. - '&a- Scrolls'
  121. - '&a- Magic Dust'
  122. - '&a- Black Smith'
  123. BlackSmith:
  124. - '&7Do you have an enchantment on your item you want leveled up?'
  125. - '&7Or level up your book because you have to many low level ones?'
  126. - '&7The Black Smith is just for you. It acts just like an Anvil but for'
  127. - '&7Custom Enchantments. All you do is throw 2 items or books in and BLAMO,'
  128. - '&7You can easily level up your old low level enchantments.'
  129. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Only works on Custom Enchantments. Will not add Vanilla Enchantments to new Item.'
  130. Black-Scroll:
  131. - '&7Do you have an enchantment on your item you dont want?'
  132. - '&7Well Black Scrolls are here to help you remove that enchantment.'
  133. - '&7All you need to do is put the Black Scroll on your cursor and then.'
  134. - '&7Drag and drop it on the item and BLAMO. It takes a random enchantment off,'
  135. - '&7And turns it into a normal enchantment book. Easy way to add new better enchantments.'
  136. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Only works on Custom Enchantments.'
  137. White-Scroll:
  138. - '&7Have a item that is precious to you and dont want it to,'
  139. - '&7Break because of Destroy Rate? Well this scroll allows you to,'
  140. - '&7Protect or precious item and not let it break. Well your in luck,'
  141. - '&7White Scrolls add a &b&lPROTECTED &7lore to your item to stop it from,'
  142. - '&7Destroying your precious item. If the book tries to break your item it removes,'
  143. - '&7The &b&lPROTECTED &7lore from your item and must add a new White Scroll to the item.'
  144. Tinker:
  145. - '&7Just raided a big base and have a lot of useless enchanted items?'
  146. - '&7Want to get rid of them but not just throw them in lava or at a cactus?'
  147. - '&7Well with &7&lThe &c&lCrazy &4&lTinkerer &7you can recycle those items,'
  148. - '&7For XP bottles which you can then use to get new enchantments from the Enchanter'
  149. - '&7The tinkerer also takes Enchantment books and will give you Mystery Dust which you'
  150. - '&7Right click to receive either Success Dust or Destroy Dust.'
  151. - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7Trading in books only works with Custom Enchanted Books.'
  152. Success-Dust:
  153. - '&7Do you have an enchantment book with sucky Success Rate?'
  154. - '&7Well this dust can really help you bring the success rate up.'
  155. - '&7Drag and drop the dust on an enchantment book and BLAMO.'
  156. - '&7It will increase your success rate by the percent the book says.'
  157. Destroy-Dust:
  158. - '&7Have an enchantment book with a high Destroy Rate?'
  159. - '&7Well this dust allows you to bring that destroy rate down.'
  160. - '&7Drag and drop the dust on an enchantment book and BLAMO.'
  161. - '&7It will decrease your destroy rate by the percent the book says.'
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