
Jian - Jinlong, Swords and Yamato

Feb 16th, 2014
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  1. [17:28] <Deedles> Lifen and Rin were sat in the kitchen of Jian and his mother's home, both with a steaming cup of tea in front of them as they spoke quietly.
  2. [17:30] <Earthflame> Jian had walked slowly, letting his thoughts settle, and he's calmed down by the time he gets back, knocking at the doorframe before stepping into the room. "Good morning, Mother, Rin."
  3. [17:32] <Deedles> "Jian." His mother looked up at him as he entered, smiling faintly. Rin turned around to look at him, studying him from top to toe now when things were a bit calmer.
  4. [17:32] <Earthflame> "Meilin and Taishin are... They need some time, I think." He takes a seat at the table, glancing between the two of them. "I only heard in brief... What is the state of the Clan?"
  5. [17:36] <Deedles> "We're all part of Black Lotus, even though a lot of us don't wish to be. As a clan we're divide, half who wish to follow Yamato and the other half that don't, which is made up either of people like me who joined the White Peony in secret, or people who are too afraid to do anything at all." Rin explained to him as she shook her head with a frown "It's a sorry state, not much of a clan."
  6. [17:37] <Earthflame> He nods. "How spread out is the Clan? Is it mostly focused in Jinlong?"
  7. [17:39] <Deedles> "It's mostly focused in Jinlong, though sometimes we're assigned to go to different towns for various reasons, but it's never for long." She answered
  8. [17:42] <Earthflame> "...I must go to Jinlong within two weeks. If we do not, the mother of one of Yoshi's friends will be executed. And if we go, we go in force." He looks to Rin. "If you leave a few days ahead, could you arrange a meeting, of those in the Clan not under the sway of the Black Lotus? We will need all the help we can get..."
  9. [17:43] <Deedles> Rin looked at him with a questioning gaze "You think you'll be leaving so long from now? That masked guy didn't seem like he was planning on doing any waiting around."
  10. [17:48] <Earthflame> He pauses, and nods. "Maybe... I think Taishin and Meilin need some time, though. And rushing out without properly preparing is foolishness, not courage."
  11. [17:49] <Deedles> "Don't say that to me, say that to him." Rin replied shortly, Lifen raising an eyebrow, but saying nothing as she drank some of her tea.
  12. [17:51] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "Of course... Forgive me. I will do what I can. But... Do you think there is a chance? That if I present myself to the Clan, and show the blade..."
  13. [18:12] <Deedles> "I know that there are plenty who would join you. I can't say for certain how many, but I certainly know that it wouldn't be the whole clan, even if some would hesitate to stand against you, even if they wouldn't side with you." Rin told him honestly as she looked at him.
  14. [18:13] <Earthflame> He nods. "I had wanted to wait until challenging Yamato... But I might be forced to it. Still, we cannot survive a sustained battle... The Spirits must be freed."
  15. [18:15] <Deedles> "It wouldn't be wise heading into the Capitol wishing to fight your way with an army. Better to bring a small group and try to get in and out as fast as possible." Rin said, before going quiet as she sipped at her tea.
  16. [18:17] <Earthflame> He nods. "Could those True Blades in the clan help us more subtly, then? We could penetrate their defences through the allowance the Black Lotus gives you."
  17. [18:23] <Deedles> Rin nodded slowly as she looked thoughtful "That should be possible, it could mean blowing our cover and having to hide from the Black Lotus, but if me and some others who are with the White Peony are on guard that night we'd be able to let you in and out quietly, so you'd be gone with Usagi Tatsuo before anyone could catch wind of what's going on. I think it should be possible at least..." she tapped her lips lightly.
  18. [18:25] <Earthflame> He nods. "...We would need to find a place for you to be safe, though. The White Peony does it's best, but their resources are limited."
  19. [18:29] <Deedles> Rin waved a hand at him "Don't worry about me and my friends, you've got enough on your plate as it is from what I hear."
  20. [18:31] <Earthflame> He shakes his head. "If I am to hope to honour the spirit of my father and strive to retake the leadership of the clan, I must think of you. As you say, there are few blades left, shining amidst the dark petals of the Black Lotus... If they are snuffed out, all hope for the clan is lost."
  21. [18:31] <Earthflame> *bright blades
  22. [18:43] <Deedles> "You underestimate us, Jian Weijun." Rin told him with a faint smirk. Lifen's quirked "He's just stepping into the role of Clan Leader." she replied to the young swordswoman. Rin glanced at her "I know, but, I also know that there is much for him to do before he can come and stay in Jinlong, until then we will hide, and we will survive."
  23. [18:44] <Earthflame> Jian raises his hands, knuckles against open palm, and bows to her. "I will put my faith in you. Survive, and be ready for my return."
  24. [18:45] <Deedles> "We will be, that I can promise." Rin said as she smiled at Jian.
  25. [18:46] <Earthflame> He nods. "...There was another thing I wished to ask you... Both of you." He glances between them. "What kind of swordsman is Yamato? What strength did he use to kill my father... And how much stronger has he become?"
  26. [18:51] <Deedles> "He is quick and powerful." Lifen replied as she looked down at her tea "Your father and he fought on even ground until he got a lucky blow." Rin pondered "He's a very powerful Metal user. I can't think of anyone who could match his power in the clan."
  27. [18:51] <Earthflame> "Is he Corrupt?"
  28. [18:54] <Deedles> "No, he's very keen on the 'purity' of the Clan. He doesn't allow anyone to become a Corrupt user, and those who do he kicks out of the Clan. They'll usually still be part of Black Lotus, but they're no longer a Dancing Sword member." Rin explained to him.
  29. [18:55] <Earthflame> He frowns. "...Then how does he justify collaborating with the Lotus?"
  30. [18:55] <Deedles> "They're not Dancing Sword Clan, in his eyes they're not the same."
  31. [18:57] <Earthflame> "And... He considers that a fitting fate? To become lackeys of the Corrupt? To forget the souls of their swords?"
  32. [18:58] <Deedles> "He hasn't forgotten the soul of his sword, that much is for certain." Rin told him as she looked across at him. "And he obviously has motives to not stay where we currently are, but the direction he's taking the clan..." she shook her head. "I can't agree with it."
  33. [18:59] <Earthflame> "What direction is that?"
  34. [19:00] <Deedles> "Working for nobles and an Emperor that are obviously corrupt, and I don't mean just corrupt chi users, those I have nothing against. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't of come here with Taishin." Rin answered
  35. [19:01] <Earthflame> He nods again. "...Would he resist a true heir, taking her place on the throne?"
  36. [19:02] <Deedles> Rin rubbed her chin as she pondered on that for a moment. "No, I think he'd be quite happy with that, actually."
  37. [19:02] <Earthflame> ...Jian clenches his fist. "...This complicates things."
  38. [19:03] <Deedles> Rin peered at him, as did his mother.
  39. [19:04] <Earthflame> "...Slaying a dark swordsman who murdered my father is easy. But... If he is not lost. If he acted for reasons he felt was right, and made the decisions he felt had to be made... I have the right of bloodline to challenge him. But would it truly be justice?"
  40. [19:09] <Deedles> "A challenge isn't about justice, or revenge, a challenge is an honourable way to battle for power. A fair duel between two parties, and that's it." Rin said, Lifen nodding slowly.
  41. [19:10] <Earthflame> Jian nods as well. "...Then I must treat him as my equal. As much as it might seem distasteful... But from the sound of it, some could say his sword is purer than mine..."
  42. [19:11] <Deedles> "His sword is definetly pure metal." Rin nodded, at which point Lifen spoke. "But the Yin Yang blade is one of balance. Balance is pure because without balance there is chaos."
  43. [19:11] <Earthflame> "Does he have Sword Chi?"
  44. [19:11] <Earthflame> Jian gestures, his Chi Blade shimmering in the air.
  45. [19:12] <Deedles> "I believe so." Rin answered, but didn't look entirely sure.
  46. [19:13] <Earthflame> He nods slowly. "...I should hope to avoid him the first time I am in Jinlong. It could complicate matters."
  47. [19:13] <Deedles> "He never spends much time around the nobles, so I don't think there'll be much risk of that." Rin said as she pushed back some of her blond hair.
  48. [19:28] <Earthflame> He nods... And looks towards Rin. "Is he a good man?"
  49. [19:29] <Deedles> "Yamato...?" Rin looked conflicted at that, unsure of how to answer.
  50. [19:39] <Earthflame> He nods, giving her time.
  51. [19:47] <Deedles> "I guess in the eyes of some he would be, but I just see him as an extremist. True, that he believes that he's doing what's right, but I personally find him to be a bit of a hypocrit." Rin finally answered after a while of thinking.
  52. [19:49] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "...It must come to a test of swords, in the end."
  53. [19:56] <Deedles> "As it should be." Rin stated, Lifen remaining quiet as she nodded.
  54. [20:00] <Earthflame> Jian smiles softly. "Indeed." He reaches for the teapot, to pour himself a cup.
  55. [20:03] <Deedles> Rin looked down at her cup, drinking the last of her tea before she slowly rose to her feet. "I think I'm going to have a look around the village while I can." she stated, a hand casually resting on the hilt of her blade.
  56. [20:06] <Earthflame> Jian nods with a smile. "Enjoy it. It is a special place."
  57. [20:10] <Deedles> "I got that feeling..." Rin replied with a faint laugh, placing a closed fist against her palm before bowing to Lifen and then Jian. "Speak to you later." she said, before straightening and exiting the house.
  58. [20:11] <Earthflame> Jian waits until she's left before turning to his mother. "...I was expecting to face another monster. Not a man..."
  59. [20:12] <Deedles> "Men and women can be monsters, but so can people we originally think to be monsters turn out to simply be mortals." Lifen answered calmly as she gave him a sympathetic look.
  60. [20:13] <Earthflame> He nods, looking contemplative. "...Sword against Sword. I have never truly fought against someone with a blade in their heart..." He looks to her. "I have trained with you, almost every day... But training is different to battle."
  61. [20:15] <Deedles> "That's why I never went easy on you." Lifen told him, silently drinking some of her tea, before refilling her cup.
  62. [20:16] <Earthflame> "And I thank you for it."
  63. [21:51] <Deedles> "Just thank me by coming back alive, okay?" His mother said with a serious look
  64. [21:52] <Earthflame> He nods, and gives her his best attempt at a confident smile. "I will, mother... But it may be you coming to me. If the Clan is redeemed, you could return to it... To our home."
  65. [21:54] <Deedles> Lifen looked thoughtful at that "We'll have to see, the future of the Clan is in your hands." she concluded.
  66. [21:54] <Earthflame> "My hopes will guide my blade."
  67. [21:56] <Deedles> She nodded as she smiled faintly "Then I have faith that all will be well." she replied, having a slow drink of her tea.
  68. [21:57] <Earthflame> He nods. "...Do you think it would be wise, to contact the Clan when we go to Jinlong?"
  69. [22:04] <Deedles> Lifen pondered on that before sighing faintly "Making your presence known could be good for moral among the members that do not wish to follow Yamato, but at the same time Rin will be informing them of you when she returns. Meanwhile letting yourself be known before you plan to actually do something could drawn unwanted attention." she rubbed her chin slightly "I think it's really down to what you wish to achieve."
  70. [22:07] <Earthflame> He nods. "If we can find another way into the Jade City it would be best."
  71. [22:08] <Deedles> "I imagine such things will best be decided when you're in Jinlong and can use everyone's combined knowledge." His mother replied calmly
  72. [22:10] <Earthflame> He nods. "Can you tell me about Jinlong? Where we used to live? I only saw a little of the city when I passed through."
  73. [22:12] <Deedles> "The head-quarters of the Dancing Sword Clan is in the Jade City, so we lived there, close to the Northern Wing of the outer ring of Jinlong, since that's where most clan members lived." Lifen told him, a faint smile of somber nostalgia on her lips as she spoke about it.
  74. [22:14] <Earthflame> He nods. "I never saw the Jade City..."
  75. [22:15] <Deedles> "Loads of mansions and estates, owned either by noble families or Clans. It's quite pretty, a lot of parks."
  76. [22:18] <Earthflame> "I should like to see it, in a happier time."
  77. [22:21] <Deedles> "The way things are going I'm certain that you will." Lifen said with a confident nod.
  78. [22:24] <Earthflame> He smiles at that, reaching for his own teacup and taking a drink. "Thank you... I think I will rest, for a little. Still, I must go check in on Meilin and Taishin later..."
  79. [22:26] <Deedles> His mother nodded "Don't worry too much about them, Jian. Your mentor is strong, and from what you told me I imagine Taishin is too."
  80. [22:27] <Earthflame> He nods. "I will stay focused... I know my own trials are more than enough."
  81. [22:29] <Deedles> "And yet you worry about everyone around you." Lifen commented with a faint smile "You've grown into a fine young man."
  82. [22:39] <Earthflame> He looks a little embarrased at that. "...You trained me well."
  83. [22:40] <Deedles> "I did the best I could, I imagine the Gentle Blade did the same, but all we could do was give you the tools, you yourself choose who to be." His mother said
  84. [22:41] <Earthflame> "I am 'Sword'." He speaks, in the tone of a mantra.
  85. [22:43] <Deedles> Lifen nodded as she looked across at him "Indeed you are."
  86. [22:45] <Earthflame> ...He yawns a bit. "...But this sword lay too little time in it's sheath last night. Don't let me rest too long?"
  87. [22:49] <Deedles> His mother uttered a quiet laugh "I'll be sure to wake you in a while." she promised him
  88. [22:50] <Earthflame> He stands, giving her a soft bow before taking a last sip of tea and slipping out of the room.
  89. [22:54] <Deedles> She waved quietly as he went, returning to her own thoughts as she was left on her own.
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