
Gamer-oo [Kangaroo; Gaming, Shyness] by Alfa_Barf's

Jan 7th, 2018
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  1. Gamer-oo [Kangaroo; Gaming, Shyness]: The best way to a kangaroo's heart is through her gaming console, as one Anon has to learn to get her to open up more.
  3. >You may like video games, but it’s nothing compared to Marsu’s obsession
  4. >The red kangaroo’s apartment is wall-to-wall game cases, boxes, and memorabilia, with some impressively rare findings
  5. >She’s not just a collector, but also pretty good at them to boot
  6. >Growing up with several brothers meant she always had someone to play with
  7. >But as she got older and moved out she began to isolate herself
  8. >You’ve always been good friends, so when one of her brothers asked you to get her to be more social you knew you couldn’t leave her all alone
  9. >Of course, this meant getting through to her using the thing she loves most
  10. >You’ve gone to spectate at local competitions for her
  11. >You’ve waited in lines for midnight releases with her
  12. >You’re always her go-to partner for multiplayer games
  13. >At first you were a little worried she was just seeing you as a training target or a body to hold her spot in lines
  14. >After a while you started to think she might actually enjoy your company
  15. >”Anon! Whatareyoudoingtomorrow?” she shouted into your ear during a phone call
  16. >Probably hanging out with her
  17. >”EEEE-GREAT! The new Rumble Mates comes out tomorrow, and I want to do the co-op campaign with you! It’s my favorite series!”
  18. >Guess you better get an early night’s sleep
  20. >Marsu’s ready to play the moment you arrive at her place
  21. >She had raced over to the game store the second it opened to pick up her reservation, knowing you probably wouldn’t be so eager to join her so early
  22. >”Hey”, she says breathlessly as you make your way to her “battle station”
  23. >You do a double take when you first see her
  24. >She’s wearing a pretty small hooded sweatshirt and loose shorts, but her gut is bulging out obscenely
  25. >It takes a moment for you to notice she’s just using her pouch to carry all the snacks and drinks she isn’t able to carry in her arms
  26. >She unloads everything next to the couch and hands you your controller
  27. >It basically is “your” controller, because even though she bought it herself she got it just for you to use
  28. >”A little something for my number one ‘player two’!” Marsu said with a smile when she handed you the package
  29. >[RUMBLE MATES]!
  30. >Marsu is bouncing in her seat anxiously
  31. >You don’t know too much about Rumble Mates, but true to her word it definitely looks like the kangaroo’s favorite series
  32. >It dominates the motif of the room, with more posters and figurines than any other two games combined
  33. >”I’ll be Chrome Wolf, and you can be Knight Lion,” she says
  34. >You’ve long since learned to let Marsu call the shots when it comes to playing with her
  35. >You each take your respective heroine and the game starts to load
  36. >It’s hard to tell if the loud humming is coming from the console or her
  37. >The characters jump onto the screen and Marsu squeals in anticipation
  38. >It’s a pretty bog-standard beat ‘em up, though Rumble Mates has always been known for being difficult
  39. >Very difficult
  40. >Marsu tries explaining all the advanced moves she knows from the series in rapid secession
  41. >”...And if you have baddies in the 180-degree arc behind you BUT we’re both facing each other with enough Energy for at least a first level Super Stunt...”
  42. >You never get to apply this knowledge since she cleans up all the bad guys on the screen before you can hit anything
  43. >Your skill slowly improves, but you still get the impression Marsu has to carry you
  44. >She scowls when you do something fatal for both characters
  45. >And when your Lion Knight is the only one left you can see her look at your controller longingly
  46. >You ask if maybe she’d be better off doing the solo mode while you just watch her
  47. >”What? No! The heart of Rumble Mates is in the co-op!”
  48. >Her long ears fold back in shame
  49. >”I’m sorry, Anon. I didn’t mean to be so pushy. Please, you’ll get better!”
  50. >Well, at least she’s not yanking the controller out of your hands yet
  51. >Marsu calms down a bit, and the lower tension actually makes things go smoother
  52. >The two of you get into a steady rhythm, overcoming the game’s increasingly harder challenges
  53. >You scarf down food during cutscenes or loading times, building a small pile of bags and wrappers on the carpet
  54. >Bathroom breaks only come when a major chapter is over
  55. >You have to time your trips with Marsu’s, though, since she is too absorbed in the game to care much about her own bladder, let alone yours.
  56. >After a few hours you hear a loud chirping noise coming from the kangaroo’s phone
  57. >She glances at it with a whine, but continues playing
  58. >Must not be that important of a call?
  59. >”No, it’s...I’ll explain in a sec.”
  60. >It takes a little longer than “a sec” to beat the next key boss battle, but when it’s over Marsu puts down her controller
  61. >”Do you want to come with me for a quick walk?”
  62. >You’re a little surprised by her sudden lack of attention for the game
  63. >But as you stretch your stiff muscles the chance for a walk sounds wonderful
  65. >The walk is more like a brisk jog (or hop), so it seems that Marsu’s definitely eager to play the game some more
  66. >Honestly you’re amazed she didn’t want to just power through the whole thing in one sitting
  67. >”They say you should take a break after every hour of play,” she says as if reciting a script
  68. >The kangaroo sighs heavily
  69. >”A few years ago I had to go to the emergency room because I passed out from exhaustion after playing a day straight. My parents threatened to take everything away from me unless I promised to take frequent breaks. I still probably don’t get nearly enough exercise...”
  70. >After a few minutes, she slows down her pace a bit
  71. >”You know, I always feel obligated to take these walks, but...it’s kind of nice to have you with me, Anon.”
  72. >You feel the same way with her
  73. >Seems you’re also making some headway in getting her to open up more
  74. >Marsu looks to her pouch and fishes around in it
  75. >She pulls out a granola bar in shock
  76. >”O-oh, that’s embarrassing,” she says sheepishly, thrusting the snack into her sweatshirt pocket. “I thought I cleaned everything out.”
  77. >You suppose it’s natural for even anthros to feel self-conscious about their own biological quirks
  78. >Must be pretty nice to have a pouch like that, though
  79. >”Yeah, it’s super useful. I mean, when you’re not needing it to hold little joeys or anything.”
  80. >The two of you circle back around and start heading toward her place again
  81. >”Heh, you know how some humans and anthros stretch their ears out? There are kangaroos who do that to their pouches. Pretty crazy, huh?”
  82. >She tugs at her own as though she were snapping a waistband
  83. >”You could fit a grown adult in there like that. Imagine if I could carry you around on walks, or wrap you up like a blanket.”
  84. >Marsu stumbles over at her own words
  85. >”I-I mean, not YOU specifically, but just...hypothetically, you know? H-ha ha…”
  86. >She goes quiet for the rest of the walk
  88. >Marsu is back on the couch with a single bound
  89. >Getting some fresh air certainly helped clear your mind from stress
  90. >It also made you aware of the funk from sweat and food litter everywhere
  91. >The kangaroo probably has a tolerance to this kind of thing
  92. >The game continues getting more difficult, but once you learn each other’s strengths you get into a synchronous groove
  93. >It also means you start messing with each other a little more
  94. >”Hey! You didn’t need the health pack! You have a freaking LANCE, and I have to get up there with a claw!”
  95. >You pull the, “I don’t know how to play” card, and that sets her off even more
  96. >”No, stop! Cut it out!”
  97. >She’s too preoccupied to grab your controller, so instead she uses her feet
  98. >A large paw is shoved into your face as she tries to distract you
  99. >It works, but more from the tickle of her furry toes than from having your vision obstructed
  100. >Even when you aren’t at each other’s throats anymore, Marsu keeps her leg up on you in a trance
  101. >It can’t be that comfortable for her, right?
  102. >You almost want to take a peek now that her shorts have ridden up a bit
  103. >You know she’d sooner chastise you for taking your eyes off the game than sneaking a look at her underwear
  104. >Or lack thereof
  105. >The end is in sight, and it’s obvious you’re nearing the final boss
  106. >You try to take a swig of your drink, but Marsu’s leg drops at the worst possible moment
  107. >She knocks it out of your hand and soon your side of the couch is soaked
  108. >”Crap!” she says. “I’m so sorry!”
  109. >You look around for some napkins or towels, but she points urgently at the screen
  110. >”No time, I’ll just clean it up later!”
  111. >You still need some place to sit
  112. >The floor?
  113. >”No, wait, it’s too gross to sit down there!”
  114. >She’s not wrong; you two kind of made the floor disappear under all the junk food
  115. >”Um, uh...here, just sit here!”
  116. >The kangaroo scoots back in her seat as far as she can, leaving you some room to sit down
  117. >On her lap
  118. >Knowing Marsu, she’s dead serious about it
  119. >Whatever it takes to save the world, right?
  120. >You take your position and Marsu wraps her arms around you so she can still hold her controller, looking over your shoulder
  121. >It’s the ultimate showdown, and as much as you’re trying to focus on the boss battle you’re too aware of the senses around you
  122. >The vibration of the controllers, Marsu’s deep breathing on your neck…
  123. >Your goal extends beyond just beating the game
  124. >You want to impress her, to make her happy
  125. >When it all comes down to you to deliver the final blow, she’s leaning into your back
  126. >You can feel her heartbeat
  127. >And you don’t even realize you’ve won by the time she drops her controller and gives you a spine-crushing victory hug
  128. >”We did it!”
  129. >Marsu’s rocking you side to side
  130. >The ending credits go largely ignored, until they end unceremoniously
  131. >”So, that’s it...” she says dejectedly. “We beat the whole thing in a single day.”
  132. >You can’t see her face from the way you’re sitting, but you imagine it’s full of disappointment
  133. >”I thought it would last longer. I...really wanted it to. I was looking forward to this day for a while now.”
  134. >You try to twist your head, but there’s only so far it can go with her muzzle stopping you
  135. >”I just wanted to spend the whole day with you, Anon.”
  136. >It’s already mid afternoon, you still thought the two of you would be playing late into the night
  137. >You put one hand over her interlocking arms and the other on her sturdy thigh
  138. >That’s all the encouragement she needs to turn you around and plant her lips on yours
  139. >She’s still an awkward, nerdy ‘roo at heart, but even her inexperienced kisses are full of the same drive as any game she plays
  140. >She gives little squeaks as she digs into your mouth, but it’s endearing to listen to
  141. >The two of you pull away with a little embarrassment, but also relief
  142. >Now you know what kind of feelings she really has for you
  143. >And already you can feel the years of isolation break away
  144. >”Um, Anon.”
  145. >Marsu shifts her legs around, hanging them off the couch
  146. >”Maybe we can go for another walk? And...”
  147. >She takes your hand and slowly brings it back
  148. >To her pouch
  149. >”I know we’ve been on the couch all day, but when we can back maybe we can try something different...”
  150. >Your hand slides into her stomach fold, and then…
  151. >Hits something hard and plastic?
  152. >”Maybe we could watch a movie instead!”
  153. >You pull out the DVD case
  154. >[Rumble Mates: THE MOVIE]
  155. >Wow
  156. >What a nerd
  160. [[ Gamer-oo Two ]]
  162. >With a little coaxing, you’ve finally managed to get your red kangaroo gamer girlfriend Marsu out of the house more often
  163. >A chance to go to new places and try new things
  164. >Predictably, she just wants to go and play games
  165. >So the two of you are heading to Buck and Blaster’s for a day of arcade fun
  166. >At the very least it has a variety of interactive and physical games to get her off her (cute) butt and be more active
  167. >It seems cruel to push her like that, but it’s also entirely her idea
  168. >She has good intentions, just not the willpower to act on them yet
  169. >She has admitted several times she needs more exercise, and you’re willing to help her out
  170. >Even if that means taking VERY small steps to get her there
  171. >The place is just as much of a bar and restaurant as it is an arcade
  172. >The beeps and chimes of the game machines mix with the rowdy merriment of the diners
  173. >This is Marsu’s element
  174. >She’s hopping on her heels in excitement as you pay for your cover fees
  175. >It’s a good thing you had a filling lunch, because it’s obvious the kangaroo isn’t going to sit and eat until she gets some entertainment in first
  176. >It’s so overwhelming she can’t even decide what to start with first
  177. >When she does, it isn’t even a game
  178. >It’s the prize counter
  179. >Hunting for the perfect trophy and making a goal to get it
  180. >Sitting on the top shelf is a small all-in-one game console, preloaded with an assortment of classic games
  181. >Her eyes sparkle and her mouth hangs open
  182. >”That!” she squeals. “That’s what I’m working for!”
  183. >Why that?
  184. >Marsu already owns the real copies of all those included games
  185. >Multiple copies, too
  186. >”B-but…this is more compact! And it’s a collector’s item!”
  187. >Alright, whatever
  188. >It’s only...400,000 tickets!?
  189. >”I’m already almost halfway there!” she says, stifling a whine and holding up a plastic card stamped with the Buck and Blaster’s logo
  190. >You’re a little concerned how long it took her to even get “almost halfway”
  191. >”Well…if we, um, pool our tickets it’ll go faster. And we’ll share it anyway!”
  192. >It still seems like a bit of a waste
  193. >But as long as she has something to motivate her, then you’ll throw your earnings in as well to help her get it
  194. >Marsu lunges forward and pulls you into a hug
  195. >She’s acting like you already won the game system
  196. >”It’s as good as ours!” she laughs
  197. >She skips over to a reload machine and slips some money inside
  198. >The number of bills she puts in makes you even more worried now
  199. >When she returns to you she thrusts a plastic card into your chest
  200. >”Don’t lose this,” she says sternly
  201. >Yikes
  202. >Her expression softens back to her eager cheer
  203. >”What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
  205. >Marsu drags you around the arcade as she analyzes the machines
  206. >Many of them display their current “jackpot” payouts and she’s on the prowl for the biggest winners
  207. >Unfortunately, many of the games are already filled up
  208. >The kangaroo girl makes frustrated noises as she tries to find a vacant game
  209. >”Let’s start with that one!”
  210. >It’s a simple light game; stop the lights on the right bulb to win big
  211. >The jackpot is up to a few hundred, which doesn’t seem all that impressive considering how far you have to go
  212. >”Yeah, but this will be a fast win,” Marsu says. “I’m great at these! You’ll win almost every time once you have the technique down…”
  213. >She slams the butter down, just one bulb shy of the jackpot
  214. >A few pity tickets spit out
  215. >”Just a warm-up…”
  216. >She slides her card in to pay more credits and hits the button again
  217. >And again
  218. >5 tickets
  219. >4 tickets
  220. >4 tickets
  221. >2 tickets…
  222. >Every time she tries, she gets a little angrier and a little worse
  223. >”Crap it all!” she pouts. “Why don’t you try it?”
  224. >Now you’re almost afraid what will happen if you win instead of her
  225. >”Use your fingertips, not your palm. The light is slightly behind the computer trigger, so it’s better to hit it too soon rather than too la—“
  227. >First try
  228. >The machine flashes wildly as the stream of tickets pours out
  229. >Ooh, she doesn’t look happy
  230. >Marsu grabs you tightly, rubbing her body against yours
  231. >A…victory hug?
  232. >”I’m taking back the good luck I accidently gave you,” she mutters
  233. >When the tickets stop coming out you grab them and begin to hastily fold them into a neat little stack
  234. >Marsu rips off a chunk from your stream
  235. >”That’s going to take forever!”
  236. >She lifts up her sweatshirt far enough for you to see her bare stomach
  237. >Then she stuffs the tickets into her pouch and gives them a pat for safekeeping
  238. >Guess she can hang onto them for the both of you
  239. >There are still more light games with some respectable jackpots, and you make your rounds harvesting them all
  240. >Marsu manages to score the big wins more often than you now
  241. >She sticks her tongue out with each victory
  242. >Wasn’t this supposed to be a joint effort?
  243. >”These are still GAMES, duh. There has to be a winner, after all!”
  244. >Good lord, this is Rumble Mates all over again
  245. >Speaking of which, Marsu eyes an arcade cabinet for her favorite game series lined up among other “legacy machines”
  246. >”Anon! How about a few quick levels?”
  247. >You have to remind the kangaroo what your mission is
  248. >These types of games don’t even give out tickets
  249. >Marsu tugs on her ears
  250. >”Ooohhh, fine.”
  251. >She looks around and another old machine catches her eye
  252. >Before you can stop her, she’s already bounding over to it in large paces
  253. >”I remember this one!” she gasps
  254. >It’s a simple whack-a-dino game
  255. >The mallet looks pretty badly damaged, and one of the dinosaur heads can’t go back down the hole all the way
  256. >”My dad was a pro at this one. He could get the high score with a slice of pizza in the other hand! Then he’d put me on top and I’d stomp on all the dinos with my feet!”
  257. >No wonder they look broken
  258. >Marsu swipes her card to load on the credits
  259. >Up pop the dinos, and down comes the mallet
  260. >Her efforts seem to be held back by some childhood nostalgia
  261. >Rather than fast, calculated motions she’s flailing around like crazy
  262. >She does a little jump each time she strikes a dino
  263. >Her total is nowhere near the high score after the last dino burrows back down
  264. >Only a short strip of tickets comes out
  265. >Marsu gives you an embarrassed look as she tucks them into her pouch
  266. >”Maybe we should find some other games to play…”
  268. >It’s hard to keep Marsu from getting sidetracked
  269. >She keeps gravitating back to the high-risk, low-payout games
  270. >Skee ball, roulette, button-tapping games…
  271. >You’re never going to get all the tickets you need at this rate
  272. >But after a while you realize something
  273. >She’s having fun, and that’s what you came here for
  274. >Getting that game system was technically HER goal, but you’ve been more focused on it than she has
  275. >You already met your own goal by getting her out of the house
  276. >”Anon, we have to try it!”
  277. >Your gaze follows where she’s pointing: a “Stompin’ Beat Beat” machine
  278. >Arrows on the floor glow invitingly
  279. >Again, no prize tickets for playing this sort of thing
  280. >But at least it’ll be good exercise
  281. >”I got in pretty good shape when I was younger playing SBB,” Marsu says, wiggling her hips
  282. >That’s one way to get fit, you guess
  283. >Marsu puts a paw on her belly
  284. >”Yeah, I...was kind of a chubby kid. Getting a workout from the arcades was easier than going to a gym. Not as many people to judge you...”
  285. >She swipes her card and the playlist scrolls by
  286. >There’s a lot of music you’ve never heard of
  287. >That’s not the case for Marsu
  288. >She oohs and ahhs with each press of the button
  289. >Finally she settles on some obscure pop group and picks her difficulty
  290. >It’s a bit higher than what you pick
  291. >You’re not even sure her difficulty is possible for a human’s anatomy
  292. >Marsu zips herself up to keep everything in her pouch from flying all around, then hops in place for the countdown
  293. >The game starts, and the screen is flooded with arrows
  294. >At least on half the screen
  295. >You can still see the background as your cluster of arrows fly upward, while Marsu’s side is completely filled
  296. >Her long legs thump furiously on the platform, hitting each arrow flawlessly
  297. >It’s a little distracting, and most of the challenge for you comes from trying to drown out her commotion
  298. >A few times you feel a gush of wind as the kangaroo’s tail whips by
  299. >You dodge out of the way just as a powerful swipe nearly takes out your legs
  300. >The music subsides and the last arrow floats off
  301. >That…could have gone better
  302. >Your failing score kicks you out of the next round while Marsu takes the center of the platform
  303. >”You did…h-hah…you did good,” she pants. “Now let me…let me show you how it’s done!”
  304. >The next round begins and the screen fills up with arrows once more
  305. >This time, Marsu’s tackling both sides at once
  306. >Dancing and grooving with expert precision
  307. >An audience starts to form around you to watch Marsu hit note after note
  308. >Your attention is focused less on the game and more on Marsu
  309. >Her thighs flex, her chest bounces around, and her tail seems to lift up whenever she has her back to you
  310. >You’re the only one not looking at the screen
  311. >Sudden applause snaps you out of the trance
  312. >The onlookers are cheering Marsu on as she wheezes for air
  313. >You manage to grab her just in time as she stumbles back against you
  314. >She squirms around in your arms, a little startled by her fall until she realizes it’s just you
  315. >She rubs her snout against your face, babbling incoherently
  316. >Might be a good time for a break…
  318. >You and your kangaroo girlfriend refuel in the restaurant side of Buck and Blaster’s
  319. >She scarfs down nachos and chugs down a really colorful, fruity drink
  320. >Marsu is a major lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and it doesn’t take her long to loosen up
  321. >She’s flicking chip crumbs and blowing straw wrappers at you
  322. >Once she expends all of her ammunition, she resorts to other antics
  323. >At first she just smiles dreamily at you as distraction
  324. >Then you feel her fuzzy toes work their way up your legs to your stomach
  325. >You grab her foot and she begins laughing as you tickle it
  326. >”N-no! S-stop!” she snorts
  327. >Anyone who doesn’t see what’s going on under the table is probably thinking the kangaroo girl has just gone crazy
  328. >When she settles down and sobers up a bit, Marsu takes out her pile of tickets and untangles them
  329. >”Seems like we still have a ways to go,” she sighs. “I guess we should probably get back out there soon...”
  330. >It’s not like you’re under a time constraint though, right?
  331. >It’s only early in the evening, and she can always just load the tickets up on her card again to hang on to for next time
  332. >Marsu looks like you just told her you’re taking all her games away for good
  333. >”B-b-but...the system! What if it’s not there the next time we come?”
  334. >With a ticket cost that steep, you doubt there’s anyone who’s going to be cashing in on it in the next few days
  335. >The two of you can always come back later in the week
  336. >Marsu fidgets in her seat
  337. >”Alright, but let’s at least make a good effort tonight, okay?”
  338. >So you and the ‘roo return to the gaming floor after clearing your tab
  339. >The bill alone is a pretty convincing incentive to not have to come back another day
  340. >The food isn’t even THAT good...
  341. >You take a lap around the arcade again to check on any machines that have their jackpots built up again
  342. >Many of the games are getting filled up with other guests again now that the evening rush has arrived
  343. >Marsu has a look on her face that you recognize from your most intense moments with Rumble Mates
  344. >It’s a determination she exhibits when she has a clear goal in her sights
  345. >The ultimate prize guarded by a boss battle she’s confidant she can beat
  346. >You suggest splitting off so you can clean up on as many machines as possible, but she clings tightly to you
  347. >There’s no separating you two tonight
  348. >You massage her shoulders while she plays, and she leans over yours when it’s your turn
  349. >Marsu stuffs every large ticket payout into her pouch while you collect the little stubs
  350. >Eventually her belly takes on a lumpy shape as the wads of tickets visible distend her pouch
  351. >You suggest that she run to the card reloader to cash in the tickets before something happens to them, but she waves you off
  352. >”No time! We’re so close!”
  353. >Looks like she’s been mentally counting every ticket you’ve earned since the beginning
  354. >What began as a goal of over 200,000 tickets has shrunk to a few thousand
  355. >Though now with all of the popular machines either occupied or completely expended, the hunt becomes even more nerve-wracking
  356. >At one point, Marsu spots a stream of tickets seemingly abandoned at one of the machines
  357. >She eyes it like it’s a legendary treasure and hops toward it
  358. >But before she can get there a little koala boy runs over and snatches them up
  359. >Marsu has fire in her eyes, and you have to grab her tail to stop her from chasing down the child and tackling him
  360. >Tensions are running a little high, apparently
  361. >Just then, an open opportunity
  362. >One of the game machines that’s been constantly occupied since you arrived clears out
  363. >You have never seen Marsu jump so far before in a single bound
  364. >She practically lands on her rump as she claims the vacant seat, patting the spot next to her for you to sit
  365. >It’s a betting game
  366. >You don’t use normal credits; you use actual tickets
  367. >Probably the worst type of game to play with the two of you being so close to your goal
  368. >She’s so desperate for that final little stretch she’s willing to risk it all
  369. >And Marsu is fully aware of the gamble she’s about to make
  370. >She keeps you away from her pouch with her leg as she fishes out a particularly long strand
  371. >”Just trust me on this one!” she growls
  372. >All you can do now is be her support
  373. >Her Player Two
  374. >Which is probably for the best, because you haven’t the slightest idea what’s going on as cards and dice and weird arcane ruins fill the already busy screen
  375. >Though what you DO understand is when she’s winning or losing, both from the appropriate graphics on the screen and from the various grunts she makes
  376. >It’s a good thing the speakers are shot, because the accompanying sounds from the game would probably just add to the anxiety
  377. >By the time you pick up on what the stakes are for each move she makes, you’re at the “big one”
  378. >And not by choice
  379. >Marsu’s haste leads her to pressing the wrong button and going all-in for one more bet
  380. >”There’s no going back now,” she croaks, knowing full well how badly she screwed up
  381. >You can’t watch this one
  382. >The inevitable disappointment is going to be too much
  383. >Her nails click on the buttons, and you hear the game sounds make their beeps and chirps
  384. >Then, all goes quiet
  385. >You’re afraid to look
  386. >You hear Marsu inhale sharply
  387. >”No...”
  388. >Oh boy...
  389. >You slowly open your eyes, expecting the worst
  390. >But Marsu is smiling broadly and pointing to the game screen
  391. >[[ YOU ARE WINNER! ]]
  392. >She did it
  393. >”I did it! Sorry, didn’t mean to make you worry!”
  394. >You almost had a heart attack because of her
  395. >She presses her snout against your cheek and gives you little kisses as the tickets come flooding out
  397. >The crowd is starting to thin out as Buck and Blaster’s goes full “bar mode”
  398. >The place starts closing up to anyone not old enough to drink, meaning a lot of the younger gamers are heading out
  399. >Kind of a shame in a way, since you already hit your goal just as the competition for getting to the best machines subsides
  400. >Whatever
  401. >Marsu takes out the massive pile of tickets from her pouch while you gather up your own pitiful number from a cup
  402. >She doesn’t even need the little stubs she entrusted to you after that last major winning
  403. >”What a night, huh?” she giggles
  404. >The two of you make your way over to the ticket counter to cash everything in
  405. >That’s when Marsu stops cold
  406. >Ahead of you is the young koala boy and what you assume to be his father
  407. >There are tears in the kid’s eyes as he looks up at the prize wall
  408. >”I’m sorry, buddy,” the father says. “It wasn’t 10,000. There was an extra zero in there...”
  409. >The koala boy is staring at a toy gun set with foam bullets
  410. >The poor kid must have seen the 100,000 ticket cost sign and though it was only a tenth of that
  411. >Neither the father nor the prize cashier looks comfortable with the crying boy on their hands
  412. >It’s enough to get Marsu to start sniffing
  413. >She looks at the mass of tickets in her arms
  414. >Before you can say anything to her, she’s already padding over to the koala and the two adults
  415. >All three of them look at her with surprise
  416. >The kangaroo girl snaps off part of the ticket mass and hands it to the boy
  417. >You don’t know how much it is, but it’s clearly enough to cover the full cost for the gun set
  418. >The koala boy looks up at Marsu like she’s a superhero
  419. >The father is speechless at first, then he clears his throat
  420. >”Miss, are you sure...?”
  421. >Marsu shrugs
  422. >”Well, he’s got them now! I got all the fun I wanted tonight anyway.”
  423. >Marsu looks back at you with a knowing smile
  424. >All in all, it really was a good night
  425. >The koala boy hugs Marsu’s legs before him and his father head out with the prize in tow
  426. >You congratulate your ‘roo girl for her generosity
  427. >Admittedly, you’re pretty proud of her
  428. >She may have her goals and her ambitions, but at least she’s learning to play games just for the enjoyment rather than to make everything about the winning
  429. >Marsu gives you a funny look
  430. >”What are you talking about?”
  431. >You ask her the same question
  432. >”We’re not done here...”
  433. >Come again?
  434. >Marsu laughs, then slides a furry paw underneath your shirt
  435. >”We’re old enough to be here, you and me,” she whispers
  436. >She rubs your back slowly and nibbles on your ear
  437. >”And the place is still open for another couple of hours. More than enough time to replace that hundred grand.”
  438. >Your stomach knots up
  439. >You might have jumped the gun in thinking she was going to head home with just the satisfaction of an altruistic deed
  440. >Marsu takes the cup of tickets from your hand and dumps them into her pouch
  441. >”Not a bad start. C’mon! If we get that system soon, maybe we can even plug it in tonight and have a few quick games before bed!”
  442. >Wonderful
  443. >Spend hours in a brightly lit arcade staring at glowing screens just so you can go home to a dimly lit living room and stare at a glowing screen for hours
  444. >It’s going to be a long night...
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