

Jan 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. For this request you could do it in a different style if you would like. This is more or less intended to be something that completely replaces my old idea, and I would like for you to post this description of the various objects in the description of the finished product when you get around to it. When you get around to finishing the map, make it clear for viewers that this replaces the old one - and the old map is no longer "canon".
  3. The fictional planets that are in the old one are not present in this, either. This is a completely new re-vamped solar system.
  5. The Planet Vulcan is the largest object in the Vulcanoid Belt. The Vulcanoid Belt is a region of space at around 0.09-0.15 AU where there are asteroids around 100KM in size or more. They orbit in stable orbits, and there are relatively few of them. The largest of these are Hephaestus and Apollo, worlds about the size and mass of Ceres in our world, they are the only other ones in this region of space that is considered a planet, of which Vulcan is the largest.
  7. Vulcan is about the mass of Pluto. It's composition is almost entirely of Iron, nicknaming it the 'anvil' of the solar system. Because of it's small size, and close proximity to the Sun (0.14 AU), it has an orbital period of 19 days, and 17 hours. The planet is also rather dark for a planetary body, so any observation of the planet was made even more difficult thanks to the planet's dark appearance. Thanks to this, the planet was only discovered by Le Verrier (the same astronomer who discovered Neptune), in 1860. The planet has been visited a few times by spacecraft, although it is difficult to get there.
  9. Mars is discovered to have life on it's surface by the early 2000's, when a successful sample return had returned samples of microbes in the Martian soil. Further follow up missions have confirmed this is not because of contamination. Rover missions on mars in the late 2010's have proved the existence of fossilized plant and animal life on Mars, which is hypothesized to have gone through a mass extinction event in the early days of the solar system because of the planet's inability to sustain life and a proper atmosphere. The discovery of underground lakes on Mars through orbiting probes gives many the idea that animal life could still exist in those lakes, but as they are underneath the poles of Mars, discovery of that life will likely have to wait decades. Because of this discovery, scientists have taken prominent care of the samples to avoid any potential biohazards, and also have made careful sure to not contaminate Mars with Earth bacteria either.
  11. The Rings of Ceres were discovered in the 1980's through occultation, as astronomers were measuring the planet's size, shape, and albedo. It is the only object in the asteroid belt classified as a planet, as no other object in the asteroid belt is gravitationally rounded by it's own gravity.
  13. The Moon Rhea of Saturn, is the second largest moon of Saturn. Discovery of it's rings proved to be an impressive moment in scientific history, as no other moon has been observed in the solar system to have rings. It's rings orbit quite close in to the Moon, but the passing pair Explorer Probes (launched by France in 1984) had proven the existence of the rings by a flyby of the Moon, sending back unexpected images of the Moon's rings.
  15. Titan was the first Moon of Saturn that was discovered, in 1655. It is about the mass of Mars (1/10th the mass of Earth), giving it the position of the largest Moon in the solar system, with Propserina (Minthe's largest Moon) as the second largest moon in the solar system, followed by Ganymede. after the Columbus Probe (also launched by France) arrived in orbit around Saturn in 2001, the probe had also managed to launch an orbiting satellite into Titan's orbit to study it's composition, proving that Titan had oceans of hydrocarbons on it's surface through scientific analysis. Titan's physical appearance from space is the same as it is OTL, a hazy moon. It's atmosphere is more or less the same as OTL. Awaiting discovery on Titan is unique coral-like lifeforms in it's oceans, and patches of simple Moss and Plant like organisms on it's surface.
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  19. Minthe and Prosperina are a binary planet in an eccentric orbit around the Sun that takes them between 340 and 360 AU. Their orbit is inclined 17ΒΊ relative to the ecliptic. The pair have captured many objects [including OTL Sedna] as distant, irregular moons within their hill sphere, which extends out to 6.3 AU, although most of these moons have likely not yet been discovered.
  21. The two are separated by 9.0 lunar distances, or 3 500 000 km. They are not tidally locked to each other, which is unique for solid bodies in the outer solar system. Both worlds are known to have a ring system; that of Prosperina is much more prominent than that of Minthe. Neither has any atmosphere of note.
  23. Minthe is by far the larger of the two, at 6.3 Earth Masses and 2.6 Earth Radii. Its rings extend from roughly surface level to about 44 000 km from the planetary center. It has four known moons of its own: Persephone, Hecae, Nox, and Mors, in a 1:2:3:6 mean motion resonance. Persephone is roughly similar in size to Pluto. Its orbital period is 15.47 hours, giving it a semimajor axis of around 58 000 km. Hecae is slightly larger than Persephone, being more comparable in size to Eris. Its orbital period is 30.94 hours, with an SMA of around 92 000 km. Nox is the smallest of Minthe's known moons, at only 500 km radius, although many minor moons likely exist which have not yet been detected. It orbits in 46.41 hours, with an SMA of 121 000 km. The last of Minthe's known moons is Mors, which is similar in size to Persephone. Its orbital period is 92.82 hours, with a semimajor axis of 192 000 km.
  25. Prosperina, the smaller of the twin planets, is only Mars-size, at 0.11 Earth masses, although its icier composition means that its radius is 0.68 times Earth's. Prosperina's rings are brighter than Minthe's. They extend out 10 600 km from the center of the planet. Prosperina only has one known moon of its own, Erebus, which is about 500 km in radius. Erebus has a 72.66-hour orbit with a semimajor axis of about 42 000 km.
  27. All of the known moons of Minthe and Prosperina are believed to be tidally locked to their respective planets.
  29. Although only seven bodies in the Minthe-Prosperina system are known, it is suspected that, between them, the planets may have the most moons of any in the solar system, because their hill sphere is larger than that of any other planet, and they are suspected to have captured many minor outlying bodies within it.
  31. Visual images of them are pixelated and blurry because of the distance, this may change in future decades with the advent of more advanced telescopes. Because of Minthe's distance form the sun, many astronomers have theorized that the planet could have the most moons of any planet in the solar system. Minor moons are not able to be observed around Minthe because of the distance, future telescopes and advances in technology will yield more results about this, while the rest is scientific theory.
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  35. Nemesis is an ultra-cool red dwarf star a planetary system of seven known planets. It has a mass about 9% of the Sun's, a radius slightly larger than the planet Jupiter, and a surface temperature of about 2,904 K (2626.85 Β°C). This gives it a stellar classification of M7V. This makes Nemesis rather similar to the star known as Teegarden's Star. Nemesis is a "Safe" star, meaning it is not subject to massive stellar flares like other red dwarfs are known to have.
  37. Observations of the planets around Nemesis have been made. No visual images of any real meaningful value have been made, however some characteristics about the planets have been recorded through observations by long range telescopes. Moons around these planets have not been discovered either.
  39. Phlegethon is the first planet around Nemesis. It is 0.81 Earth Masses. Observations of the planet have confirmed that it likely has a thick Venus like atmosphere, making the planet similar to Venus. Due to close proximity to Nemesis, it is likely much hotter than Venus is. It orbits Nemesis every 1.2 Earth days. It is tidally locked. The planet is not within the habitable zone as its expected irradiation is more than 4 times that of Earth.
  41. Acheron is the second planet around Nemesis. It is 1.04 Earth Masses. Observations of the planet confirm that it is in the habitable zone around Nemesis and is host to liquid water. It orbits Nemesis every 6.0 days. Compared to other exoplanets around other stars, Acheron is the most Earth-Like exoplanet currently known by mankind. It is not currently known if the planet is host to life by humans. The planet is also tidally locked.
  43. Cerberus is the third planet around Nemesis. It is 0.203 Earth Masses. Poorer in iron, richer in water ice than in our Mars. Cerberus looks like a combination of Mars and Europa: feathery cirrus clouds float above rusty cracked ice-covered seas. Likely an atmosphere of 0.4 Earth Atmospheres. More than Mars, but less than Earth. Enough to form thin wispy clouds in it's reddish skies.
  45. Minos is the fourth planet around Nemesis. It is 0.126 Earth Masses. Similar to Cerberus, this world is host to a Martian-thickness atmosphere and is quite cold. More icey than Cerberus is, though. It is very similar to our Mars, although it is more of an iceworld than Mars is.
  47. Rhadamanthus is the fifth planet around Nemesis. At 2.9 Earth Masses, despite Rhadamanthus's rather Jovian appearance, it's a water world. It's dense atmosphere is rich in ammonia and water vapor that hides deep worldwide oceans, down to where atmospheric pressures are high enough to trap heat. It may very well have life down in those dark seas. Complex life may be sparse - if not entirely absent. Possibly gaining energy from the flashes from the constant lightning in it's inner depths?
  49. Cocytus is a low density world as big as Venus but just 0.5 Earth mass and 5/8 Earth's gravity. It's like a much bigger Titan on a balmy interglacial day: warmer and wetter, 'wetter'. If you could call gasoline wet, that is. Air pressure at sea level is 4 atmospheres. It's atmosphere is mostly hazy with hydrocarbons evaporating off of ethane seas. Rain won't be a rarity, as on Titan in OTL. If life is found to exist here, it may exist in similar forms to Titan's life. Life here would likely still be evolving very slowly, thanks to how cold the planet is. Cocytus goes around Nemesis every 30 days.
  51. Hecate is an 2.1 Earthmass Ice World, existing at an orbital distance of around 150(?) days. A frozen, bleak world marked by it's airless nature - it would be otherwise unusual. If not, thanks to it's high rate of rotation. Rotating every 9 hours or so, the planet has had no major moons to slow it's day length down, and it exists outside of the tidal-locking zone of Nemesis. Perhaps it's rotation rate may have been caused by an impactor in it's past, if the large population of asteroids just past it's orbit is any indication. None of them stuck around in Hecate's sphere of influence to create any moons, though.
  53. The final planet of Nemesis discovered to date is Lethe. A large mini-Neptune about 5.2 Earth masses. Not much is known about it other than that it exists, and takes 21 years to go around Nemesis. It exists within darkness with both the Sun and Nemesis respectively as the brightest objects in the skies of those planets.
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