
Stigma 101 TL + PR

Apr 27th, 2016
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  1. Stigma 101
  2. TL: fatyandao
  3. PR: meterion + lastofme
  5. [095]
  6. Tsugumi, I heard rumours that you'll be going on a holiday with Fujii-senpai this break, right?
  7. Eh?
  8. Eh?
  9. Who told you that, Kumi-chan!?
  10. Ah~ as expected, I was right~(heart)
  11. Eh?
  12. Eh?
  14. Kumi-chan, was I that obvious~?
  15. Kyahahaha
  16. Tsugumi is too naive. You get caught out so easily, so fu~n.
  18. [096]
  19. Ever since middle school, you've been secretly in love with Fujii-senpai. You believe that he’s your destined partner so you've been waiting for him, haven't you?
  20. Good for you.
  21. Yeah...
  22. Huh? Wait up... what’s going on over there?
  23. Taking off his pants in front of that little girl?
  24. Should... should we call the cops?
  25. Wa,
  26. Wawa!!
  28. [097]
  31. [098]
  32. You won’t need your clothes anymore, right?
  33. Haa
  34. Haa
  35. Haa
  36. Because from now on, both of us will live here together, foreeeever.
  37. The Stigma didn’t disappear!?
  38. This girl drugged me to sleep but failed to have sex with me!!
  40. [099]
  41. She treated my wounds yesterday and was so kind to me...
  42. And came by my shop to buy cakes for several days.
  43. This was all caused by the Stigma's influence-!!
  44. Wha—what’s so bad about it!!?
  45. Are you going to continue letting the ladies inflicted with the Stigma pay their fees to you?
  46. The Stigma is my power!
  47. My ability!!
  48. Isn't it so convenient!?
  50. [100]
  51. This girl is so influenced so much by the Stigma that she'll buy cakes from me foreeeever!!
  52. Well then, how about you first bring me my clothes and my phone!!?
  53. No, I don’t want to! It’s too early in the morning.
  54. Ow.
  55. First, let’s eat—our—break—fast~(heart)
  56. [PR Note: This is the best way I could get that same visual effect without sounding like a robot]
  57. Kya (star)
  59. [101]
  60. N... No...
  61. At—at the very least, my clothes...
  62. They were stained with blood, so they're being washed.
  63. The buzzer for the dryer will go off soon.
  64. Once we finish eating, the clothes should be dry.
  65. Here, Ahhhh.
  67. [102]
  68. If the food is drugged like yesterday’s...
  69. It’s too risky to eat it!!
  70. An—anyway, I’ve got to get my clothes back first.
  71. We can continue... from there.
  72. Come,
  73. Ah...
  75. [103]
  76. Kyaa!!
  77. Ah
  78. Haa
  79. Ahh
  80. Ah
  82. [104]
  83. Ahhhhhh
  85. [105]
  86. Ha-
  87. Ha-
  88. Now’s my chance—the clothes!!
  89. Ah!!
  90. Wha—what's this-!!
  92. [106]
  93. These... these were definitely cut up by something sharp...
  94. Here,
  95. Ahhhh~(heart)
  97. Uwah!
  98. Come on~ we can do horny stuff only after we've eaten, didn’t I tell you...
  99. [PR Note:to get that effect, I'd recommend making "after" bold+italic]
  100. No... more importantly,
  101. could you explain what is going... on... / please...
  103. [107]
  104. Well, both of us are going to live in this room foreeeever.
  105. So we no longer have a need for those things, do we?
  106. Please... / Where is my cell phone...?
  107. My...
  108. It's... it's not what you think.
  109. See, since the shop won't be open for business, I have to at least make a call, or something like that...
  110. Ahh,
  111. I see.
  112. A call to the cake shop, right?
  113. Don’t—don’t snoop around, alright?
  114. Ikaruga Makoto...
  115. Are you asking for help from this lady...? / Even though she’s the same girl who beat you up...
  117. [108]
  118. Always bullying my Rin-kyun...
  119. Next time you won't get off the hook so easily by just falling down the stairs at the train station...!
  120. Eh? Wait a minute!!
  121. Eh? / Just now... / Why...
  122. I missed a step while walking down the stairs from the train station and fell-
  123. Is—is this the girl who made Makoto fall off the stairs-!!?
  125. [109]
  126. This woman! She’s dangerous!!
  127. [PR: recommend italicizing dangerous]
  128. To end up in such an abnormal state of mind...
  129. Is it because of the Stigma?
  130. Now—now that it has come to this...
  131. I have to penetrate her and remove the influence of the Stigma—
  132. There's no other choice!!
  134. [110]
  135. Ahha!!
  136. Ah ha!!
  137. [PR Note: honestly I don't know how I'd translate that, but "ah ha" just sounds silly to me]
  139. [111]
  140. Uwoah-!!
  141. Huh?
  142. Huh?
  143. How is it not erect? Huh?
  144. Good,
  145. Good,
  146. Good...
  147. Alright! Looks like I can do it!!
  148. Don’ttt!!
  150. [112]
  151. You can't enter me~
  152. Or I'll end up hating you, like I did with Fuji-senpai...
  153. Fujii...
  154. Senpai!?
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