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Essentials sign permissions

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Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. Allows the protection of rails and signs, otherwise they are not protected.
  2. essentials.protect.admin Allows the destruction of signs and rails.
  3. essentials.protect.alerts Allows a player to recieve protect alerts.
  4. essentials.protect.pvp When prevent PVP is set to true, this allows players to still PVP. Both attacker and defender need to have this permission.
  5. essentials.protect.exemptplacement Allows a player to ignore the block placement blacklist.
  6. essentials.protect.exemptusage Allows a player to ignore the usage blacklist.
  7. essentials.protect.ownerinfo Allows a player to examine protected objects to find their owner.
  8. Player will receive contact damage
  9. essentials.protect.damage.lava Player will receive lava damage
  10. essentials.protect.damage.tnt Player will receive tnt damage
  11. essentials.protect.damage.creeper Player will receive creeper damage
  12. essentials.protect.damage.projectiles Player will receive projectile damage
  13. essentials.protect.damage.fall Player will receive fall damage
  14. essentials.protect.damage.suffocation Player will receive suffocation damage
  15. Player will receive fire damage
  16. essentials.protect.damage.drowning Player will receive drowning damage
  17. essentials.protect.damage.lightning Player will receive lightning damage
  18. essentials.protect.damage.disable Admin override to prevent admins from dying
  19. This allows you to send global messages, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
  20. This allows you to send global qeustions, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
  21. A permission designed for admins, to intercept all local messages (ignoring the chat-radius).
  22. Allows you to see the country and city of players.
  23. essentials.geoip.hide Allows you to hide your country and city from people who have permission
  24. essentials.signs.create.mail Controls who can create a mail sign.
  25. essentials.signs.use.mail Controls who can use a mail sign.
  26. Controls who can create a protection sign.
  27. Controls who can use a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
  28. Used to override any protections. Typically given to mods & admins
  29. Controls who can create free signs.
  30. Controls who can use free signs.
  31. essentials.signs.create.disposal Controls who can create disposal signs.
  32. essentials.signs.use.disposal Controls who can use disposal signs.
  33. essentials.signs.create.heal Controls who can create heal signs.
  34. essentials.signs.use.heal Controls who can use heal signs.
  35. essentials.signs.create.warp Controls who can create warp signs.
  36. essentials.signs.use.warp Controls who can use warp signs.
  37. Controls who can create trade signs.
  38. Controls who can use trade signs.
  39. Controls who can create buy signs.
  40. Controls who can use buy signs.
  41. essentials.signs.create.sell Controls who can create sell signs.
  42. essentials.signs.use.sell Controls who can use sell signs.
  43. essentials.signs.create.balance Controls who can create balance signs.
  44. essentials.signs.use.balance Controls who can use balance signs.
  45. essentials.signs.break.mail Controls who can break a mail sign.
  46. Controls who can break a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
  47. Controls who can break free signs.
  48. essentials.signs.break.disposal Controls who can break disposal signs.
  49. essentials.signs.break.heal Controls who can break heal signs.
  50. essentials.signs.break.warp Controls who can break warp signs.
  51. Controls who can break trade signs.
  52. Controls who can break buy signs.
  53. essentials.signs.break.sell Controls who can break sell signs.
  54. essentials.signs.break.balance Controls who can break balance signs.
  55. essentials.signs.create.time Controls who can create time signs.
  56. essentials.signs.use.time Controls who can use time signs.
  57. essentials.signs.break.time Controls who can break time signs.
  58. essentials.nocommandcost.[command] Removes the command cost of a given command.
  59. essentials.nocommandcost.all Removes the command cost of all commands.
  60. essentials.joinfullserver Player can join when the server is full.
  61. essentials.protect.exemptbreak Allows a player to ignore the break blacklist.
  62. essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass Allows a player to be targeted by mobs.
  63. Controls who can create weather signs.
  64. Controls who can use weather signs.
  65. Controls who can break weather signs.
  66. Used to override the creator only protection on trade signs. Typically given to mods & admins
  67. essentials.sleepingignored User isn't required to be sleeping, for time to be reset.
  68. essentials.protect.damage.fireball Player will receive fireball damage
  69. essentials.signs.create.spawnmob Controls who can create spawnmob signs.
  70. essentials.signs.use.spawnmob Controls who can use spawnmob signs.
  71. essentials.signs.break.spawnmob Controls who can break spawnmob signs.
  72. Allows people to build when using permission systems which don't support build toggles.
  73. essentials.protect.alerts.notrigger Users with this permission do not trigger protect alerts.
  74. essentials.signs.create.gamemode Controls who can create gamemode signs.
  75. essentials.signs.create.kit Controls who can create kit signs.
  76. essentials.signs.create.enchant Controls who can create enchant signs.
  77. essentials.signs.use.gamemode Controls who can use gamemode signs.
  78. essentials.signs.use.kit Controls who can use kit signs.
  79. essentials.signs.use.enchant Controls who can use enchant signs.
  80. essentials.signs.break.gamemode Controls who can break gamemode signs.
  81. essentials.signs.break.kit Controls who can break kit signs.
  82. essentials.signs.break.enchant Controls who can break enchant signs.
  83. This allows you to color your chat messages using color codes.
  84. This allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your chat messages.
  85. This allows you to format your chat messages using format codes.
  86. This allows you to use urls in your chat messages.
  87. essentials.signs.color This allows you to color your signs using color codes.
  88. essentials.signs.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your signs.
  89. essentials.signs.format This allows you to format your signs using format codes.
  90. essentials.pvpdelay.exempt Exempts players from the 'pvp delay' option in the config file.
  91. Controls who can create info signs.
  92. Controls who can create repair signs.
  93. Controls who can use info signs.
  94. Controls who can use repair signs.
  95. Controls who can break info signs.
  96. Controls who can break repair signs.
  97.<id>[:datavalue] Allows collecting of an item.
  98.<id>[:datavalue] Allows dropping of an item.
  99.<id>[:datavalue] Allows crafting of an item.
  100.<id>[:datavalue] Allows breaking of a block.
  101.<id>[:datavalue] Allows placing a block.
  102.<id>[:datavalue] Allows interacting with a blocks or item.
  103. essentials.silentjoin Suppress join messages for users with this permission.
  104. essentials.silentquit Suppress leave/quit messages for users with this permission.
  105. essentials.signs.enchant.allowunsafe Allows using [enchant] signs to perform unsafe enchantments
  106. Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries (filtered from 120 total entries)
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