
The logic of dreams

Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. Logic in dreams
  3. I have recently goggled, and I don't find anyone else with the opinion that logic applies to dreams, on the other hand people seem to say "dreams are illogical"
  5. when people say "dreams are illogical" they usually mean they don't make sense, and I agree that very strange things happen in dreams, but I also think that
  6. Dreams do follow (propositional logic?)
  8. After speaking with my good friend Greg, he convinced me that Logic applies to dreams as well as the waking state.
  9. Here are a few examples I can think apply to the dream state:
  10. law of non-contradiction: like is you remember in your dream you were not on the bridge of a ship, then you were not on the bridge of a ship in the dream
  11. Boolean logic. If you take a true statement about a dream, normal Boolean operators can be applied to the language of dreams,
  12. like AND and OR, e.g. I was not on the bridge of a ship AND I was not on a cloud, means that the quesiton "were you on a cloud" is false
  13. Logic of shapes: e.g. you can not see a triangle with for 90 degree angles in a dream.
  15. Language logic applies to dreams, after we wake up, we can talk about our dream, and baring that our memory may not be very
  16. Reliable about dreams, logic definitely applies to things we talk about
  17. Inside dreams
  19. After seeing that it is possible to vaguely see what the visual cortex sees in the waking state on this website
  20. I was wondering if it is not possible to sneek a peek at the dreaming state, if it is possible to extract images from the dream state, I think those definitely need to
  21. behave by the laws of logic
  23. Also, I am not saying the laws of physics apply in the dream state, they don't... But certain laws of logic seem to apply.
  25. My first question was:"why does logic apply on dreams?"
  26. Greg's answer was:"cause it is universal"
  28. another interesting thing is that logic seems to apply to things that are not directly made of matter like dreams or images on a screen.
  29. e.g. "Did you see a woman with blue eyes"? Can be answered as a yes /no answer in both a dream or a simulation that is not made directly of matter
  32. I don't know the answer to this question, but I think it is an interesting question: "does logic exist like rules on the universe or what is the cause", even in
  33. The crazy world of dreams certain things seem to apply from logic,so another question would be "is there anywhere that logic does not apply"?, apparently not.
  34. "is logic just the observations made of the way the universe seems to work intrinsically"?
  36. Greg said that "we are not sure if the laws of logic are discovered by people or invented by people, but that he tends to believe that they already exist and people just discovered them"
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