
some adjective data

May 27th, 2015
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  1. Encounter: hopping-mad, haunted, artisanal, invisible, frozen, clingy modern zmobie
  2. Encounter: cartwheeling, blurry, bouncing, annoying, yuletide, optimal modern zmobie
  3. Encounter: blurry, hot, hilarious, generous, cloned, spooky modern zmobie
  4. Encounter: lazy, narcissistic, invisible, yuletide, hilarious, fragile corpulent zobmie
  5. Encounter: blurry, lazy, foul-mouthed, cloud-based, obscene, clowning grave rober zmobie
  6. Encounter: cartwheeling, drunk, filthy, haunted, narcissistic, pixellated modern zmobie
  7. Encounter: shaky, lazy, untouchable, disguised, hot, fratty modern zmobie
  8. Encounter: cartwheeling, twirling, lazy, hopping-mad, drunk, hot conjoined zmombie
  9. Encounter: shaky, short, turgid, disguised, unstoppable, generous giant swarm of ghuol whelps
  10. Encounter: floating, drunk, pixellated, artisanal, invisible, red-hot gaunt ghuol
  11. Encounter: shy, skinny, phase-shifting, narcissistic, cloud-based, frozen gluttonous ghuol
  12. Encounter: throbbing, solid gold, artisanal, unstoppable, yuletide, stingy giant swarm of ghuol whelps
  13. Encounter: askew, ticking, narcissistic, wet, cowardly, obscene huge ghuol
  14. Encounter: The cartwheeling, twirling, bouncing, unstoppable Knob Goblin King
  15. Encounter: cartwheeling, dancin', lazy, untouchable, narcissistic, cloned shifty pirate
  16. Encounter: dancin', shaky, pixellated, hilarious, cloud-based, frozen swarthy pirate
  17. Encounter: solid gold, haunted, cloud-based, frozen, red-hot, optimal shady pirate
  18. Encounter: skinny, jittery, solid gold, pixellated, wet, frozen smarmy pirate
  19. Encounter: shy, shaky, electrified, annoying, yuletide, clingy slick lihc
  20. Encounter: hopping-mad, solid gold, haunted, untouchable, cloned, optimal slick lihc
  21. Encounter: phase-shifting, turgid, haunted, hilarious, stingy, cloned dirty old lihc
  22. Encounter: twirling, tie-dyed, haunted, electrified, hot, cloned dirty old lihc
  23. Encounter: phase-shifting, jittery, broke, foul-mouthed, disguised, American dirty old lihc
  24. Encounter: shaky, solid gold, drunk, yuletide, wet, fratty dirty old lihc
  25. Encounter: shy, Australian, short, electrified, narcissistic, yuletide dirty old lihc
  26. Encounter: shaky, electrified, disguised, generous, frozen, spooky senile lihc
  27. Encounter: left-handed, jittery, drunk, narcissistic, obscene, optimal dirty old lihc
  28. Encounter: huge, bouncing, drunk, American, optimal, fragile dirty old lihc
  29. Encounter: ghostly, annoying, disguised, unstoppable, fratty, cloned gargantulihc
  30. Encounter: Australian, skinny, drunk, ticking, narcissistic, optimal spiny skelelton
  31. Encounter: electrified, invisible, wet, hilarious, fratty, optimal toothy sklelton
  32. Encounter: blurry, broke, solid gold, quacking, artisanal, 1337 7007hy 5k13170n
  33. Encounter: huge, lazy, floating, drunk, untouchable, cloud-based toothy sklelton
  34. Encounter: cartwheeling, blurry, ghostly, disguised, obscene, optimal spiny skelelton
  35. Encounter: phase-shifting, shaky, hopping-mad, foul-mouthed, untouchable, unstoppable spiny skelelton
  36. Encounter: cartwheeling, ghostly, lazy, bouncing, yuletide, clingy toothy sklelton
  37. Encounter: phase-shifting, dancin', blurry, lazy, hot, unlucky toothy sklelton
  38. Encounter: twirling, restless, ghostly, drunk, untouchable, narcissistic giant skeelton
  39. Encounter: skinny, dancin', twirling, American, stingy, obscene giant giant moth
  40. Encounter: jittery, untouchable, artisanal, invisible, yuletide, wet tonic water elemental
  41. Encounter: dancin', jittery, drunk, electrified, hilarious, red-hot pencil golem
  42. Encounter: phase-shifting, electrified, disguised, cloud-based, generous, obscene dodecapede
  43. Encounter: twirling, blurry, turgid, disguised, yuletide, fragile smut orc screwer
  44. Encounter: twirling, blurry, solid gold, filthy, cloud-based, clowning smut orc nailer
  45. Encounter: cartwheeling, bouncing, foul-mouthed, electrified, hilarious, clingy smut orc jacker
  46. Encounter: phase-shifting, filthy, ticking, turgid, unstoppable, American smut orc jacker
  47. Encounter: left-handed, haunted, yuletide, hot toothy pirate
  48. Encounter: phase-shifting, dancin', American, clowning tipsy pirate
  49. Encounter: dancin', twirling, foul-mouthed, haunted tetchy pirate
  50. Encounter: huge, blurry, hopping-mad, stingy toothy pirate
  51. Encounter: left-handed, floating, annoying, frozen tetchy pirate
  52. Encounter: lazy, solid gold, ticking, optimal tipsy pirate
  53. Encounter: shy, floating, pixellated, stingy toothy pirate
  54. Encounter: skinny, cartwheeling, blurry, unstoppable tipsy pirate
  55. Encounter: blurry, ghostly, frozen, clingy tetchy pirate
  56. Encounter: solid gold, invisible, hilarious, unlucky tetchy pirate
  57. Encounter: jittery, blurry, electrified, unlucky tipsy pirate
  58. Encounter: skinny, twirling, short, disguised tetchy pirate
  59. Encounter: throbbing, foul-mouthed, fratty, cloud-based tetchy pirate
  60. Encounter: tiny, twirling, tie-dyed, annoying, narcissistic, fratty booty crab
  61. Encounter: shy, Australian, cartwheeling, short, hopping-mad, floating Protagonist
  62. Encounter: shy, cartwheeling, shaky, lazy, yuletide, sleazy MagiMechTech MechaMech
  63. Encounter: cartwheeling, annoying, hot, hilarious, clowning, clingy Quiet Healer
  64. Encounter: Australian, broke, annoying, cloned, optimal, unlucky Quiet Healer
  65. Encounter: Australian, cartwheeling, dancin', twirling, foul-mouthed, electrified Spunky Princess
  66. Encounter: throbbing, jittery, short, quacking, artisanal, unlucky Irritating Series of Random Encounters
  67. Encounter: cartwheeling, blurry, haunted, unstoppable, cloud-based, clowning Quiet Healer
  68. Encounter: quacking, foul-mouthed, fratty, cowardly, cloned, clingy MagiMechTech MechaMech
  69. Encounter: cartwheeling, lazy, electrified, pixellated, unstoppable, cowardly MagiMechTech MechaMech
  70. Encounter: shy, restless, short, disguised, frozen, optimal MagiMechTech MechaMech
  71. Encounter: shy, left-handed, filthy, untouchable, unstoppable, clingy bar
  72. Encounter: cartwheeling, broke, solid gold, ticking, narcissistic, unstoppable spooky mummy
  73. Encounter: Australian, annoying, invisible, 1337, American, cloud-based w01fm4n
  74. Encounter: skinny, filthy, annoying, narcissistic, yuletide, fragile warwelf
  75. Encounter: cartwheeling, short, hopping-mad, filthy, turgid, pixellated triffid
  76. Encounter: ghostly, bouncing, quacking, yuletide, frozen, optimal wolfman
  77. Encounter: jittery, short, quacking, untouchable, fratty, clingy spooky vampire
  78. Encounter: lazy, tie-dyed, ticking, cowardly, fragile, unlucky spooky mummy
  79. Encounter: shy, dancin', restless, solid gold, yuletide, cloned bar
  80. Encounter: jittery, ghostly, ticking, stingy, cloned, obscene bar
  81. Encounter: restless, broke, askew, turgid, 1337, unlucky 5p00ky v4mp1r3
  82. Encounter: shy, cartwheeling, broke, drunk, yuletide, frozen bar
  83. Encounter: ghostly, floating, askew, artisanal, yuletide, hilarious Quiet Healer
  84. Encounter: left-handed, solid gold, filthy, electrified, wet, cloud-based Quiet Healer
  85. Encounter: floating, drunk, disguised, unstoppable, yuletide, hilarious MagiMechTech MechaMech
  86. Encounter: filthy, invisible, hot, American, stingy, cloned MagiMechTech MechaMech
  87. Encounter: phase-shifting, foul-mouthed, haunted, electrified, wet, fratty Quiet Healer
  88. Encounter: cartwheeling, foul-mouthed, filthy, ticking, pixellated, generous Irritating Series of Random Encounters
  89. Encounter: restless, lazy, hopping-mad, generous, optimal, fragile Quiet Healer
  90. Encounter: lazy, quacking, cowardly, frozen, optimal, unlucky MagiMechTech MechaMech
  91. Encounter: huge, throbbing, shaky, foul-mouthed, disguised, unlucky Burly Sidekick
  92. Encounter: skinny, tie-dyed, electrified, unstoppable, yuletide, clingy MagiMechTech MechaMech
  93. Encounter: left-handed, Australian, skinny, twirling, blurry, short Neckbeard Giant
  94. Encounter: bouncing, haunted, untouchable, cloned, red-hot, optimal Foodie Giant
  95. Encounter: solid gold, disguised, cowardly, generous, optimal, unlucky Possibility Giant
  96. Encounter: cartwheeling, quacking, wet, hot, cowardly, frozen Renaissance Giant
  97. Encounter: shy, blurry, floating, narcissistic, clowning, unlucky Possibility Giant
  98. Encounter: cartwheeling, twirling, solid gold, foul-mouthed, turgid, annoying Procrastination Giant
  99. Encounter: tiny, dancin', hopping-mad, askew, haunted, unstoppable Foodie Giant
  100. Encounter: blurry, hopping-mad, electrified, narcissistic, unstoppable, cowardly Renaissance Giant
  101. Encounter: bouncing, drunk, cloud-based, cloned, frozen, unlucky Possibility Giant
  102. Encounter: cartwheeling, twirling, throbbing, turgid, disguised, American Possibility Giant
  103. Encounter: left-handed, solid gold, turgid, annoying, cowardly, cloned Possibility Giant
  104. Encounter: The tiny, twirling, lazy, tie-dyed, bouncing, optimal Bonerdagon
  105. Encounter: skinny, short, electrified, annoying, generous, clowning Ninja Snowman Janitor
  106. Encounter: tiny, invisible, yuletide, wet, generous, sleazy Ninja Snowman
  107. Encounter: tie-dyed, bouncing, drunk, wet, cowardly, clingy Ninja Snowman
  108. Encounter: left-handed, shaky, bouncing, quacking, disguised, yuletide Ninja Snowman
  109. Encounter: huge, cartwheeling, ghostly, broke, pixellated, 1337 N1nj4 5n0wm4n
  110. Encounter: solid gold, askew, untouchable, cloned, fragile, unlucky Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster
  111. Encounter: floating, artisanal, hot, American, fratty, generous Ninja Snowman Janitor
  112. Encounter: shy, throbbing, blurry, tie-dyed, clowning, fragile Ninja Snowman
  113. Encounter: solid gold, turgid, haunted, electrified, artisanal, obscene Ninja Snowman Janitor
  114. Encounter: lazy, hopping-mad, filthy, annoying, yuletide, clowning Ninja Snowman
  115. Encounter: jittery, blurry, tie-dyed, quacking, haunted, stingy ninja snowman assassin
  116. Encounter: shy, skinny, tie-dyed, quacking, invisible, frozen Ninja Snowman
  117. Encounter: shy, left-handed, lazy, narcissistic, disguised, stingy Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster
  118. Encounter: Australian, narcissistic, fratty, cloned, clowning, optimal ninja snowman assassin
  119. Encounter: short, broke, drunk, foul-mouthed, invisible, clowning Ninja Snowman Janitor
  120. Encounter: twirling, shaky, restless, blurry, askew, yuletide Ninja Snowman Janitor
  121. Encounter: restless, floating, foul-mouthed, ticking, disguised, cowardly Ninja Snowman
  122. Encounter: huge, phase-shifting, solid gold, invisible, yuletide, frozen Ninja Snowman
  123. Encounter: left-handed, Australian, lazy, narcissistic, wet, American Ninja Snowman
  124. Encounter: shy, Australian, cartwheeling, lazy, unstoppable, cloned Ninja Snowman
  125. Encounter: skinny, ghostly, broke, artisanal, hilarious, generous ninja snowman assassin
  126. Encounter: tiny, shaky, filthy, askew, 1337, wet p4n1ck1ng Kn077 Y371
  127. Encounter: phase-shifting, floating, haunted, disguised, cowardly, generous panicking Knott Yeti
  128. Encounter: blurry, solid gold, pixellated, wet, cowardly, optimal panicking Knott Yeti
  129. Encounter: shy, solid gold, askew, American, generous, clowning Groar
  130. Encounter: jittery, filthy, disguised, hot, cloud-based Baa'baa'bu'ran
  131. Encounter: filthy, invisible, unstoppable, cloud-based, frozen Knight in White Satin
  132. Encounter: huge, dancin', tie-dyed, unstoppable, generous whitesnake
  133. Encounter: shy, twirling, foul-mouthed, fratty, cloud-based white chocolate golem
  134. Encounter: floating, turgid, annoying, wet, fratty, clowning pair of burnouts
  135. Encounter: shy, twirling, askew, artisanal, American, optimal pair of burnouts
  136. Encounter: blurry, haunted, electrified, yuletide, 1337, cloud-based p41r 0f burn0u75
  137. Encounter: tiny, huge, solid gold, narcissistic, pixellated, stingy pair of burnouts
  138. Encounter: shy, huge, phase-shifting, lazy, askew, disguised pair of burnouts
  139. Encounter: floating, tie-dyed, filthy, untouchable, artisanal, fragile pair of burnouts
  140. Encounter: Australian, short, floating, broke, quacking, fratty pair of burnouts
  141. Encounter: filthy, turgid, haunted, hilarious, clowning, ice-cold pair of burnouts
  142. Encounter: twirling, broke, disguised, artisanal, cloud-based, stingy pair of burnouts
  143. Encounter: lazy, foul-mouthed, haunted, narcissistic, artisanal, clingy pair of burnouts
  144. Encounter: left-handed, filthy, disguised, fratty, cowardly, obscene pair of burnouts
  145. Encounter: skinny, huge, foul-mouthed, ticking, obscene, fragile pair of burnouts
  146. Encounter: dancin', broke, ticking, wet, clowning, frozen pair of burnouts
  147. Encounter: tiny, blurry, bouncing, broke, annoying, stingy pair of burnouts
  148. Encounter: throbbing, lazy, tie-dyed, pixellated, hot, fragile pair of burnouts
  149. Encounter: throbbing, jittery, shaky, ghostly, foul-mouthed, ice-cold pair of burnouts
  150. Encounter: tiny, lazy, askew, ticking, hot, hilarious biclops
  151. Encounter: Australian, cartwheeling, bouncing, broke, drunk, optimal spider-legged witch's hut
  152. Encounter: shy, skinny, lazy, hopping-mad, artisanal, stingy extremely annoyed witch
  153. Encounter: shy, skinny, throbbing, filthy, haunted, generous Elpízo & Crosybdis
  154. Encounter: huge, phase-shifting, throbbing, turgid, hilarious, stingy factory-irregular skeleton
  155. Encounter: short, tie-dyed, solid gold, unstoppable, yuletide, wet swarm of skulls
  156. Encounter: shy, throbbing, ghostly, lazy, askew, artisanal novelty tropical skeleton
  157. Encounter: tiny, ghostly, bouncing, broke, yuletide, fratty remaindered skeleton
  158. Encounter: ghostly, hopping-mad, tie-dyed, invisible, hilarious, sleazy novelty tropical skeleton
  159. Encounter: throbbing, ticking, turgid, invisible, wet, hilarious factory-irregular skeleton
  160. Encounter: skinny, blurry, ghostly, bouncing, invisible, unstoppable novelty tropical skeleton
  161. Encounter: huge, blurry, drunk, foul-mouthed, turgid, optimal the former owner of the Skeleton Store
  162. Encounter: phase-shifting, twirling, throbbing, blurry, tie-dyed, fratty sewer snake with a sewer snake in it
  163. Encounter: skinny, huge, ghostly, generous, cloned, clowning malt liquor golem
  164. Encounter: throbbing, foul-mouthed, askew, American dire pigeon
  165. Encounter: the cartwheeling, turgid, pixellated, unstoppable Lot's Wife
  166. Encounter: quacking, haunted, untouchable, hot, cowardly Raver Giant
  167. Encounter: tiny, jittery, short, pixellated, cloud-based, unlucky Punk Rock Giant
  168. Encounter: ticking, disguised, pixellated, generous, cloned, optimal Raver Giant
  169. Encounter: bouncing, solid gold, 1337, American, fratty, ice-cold Punk R0ck G14n7
  170. Encounter: tiny, left-handed, shaky, fratty, fragile, unlucky Goth Giant
  171. Encounter: tiny, floating, tie-dyed, foul-mouthed, askew, unlucky Raver Giant
  172. Encounter: tiny, ghostly, askew, cloned, frozen, fragile Goth Giant
  173. Encounter: floating, filthy, askew, ticking, disguised, obscene Steampunk Giant
  174. Encounter: tiny, floating, askew, haunted, cloned, stinky Raver Giant
  175. Encounter: shy, dancin', artisanal, American, cloned, optimal black adder
  176. Encounter: throbbing, jittery, blurry, electrified, American, generous black magic woman
  177. Encounter: phase-shifting, restless, hopping-mad, narcissistic, fratty, obscene black panther
  178. Encounter: Australian, disguised, unstoppable, 1337, cowardly, obscene b14ck fr14r
  179. Encounter: dancin', throbbing, jittery, cowardly, cloud-based, obscene blackberry bush
  180. Encounter: tiny, phase-shifting, drunk, artisanal, wet, clingy black friar
  181. Encounter: cartwheeling, shaky, tie-dyed, electrified, annoying, hot black friar
  182. Encounter: left-handed, solid gold, foul-mouthed, askew, turgid, sleazy black widow
  183. Encounter: left-handed, narcissistic, unstoppable, fratty, generous, optimal black friar
  184. Encounter: dancin', tie-dyed, pixellated, hilarious, obscene, optimal blackberry bush
  185. Encounter: twirling, bouncing, broke, turgid, electrified, clowning black adder
  186. Encounter: short, hopping-mad, tie-dyed, pixellated, clowning, fragile black magic woman
  187. Encounter: lazy, floating, askew, untouchable, disguised, American black widow
  188. Encounter: tie-dyed, electrified, cowardly, clingy chatty pirate
  189. Encounter: dancin', twirling, quacking, turgid chatty pirate
  190. Encounter: cartwheeling, short, tie-dyed, wet cleanly pirate
  191. Encounter: blurry, askew, electrified, frozen crusty pirate
  192. Encounter: broke, haunted, untouchable, hilarious clingy pirate
  193. Encounter: bouncing, narcissistic, cloned, obscene creamy pirate
  194. Encounter: blurry, tie-dyed, solid gold, fragile curmudgeonly pirate
  195. Encounter: skinny, cartwheeling, jittery, obscene, frozen, sleazy groovy pirate
  196. Encounter: twirling, hopping-mad, broke, filthy, generous, obscene grassy pirate
  197. Encounter: throbbing, tie-dyed, wet, cowardly, stingy, fragile gritty pirate
  198. Encounter: left-handed, huge, dancin', ghostly, turgid, disguised gaudy pirate
  199. Encounter: left-handed, cartwheeling, blurry, 1337, generous, clowning g4udy p1r473
  200. Encounter: shy, drunk, untouchable, unstoppable, hot, fragile Flock of Stab-bats
  201. Encounter: tiny, cartwheeling, lazy, tie-dyed, quacking, frozen Drab Bard
  202. Encounter: huge, cartwheeling, solid gold, haunted, disguised, 1337 3v11 011v3
  203. Encounter: skinny, twirling, hopping-mad, artisanal, obscene, clowning Taco Cat
  204. Encounter: shy, left-handed, Australian, foul-mouthed, American, clingy Drab Bard
  205. Encounter: phase-shifting, blurry, foul-mouthed, haunted, disguised, pixellated Drab Bard
  206. Encounter: shy, solid gold, narcissistic, disguised, cowardly, frozen Drab Bard
  207. Encounter: left-handed, jittery, floating, annoying, unstoppable, unlucky Drab Bard
  208. Encounter: cartwheeling, jittery, turgid, disguised, yuletide, cloud-based Racecar Bob
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