
Twilight Vasectomy

Mar 31st, 2014
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  1. Yeah, actually, you can help me.
  2. >"How?"
  3. You can help me get rid of it, if you know what I mean
  4. >Twilight looks at you, quizzically, before her pupils dilate in shock as she realizes
  5. >"M-me?"
  6. >you nod, feeling your dick harden with excitement
  7. >Twilight leans in, her snout not that far from the tip of your dick
  8. >Her eyes cross oh so cutely as she examines it a little closer
  9. >She suddenly leans back, looking up at you, and nods
  10. >"Okay, I've never done this before, but I think I know what to do."
  11. >she starts heading towards the stairs, turns back her head, and finishes with a sulty
  12. >"Come up to my room, anon"
  13. >You gleefully follow the purple unicorn to her bedroom
  15. >You sit down on her bed after you both enter her room
  16. >it's comfortable as hell, probably like sleeping on a cloud
  17. >Twilight giggles at you, and you realize you've been rubbing the bed
  18. >"Get comfy, anon. Lay down on your back."
  19. >You obey, eager for her pussy, and the bed's just as soft on your back as it was your ass
  20. >Twilight hops onto the bed, laying her stomach on yours, her head facing your cock
  21. >you get a sweet view of her pussy
  22. >she's not wet
  23. >that's about to change as you start reaching your hands towards her bare marehood
  24. >when suddenly your limbs flail back, outstretched, bound by a magical aura
  25. >Twilight's magical aura
  26. >you look up confused
  27. "Twilight? What are you doing?"
  29. >She turns her head back, innocently
  30. >Like she doesn't even know she's showing off her beautiful marehood
  31. >"Oh, I'm just fixing it for you."
  32. >that doesn't sound at all good
  33. >her eyes move upward in thought, a hoof touching her chin
  34. >"I actually don't remember a colt ever asking me something like this before."
  35. >she leans forward, her head turned towards your dick, and you feel a hoof grasp your dick
  36. >it throbs in response to her touch
  37. >maybe Twilight just likes it rough
  38. >"I'm sure it'll be a good practice for when a colt actually does!"
  39. >you decide to lean back and just let the bookworm do whatever talking she did before she start
  40. >you stare at the ceiling, legs and arms magically held to the bed
  41. >"Anon, are you sure you want to do this? It might hurt."
  42. >yes hurry the fuck up
  43. "Yeah, I'm sure."
  44. >you feel something cold touch your nutsack
  45. >maybe her hoof is cold?
  46. >"I think I'm out of anesthesia."
  47. >what
  49. >you yelp in pain when you feel a sudden sharp sensation at your nutsack
  50. "WHAT THE FUCK?"
  51. >Twilight's restraints hold you down and you're barely able to move
  52. >her fat ass on your chest definitely doesn't help
  53. >"Just give me a moment."
  54. >you barely have time to scream at her to stop as the pain deepens
  55. >you feel the sharp sensation trail across your nutsack, and you feel wetness
  56. >it's probably fucking blood
  57. >you're bleeding
  58. >the pain is unbearable
  59. >you feel a warmer, familiar sensation
  60. >Twilight's hoof
  61. >parting your nutsack
  62. >the open air ups the pain a million times
  63. >and then she makes another cut
  64. >"Sorry! I couldn't find it."
  65. >amidst your screaming you finally shout
  66. "STOP"
  67. >"No, I can do this, don't worry, Anon!"
  69. >her hoof digs into your nutsack, you feel a twist in your balls amidst the already searing pain
  70. >something leaves
  71. >holy fuck did she just take your testes
  72. >"There they are!"
  73. >another sharp pain, and you KNOW she just cut off one of your testes
  74. >you're about to faint from the pain
  75. >and the next jab jolts you awake
  76. >she stabbed whatever her tool was into your other sack
  77. >and got your testes immediately
  78. >the pain of being stabbed in the nut makes you wish you never complained about getting kicked there
  79. >tears are streaming from your face now as you struggle against this mad mare
  80. >her restraints hold you tight as you hear a fucking TEAR as she starts pulling on whatever speared your nut
  81. >you feel another cold sensation, you don't know how you're still able to distinguish feeling at this point
  82. >and you feel another focused sharp pain, tearing away at your nutsack
  83. >the pain of the cut is taken over by the air on the open wound
  84. >and of course another snip and your other testicle is now gone
  85. >darkness starts clouding your vision
  86. >"One more!"
  88. >your entire testicular area feels wet and burns with pain
  89. >your blood drips down your ass cheeks, pooling on her sheets
  90. >and you feel the cold blade against your cock
  91. >it's no longer hard because you're not some mashochistic fag that thinks about getting his balls cut off
  92. >"Oh, it looks like you're not excited anymore. Should I stop?"
  93. >your howling and tears continue
  94. >but you manage a small break
  96. >and you feel a small cut on your limp dick
  97. >"Sorry! Don't yell at me."
  98. >you've been screaming the entire fucking time
  99. >but she takes the knife out
  100. >the pain is finally overwhelming you
  101. >and you start to fade away
  102. >but not before hearing Twilight's last words
  103. >"Oh, there's the anesthesia! Whoops."
  105. >You wake up on Twilight's bed
  106. >there's something wrong
  107. >you usually wake up with a boner
  108. >memories of the horrific event flood to your mind
  109. >and you look down at your groin
  110. >it's covered in bandages
  111. >fucking bloody bandages
  112. >and it still fucking hurts
  113. >but not as much
  114. >the door opens and Twilight enters, floating with her some sort of potion
  115. >which she unceremoniously plugs into your mouth
  116. >"It's for the pain. And I know it isn't perfect, but you did ask me for my help, and I tried my best."
  117. >she takes the bottle out of your mouth
  118. >it feels good
  119. >but doesn't take away the pain
  120. >"It's all gone, now, anon! You never have to worry about it again."
  122. >you're filled with the rage of a thousand fucking suns
  123. >the rage only makes your pain worse
  125. >Twilight's magic closes your mouth, and she leans in
  126. >stroking your cheeks, looking at you with a smile
  127. >"Oh, I'm just joking, anon. That's what you always do, right?"
  128. >now you're angry, in pain, and confused
  129. >"I left you your testicular skin, so you can fill them up with fake testes if you'd like!"
  130. >you try to move and slap that cunt
  131. >and you're still restrained by her magic
  132. >and what little you can move sends pain through your loins
  133. >she looks at you, a little frightened, and backs away
  134. >"I'll leave you alone for a while."
  135. >she heads out
  136. >closes the door
  138. >now you're stuck in a land of sexy ponies with no dick
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