Nov 26th, 2023
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  1. The good news is you have to be in the building and registered 😷😌😊☺️
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.38 KB | 0 0
    1. Saying your hungry is one thing after the wrong blood test was supposed to be the diabetic blood sugar test to determine if I was supposed to be given food or not since can’t exhibit symptoms due to frequent migraines so they checked and seen I’ve been given an IV which was against my wishes but they needed a reason to not give food and give me pain medication that doesn’t work
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.18 KB | 0 0
    1. Not saying anything and not knowing look the same but saying something is how you know I’m not aware or condoning this at all. I’m never suffering on anyone’s behalf ever again
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.04 KB | 0 0
    1. That’s why they had technical issues again
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