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Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. VOTING.Theme = {}
  2. --
  3. -- Mayor Voting Theme
  4. --
  6. VOTING.Theme.WindowColor = Color(26, 30, 38, 255) --Main window color
  7. VOTING.Theme.ControlColor = Color( 38, 41, 49, 255) --Main window control color
  8. VOTING.Theme.TitleTextColor = color_white --Main title text color
  10. VOTING.Theme.NoticePrefixColor = Color(0,0,255) --Chat text color of notice prefix
  11. VOTING.Theme.NoticeTextColor = Color(255,51,51) --Chat text color of notices
  13. VOTING.Settings = {}
  14. --
  15. -- Mayor Voting Settings
  16. --
  17. VOTING.Settings.VotingTitle = "Mayor Election" --Main title
  18. VOTING.Settings.ResultsTitle = "Our NEWLY Elected Mayor!" --Main title for results
  19. VOTING.Settings.NoticePrefix = "[ELECTIONS]" --Chat text prefix
  21. VOTING.Settings.NPCEnabled = true --Spawn Mayor Elections NPC?
  22. VOTING.Settings.NPCTitleText = "Mayors Secretary" --NPC Title above head
  23. VOTING.Settings.NPCModel = "models/player/mossman.mdl" --NPC Player model
  24. VOTING.Settings.NPCSequence = "pose_standing_01" --NPC pose default pose_standing_01
  26. VOTING.Settings.CloseTimeAfterVoteEnds = 8 --Time until window closes after results
  27. --The vote ticker shows real-time updates of who is voting for who
  28. VOTING.Settings.ShowVoteTickerUpdates = true --Show vote ticker?
  29. VOTING.Settings.ForceMouseCursor = false --Force mouse cursor on for new votes?
  31. VOTING.Settings.MenuSounds = true --Play the menu sounds?
  32. VOTING.Settings.NewVoteSound = "plats/elevbell1.wav" --New vote sound
  33. VOTING.Settings.VoteResultsSound = "ui/achievement_earned.wav" --Vote results sound
  35. --
  36. -- Mayor Voting Configuration Options
  37. --
  39. VOTING.MayorTeamName = "Mayor" --DarkRP mayor team name i.e. (name after AddExtraTeam)
  40. VOTING.MaximumCandidates = 4 --Maximum candidates allowed in vote
  41. VOTING.MinimumCandidates = 2 --Minimum candidates needed to trigger vote
  42. VOTING.AboutToBeginTime = 60 --Time (in seconds) between vote triggered and started
  43. VOTING.VoteTime = 90 --Time (in seconds) that a vote will last
  44. VOTING.AllowCandidatesToVote = true --Allow candidates to participate in the vote?
  45. VOTING.OnlyEnterUsingNPC = true --Only allow vote entry using the NPC?
  46. VOTING.CandidateCost = 15000 --Cost of vote entry. Set to 0 to disable entry fee.
  47. VOTING.DemoteMayorOnDeath = true --Demote the mayor automatically if they die.
  48. VOTING.MinutesUntilNextElection = 60 --Cooldown (in minutes) for new mayor vote
  49. VOTING.AllowNewElectionOnDeath = true --Reset cooldown if the mayor dies
  50. VOTING.AllowNewElectionWithMayor = true --Allow new votes if there is already a mayor
  51. VOTING.DemoteOtherMayorsOnWin = true --Demote current mayors when there is a new mayor
  53. --Custom Vote Entry Check
  54. --Developers can also add a custom vote entry check, this will be called when
  55. --a player tries to enter the mayor election. Return true/false to allow/disallow.
  56. --You can also set a custom failure message to show to the player.
  57. --Example
  58. //VOTING.CanEnterVotingCustomFunction = function(ply) if ply:Level() > 5 then return true end end
  59. //VOTING.CustomFunctionFailed = "You are not high enough level to enter a mayor election!"
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