

Dec 7th, 2020
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  1. The levels of skills generally range from 1 to 10.
  3. Those with a level 1 skill are novices that have just learned the skill. For combat-related skills, this is the level at which the user can just manage to use the skill in real battle. Those with level 1 crafting skills would be at the level of an amateur hobbyist.
  5. The average soldier possesses level 2 combat-related skills, and those with level 2 crafting skills are considered unskilled craftsmen.
  7. Adventurers and mercenaries that possess level 3 combat-related skills are considered fully qualified. Craftsmen with level 3 skills are quite skilled, but not allowed to operate independently.
  9. Those with level 4 combat-related skills are considered competent veterans in their fields. Level 4 crafting skills are the minimum requirement for an independent craftsman.
  11. Those with level 5 combat-related skills are top-class users of those skills, and it is common for C-class adventurers to possess skills at this level.
  13. Those with level 6 combat-related skills are fit to be instructors for nobles, and are close to being B-class adventurers. Those with level 6 crafting skills are able to run stores in large cities.
  15. Those with level 7 combat-related skills are sought after by countries and noblemen; adventurers with skills at this level are B-class unless their behavior is considered greatly problematic. Craftsmen with level 7 skills have multiple people that apply to be their apprentices every year.
  17. Those with level 8 skills are masters whose names are known across the entire country.
  19. Those with level 9 skills leave their names in history. A-class adventurers possess skills at this level.
  21. Level 10 skills are in the realm of superhuman abilities.
  23. And there are rare cases where a skill surpasses level 10, becoming a transcendental skill. Possessing such a skill could make one worshipped by others. One would be called names such as Sword King or Flame Emperor, and be considered a god.
  25. It would perhaps be equivalent to Miyamoto Musashi* on Earth. It is unlikely that Miyamoto Musashi could move faster than sound, fight for a week straight without eating or drinking, or cut through a mountain-sized rock that’s harder than steel, however.
  27. TLN*: A legendary samurai/ronin
  28. These were Vandalieu’s estimations of how skills worked, based on what he had heard from Darcia and Zadiris.
  30. With that in mind, it made sense that obtaining skills like alchemy or magic-related skills took numerous months.
  32. However, in this world, there is a component that didn’t exist on Earth or in Origin.
  34. The bonuses to skills offered by Jobs.
  36. The people of lambda can gain bonuses to learning skills by obtaining Jobs. This increases the rate at which one obtains and levels up skills.
  38. Because of this, an amateur can become a master swordsman or craftsman in just a few years. In the case of swordsmen, though, many die before they can gain the Experience Points they need.
  40. Looking at it another way, acquiring skills and leveling them up in this world without obtaining a Job is difficult. Even with an excellent teacher, the apprentice having an appropriate Job is almost a prerequisite for learning skills.
  42. In that regard, Vandalieu was quite exceptional considering that he had learned skills and leveled them up without a Job.
  44. Because of his curse, Vandalieu’s experience from his previous lives didn’t manifest directly in his skills. But he still remembered the feeling of learning skills and still had the experience which helped him learn them, and his vast Mana pool allowed him to practice magic dozens of times more than the average person.
  46. Also, he received racial bonuses by being a member of the Dhampir race.
  48. As proof of this, he hadn’t learned any martial skills, which he hadn’t experienced using at all on Earth or in Lambda.
  50. 「So in short, obtaining a Job would make it easier to acquire new skills.」(Vandalieu)
  52. 「Well, that is correct.」(Zadiris)
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