
lasso GF

Jul 28th, 2022
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  1. Mother, I am writing home to tell you that after years of searching (and many failed experiments), I have finally found a girl who knows and loves the Lasso for regression analysis as much as I do. The way she knows how to leverage the algorithm to reduce shrinkage is simply divine. We spend all of our time together completing data analysis problems and I am beginning to think that this girl is the reason that I'm such an avid reader of the Journal of Statistics Education, because her mind is just as sharp as I like mine to be, and she is fun to talk to and we get along so well together (not that this is some kind of a new idea, or a revelation of anything).
  3. And not only do we talk about statistics and all the other fun things in life, but when we aren't working, we play. We play exhilarating games like minesweeper in the R Studio IDE, dungeons and dragons (she is the dungeon master) and Risk (which is a great way to get statistics done because after each game, we discuss the statistics of our wins and losses). We also play fun games that we made up, such as the Sushi Roll game where we take pictures of us eating sushi together and then match them to each other, and of course, the ever popular match-ups of the Star Wars universe.
  5. And when we get hungry (which is often, because we never run out of fun things to talk about) we go for a stroll and then find a place to eat. And while we are there, we talk about statistics, and when we're full, we go back to the R Studio IDE or some other place where we can work or play. In fact, we were so focused on our discussions of statistics and games the other night that we even passed the local Starbucks without going in to get a caffeine rush.
  7. I never knew such a girl could exist. It is simply obvious she is perfect because of her deep, thorough knowledge of Lasso regularization methods and L1 regularization in particular. Our conversations often go on for hours and hours, without any sign of her fatigue. I suppose her stamina is her great advantage over the rest of the world.
  9. This girl has truly made a big difference in my life. Before I met her, I had never made any sense of the statistics problems I was given to do in my other classes, and I never knew how to explain the methods and techniques to any of my classmates. But now, with her guidance, I can talk to my classmates and the entire world about statistical problems without a second thought.
  11. And you know what else? Now that I have found her, I see no reason why I have to go home and I certainly no longer have to go to other places to play or work. For my whole life, I have been looking for the person who I can simply talk to all the time, and now that I have found her, I don't need anyone else anymore. So please, could you make this
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