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- // CM3D2.AddModsSlider.Plugin. : 各modパラメータをスライダーで操作する UnityInjector 用プラグイン
- // 必須条件: CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch.Plugin (0.2.2) ( ) が導入済みである事
- // CM3D2.ExternalSaveData.Patcher (0.1.0) ( ) が導入済みである事
- // 必須ファイル: \CM3D2\UnityInjector\Config\ModsParam.xml
- // (サンプル: ) modパラメータ定義xml
- //
- // メイドエディット画面中にF5でUI表示トグル。 ( )
- // 各種modをスライドバー・トグルボタンで調整する事が可能。
- //
- // 更新履歴
- // エディット画面で入りなおすと一部mod数値が初期化されるバグ修正2。
- // 各mod仕様をCM3D2.MaidVoicePitch.Plugin (0.2.2) に準拠。
- // WIDESLIDER必須のmodはWIDESLIDER無効時に自動で無効化する様に。
- // on/off不可のmodにはトグルボタンを表示しないように。
- // 拡張セーブ時にアクティブメイド以外が保存できないバグ修正。
- // エディット画面で入りなおすとmod数値が初期化されるバグ修正。
- // CM3D2.ExternalSaveData.Patcherの拡張セーブデータに対応。
- // 上記に伴い ModsParam.xml の書式変更。
- // ON/OFF系のmodをUIよりトグルボタンで操作可能に。
- // UIをドラッグで動かせる様に。
- // 夜伽スライダーを別Pluginに分離。
- // 夜伽時に興奮・精神・理性を変更できるスライドバーを追加。
- // 夜伽時にFaceBlend(頬・涙・よだれの組合せ)とFaceAnime(エロ○○系表情)を選べるボタンを追加。
- // フォントサイズがウィンドウ幅と比例する様に。
- // スクロールバーが滑らかに。
- // ModsParam.xmlの<mod>属性 forced="..." が正常に機能していなかったのを修正。
- // リフレクションがフレーム毎に実行されてたのを修正。(軽量化)
- // ModsParam.xmlの書式を変更。
- // ModsParam.xmlで<mod>の属性に forced="true" 指定で、フリーコメント欄にかかわらずそのmodのスライダーが表示される様に。
- // <value>の属性でtype="scale"指定の時、最小値をスライダーに反映してなかったのを修正。
- // 各mod定義をxmlファイルにして読み込む様に。
- // スライダーバーとフリーコメント欄が連動する様に。(改造スレその2>>192)
- // EYEBALL,TEST_EYE_ANGの縦横が逆だったのを修正。
- // 初版
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- using System.Xml;
- using UnityEngine;
- using UnityInjector.Attributes;
- using CM3D2.ExternalSaveData.Managed;
- namespace CM3D2.AddModsSlider.Plugin
- {
- [PluginFilter("CM3D2x64"),
- PluginFilter("CM3D2x86"),
- PluginFilter("CM3D2VRx64"),
- PluginName("CM3D2 AddModsSlider"),
- PluginVersion("")]
- public class AddModsSlider : UnityInjector.PluginBase
- {
- public const string Version = "";
- private int sceneLevel;
- private bool visible = false;
- private bool xmlLoad = false;
- private bool oneLoad = false;
- private ModsParam mp;
- private PixelValues pv;
- private Maid maid;
- private string freeComment;
- private Rect winRect;
- private Vector2 lastScreenSize;
- private float modsSliderWidth = 0.25f;
- private Vector2 scrollViewVector =;
- private class ModsParam
- {
- public readonly string DefMatchPattern = @"([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)";
- public readonly string XmlFileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\UnityInjector\Config\ModsParam.xml";
- // WideSlider有効化が前提のmod
- public List<string> NeedsWideSlider = new List<string> { "FARMFIX", "EYE_RATIO", "EYE_ANG", "PELSCL", "SKTSCL", "THISCL", "THIPOS"
- ,"SPISCL", "S0ASCL", "S1_SCL", "S1ASCL" };
- // MaidVoicePitch.0.2.2 準拠
- // MaidVoicePitchでBool値でのON/OFFフラグが無いmod
- public List<string> CantDisable = new List<string> { "EYETOCAM", "HEADTOCAM", "PITCH", "MABATAKI", "FACE_ANIME_SPEED"
- // MaidVoicePitchでname=keyのvalueをmodの引数として扱ってるmod
- public List<string> IsNotBoolKey = new List<string> { "EYETOCAM", "HEADTOCAM", "PITCH", "MABATAKI", "FACE_ANIME_SPEED", "EYE_RATIO" } ;
- public string XmlFormat;
- public List<string> sKey = new List<string>();
- public Dictionary<string, string> sDescription = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- public Dictionary<string, bool> bForced = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
- public Dictionary<string, bool> bEnabled = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
- public Dictionary<string, string> sType = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- public Dictionary<string, string[]> sPropName = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>> fValue = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>> fVmin = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>> fVmax = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> sVType = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> sLabel = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
- public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> sMatchPattern = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
- public int KeyCount { get{return sKey.Count;} }
- public int ValCount(string key) { return sPropName[key].Length; }
- //--------
- public ModsParam()
- {
- Init();
- }
- public bool Init()
- {
- if(!loadModsParamXML())
- {
- Debug.LogError("AddModsSlider : loadModsParamXML() failed.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private bool loadModsParamXML()
- {
- if (!File.Exists(XmlFileName))
- {
- Debug.LogError("AddModsSlider : \"" + XmlFileName + "\" does not exist.");
- return false;
- }
- XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
- doc.Load(XmlFileName);
- XmlNode mods = doc.DocumentElement;
- XmlFormat = ((XmlElement)mods).GetAttribute("format");
- if (XmlFormat != "1.1")
- {
- Debug.LogError("AddModsSlider : "+ AddModsSlider.Version +" requires fomart=\"1.1\" of ModsParam.xml.");
- return false;
- }
- XmlNodeList modNodeS = mods.SelectNodes("/mods/mod");
- if (!(modNodeS.Count > 0))
- {
- Debug.LogError("AddModsSlider : \"" + XmlFileName + "\" has no <mod>elements.");
- return false;
- }
- sKey.Clear();
- foreach(XmlNode modNode in modNodeS)
- {
- // mod属性
- string key = ((XmlElement)modNode).GetAttribute("id");
- if(key != "" && !sKey.Contains(key)) sKey.Add(key);
- else continue;
- bool f = false;
- sDescription[key] = ((XmlElement)modNode).GetAttribute("description");
- bEnabled[key] = (Boolean.TryParse(((XmlElement)modNode).GetAttribute("enabled"), out f)) ? f : true;
- bForced[key] = (Boolean.TryParse(((XmlElement)modNode).GetAttribute("forced"), out f)) ? f : true;
- sType[key] = ((XmlElement)modNode).GetAttribute("type");
- if (sType[key] == "") sType[key] = "slider";
- if (sType[key] == "toggle") continue;
- XmlNodeList valueNodeS = ((XmlElement)modNode).GetElementsByTagName("value");
- if (!(valueNodeS.Count > 0)) continue;
- sPropName[key] = new string[valueNodeS.Count];
- fValue[key] = new Dictionary<string, float>();
- fVmin[key] = new Dictionary<string, float>();
- fVmax[key] = new Dictionary<string, float>();
- sVType[key] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- sLabel[key] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- sMatchPattern[key] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- // value属性
- int j = 0;
- foreach (XmlNode valueNode in valueNodeS)
- {
- float x = 0f;
- string prop = ((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("prop_name");
- if (prop != "" && Array.IndexOf(sPropName[key], prop) < 0 ) sPropName[key][j] = prop;
- else
- {
- sKey.Remove(key);
- break;
- }
- fVmin[key][prop] = Single.TryParse(((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("min"), out x) ? x : 0f;
- fVmax[key][prop] = Single.TryParse(((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("max"), out x) ? x : 0f;
- sVType[key][prop] = ((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("type");
- switch (sVType[key][prop])
- {
- case "num": break;
- case "scale": break;
- case "int" : break;
- default : sVType[key][prop] = "num"; break;
- }
- sLabel[key][prop] = ((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("label");
- sMatchPattern[key][prop] = ((XmlElement)valueNode).GetAttribute("match_pattern");
- j++;
- }
- if (j == 0) sKey.Remove(key);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- private class PixelValues
- {
- public float BaseWidth = 1280f;
- public float PropRatio = 0.6f;
- public int Margin;
- private Dictionary<string, int> font = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- private Dictionary<string, int> line = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- private Dictionary<string, int> sys = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- public PixelValues()
- {
- Margin = PropPx(10);
- font["C1"] = 11;
- font["C2"] = 12;
- font["H1"] = 14;
- font["H2"] = 16;
- font["H3"] = 20;
- line["C1"] = 14;
- line["C2"] = 18;
- line["H1"] = 22;
- line["H2"] = 24;
- line["H3"] = 30;
- sys["Menu.Height"] = 45;
- sys["OkButton.Height"] = 95;
- sys["HScrollBar.Width"] = 15;
- }
- public int Font(string key) { return PropPx(font[key]); }
- public int Line(string key) { return PropPx(line[key]); }
- public int Sys(string key) { return PropPx(sys[key]); }
- public int Font_(string key) { return font[key]; }
- public int Line_(string key) { return line[key]; }
- public int Sys_(string key) { return sys[key]; }
- public Rect PropScreen(float left, float top, float width, float height)
- {
- return new Rect((int)((Screen.width - Margin * 2) * left + Margin)
- ,(int)((Screen.height - Margin * 2) * top + Margin)
- ,(int)((Screen.width - Margin * 2) * width)
- ,(int)((Screen.height - Margin * 2) * height));
- }
- public Rect PropScreenMH(float left, float top, float width, float height)
- {
- Rect r = PropScreen(left, top, width, height);
- r.y += Sys("Menu.Height");
- r.height -= (Sys("Menu.Height") + Sys("OkButton.Height"));
- return r;
- }
- public Rect PropScreenMH(float left, float top, float width, float height, Vector2 last)
- {
- Rect r = PropScreen((float)(left/(last.x - Margin * 2)), (float)(top/(last.y - Margin * 2)), width, height);
- r.height -= (Sys("Menu.Height") + Sys("OkButton.Height"));
- return r;
- }
- public Rect InsideRect(Rect rect)
- {
- return new Rect(Margin, Margin, rect.width - Margin * 2, rect.height - Margin * 2);
- }
- public Rect InsideRect(Rect rect, int height)
- {
- return new Rect(Margin, Margin, rect.width - Margin * 2, height);
- }
- public int PropPx(int px)
- {
- return (int)(px * (1f + (Screen.width/BaseWidth - 1f) * PropRatio));
- }
- }
- //--------
- public void Awake()
- {
- mp = new ModsParam();
- pv = new PixelValues();
- lastScreenSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
- }
- public void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level)
- {
- sceneLevel = level;
- if (sceneLevel == 9)
- {
- }
- else if (sceneLevel == 5)
- {
- xmlLoad = mp.Init();
- oneLoad = false;
- winRect = pv.PropScreenMH(1f - modsSliderWidth, 0f, modsSliderWidth, 1f);
- }
- }
- public void Update()
- {
- if (sceneLevel == 9)
- {
- }
- else if (sceneLevel == 5 && xmlLoad)
- {
- if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F5)) visible = !visible;
- }
- else
- {
- if(visible) visible = false;
- }
- }
- public void OnGUI()
- {
- if (!visible) return;
- GUIStyle winStyle = "box";
- winStyle.fontSize = pv.Font("C1");
- winStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
- if (sceneLevel == 9)
- {
- }
- else if (sceneLevel == 5 && xmlLoad)
- {
- freeComment = null;
- maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0);
- if (maid == null) return;
- if (maid.Param != null && maid.Param.status != null && maid.Param.status.free_comment != null)
- {
- freeComment = maid.Param.status.free_comment;
- }
- if(freeComment != null && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F4)) {
- checkFreeComment();
- }
- if (GUI.changed || !oneLoad) getExSaveData();
- if (lastScreenSize != new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height))
- {
- winRect = pv.PropScreenMH(winRect.x, winRect.y, modsSliderWidth, 1f, lastScreenSize);
- lastScreenSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
- }
- winRect = GUI.Window(0, winRect, addModsSlider, AddModsSlider.Version, winStyle);
- oneLoad = true;
- }
- }
- //--------
- private void addModsSlider(int winID)
- {
- int mod_num = mp.KeyCount;
- Rect baseRect = pv.InsideRect(this.winRect);
- Rect headerRect = new Rect(baseRect.x, baseRect.y, baseRect.width, pv.Line("H3"));
- Rect scrollRect = new Rect(baseRect.x, baseRect.y + headerRect.height + pv.Margin
- ,baseRect.width + pv.PropPx(5), baseRect.height - headerRect.height - pv.Margin);
- Rect conRect = new Rect(0, 0 ,scrollRect.width - pv.Sys_("HScrollBar.Width") - pv.Margin , 0);
- Rect outRect = new Rect();
- GUIStyle lStyle = "label";
- GUIStyle tStyle = "toggle";
- Color color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.98f);
- for (int i=0; i<mod_num; i++)
- {
- string key = mp.sKey[i];
- if (mp.CantDisable.Contains(key)) mp.bEnabled[key] = true;
- if (checkWS(key)) mp.bEnabled[key] = false;
- conRect.height += pv.Line("H1");
- if(mp.sType[key] != "toggle" && mp.bEnabled[key])
- {
- for (int j=0; j<mp.ValCount(key); j++) conRect.height += pv.Line("H1");
- conRect.height += pv.Margin * 2;
- }
- else conRect.height += pv.Margin;
- }
- lStyle.normal.textColor = color;
- tStyle.normal.textColor = color;
- lStyle.fontSize = pv.Font("H3");
- drawWinHeader(headerRect, "Mods Slider", lStyle);
- // スクロールビュー
- scrollViewVector = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, scrollViewVector, conRect);
- // 各modスライダー
- outRect.Set(0, 0, conRect.width, 0);
- for (int i=0; i<mod_num; i++)
- {
- string key = mp.sKey[i];
- //----
- outRect.width = conRect.width;
- outRect.height = pv.Line("H1");
- color = (mp.bEnabled[key]) ? new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.98f) : new Vector4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
- lStyle.normal.textColor = color;
- tStyle.normal.textColor = color;
- if (mp.CantDisable.Contains(key) || checkWS(key)) // ON/OFFフラグの無いmodとWIDESLIDER無効化状態でのWS必須modはトグル非表示
- {
- string s = mp.sDescription[key]+" ("+key+")";
- lStyle.fontSize = pv.Font("H1");
- if (checkWS(key))
- {
- s = "WIDESLIDER必須:" + s;
- lStyle.normal.textColor = new Vector4(0.8f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f);
- }
- GUI.Label(outRect, s, lStyle);
- }
- else
- {
- tStyle.fontSize = pv.Font("H1");
- mp.bEnabled[key] = GUI.Toggle(outRect, mp.bEnabled[key], mp.sDescription[key]+" ("+key+")", tStyle);
- }
- outRect.y += outRect.height;
- if (mp.sType[key] == "toggle" || !mp.bEnabled[key])
- {
- outRect.y += pv.Margin;
- continue;
- }
- //----
- int val_num = mp.ValCount(key);
- for (int j=0; j<val_num; j++)
- {
- string prop = mp.sPropName[key][j];
- float value = mp.fValue[key][prop];
- float vmin = mp.fVmin[key][prop];
- float vmax = mp.fVmax[key][prop];
- string label = mp.sLabel[key][prop] +" : "+ value.ToString("F");
- string vType = mp.sVType[key][prop];
- outRect.width = conRect.width;
- outRect.height = pv.Line("H1");
- lStyle.fontSize = pv.Font("H1");
- if (value < vmin) value = vmin;
- if (value > vmax) value = vmax;
- if (vType == "scale" && vmin < 1f)
- {
- if (vmin < 0f) vmin = 0f;
- if (value < 0f) value = 0f;
- float tmpmin = -Mathf.Abs(vmax - 1f);
- float tmpmax = Mathf.Abs(vmax - 1f);
- float tmp = (value < 1f) ? tmp = Mathf.Abs((1f-value)/(1f-vmin)) * tmpmin : value - 1f;
- if(tmp < tmpmin) tmp = tmpmin;
- if(tmp > tmpmax) tmp = tmpmax;
- tmp = drawModValueSlider(outRect, tmp, tmpmin, tmpmax, label, lStyle);
- mp.fValue[key][prop] = (tmp < 0f) ? 1f - tmp/tmpmin * Mathf.Abs(1f-vmin) : 1f + tmp;
- }
- else if (vType == "int")
- {
- value = (int)Mathf.Round(value);
- mp.fValue[key][prop] = (int)Mathf.Round(drawModValueSlider(outRect, value, vmin, vmax, label, lStyle));
- }
- else mp.fValue[key][prop] = drawModValueSlider(outRect, value, vmin, vmax, label, lStyle);
- outRect.y += outRect.height;
- }
- outRect.y += pv.Margin * 2;
- }
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- GUI.DragWindow();
- if (GUI.changed || !oneLoad) setExSaveData();
- }
- private void drawWinHeader(Rect rect, string s, GUIStyle style)
- {
- GUI.Label(rect, s, style);
- {
- ;
- }
- }
- private float drawModValueSlider(Rect outRect, float value, float min, float max, string label, GUIStyle lstyle)
- {
- float conWidth = outRect.width;
- outRect.width = conWidth * 0.3f;
- GUI.Label(outRect, label, lstyle);
- outRect.x += outRect.width;
- outRect.width = conWidth * 0.7f;
- outRect.y += pv.PropPx(5);
- return GUI.HorizontalSlider(outRect, value, min, max);
- }
- //--------
- private void checkFreeComment()
- {
- for(int i=0; i<mp.KeyCount; i++)
- {
- string key = mp.sKey[i];
- Match match = Regex.Match(freeComment, getMatchPattern(key));
- if (mp.sType[key] == "toggle")
- {
- mp.bEnabled[key] = (match.Groups.Count > 1) ? true : false;
- }
- else if (match.Groups.Count > mp.ValCount(key))
- {
- int val_num = mp.ValCount(key);
- bool tpf = true;
- for(int j=0; j<val_num; j++)
- {
- float f = 0f;
- string prop = mp.sPropName[key][j];
- mp.bEnabled[key] = true;
- tpf &= Single.TryParse(match.Groups[j + 1].Value, out f);
- if(tpf) mp.fValue[key][prop] = f;
- }
- if(!tpf) mp.bEnabled[key] = false;
- }
- else mp.bEnabled[key] = false;
- }
- }
- private string getMatchPattern(string key)
- {
- if (mp.sType[key] == "toggle") return "#("+ key + ")#";
- string s = "#" + key;
- int val_num = mp.ValCount(key);
- for(int j=0; j<val_num; j++)
- {
- string prop = mp.sPropName[key][j];
- s += (j==0) ? "=" : ",";
- if(mp.sMatchPattern[key][prop] == "")
- {
- s += mp.DefMatchPattern;
- }
- else
- {
- s += mp.sMatchPattern[key][prop];
- }
- }
- s += "#";
- return s;
- }
- private bool checkWS(string key)
- {
- return mp.sKey.Contains("WIDESLIDER") && !mp.bEnabled["WIDESLIDER"] && mp.NeedsWideSlider.Contains(key);
- }
- //--------
- private void getExSaveData()
- {
- for (int i=0; i<mp.KeyCount; i++)
- {
- string key = mp.sKey[i];
- if (mp.IsNotBoolKey.Contains(key)) // name=keyにBool以外数値が入ってるmod用
- {
- float f = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", key, float.NaN);
- if (float.IsNaN(f)) f = 0f;
- mp.fValue[key][key + ".value"] = f;
- }
- else
- {
- mp.bEnabled[key] = ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", key, false);
- if (mp.sType[key] != "toggle")
- {
- for (int j=0; j<mp.ValCount(key); j++)
- {
- string prop = mp.sPropName[key][j];
- float f = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", mp.sPropName[key][j], float.NaN);
- if (!float.IsNaN(f)) mp.fValue[key][prop] = f;
- else mp.fValue[key][prop] = 0f;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // WideSlider前提modのWideSlider無効時スライダー無効化
- for (int i=0; i<mp.KeyCount; i++) if (checkWS(mp.sKey[i])) mp.bEnabled[mp.sKey[i]] = false;
- }
- private void setExSaveData()
- {
- for (int i=0; i<mp.KeyCount; i++)
- {
- string key = mp.sKey[i];
- if (mp.IsNotBoolKey.Contains(key)) // name=keyにBool以外の数値が入ってるmod用
- {
- ExSaveData.SetFloat(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", key, mp.fValue[key][key + ".value"]);
- }
- else
- {
- // ON/OFFフラグの無いmodは name=key value=bool を書き出さない
- if (!mp.CantDisable.Contains(key)) ExSaveData.SetBool(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", key, mp.bEnabled[key]);
- if (mp.sType[key] != "toggle")
- {
- for (int j=0; j<mp.ValCount(key); j++)
- {
- string prop = mp.sPropName[key][j];
- ExSaveData.SetFloat(maid, "CM3D2.MaidVoicePitch", prop, mp.fValue[key][prop]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //--------
- }
- }
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