
osFunctions 08/13/2012

Aug 13th, 2012
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  1. LSL_Integer osSetTerrainHeight(int x, int y, double val)
  2. LSL_Integer osTerrainSetHeight(int x, int y, double val)
  3. LSL_Float osGetTerrainHeight(int x, int y)
  4. LSL_Float osTerrainGetHeight(int x, int y)
  5. void osTerrainFlush()
  6. int osRegionRestart(double seconds)
  7. void osRegionNotice(string msg)
  8. void osSetRot(UUID target, Quaternion rotation)
  9. string osSetDynamicTextureURL(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams,
  10. string osSetDynamicTextureURLBlend(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams,
  11. string osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams,
  12. string osSetDynamicTextureData(string dynamicID, string contentType, string data, string extraParams,
  13. string osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend(string dynamicID, string contentType, string data, string extraParams,
  14. string osSetDynamicTextureDataBlendFace(string dynamicID, string contentType, string data, string extraParams,
  15. bool osConsoleCommand(string command)
  16. void osSetPrimFloatOnWater(int floatYN)
  17. void osTeleportAgent(string agent, string regionName, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  18. void osTeleportAgent(string agent, int regionX, int regionY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  19. void osTeleportAgent(string agent, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  20. World.RegionInfo.RegionName, position, lookat);
  21. void osTeleportOwner(string regionName, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  22. void osTeleportOwner(LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  23. position, lookat);
  24. void osTeleportOwner(int regionX, int regionY, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 lookat)
  25. string osGetAgentIP(string agent)
  26. LSL_List osGetAgents()
  27. void osAvatarPlayAnimation(string avatar, string animation)
  28. void osAvatarStopAnimation(string avatar, string animation)
  29. string osMovePen(string drawList, int x, int y)
  30. string osDrawLine(string drawList, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
  31. string osDrawLine(string drawList, int endX, int endY)
  32. string osDrawText(string drawList, string text)
  33. string osDrawEllipse(string drawList, int width, int height)
  34. string osDrawRectangle(string drawList, int width, int height)
  35. string osDrawFilledRectangle(string drawList, int width, int height)
  36. string osDrawFilledPolygon(string drawList, LSL_List x, LSL_List y)
  37. string osDrawPolygon(string drawList, LSL_List x, LSL_List y)
  38. string osSetFontSize(string drawList, int fontSize)
  39. string osSetFontName(string drawList, string fontName)
  40. string osSetPenSize(string drawList, int penSize)
  41. string osSetPenColor(string drawList, string color)
  42. string osSetPenColour(string drawList, string colour)
  43. string osSetPenCap(string drawList, string direction, string type)
  44. string osDrawImage(string drawList, int width, int height, string imageUrl)
  45. LSL_Vector osGetDrawStringSize(string contentType, string text, string fontName, int fontSize)
  46. void osSetStateEvents(int events)
  47. void osSetRegionWaterHeight(double height)
  48. void osSetRegionSunSettings(bool useEstateSun, bool sunFixed, double sunHour)
  49. void osSetEstateSunSettings(bool sunFixed, double sunHour)
  50. double osGetCurrentSunHour()
  51. double osSunGetParam(string param)
  52. double osGetSunParam(string param)
  53. void osSunSetParam(string param, double value)
  54. void osSetSunParam(string param, double value)
  55. string osWindActiveModelPluginName()
  56. void osSetWindParam(string plugin, string param, LSL_Float value)
  57. LSL_Float osGetWindParam(string plugin, string param)
  58. void osParcelJoin(LSL_Vector pos1, LSL_Vector pos2)
  59. void osParcelSubdivide(LSL_Vector pos1, LSL_Vector pos2)
  60. void osParcelSetDetails(LSL_Vector pos, LSL_List rules)
  61. void osSetParcelDetails(LSL_Vector pos, LSL_List rules)
  62. double osList2Double(LSL_Types.list src, int index)
  63. void osSetParcelMediaURL(string url)
  64. void osSetParcelSIPAddress(string SIPAddress)
  65. string osGetScriptEngineName()
  66. string osGetSimulatorVersion()
  67. Object osParseJSONNew(string JSON)
  68. Hashtable osParseJSON(string JSON)
  69. decoded = osParseJSONNew(JSON);
  70. void osMessageObject(LSL_Key objectUUID, string message)
  71. cannot send messages to objects with invalid UUIDs");
  72. cannot send message to " + objUUID.ToString() + ", object was not found in scene.");
  73. void osMakeNotecard(string notecardName, LSL_Types.list contents)
  74. string osGetNotecardLine(string name, int line)
  75. string osGetNotecard(string name)
  76. int osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)
  77. string osAvatarName2Key(string firstname, string lastname)
  78. string osKey2Name(string id)
  79. string osGetGridNick()
  80. string osGetGridName()
  81. string osGetGridLoginURI()
  82. string osGetGridHomeURI()
  83. string osGetGridGatekeeperURI()
  84. string osGetGridCustom(string key)
  85. LSL_String osFormatString(string str, LSL_List strings)
  86. LSL_List osMatchString(string src, string pattern, int start)
  87. LSL_String osReplaceString(string src, string pattern, string replace, int count, int start)
  88. string osLoadedCreationDate()
  89. string osLoadedCreationTime()
  90. string osLoadedCreationID()
  91. LSL_List osGetLinkPrimitiveParams(int linknumber, LSL_List rules)
  92. LSL_Integer osIsNpc(LSL_Key npc)
  93. LSL_Key osNpcCreate(string firstname, string lastname, LSL_Vector position, string notecard)
  94. LSL_Key osNpcCreate(string firstname, string lastname, LSL_Vector position, string notecard, int options)
  95. LSL_Key osNpcSaveAppearance(LSL_Key npc, string notecard)
  96. void osNpcLoadAppearance(LSL_Key npc, string notecard)
  97. LSL_Key osNpcGetOwner(LSL_Key npc)
  98. LSL_Vector osNpcGetPos(LSL_Key npc)
  99. void osNpcMoveTo(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Vector position)
  100. void osNpcMoveToTarget(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Vector target, int options)
  101. LSL_Rotation osNpcGetRot(LSL_Key npc)
  102. void osNpcSetRot(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Rotation rotation)
  103. void osNpcStopMoveToTarget(LSL_Key npc)
  104. void osNpcSay(LSL_Key npc, string message)
  105. 0, message);
  106. void osNpcSay(LSL_Key npc, int channel, string message)
  107. void osNpcShout(LSL_Key npc, int channel, string message)
  108. void osNpcSit(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Key target, int options)
  109. void osNpcStand(LSL_Key npc)
  110. void osNpcRemove(LSL_Key npc)
  111. void osNpcPlayAnimation(LSL_Key npc, string animation)
  112. void osNpcStopAnimation(LSL_Key npc, string animation)
  113. void osNpcWhisper(LSL_Key npc, int channel, string message)
  114. void osNpcTouch(LSL_Key npcLSL_Key, LSL_Key object_key, LSL_Integer link_num)
  115. LSL_Key osOwnerSaveAppearance(string notecard)
  116. LSL_Key osAgentSaveAppearance(LSL_Key avatarId, string notecard)
  117. LSL_Key osGetMapTexture()
  118. LSL_Key osGetRegionMapTexture(string regionName)
  119. LSL_List osGetRegionStats()
  120. int osGetSimulatorMemory()
  121. void osSetSpeed(string UUID, LSL_Float SpeedModifier)
  122. void osKickAvatar(string FirstName,string SurName,string alert)
  123. void osCauseDamage(string avatar, double damage)
  124. void osCauseHealing(string avatar, double healing)
  125. LSL_List osGetPrimitiveParams(LSL_Key prim, LSL_List rules)
  126. void osSetPrimitiveParams(LSL_Key prim, LSL_List rules)
  127. void osSetProjectionParams(bool projection, LSL_Key texture, double fov, double focus, double amb)
  128. projection, texture, fov, focus, amb);
  129. void osSetProjectionParams(LSL_Key prim, bool projection, LSL_Key texture, double fov, double focus, double amb)
  130. LSL_List osGetAvatarList()
  131. LSL_String osUnixTimeToTimestamp(long time)
  132. LSL_String osGetInventoryDesc(string item)
  133. LSL_Integer osInviteToGroup(LSL_Key agentId)
  134. LSL_Integer osEjectFromGroup(LSL_Key agentId)
  135. void osSetTerrainTexture(int level, LSL_Key texture)
  136. void osSetTerrainTextureHeight(int corner, double low, double high)
  137. void osForceAttachToAvatar(int attachmentPoint)
  138. void osForceAttachToAvatarFromInventory(string itemName, int attachmentPoint)
  139. void osForceAttachToOtherAvatarFromInventory(string rawAvatarId, string itemName, int attachmentPoint)
  140. void osForceDetachFromAvatar()
  141. LSL_Integer osIsUUID(string thing)
  142. LSL_Float osMin(double a, double b)
  143. LSL_Float osMax(double a, double b)
  144. LSL_Key osGetRezzingObject()
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