
ODSP fail Academically

Dec 8th, 2023
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  1. Recorded a video of me doing digital spring cleaning might be used to make it fit someone’s fricked up narrative about where my head as to self inflate thier own ego trying to make it seem they influenced me into doing it when the last part of the hello kitty island adventure blog is just taking the infected device to the Apple Store 🤷🏿‍♂️ skipped this step over and over at 98 to make them think i had anxiety or some stupid ideology in regards to getting it fixed but honestly i hate hackers and all ive been doing is preparing traps while fighting so
  3. If it was stress why wasnt i more …you know ..energetic or emotional..or expressive …weird to assume to try and take credit even speaking on this while embellishing is weird since how would you know better than someone smarter than you ?
  5. I had my own business but they kept stalling my assistance with ODSP and obtaining professional help
  6. No copyright
  7. No trademark
  8. No logo
  10. Just mindlessly creating content to be stolen and used how other people want but now i have a better excuse which is more of a fact and reason as to why my business wasnt moving I could go to TechCrunch Distrupt and speak for 30 or even 2 hours i do it all the time not authentic or certified by anything to show autonomy so someone could claim my work or be the reason all that slimeball shit weirdo managers try to do while micromanaging and lying about shit to try and obtain clients for themselves as opposed to actually assisting the people they claim to manage LOL
  12. Working in all directions means i was blowing bubbles now me not doing anything because ODSP has slacked on assisting me seems weird they just let me do whatever since June 8 🤷🏿‍♂️ seems pretty irresponsible to just not even audit or check in or anything just manage financials which means it looked like something other than a business more like an agile service but me not doing anything since it wouldnt go anywhere means theyll need to set these things up so i can get back to doing what i was doing if not who cares means they never would of let me run my own business alone and its all manipulation only benefit is no ideas to take from me and now ODSP needs to answer these questions as opposed to letting me do my own thing while they ignore my messages and respond to whatever they want.
  14. So now when they use my body for molestation or rape its not my business and has nothing to do with anything other than abuse due to them using some weirdo art angel to justify everything but i dont even have a logo how am i operating a business with no income and ODSP is just letting me waste time and resources like that
  16. It’ll all become painfully obvious as we go since what changed from me filing my business income report someone filed it for me and managed my business to hide abuse and harassment since what other reason would odsp have for ignoring my business assistance claims ?
  • s1337668
    190 days
    # text 0.58 KB | 0 0
    1. So they claimed its just a hobby or a front to hide something im ashamed of but i publicly wanted to go to school for art and draw nudes or art wearables for photography that means all the photos they have are evidence of rape trying to hide as a school project with nothing but barebones to operate and nothing to officiate due to the fact its sketchy and would make certain people liable for things
    3. So that means if i dont do anything other than complain about my body being sore how is it business related ? Where’s the content ? How is it creative ? Seems like audits are necessary
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