
Christmas Shopping

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. 17:47 AnnaClaskovic Neon City. Dazzling in warm green, white and red lights with the hint of festive spirit among the people. It was that time of year where people begin to think more about others, just three days before Christmas. Tucked away silently in the corners of this bashingly big city lies a quaint little gift shop. As it seems, it doesn't seem to be doing well for
  2. 17:47 AnnaClaskovic Business, even though the Gift Shop is seemingly above average. The gifts are nice, here. Nothing old or broken, everything looked brand spanking new. But maybe this is because the store doesn't see much business. Or maybe some magic mumbo jumbo. Who knows? But, something is strange today, in that gift shop. They have a customer. It was Anna, looking for
  3. 17:47 AnnaClaskovic small gifts to give to her friends. She was wearing a rather fuzzy cream white jacket, along with a rather warm looking winter hat and a scarf. You could barely see her jeans, but if you did try to take notice, you would see that she is definitely wearing boots. Perfectly sorted for Winter, one would suppose.
  4. 18:01 *** Sylum is now known as Matilda-Ortolanus
  5. 18:03 AnnaClaskovic was looking through some mugs with captions on them. Anna had two bags, one that just seemed to be filled with the knick knacks she came across, and the other one was filled with wrapped boxes with the To/From label on them all. There were names, but she had labels very well hidden, in case anyone she knows got a peak at them.
  6. 18:07 *** Leagues is now known as Cholran
  7. 18:07 *** Cholran is now known as Chloran
  8. 18:07 *** Chloran quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 43.0.2/20151221130713])
  9. 18:07 *** Leagues joined #covenger_rp
  10. 18:09 *** Leagues is now known as Chloran
  11. 18:10 Matilda-Ortolanus was looking around for any cute plushies, Bears, Bunnies, Cats. Looking for one from a certain line of toys. She looked rather, odd. A large white sweater and a band around it with multiple flasks of something in them. She looked rather familiar
  12. 18:13 Matilda-Ortolanus passed by Anna, noticing something in her bah. "Excuse me miss, that name on one of little presents. I may be wrong, but does it say 'Jeramy Ortolanus'?"
  13. 18:13 Matilda-Ortolanus [bag*]
  14. 18:16 McGoFuckYourself An immaculate choir rang out, as the heavens cast open and the messenger of the very Divine came down to bless the mortals with its holy Word. Nah, jk, it's just Prince. The door's bell dinged as he pushed it open with a shoulder, eyes barely flicking up from his phone as he strode into the store. At a glance, it almost seemed as if he wandered into the store by pure accident, seeing as he...
  15. 18:16 McGoFuckYourself ...rarely so much as looked at the shelves while he walked. Snow-white wings tucked in so they wouldn't smack into anything or anyone, the young Principality yawned. What a fucking drag, man.
  16. 18:17 AnnaClaskovic heard Matilda referring to the bag and quickly turned around to face her. "Oh, well yes, it does. B-but uhh, please don't tell him... I, I want it to be a surprise..." Anna was a bit shy about her presents being noticed. "Um. If, you don't mind me asking..."
  17. 18:17 Ivory was roaming around, looking for a little (and cheap) present to give to her unofficial alien boyfriend. She wears a lilac turtleneck sweater and aqua-ish miniskirt, a rather weird combination.
  18. 18:31 Chloran was roaming the mall, his sights weren't on looking for gifts due to his lack of companions but rather on the large tree on display. It was real, unlike the rest of the plastic knockoffs hung about the vicinity. He sat near it enjoying a pretzel, taking in the Christmas atmosphere.
  19. 18:33 AnnaClaskovic "Do, do you know Jeremy? And in what way? I don't want this to seem weird, or anything..."
  20. 18:38 Matilda-Ortolanus "Oh, I'm sorry I should of said." She looks into her bag pulling out a picture, her, Thomas and Jeramy, The boys looking around 16, 17 years old but clear its them "If this is the right Jeramy, I'm his mother. Funny how life lead me to a friend of his"
  21. 18:42 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, you're his mother? I'm actually his co-worker's little sister, so I guess that is pretty funny... You ever meet a person named 'Greg Claskovic' ?"
  22. 18:43 Ivory is utterly confused from the sheer options she can choose. She doesn't want to disappoint her boyfriend too, so she spends her time looking at the numerous small plushies not knowing which one to buy.
  23. 18:46 Matilda-Ortolanus "I'm afraid not no. I do remember the name from a few letters he sent me"
  24. 18:52 Chloran walked into the small gift shop aiming to find some knickknacks to make his shop more welcoming for the holidays. The rather tall man adjusted the muffler around his neck and nonchalantly looked around, his pulled back, ponytail covered by a Santa hat, his sweater displaying as much pine trees as was permitted. One would maybe think he's a fan of the holidays. He gave everyone around him a...
  25. 18:52 AnnaClaskovic "Well, he's my brother. Very gentle and kind once you get to know him. He actually has a small family of his own, A son and a granddaughter. I'm thinking of getting him something, too." Anna sorts through the plushies and mugs and other stuff to find the perfect little present. "... What do you think I should get him?"
  26. 18:52 Chloran ...warm smile, "Happy Holidays strangers."
  27. 18:52 McGoFuckYourself Prince still wanders about the store. Stupid fucking secret santa bullshit. "Uh. Yo?" Oh god someone's trying to engage him.
  28. 18:56 Matilda-Ortolanus "Does he collect something? I always get Thomas these cute little toys" She shows Anna a little stuffed Bear "he has hundred of these things"
  29. 18:57 AnnaClaskovic "He's uh..." Anna looks at one of the T-shirts. It has a Boyband on it. 'Farther Corners'. Some Europop thing. "He's, he's into music. That's for sure."
  30. 18:59 AnnaClaskovic peaks out to Chloran. "Oh, hello! Happy Holidays to you, too!"
  31. 19:00 Ivory "Happy holidays too, stranger." She smiled back.
  32. 19:01 Chloran turns to Prince and offers him a card, with a cute packet of seeds attached. He does the same to everyone else. The card had a neat design and contact info of his flower shop. He hardly gets a chance to talk to new people. "Compliments of the Sonic Bloom. Come in with the card and get a free Christmas Flower Arrangement."
  33. 19:01 McGoFuckYourself He shrugs, looking at the card. "Welp, my Christmas shopping's done, then. Thanks, bro."
  34. 19:02 Matilda-Ortolanus "I know Jeramy will love some flowers"
  35. 19:02 AnnaClaskovic "... Oh. What are these for, exactly?" She looked down at the seeds, confused.
  36. 19:05 Chloran "Water them when you get home. My own specially made instant grow fruit. Ripe from the start. Took a few months to perfect." He grabbed a seed himself and grew an apple in the palm of his hand. "Nothing ya can't do with a touch of the Earth's blessing."
  37. 19:06 Ivory "This is cool, thanks!" She puts the packet of seeds in her little purse. Perhaps her salamander boyfriend would appreciate flowers. Or instant-ripe fruits.
  38. 19:06 Matilda-Ortolanus "Oh my Wow, what form of magic is it?"
  39. 19:06 AnnaClaskovic "... Is, is it edible?"
  40. 19:08 McGoFuckYourself "It's an apple. Pretty sure it's edible."
  41. 19:08 Chloran "My powers are gifts from the earth itself, I assure you it's all safe. I-I have a return policy if you find something wrong."
  42. 19:09 AnnaClaskovic "Hm. Well, sorry if I mistakenly rose concern. Thank you." She held onto the card, thinking about who she should give it to.
  43. 19:12 AnnaClaskovic "So, since we're all... In notice of eachother, what are you all hoping to get here?" Anna shrugged a bit. "It's quite cold out there, isn't it?"
  44. 19:14 McGoFuckYourself "I dunno, man. Just browsing for shit." He yawned again, wings held tight against his back for added warmth. "I never have any clue what to buy people."
  45. 19:15 Ivory "I, uh, I'm looking for a gift to give to my, boyfriend."
  46. 19:17 Matilda-Ortolanus "I'm looking for something for my sons"
  47. 19:20 AnnaClaskovic "I guess we're all stuck on something to buy... I've been thinking, the blankets look really comfortable, don't they?"
  48. 19:23 AnnaClaskovic took down one of the blankets. It had a few tacky designs running down it, but it felt nice regardless. "Maybe you could buy this for your Partner, ... Uh." Anna didn't know Ivory's name. "Sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Anna."
  49. 19:23 Ivory looks at the mentioned blankets. "Yeah, they sorta do.. And I'm Ivory."
  50. 19:25 *** Chloran joined #covenger_rp
  51. 19:31 AnnaClaskovic "Mhmm. It does get cold, even around here. Where is he from, Ivory?"
  52. 19:33 McGoFuckYourself "That's one cool thing about these, I guess." He idly scratched one of his wings. "S'like a blanket I carry around with me all the time."
  53. 19:37 Ivory "He's not from around here and this would be the first time he meets me. Long distance sucks, you know?"
  54. 19:39 AnnaClaskovic "Ah. I get that. I hope you get the opportunity to settle down with him, you do really seem like you belong in a cute couple. I'd think that the blankets would work, you know? He has something to keep him warm, and it's from you."
  55. 19:44 Chloran "Can't say I agree. Never needed a blanket much. Always slept on a hammock. The temperature was always just right where I sleep..."
  56. 19:45 Ivory "Ah, yes, he would appreciate the gift. And thank you, Anna, I really do want to settle down with him some time in the future." She smiles.
  57. 19:47 McGoFuckYourself "Think I might just go with the flowers for the secret santa shit back at work. I ain't got too many folks to buy for. Eh." He flipped the pack of seeds and card around in his hands. "I just gotta get them /something/, so I guess this works."
  58. 19:48 Matilda-Ortolanus "Alchemy is limited, so instant fruit is grand"
  59. 19:52 *** Ivory quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  60. 19:53 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  61. 19:56 Chloran "I do more than just flowers and fruits you know. If it's anything organic that isn't an animal or bacteria, I'll grow it. Arrange into a Christmas tree if you want too. Let's see your average flower arrangements do that."
  62. 20:00 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah, but those sound expensive and shit. Hell, I don't know a damn thing about plants outside that old pack of carrots that's been sitting in the fridge for the last month, and I don't think even you could like, save them or anything. Roses are pretty and shit. How about roses?"
  63. 20:05 Chloran "Money is not matter for me. I'm one of those lucky few who's happy just doing their job. My roses are pretty cheap. You aiming for someone's heart, cupid?"
  64. 20:06 Matilda-Ortolanus goes to the check out "Pleasure meeting you Anna, if you see Jeramy tell him I said hi, Have a Merry Christmas!"
  65. 20:07 McGoFuckYourself "Hahahahahaha. Funny. Nah, man, there ain't a girl out there who'd be able to put up with a lazy fuck like me. Barely fucking leave my room unless I have to. Work's got a secret santa thing going on, so I have to buy some shit for someone I barely know. Damned if I know what, though."
  66. 20:09 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  67. 20:09 *** Ivory quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  68. 20:10 *** F021_ is now known as Ivory
  69. 20:10 *** Matilda-Ortolanus is now known as Destinox
  70. 20:11 Chloran "Sounds fun if you ask me. I say good luck. I'm sure they'll appreciate it as long as you put you put your heart in it."
  71. 20:14 Destinox walked into the little store, metal legs, bright red hair, bane-thing on his mouth. And Green, kinda christmas looking actually. Alien as you can get. "What a nice little store, no clue why its decorated so, brightly."
  72. 20:16 McGoFuckYourself "Ehhhh, me and putting effort into shit don't usually go hand in hand." He raised a tired eyebrow as the masked alien walked into the store. Fucking Neon. Aliens and druids and angels.
  73. 20:18 Chloran turned his attention to the individual with exceptional taste in the color green. He gave a friendly wave and 'Happy Holidays.'
  74. 20:18 Destinox "Holiday? Something happening today?"
  75. 20:19 Ivory slowly, slooowly moves out from Destinox's sight, hiding behind one of the aisles. She did /not/ expect him to be here today.
  76. 20:22 Chloran "You er, from out of town? Uh, country?
  77. 20:22 McGoFuckYourself "Bit farther than 'out of country', I think." He chuckled, still peering through the shelves.
  78. 20:23 Destinox "Hes right, out of solar system." He looked at a few old toys
  79. 20:25 Chloran " that right?"
  80. 20:25 Chloran took a few seconds to process.
  81. 20:25 McGoFuckYourself "Space, bro."
  82. 20:26 AnnaClaskovic "Oh, hello!" She waved to Destinox. "It's Christmas, kinda one of the most festive holidays on earth."
  83. 20:26 Chloran "You mean like one of those zany circus theater things they do?"
  84. 20:27 McGoFuckYourself "Sky and the cosmos are one, dude. I mean like, out off the planet. Final frontier. The black. Past the clouds and up beyond heaven." said the angel
  85. 20:27 Destinox did a double take at Anna, before turning back to Chloran "The one with the wings is right."
  86. 20:29 Chloran "Actual Space huh? Are there.....are there flowers there?"
  87. 20:29 Destinox "Flowers?"
  88. 20:34 Chloran "I didn't think so." He wrapped his arm around Destinox all buddy like and flashed him a card. "Come by my shop and I'll show you. Sonic Bloom. I dunno how you'd come to this planet without seeing one of it's best attractions. By the way, there any green leafy stuff on your planet? It'd be pretty damn neat if I got some alien plants for Christmas."
  89. 20:34 *** Ivory quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  90. 20:35 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  91. 20:35 Destinox "Right...and plants are what exactly?"
  92. 20:38 Chloran let go of Destinox, "Ha, You're kidding right?"
  93. 20:38 Chloran looked at Prince, "He's kidding right?"
  94. 20:39 McGoFuckYourself "I really fucking doubt it, man."
  95. 20:39 Destinox "...?"
  96. 20:40 AnnaClaskovic "Probably not, remember, things would be different to him here. Completely different."
  97. 20:40 Ivory tries to talk to Anna, with two plushies in her hands. One is a cat with calico pattern and the other's a bear. "Say, Anna, because you're quite good at choosing presents.. I want to give one of these to my partner. Which one should i choose?"
  98. 20:40 Chloran "Geez man, where are you from? A desert?"
  99. 20:41 Destinox "No my home planet is liquid based."
  100. 20:41 AnnaClaskovic "Hmmm. I'd say go for the bear, but the cat is cute, too."
  101. 20:42 AnnaClaskovic "... Maybe flip a coin over it?"
  102. 20:42 Chloran "No seaweed? Algae? Coral?"
  103. 20:43 Ivory "I don't have a coin..."
  104. 20:45 AnnaClaskovic "Oh. Excuse me..." She started to toss her hand around a small purse she had just taken out. She gets a quarter. "Use this, heads for Cat, tails for Bear."
  105. 20:46 AnnaClaskovic "... O-or which way you want it." She hands it to Ivory.
  106. 20:47 Destinox "I think we had something like that..." He looks at his wrist device "Computer What is Coral?"
  107. 20:47 Ivory takes the coin and flips it. Heads. "Well, I guess I'll take the cat then.. Thanks!"
  108. 20:53 AnnaClaskovic "Uh, mind helping me, as well?" Anna was looking at two mugs. "Want one to give to my boss. One says 'You don't get anything done if you don't relax' but the other one says 'Not bossy, just a good leader'... I think he'd appreciate the relax mug more, but... I'm not sure."
  109. 20:55 McGoFuckYourself "Ain't coral just buildup from bacteria or summin'?"
  110. 20:57 Ivory "Hmm.. the relax one is good. I think your boss would appreciate it."
  111. 20:58 Ivory "But hey, I still have your coin. Want to toss this and let destiny choose?" She hands the quarter back to Anna.
  112. 21:02 AnnaClaskovic "E-eh, sure.. Why not." Anna is afraid of giving bad presents, but maybe the odds will be in her favor. She tosses it up, and it lands on tails. "Oh. The... 'Good leader' mug. Hmm."
  113. 21:02 Chloran "I think you might be right....If it is, there goes my college degree in Botany..."
  114. 21:03 McGoFuckYourself "Hey man, hell if I know. I slept through bio most of the time."
  115. 21:16 Destinox "So, why do you like these Plants so much anyways?
  116. 21:16 Destinox "
  117. 21:21 AnnaClaskovic "Well, they do give us the necessity to live and stuff. The air around us came from some trees, the food we eat comes from some plants, some other stuff is harvested from plants, too."
  118. 21:21 AnnaClaskovic "Plants are pretty important." Anna started fiddling around with the mug.
  119. 21:23 Chloran "They're everything to this planet. Beautiful examples of the miracle of life. Natural works of art. Can't say you'd agree, don't have much experience with em. But my appreciation runs much deeper than just that..." He went silent for a moment, staring at the floor...
  120. 21:25 Chloran "But yeah, you should totally get some flowers if you have a special someone or whatever. I've advertised enough for one day....I'm sure it gets annoying eventually."
  121. 21:26 Destinox "Well, I do have someone, but they can't eat so what point would flowers be"
  122. 21:26 Chloran "No"
  123. 21:26 Destinox "what you dont eat them?"
  124. 21:26 Chloran "They're just symbols for affection....wait, can't eat?"
  125. 21:27 Destinox "Shes a living doll." He looks at a mug
  126. 21:28 Chloran "Well there goes discretion..."
  127. 21:28 McGoFuckYourself "And I'm a principlity, and you're like, an alien."
  128. 21:29 Destinox "What? Something wrong?"
  129. 21:31 Chloran "No, no, I suppose that's relatively normal..."
  130. 21:31 AnnaClaskovic "Living doll...?" Anna started making computing the facts. She took a gander at Ivory. "... Huh." It only hit her now.
  131. 21:33 Ivory "...." She knows that she's busted anyways.
  132. 21:37 AnnaClaskovic gasped and then quickly hid behind the shelf along with Ivory. "You're the living doll, aren't you?" Anna whispered.
  133. 21:38 McGoFuckYourself "Shit, man. One of my best bros is made of fucking metal and shit. It ain't /that/ odd."
  134. 21:38 Chloran "I have the excuse of not getting out much I suppose..."
  135. 21:40 Ivory "Well, yeah, I am." She whispered back. "The fact that he doesn't know I'm here is, funny."
  136. 21:40 Destinox "I dont see why shes a doll is a problem"
  137. 21:45 Chloran "There is no problem. I just took it as...odd, uncommon? Interesting to say the least."
  138. 21:56 *** Bud quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  139. 21:58 Destinox "From what I've seen here, that should be normal. I mean, that guy has wings...Wait a second." He turns to look more at Prince "I remember you, you helped us take down that, doman or whatever it was called"
  140. 21:59 McGoFuckYourself He looked up from his phone. "Whazzat?"
  141. 22:00 Destinox "Remember, you walked past us and thought we were into some 'kinky shit'"
  142. 22:00 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhhh?"
  143. 22:00 Chloran "Uh."
  144. 22:02 Destinox " Alright I could be wrong"
  145. 22:03 McGoFuckYourself "Oh. OH. Yeah, that demonic thing. Yeah, I remember that now."
  146. 22:07 Destinox "Not sure how I forgot someone with wings"
  147. 22:09 McGoFuckYourself "Shit like that happens all the time in Neon, I guess."
  148. 22:21 Ivory comes out from her hiding spot, awkwardly waving to Destinox. "Uh.. Hi?"
  149. 22:22 Destinox "Oh, Ivory! Hey I didn't see you"
  150. 22:22 Chloran grabbed as much snowglobes and tchotchkes before heading to checkout. "It was fun, new friends, but I'm on a tight schedule. See you folks soon, hopefully." He paid for his goods and headed for the door, still trying to process the odd couple. He had every right to consider them odd...
  151. 22:24 Ivory "Y-yeah.. Well, how are you? I didn't expect you to be here."
  152. 22:25 McGoFuckYourself "Yep, seeya or something."
  153. 22:26 Destinox "Later you plant lover. So Ivory, how are things?"
  154. 22:28 Ivory "I'm good. Just browsing the store, looking for things I could buy.."
  155. 22:30 Destinox "Thats sweet, anything for me~"
  156. 22:30 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as MGFYaway
  157. 22:35 Ivory "For you? Well, not yet, I'm still looking for things you might like."
  158. 22:35 Destinox "Well, anything will be good really, new planet new trinkets"
  159. 22:40 Ivory "O-okay.. You got anything for me? Just asking."
  160. 22:40 Destinox "What do you mean?"
  161. 22:42 *** MGFYaway quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  162. 22:52 Ivory "...Nevermind." She holds out the cat plushie she wants to give him. "You like this? I know it's silly and all but I don't know what to buy and, this cat is cute."
  163. 22:57 Destinox "Its Cute. What is it?"
  164. 23:01 Ivory "It's a cat, one of the popular pets on earth."
  165. 23:01 Destinox "ooh, i like it"
  166. 23:02 Ivory "The one I'm holding now is not the actual cat, more of like... A replica of a cat. It doesn't need food or water, so I think it fits your needs."
  167. 23:11 Destinox "thanks Ivory"
  168. 23:12 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  169. 23:13 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as MGFYaway
  170. 23:13 Ivory "You're welcome, I guess?"
  171. 23:17 McGoFuckYourself "I dunno, there any like, uh. She's like forty or something. How the hell am I supposed to know what a forty-year old wants?"
  172. 23:23 Ivory "Well, best I can give is to trust your guts. I have no idea on how to pick gifts."
  173. 23:23 Destinox "Why is everyone buying gifts"
  174. 23:25 McGoFuckYourself "Christ. Mas. It's christmas. Gift buying shit's the thing, y'know?
  175. 23:25 McGoFuckYourself "
  176. 23:25 Destinox "Christmas?...OH! Its a celebration on this planet"
  177. 23:28 Ivory "Yep it is. Never got why it's so big though."
  178. 23:28 McGoFuckYourself Prince just stares at the shelves. Desperately trying to not get sucked into a conversation about religion here.
  179. 23:29 Ivory "I mean, it's like the birthday of someone, and that someone is already dead for millenias."
  180. 23:29 Destinox "Must of been an important person"
  181. 23:31 McGoFuckYourself "Wonder if it's gonna snow for Christmas this year....."
  182. 23:31 Destinox resisted asking what Snow is
  183. 23:36 Ivory "Snow is annoying."
  184. 23:40 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  185. 23:40 *** Chloran quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 43.0.2/20151221130713])
  186. 23:59 Destinox "I'm sure it is Ivy, you want to get out of here, do a bit of Driving?"
  187. 00:03 Ivory "Yeah, sure! Should be fun. Give me a second." She goes to the checkout and paid for her present. "Okay, I'm done, let's go!"
  188. 00:05 McGoFuckYourself "Yerp." He gave a curt wave. Prolly gonna hit up that flower shop at some point.
  189. 00:09 Destinox placed an arm around Ivory "Maybe I'll let you drive"
  190. 00:10 Ivory would be blushing right now. "U-uhh, I don't have any experiences in driving a spaceship... I-I might just screw it up.."
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