

Jul 13th, 2020
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  1. " (Some of what you find below, including comments, is copy-pasted from other places)
  2. "
  3. " REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke Latex-Suite when you open a tex file.
  4. filetype plugin on
  6. " OPTIONAL: This enables automatic indentation as you type.
  7. filetype indent on
  9. " OPTIONAL: Starting with Vim 7, the filetype of empty .tex files defaults to
  10. " 'plaintex' instead of 'tex', which results in vim-latex not being loaded.
  11. " The following changes the default filetype back to 'tex':
  12. let g:tex_flavor='latex'
  14. " this is mostly a matter of taste. but LaTeX looks good with just a bit
  15. " of indentation.
  16. set sw=4
  17. set tabstop=4
  18. set shiftwidth=4
  19. set expandtab
  20. set guioptions-=T
  22. set iskeyword-=:
  23. set iskeyword-=.
  24. :tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
  25. :tnoremap <C-k> <C-\><C-n>
  27. " Spell check
  28. au FileType tex setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb
  30. set pastetoggle=<F3>
  31. " Titlecase macro: remember to install python-titlecase, which is available at
  32. "
  33. xnoremap gt di<CR><CR><Up><Esc>pV:!titlecase<CR>I<BS><Esc>Jx
  34. xnoremap gf c<CR><CR><Esc>kpV:s/ /-/g<CR>VukJxJx:noh<CR>
  35. ":call VisualTitleCaseWords()<CR)>v$d$p
  37. "function! VisualTitleCaseWords() range
  38. "    " save previous yank
  39. "    let n = @n
  40. "    " save your text to the '@' register
  41. "    silent! normal gv"ny
  42. "    "echo "Word count:" . system("echo '" . @n . "' | wc -w")
  43. "    let @n =  "Word count:" . system("echo '" . @n . "' | wc -w")
  44. "    exec "normal! p"
  45. "    " restore yank
  46. "    let @n = n
  47. "    " restore the visual selection
  48. "    "normal! gv
  49. "endfunction
  51. " Plugins
  52. call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
  54. Plug 'PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax'
  55. Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
  56. Plug 'bkad/CamelCaseMotion'
  57. Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
  58. Plug ''
  59. Plug ''
  60. Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
  61. Plug 'johngrib/vim-game-code-break'
  62. Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
  63. Plug 'pseewald/vim-anyfold'
  64. Plug 'sedm0784/vim-you-autocorrect'
  65. Plug 'srcery-colors/srcery-vim'
  66. Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
  68. function! BuildYCM(info)
  69.   " info is a dictionary with 3 fields
  70.   " - name:   name of the plugin
  71.   " - status: 'installed', 'updated', or 'unchanged'
  72.   " - force:  set on PlugInstall! or PlugUpdate!
  73.   if a:info.status == 'installed' || a:info.force
  74.     !python3 ./
  75.   endif
  76. endfunction
  77. Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'do': function('BuildYCM') }
  79. call plug#end()
  81. let g:suda_smart_edit = 1
  83. "set EnableAutocorrect
  85. " Camel case plugin should override w, b, and e
  86. map <silent> w <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
  87. map <silent> b <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b
  88. map <silent> e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e
  89. sunmap w
  90. sunmap b
  91. sunmap e
  92. omap <silent> iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
  93. xmap <silent> iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
  94. omap <silent> ib <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib
  95. xmap <silent> ib <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib
  96. omap <silent> ie <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie
  97. xmap <silent> ie <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie
  99. let g:gitgutter_max_signs = 1000
  100. " slow multiple_cursors &amp; YCM
  101. function! Multiple_cursors_before()
  102.     let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 0
  103. endfunction
  105. function! Multiple_cursors_after()
  106.     let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 1
  107. endfunction
  109. colorscheme srcery
  110. hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
  112. let g:ycm_disable_for_files_larger_than_kb = 2000
  114. cmap w!! w !sudo tee %
  115. " <C-k> is <Esc>
  116. imap <C-k> <Esc>
  117. imap <C-d> <Space><Esc>lcaw
  118. vmap <C-k> <Esc>
  119. "imap <Enter> <Enter><A-i>
  120. nmap H ^
  121. nmap L $
  122. vmap H ^
  123. vmap L $h
  125. vnoremap <silent> <Leader>is :<C-U>let old_reg_a=@a<CR>
  126.  \:let old_reg=@"<CR>
  127.  \gv"ay
  128.  \:let @a=substitute(@a, '.\(.*\)\@=',
  129.  \ '\=@a[strlen(submatch(1))]', 'g')<CR>
  130.  \gvc<C-R>a<Esc>
  131.  \:let @a=old_reg_a<CR>
  132.  \:let @"=old_reg<CR>
  134. "inoremap <up> <nop>
  135. "inoremap <down> <nop>
  136. "inoremap <left> <nop>
  137. "inoremap <right> <nop>
  139. " This gets rid of the nasty _ italic bug in tpope's vim-markdown
  140. " block \\(..\\)
  141. syn region math start=/\$\$/ end=/\$\$/
  142. " inline math
  143. syn match math '\\\\([^$].\{-}\\\\)'
  145. " actually highlight the region we defined as "math"
  146. hi link math Statement
  148. " Vim-latex rules:
  149. " to enable \ll to run automatically for pdfs
  150. let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat='pdf'
  151. let g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats='pdf'
  153. " Folding
  154. let g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments = 'Proof,proof,footnote,diagram,diagram*,diagrams,frame,table,tabular'
  155. " let g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments = 'abstract,align,comment,construction,corollary,corollary*,definition,definition*,diagram,diagram*,eq,equation,equation*,etymology,example,examples,figure,gather,idea,illustration,intuition,keywords,lemma,lemma*,mnemonic,motivation,nonexample,notation,numbered-proof,prescription,proof,proof-sketch,proposition,proposition*,remark,remark,table,thebibliography,theorem,theorem*,titlepage,verbatim,warning'
  158. " Compile with LuaLaTex by default for PDF      
  159. let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'lualatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -pdf $*'
  160. " let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'evince'
  162. map <Leader>e :w<CR><C-w><C-p>A<Up><CR><Esc><C-w><C-p>
  163. map <Leader>s :w<CR><C-w><C-p>A<C-c><CR><Up><CR><Esc><C-w><C-p>
  164. map <Leader>t :w<CR>A<CR><Esc>:.!pwd<CR>A<CR><Esc>:.!echo %<CR><Esc>kJr/^v$hdi<BS><Esc>8u<C-w>s:ter<CR>Apython3 /home/topological.modular.forms/scripts/ "<Esc>pA"<CR><Esc>G:resize 2<CR><C-w><C-r><C-w><C-p>
  165. map <Leader>r :w<CR>A<CR><Esc>:.!echo %<CR>v$hdi<BS><Esc>u<C-w>s:ter<CR>Apython3 /home/topological.modular.forms/mess/scripts/ <Esc>pA<CR><Esc>G:resize 2<CR><C-w><C-r><C-w><C-p>
  166. nmap <Leader>w <C-w><C-p>:resize 10<CR><C-w><C-p>
  167. nmap <Leader>f <C-w><C-p>:resize 2<CR><C-w><C-p>
  168. nmap <Leader>g :resize 2<CR>
  169. nmap <Leader>q <C-w>k<C-w><C-e><C-w>j
  170. "
  172. nmap <C-z> i<CR><Esc>k$
  173. let g:Tex_GotoError=0
  174. let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote=0
  175. set winaltkeys=no
  177. " Custom Macros
  178. let g:Tex_Env_definition = "\\begin{definition}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{definition}\<CR><++>"
  179. let g:Tex_Env_lemma = "\\begin{lemma}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{lemma}\<CR><++>"
  180. let g:Tex_Env_proof = "\\begin{Proof}{Proof of \cref{}}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{Proof}\<CR><++>"
  181. let g:Tex_Env_proposition = "\\begin{proposition}{<++>}{<++>}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{proposition}\<CR><++>"
  182. let g:Tex_Env_theorem = "\\begin{theorem}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{theorem}\<CR><++>"
  183. let g:Tex_Env_corollary = "\\begin{corollary}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{corollary}\<CR><++>"
  184. let g:Tex_Env_remark = "\\begin{remark}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{remark}\<CR><++>"
  185. let g:Tex_Env_warning = "\\begin{warning}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{warning}\<CR><++>"
  186. let g:Tex_Env_idea = "\\begin{idea}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{idea}\<CR><++>"
  187. let g:Tex_Env_functoriality = "\\begin{functoriality}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{functoriality}\<CR><++>"
  188. let g:Tex_Env_construction = "\\begin{construction}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{construction}\<CR><++>"
  189. let g:Tex_Env_example = "\\begin{example}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{example}\<CR><++>"
  190. let g:Tex_Env_examples = "\\begin{examples}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{examples}\<CR><++>"
  191. let g:Tex_Env_motivation = "\\begin{motivation}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{motivation}\<CR><++>"
  192. let g:Tex_Env_intuition = "\\begin{intuition}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{intuition}\<CR><++>"
  193. let g:Tex_Env_notation = "\\begin{notation}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{notation}\<CR><++>"
  194. let g:Tex_Env_illustration = "\\begin{illustration}{}{}%\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{illustration}\<CR><++>"
  195. let g:Tex_Env_enum = "\\begin{enumerate}\<CR>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\item <++>\<CR>\\end{enumerate}\<CR><++>"
  196. let g:Tex_Env_item = "\\begin{itemize}\<CR><BS><BS><BS><BS>\item <++>\<CR>\\end{itemize}\<CR><++>"
  198. % These are very useful; e.g. typing p and then alt+f gives you \mathfrak{p}
  199. imap <M-v> <Left>\CatFont{<Right>}<Esc>vhUla
  200. imap <M-f> <Left>\mathfrak{<Right>}
  201. imap <M-x> <Left>\mathscr{<Right>}
  202. imap <M-g> <Left>\mathbold{<Right>}
  203. imap <M-z> <Left>\SheafFont{<Right>}<Esc>vhUla
  204. imap <M-r> \cref{}
  205. imap <M-n> \llbracket z\rrbracket<++><Esc>Fza<BS>
  206. imap <M-S-r> \Cref{}
  207. imap <M-b> <Left>\mathbold{<Right>}
  208. imap `[ \[\]<Left><Left>
  210. "imap `[ \begin{definition}<CR><CR>\end{definition}<CR><++><Up><Up>    
  211. "imap `] \begin{proposition}<CR><CR>\end{proposition}<CR><++><Up><Up>    
  213. " Abbreviations for LaTeX files
  214. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0ar $0$-arrow
  215. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0ars $0$-arrows
  216. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0mor $0$-morphism
  217. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0mors $0$-morphisms
  218. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0sim $0$-simplex
  219. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 0tr $0$-truncated
  220. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1ar $1$-arrow
  221. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1ars $1$-arrows
  222. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1dim $1$-dimensional
  223. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1f $1$-form
  224. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1fs $1$-forms
  225. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1mor $1$-morphism
  226. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1mors $1$-morphisms
  227. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1sim $1$-simplex
  228. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1sims $1$-simplices
  229. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 1tr $1$-truncated
  230. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2ar $2$-arrow
  231. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2ars $2$-arrows
  232. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2dim $2$-dimensional
  233. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2f $2$-form
  234. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2fs $2$-forms
  235. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2cat $2$-category
  236. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2cats $2$-categories
  237. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3cat $3$-category
  238. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2mor $2$-morphism
  239. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2iso $2$-isomorphism
  240. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2isos $2$-isomorphisms
  241. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2mors $2$-morphisms
  242. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2of3 $2$-of-$3$
  243. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2of6 $2$-of-$6$
  244. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2sim $2$-simplex
  245. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2sims $2$-simplices
  246. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 2tr $2$-truncated
  247. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3dim $3$-dimensional
  248. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3f $3$-form
  249. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3fs $3$-forms
  250. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3sim $3$-simplex
  251. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3sims $3$-simplices
  252. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev 3tr $3$-truncated
  253. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev AHSS Atiyah--Hirzebruch spectral sequence
  254. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ANSS Adams--Novikov spectral sequence
  255. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev AS algebraic set
  256. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ASS Adams spectral sequence
  257. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BC boundary condition
  258. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BCS boundary conditions
  259. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BCs boundary conditions
  260. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BS Banach space
  261. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BSs Banach spaces
  262. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev BSS Banach spaces
  263. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CA Clifford algebra
  264. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CC complex conjugate
  265. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CFS cofibre sequence
  266. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CFSS cofibre sequences
  267. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CFSs cofibre sequences
  268. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CI $\mathsrc{C}^I$
  269. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CN $\C^n$
  270. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CO consisting of
  271. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CS closed string
  272. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev xbul $X_\bullet$
  273. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ybul $Y_\bullet$
  274. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CT classifying topos
  275. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CTI classifying topoi
  276. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vsh \par\vspace*{-1.75\baselineskip}
  277. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev CTS classifying topoi
  278. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DG differential graded
  279. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DGA differential graded algebra
  280. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DN $\Delta^n$
  281. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DT distinguished triangle
  282. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DTS distinguished triangles
  283. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev DTs distinguished triangles
  284. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ES exact sequence
  285. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ESS exact sequences
  286. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Etale Étale
  287. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FAB $F\colon\CatFont{A}\longrightarrow\CatFont{B}$
  288. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FCD $F\colon\CatFont{C}\longrightarrow\CatFont{D}$
  289. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FE field extension
  290. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FF fully faithful
  291. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev beilinson Beĭlinson
  292. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dbcoh Deligne--Beĭlinson cohomology
  293. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev IOW In other words
  294. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iow In other words
  295. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FFAES fully faithful and essentially surjective
  296. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FFE fully faithful embedding
  297. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FFF fully faithful functor
  298. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FFFS fully faithful functors
  299. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FFFs fully faithful functors
  300. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FG formal group
  301. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FGS formal groups
  302. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FGs formal groups
  303. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FS fibre sequence
  304. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FSS fibre sequences
  305. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev FSs fibre sequences
  306. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Fa For any
  307. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Fe For each
  308. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev GT Grothendieck topology
  309. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev GTS Grothendieck topologies
  310. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev GTs Grothendieck topologies
  311. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Godel Gödel
  312. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev HE homotopy equivalence
  313. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev IT $\infty$-topos
  314. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ITS $\infty$-topoi
  315. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ITs $\infty$-topoi
  316. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev LS loop space
  317. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Mg More generally,
  318. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Mp More precisely,
  319. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev OP operator
  320. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev OPS operators
  321. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev OPs operators
  322. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev PT Postnikov tower
  323. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Prop Proposition
  324. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QA Quillen adjunction
  325. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QAS Quillen adjunctions
  326. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QAs Quillen adjunctions
  327. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QE Quillen equivalence
  328. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QES Quillen equivalenceS
  329. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QET Quillen equivalent
  330. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QEs Quillen equivalences
  331. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev QEt Quillen equivalent
  332. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev SC subobject classifier
  333. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev SESS Serre spectral sequence
  334. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev SS spectral sequence
  335. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev SeSS Serre spectral sequence
  336. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev TI There is
  337. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Te There exists
  338. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Tfcae The following conditions are equivalent:
  339. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Tfsat The following statements are true:
  340. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Ttfcae Then the following conditions are equivalent:
  341. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev UP universal property
  342. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev UPS universal properties
  343. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev UPs universal properties
  344. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WE weak equivalence
  345. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WES weak equivalences
  346. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WEs weak equivalences
  347. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WHE weak homotopy equivalence
  348. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WHES weak homotopy equivalences
  349. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev WHEs weak homotopy equivalences
  350. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ab abelian
  351. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abcat abelian category
  352. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abcats abelian categories
  353. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bcat $\CatFont{B}$-category
  354. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bcats $\CatFont{B}$-categories
  355. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bfu $\CatFont{B}$-functor
  356. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bfus $\CatFont{B}$-functors
  357. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bnt $\CatFont{B}$-natural transformation
  358. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bnts $\CatFont{B}$-natural transformations
  359. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abg abelian group
  360. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abgs abelian groups
  361. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev acm almost-complex manifold
  362. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev acms almost-complex manifolds
  363. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ader antiderivation
  364. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev adj adjunction
  365. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ae anodyne extension
  366. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev afsc affine formal scheme
  367. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev alg algebra
  368. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev algclo algebraically closed
  369. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev algs algebras
  370. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev alin antilinear
  371. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev amod $A$-module
  372. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev andre André
  373. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aos affine open scheme
  374. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aoss affine open schemes
  375. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aqc André--Quillen cohomology
  376. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aqh André--Quillen homology
  377. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vn $(V,\norm{-})$
  378. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev asc affine scheme
  379. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ascs affine schemes
  380. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev asso associated
  381. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aut automorphism
  382. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev auto automorphism
  383. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev autos automorphisms
  384. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev auts automorphisms
  385. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev av affine variety
  386. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev avs affine varieties
  387. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ax axiom
  388. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ax axiom
  389. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev axs axioms
  390. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bc base change
  391. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bd boundary
  392. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bds boundaries
  393. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ber Berezinian
  394. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bif bifunctor
  395. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bifs bifunctors
  396. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bij bijection
  397. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bil bilinear
  398. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bir birational
  399. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bmap birational map
  400. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bord bordism
  401. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bps Brown--Peterson spectrum
  402. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bpss Brown--Peterson spectra
  403. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bpt basepoint
  404. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bpts basepoints
  405. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bs bisimplicial set
  406. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bss bisimplicial sets
  407. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bt between
  408. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bu bundle
  409. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bus bundles
  410. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ca complex analytic
  411. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calL $\mathcal{L}$
  412. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cala $\mathcal{A}$
  413. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calb $\mathcal{B}$
  414. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calc $\mathcal{C}$
  415. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cald $\mathcal{D}$
  416. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cale $\mathcal{E}$
  417. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calf $\mathcal{F}$
  418. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calg $\mathcal{G}$
  419. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calh $\mathcal{H}$
  420. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cali $\mathcal{I}$
  421. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calj $\mathcal{J}$
  422. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calk $\mathcal{K}$
  423. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calm $\mathcal{M}$
  424. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev caln $\mathcal{N}$
  425. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calo $\mathcal{O}$
  426. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calp $\mathcal{P}$
  427. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calq $\mathcal{Q}$
  428. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calr $\mathcal{R}$
  429. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cals $\mathcal{S}$
  430. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calt $\mathcal{T}$
  431. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calu $\mathcal{U}$
  432. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calv $\mathcal{V}$
  433. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calw $\mathcal{W}$
  434. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calx $\mathcal{X}$
  435. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev caly $\mathcal{Y}$
  436. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev calz $\mathcal{Z}$
  437. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cano canonical
  438. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev car Cartesian
  439. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cmor Cartesian morphism
  440. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cmors Cartesian morphisms
  441. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cartc Cartesian closed
  442. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cat category
  443. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bicat bicategory
  444. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev bicats bicategories
  445. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cata $\CatFont{A}$
  446. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catb $\CatFont{B}$
  447. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catc $\CatFont{C}$
  448. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catd $\CatFont{D}$
  449. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cate $\CatFont{E}$
  450. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catf $\CatFont{F}$
  451. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catg $\CatFont{G}$
  452. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cath $\CatFont{H}$
  453. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cati $\CatFont{I}$
  454. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catj $\CatFont{J}$
  455. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catk $\CatFont{K}$
  456. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catl $\CatFont{L}$
  457. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catm $\CatFont{M}$
  458. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catn $\CatFont{N}$
  459. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cato $\CatFont{O}$
  460. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catp $\CatFont{P}$
  461. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catq $\CatFont{Q}$
  462. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catr $\CatFont{R}$
  463. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cats categories
  464. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catt $\CatFont{T}$
  465. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catu $\CatFont{U}$
  466. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catv $\CatFont{V}$
  467. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catw $\CatFont{W}$
  468. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catx $\CatFont{X}$
  469. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev caty $\CatFont{Y}$
  470. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev catz $\CatFont{Z}$
  471. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cb cotangent bundle
  472. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cc $\C$
  473. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ccart co-Cartesian
  474. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ccom chain complex
  475. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ccoms chain complexes
  476. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cd coordinate
  477. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cdc coordinate chart
  478. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cdi commutative diagram
  479. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cdis commutative diagrams
  480. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cds coordinates
  481. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cech Čech
  482. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cf continuous function
  483. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cfab $f\colon\CatFont{A}\longrightarrow\CatFont{B}$
  484. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cfs continuous functions
  485. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cft conformal field theory
  486. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ch chain
  487. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cha $\Ch(\CatFont{A})$
  488. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev chm cohomology
  489. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cht chain homotopy
  490. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev chts chain homotopies
  491. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ci canonical isomorphism
  492. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cji $C^\infty$
  493. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cjif $C^\infty$-function
  494. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cjifs $C^\infty$-functions
  495. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ckc contractible \Kancomplex
  496. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cls classifying space
  497. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev clss classifying spaces
  498. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cm chain map
  499. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cms chain maps
  500. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cnt constant
  501. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coa coalgebra
  502. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coas coalgebras
  503. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cob cobordism
  504. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cobj cofibrant object
  505. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cobjs cofibrant objects
  506. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coc $(\CatFont{C},\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{C})$
  507. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coct complex-orientable cohomology theory
  508. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cod codomain
  509. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev codim codimension
  510. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coef coefficient
  511. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coefs coefficients
  512. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cof cofibration
  513. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cofr cofibrant resolution
  514. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cofs cofibrations
  515. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coh cohomology
  516. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cohc cohomology class
  517. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cok cokernel
  518. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev col colimit
  519. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev coll collection
  520. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev colls collections
  521. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev colp colimit-preserving
  522. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cols colimits
  523. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev com complex
  524. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev comm commutative
  525. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev comp composition
  526. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev comps compositions
  527. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cond condition
  528. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev conds conditions
  529. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev conf conformal
  530. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev copd coproduct
  531. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cope cohomology operation
  532. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev copes cohomology operations
  533. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev corr correspondence
  534. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cot cohomology theory
  535. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cots cohomology theories
  536. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cov covering
  537. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev covc $\Cov(\CatFont{C})$
  538. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev covs coverings
  539. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev covu $\left\{U_i\longrightarrow U\right\}_{i\in I}$
  540. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cp compact
  541. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cring commutative ring
  542. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev crings commutative rings
  543. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cs categories
  544. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csm cs manifold
  545. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csmn complex supermanifold
  546. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csms cs manifolds
  547. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csp compact support
  548. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cspd compactly supported
  549. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csq commutative square
  550. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev csqs commutative squares
  551. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ct continuous
  552. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cval $\CatFont{C}$-valued
  553. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cw CW-complex
  554. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev cws CW-complexes
  555. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev da defined as
  556. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev db defined by
  557. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dby defined by
  558. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dec decomposition
  559. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev def definition
  560. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev defs definitions
  561. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev defo deformation
  562. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev defos deformations
  563. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev deg degree
  564. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev den density
  565. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dens densities
  566. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev der derivation
  567. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ders derivations
  568. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev df differential form
  569. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dfs differential forms
  570. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dg differential graded
  571. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dgc differential graded category
  572. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dgcs differential graded categories
  573. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev di diagram
  574. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev diag diagonal
  575. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev diags diagonals
  576. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dif diffeomorphism
  577. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev diff differential
  578. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev difs diffeomorphisms
  579. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dim dimension
  580. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dims dimensions
  581. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dis diagrams
  582. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev div divisor
  583. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dms Deligne--Mumford stack
  584. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dmss Deligne--Mumford stacks
  585. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dom domain
  586. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dos distinguished open set
  587. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev doss distinguished open sets
  588. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dr deformation retract
  589. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dvr discrete valuation ring
  590. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ecd effective Cartier divisor
  591. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ecds effective Cartier divisors
  592. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ed exterior derivative
  593. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eio enough injective objects
  594. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eirs $\Einfty$-ring spectrum
  595. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eirss $\Einfty$-ring spectra
  596. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ekt Morava $E$-theory
  597. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev el element
  598. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev els elements
  599. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev emb embedding
  600. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev embs embeddings
  601. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ems Eilenberg--MacLane space
  602. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev emsp Eilenberg--MacLane spectrum
  603. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev emspa Eilenberg--MacLane spectra
  604. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev emss Eilenberg--MacLane spaces
  605. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev emt energy-momentum tensor
  606. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev endo endomorphism
  607. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev endos endomorphisms
  608. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev enr enriched
  609. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev enrc enriched category
  610. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev enrcs enriched categories
  611. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eom equation of motion
  612. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eoms equations of motion
  613. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev epi epimorphism
  614. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev epis epimorphisms
  615. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev epo enough projective objects
  616. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eq equivalence
  617. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eqs equivalences
  618. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev eqt equivalent
  619. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev er equivalence relation
  620. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev esaff essentially surjective and fully faithful
  621. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev etale étale
  622. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fa for any
  623. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fab $f\colon A\longrightarrow B$
  624. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fac factorisation
  625. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fb fibre bundle
  626. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fbs fibre bundles
  627. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fc functor category
  628. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vcat $\CatFont{V}$-category
  629. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vcats $\CatFont{V}$-categories
  630. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vfu $\CatFont{V}$-functor
  631. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vfus $\CatFont{V}$-functors
  632. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vnt $\CatFont{V}$-natural transformation
  633. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vnts $\CatFont{V}$-natural transformations
  634. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fcc $f\colon\C\longrightarrow\C$
  635. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fdim finite-dimensional
  636. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fe for each
  637. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fei for each $i\in I$.
  638. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev feuiox for each $U\in\Open(X)$.
  639. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fext field extension
  640. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fexts field extensions
  641. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ff $f$
  642. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fg freely generated
  643. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fgen finitely generated
  644. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fgh $f\colon G\longrightarrow H$
  645. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fgl formal group law
  646. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fgls formal group laws
  647. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fhe $F\hookrightarrow E$
  648. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fi finite
  649. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fib fibration
  650. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fibr fibrant resolution
  651. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fibs fibrations
  652. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fil filtration
  653. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fils filtrations
  654. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fl functorial
  655. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fmn $f\colon M\longrightarrow N$
  656. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fobj fibrant object
  657. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fobjs fibrant objects
  658. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fol following
  659. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fpre finitely presented
  660. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev frg $\mathfrak{g}$
  661. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev frh $\mathfrak{h}$
  662. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev frob Frobenius
  663. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev frp $\mathfrak{p}$
  664. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fs functors
  665. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fsc formal scheme
  666. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fscat full subcategory
  667. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fscats full subcategories
  668. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fsys factorisation system
  669. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fsyss factorisation systems
  670. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ft function
  671. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fts functions
  672. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fu functor
  673. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fun functional
  674. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fund fundamental
  675. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev funs functionals
  676. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fuou $(\mathfrak{U},\SheafFont{O}_\mathfrak{U})$
  677. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fus functors
  678. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pfu pseudofunctor
  679. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pfus pseudofunctors
  680. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lfu lax functor
  681. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lfus lax functors
  682. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fuv $f\colon U\longrightarrow V$
  683. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fvw $f\colon V\longrightarrow W$
  684. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fxox $(\mathfrak{X},\SheafFont{O}_\mathfrak{X})$
  685. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fxoxyoy $f\colon(X,\SheafFont{O}_X)\longrightarrow(Y,\SheafFont{O}_Y)$
  686. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fxy $f\colon X\longrightarrow Y$
  687. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fy functoriality
  688. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fyoy $(\mathfrak{Y},\SheafFont{O}_\mathfrak{Y})$
  689. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gbc $g\colon B\longrightarrow C$
  690. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gby given by
  691. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gd graded
  692. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gen generator
  693. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gens generators
  694. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gop Grothendieck op-fibration
  695. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gops Grothendieck op-fibrations
  696. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gpt generic point
  697. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gr group
  698. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev grpd groupoid
  699. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev grpds groupoids
  700. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gs groups
  701. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gsc group scheme
  702. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gtor $\SheafFont{G}$-torsor
  703. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gtors $\SheafFont{G}$-torsors
  704. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev gyz $g\colon Y\longrightarrow Z$
  705. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcat homotopy category
  706. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcl homotopy colimit
  707. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcls homotopy colimits
  708. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcn homotopy coherent nerve
  709. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcoh homotopy coherence
  710. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hcoht homotopy coherent
  711. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hft holomorphic function
  712. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hfts holomorphic functions
  713. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hg homotopy groups
  714. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hgs homotopy groups
  715. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hl homotopy limit
  716. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hls homotopy limits
  717. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hm homology
  718. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hoc $\Ho(\CatFont{C})$
  719. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev holo holomorphic
  720. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev homeo homeomorphism
  721. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev homo homomorphism
  722. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev homos homomorphisms
  723. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hout homotopy pushout
  724. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev houts homotopy pushouts
  725. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hpshs homotopy pullbacks
  726. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hpu homotopy pullback
  727. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hs Hilbert space
  728. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hss Hilbert spaces
  729. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ht homotopy
  730. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev htc homotopic
  731. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev htcl homotopy class
  732. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hti homotopy inverse
  733. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hti homotopy inverse
  734. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev htis homotopy inverses
  735. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hts homotopies
  736. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev hu Hurewicz
  737. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev i1cat $(\infty,1)$-category
  738. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev i1cats $(\infty,1)$-categories
  739. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iT $\infty$-topos
  740. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iTS $\infty$-topoi
  741. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iTs $\infty$-topoi
  742. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ic $\infty$-category
  743. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev icc $\infty$-category $\CatFont{C}$
  744. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev icc $\infty$-category $\CatFont{C}$
  745. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev icos $\infty$-cosmos
  746. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev icoss $\infty$-cosmoi
  747. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ics $\infty$-categories
  748. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev id identity
  749. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iff \textiff
  750. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ifib isofibration
  751. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ifibs isofibrations
  752. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ifu $\infty$-functor
  753. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ifus $\infty$-functors
  754. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev igrpd $\infty$-groupoid
  755. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev igrpds $\infty$-groupoids
  756. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iii $i\in I$
  757. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev inc inclusion
  758. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev incs inclusions
  759. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev inj injective
  760. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev inv invariant
  761. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev invc invariance
  762. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev io $\infty$-operad
  763. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ios $\infty$-operads
  764. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev irep irreducible representation
  765. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ireps irreducible representations
  766. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev irr irreducible
  767. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev isc isomorphic
  768. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev iso isomorphism
  769. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev isos isomorphisms
  770. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ith $i$th
  771. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev jac Jacobian
  772. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev jth $j$th
  773. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kahler Kähler
  774. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kalg $k$-algebra
  775. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kalgs $k$-algebras
  776. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kc \Kancomplex
  777. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kcs \Kancomplexes
  778. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Kc \KanComplex
  779. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Kcs \KanComplexes
  780. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ke Kan extension
  781. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ker kernel
  782. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kf Kan fibration
  783. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kfs Kan fibrations
  784. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kiz $k\in\Z$
  785. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ksc $k$-scheme
  786. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kscs $k$-schemes
  787. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kt $K$-theory
  788. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ktr $k$-truncated
  789. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kunneth Künneth
  790. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kvar $k$-variety
  791. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kvars $k$-varieties
  792. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev la left adjoint
  793. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lalg Lie algebra
  794. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lardfs left and right derived functors
  795. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev las left adjoints
  796. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lb line bundle
  797. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lbs line bundles
  798. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lc locally compact
  799. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lccds light-cone coordinates
  800. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lcs locally compact space
  801. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lcss locally compact spaces
  802. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lcsx locally compact space $X$
  803. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lcts locally compact topological space
  804. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lctss locally compact topological spaces
  805. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lcz localization
  806. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ldf left derived functor
  807. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ldfs left derived functors
  808. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev le left
  809. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev les long exact sequence
  810. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letabcat Let $\CatFont{A}$ be an abelian category.
  811. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letacat Let $\CatFont{A}$ be an abelian category.
  812. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letcat Let $\CatFont{C}$ be a category.
  813. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letbicat Let $(\CatFont{C},\Unit^{\CatFont{C}},\circ_{\CatFont{C}},\alpha^{\CatFont{C}},\LUnitor^{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor^{\CatFont{C}})$ be a bicategory.
  814. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letmoncat Let $(\CatFont{C},\otimes_{\CatFont{C}},\alpha_{\CatFont{C}},\Unit_{\CatFont{C}},\LUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor_{\CatFont{C}})$ be a monoidal category.
  815. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letbmoncat Let $(\CatFont{C},\otimes_{\CatFont{C}},\alpha_{\CatFont{C}},\Unit_{\CatFont{C}},\LUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\sigma_{\CatFont{C}})$ be a braided monoidal category.
  816. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letsmoncat Let $(\CatFont{C},\otimes_{\CatFont{C}},\alpha_{\CatFont{C}},\Unit_{\CatFont{C}},\LUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\sigma_{\CatFont{C}})$ be a symmetric monoidal category.
  817. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev amoncat a monoidal category $(\CatFont{C},\otimes_{\CatFont{C}},\alpha_{\CatFont{C}},\Unit_{\CatFont{C}},\LUnitor_{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor_{\CatFont{C}})$
  818. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letpromoncat Let $(\CatFont{C},P,I,\LUnitor^{\CatFont{C}},\RUnitor^{\CatFont{C}},\alpha^{\CatFont{C}})$ be a promonoidal category.
  819. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letfield Let $k$ be a field.
  820. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letic Let $\CatFont{C}$ be an $\infty$-category.
  821. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letkman Let $M$ be a Kähler manifold.
  822. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letpic Let $\CatFont{C}$ be a presentable $\infty$-category.
  823. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letqcat Let $\CatFont{C}$ be \qan \quasicategory.
  824. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letqcats Let $\CatFont{C}$ and $\CatFont{D}$ be \quasicategories.
  825. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letqvs Let $(V,Q)$ be a quadratic vector space over a field $k$.
  826. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letring Let $R$ be a ring.
  827. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letsic Let $\CatFont{C}$ be a stable $\infty$-category.
  828. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letsis Let $S_\bullet\colon\SimplexCategory^\op\longrightarrow\Sets$ be a simplicial set.
  829. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev letsmn Let $(M,\omega)$ be a $2n$-dimensional symplectic manifold.
  830. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lettop Let $X$ be a topological space.
  831. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lfp locally of finite presentation
  832. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lhi left homotopy inverse
  833. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lhis left homotopy inverses
  834. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev li locally isomorphic
  835. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev liea Lie algebra
  836. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lieas Lie algebras
  837. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lieg Lie group
  838. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lim limit
  839. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lims limits
  840. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lin linear
  841. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lke left Kan extension
  842. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev llp left lifting property
  843. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lnoe locally Noetherian
  844. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lrs locally ringed space
  845. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lrss locally ringed spaces
  846. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lsmn Lagrangian submanifold
  847. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lsrs locally super ringed space
  848. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lsrss locally super ringed spaces
  849. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ltrs locally topologically ringed space
  850. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ltrss locally topologically ringed spaces
  851. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev m1tr $(-1)$-truncated
  852. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev m2tr $(-2)$-truncated
  853. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mc monoidal category
  854. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mct multiplicative cohomology theory
  855. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mcts multiplicative cohomology theories
  856. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mdc model category
  857. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev modi modification
  858. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev modis modifications
  859. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mdcs model categories
  860. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mer meromorphic
  861. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mf modular form
  862. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mfs modular forms
  863. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mi maximal ideal
  864. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mkt Morava $K$-theory
  865. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mlcond Mittag--Leffler condition
  866. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mm $M$
  867. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mn manifold
  868. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mns manifolds
  869. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mobius Möbius
  870. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mod module
  871. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mods modules
  872. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mom $(M,\SheafFont{O}_M)$
  873. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mono monomorphism
  874. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev monos monomorphisms
  875. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mor morphism
  876. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mors morphisms
  877. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ms model structure
  878. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev mss model structures
  879. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev n0 non-zero
  880. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nab nonabelian
  881. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev naive naïve
  882. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nar $n$-arrow
  883. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nars $n$-arrows
  884. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nat natural
  885. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ncomm noncommutative
  886. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ndim $n$-dimensional
  887. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nei neighbourhood
  888. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev neis neighbourhoods
  889. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nf $n$-form
  890. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nfs $n$-forms
  891. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nga Nambu-Goto action
  892. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ngr $\N$-graded
  893. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ngrad $\N$-gradation
  894. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nht nullhomotopic
  895. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ni natural isomorphism
  896. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nin $n\in\N$
  897. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nis natural isomorphisms
  898. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmn $n$-manifold
  899. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmns $n$-manifolds
  900. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmnwb $n$-manifold with boundary
  901. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmnwbs $n$-manifolds with boundary
  902. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmor $n$-morphism
  903. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nmors $n$-morphisms
  904. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nnomega $\nn{\Omega_U}{\MU}$
  905. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nnomegapt $\nn{\Omega_U}{\MU}^*(\nn{P}{\pt})$
  906. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev noe Noetherian
  907. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev npgb numerable principal $G$-bundle
  908. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev npgbs numerable principal $G$-bundles
  909. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nsim $n$-simplex
  910. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nsims $n$-simplices
  911. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nt natural transformation
  912. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nth $n$th
  913. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ntr $n$-truncated
  914. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nts natural transformations
  915. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ntuple $n$-tuple
  916. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ntuples $n$-tuples
  917. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nualg non-unital $R$-algebra
  918. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev nualgs non-unital $R$-algebras
  919. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev num numerable
  920. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev obj object
  921. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev objs objects
  922. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oc open cover
  923. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ocat opposite category
  924. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ocats opposite categories
  925. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ocmod $\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{C}$-module
  926. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ocmods $\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{C}$-modules
  927. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ofx $\SheafFont{O}_\mathfrak{X}$
  928. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev om $\SheafFont{O}_M$
  929. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ommod $\SheafFont{O}_M$-module
  930. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev omod $\SheafFont{O}$-module
  931. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ope operation
  932. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev opes operations
  933. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev osalg $\SheafFont{O}_S$-algebra
  934. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev osalgs $\SheafFont{O}_S$-algebras
  935. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oumod $\SheafFont{O}_U$-module
  936. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oumods $\SheafFont{O}_U$-modules
  937. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ox $\SheafFont{O}_X$
  938. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oxalg $\SheafFont{O}_X$-algebra
  939. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oxalgs $\SheafFont{O}_X$-algebras
  940. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oxmod $\SheafFont{O}_X$-module
  941. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oxmods $\SheafFont{O}_X$-modules
  942. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oxp $\SheafFont{O}_{X,p}$
  943. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oy $\SheafFont{O}_Y$
  944. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oymod $\SheafFont{O}_Y$-module
  945. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oymods $\SheafFont{O}_Y$-modules
  946. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev oyp $\SheafFont{O}_{Y,p}$
  947. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pb Poisson bracket
  948. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pbr $p$-brane
  949. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pbs Poisson brackets
  950. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pccm $p$-coCartesian morphism
  951. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pccms $p$-coCartesian morphisms
  952. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pcon path-connected
  953. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pcons path-connected space
  954. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pconss path-connected spaces
  955. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pd product
  956. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pdiv prime divisor
  957. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pds products
  958. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev perm permutation
  959. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev perms permutations
  960. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pgb principal $G$-bundle
  961. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pgbs principal $G$-bundles
  962. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev phiuv $\phi\colon U\longrightarrow V$
  963. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pi prime ideal
  964. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pic presentable $\infty$-category
  965. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pic presentable $\infty$-category $\CatFont{C}$
  966. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pics presentable $\infty$-categories
  967. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pis prime ideals
  968. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pix $p\in X$
  969. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev fepix for each $p\in X$
  970. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev plfcw $p$-local finite CW-complex
  971. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ploc $p$-local
  972. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pms projective model structure
  973. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev poa Polyakov action
  974. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev poincare Poincaré
  975. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev poisson Poisson
  976. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pou partition of unity
  977. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pous partitions of unity
  978. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pov point of view
  979. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ppt Postnikov pretower
  980. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pr projection
  981. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev proj projective
  982. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev projs $\Proj(S_\bullet)$
  983. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev prs projections
  984. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev psc projective scheme
  985. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pscs projective schemes
  986. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev psh presheaf
  987. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pshs presheaves
  988. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev psis pointed simplicial set
  989. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev psiss pointed simplicial sets
  990. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pt point
  991. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ptd parametrised
  992. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ptn parametrisation
  993. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pts points
  994. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pul pullback
  995. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev puls pullbacks
  996. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev push pushout
  997. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pv projective variety
  998. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pvs projective varieties
  999. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pxy $\pi\colon X\longrightarrow Y$
  1000. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qc quasicompact
  1001. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcat \quasicategory
  1002. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcats \quasicategories
  1003. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcoh quasicoherent sheaf
  1004. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcohs quasicoherent sheaves
  1005. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcs quasicoherent sheaf
  1006. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qcss quasicoherent sheaves
  1007. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qf quadratic form
  1008. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qfs quadratic forms
  1009. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qft quantum field theory
  1010. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qfts quantum field theories
  1011. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qiso quasi-isomorphism
  1012. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qisos quasi-isomorphisms
  1013. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qpv quasi-projective variety
  1014. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qpvs quasi-projective varieties
  1015. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qs quasiseparated
  1016. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev quo quotient
  1017. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qvs quadratic vector space
  1018. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev qvss quadratic vector spaces
  1019. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ra right adjoint
  1020. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ralg $R$-algebra
  1021. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ralgs $R$-algebras
  1022. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ras right adjoints
  1023. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rat rational
  1024. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rats rational space
  1025. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ratss rational spaces
  1026. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rcat Reedy category
  1027. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rcats Reedy categories
  1028. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rcoa $R$-coalgebra
  1029. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rcoas $R$-coalgebras
  1030. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rdf right derived functor
  1031. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rdfs right derived functors
  1032. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev reedy Reedy
  1033. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rep representation
  1034. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhe rational homotopy equivalence
  1035. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhg rational homotopy group
  1036. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhgs rational homotopy groups
  1037. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhi right homotopy inverse
  1038. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhis right homotopy inverses
  1039. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rht rational homotopy type
  1040. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rhts rational homotopy types
  1041. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ri right
  1042. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rke right Kan extension
  1043. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rlin $R$-linear
  1044. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rlp right lifting property
  1045. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rmap rational map
  1046. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rmn Riemannian manifold
  1047. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rmns Riemannian manifolds
  1048. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rmod $R$-module
  1049. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rmods $R$-modules
  1050. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rn $\R^n$
  1051. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rp $\R^p$
  1052. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rpq $\R^{p\|q}$
  1053. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rrlin $\R$-linear
  1054. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rs ringed space
  1055. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev toen Töen
  1056. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rsfxoxyoy $f\colon(\CatFont{C},\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{C})\longrightarrow(\CatFont{D},\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{D})$
  1057. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rss ringed spaces
  1058. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rst restriction
  1059. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rtfxoxyoy $f\colon(\CatFont{X},\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{X})\longrightarrow(\CatFont{Y},\SheafFont{O}_\CatFont{Y})$
  1060. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev rval real-valued
  1061. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sa super algebra
  1062. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev salg superalgebra
  1063. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev salgs superalgebras
  1064. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sat satisfying
  1065. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sc scheme
  1066. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scat subcategory
  1067. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scats subcategories
  1068. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scd supercoordinate
  1069. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scds supercoordinates
  1070. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scom supercommutative
  1071. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scon simply-connected
  1072. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scons simply-connected space
  1073. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sconss simply-connected spaces
  1074. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev scs schemes
  1075. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sder superderivation
  1076. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sders superderivations
  1077. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sdf super differential form
  1078. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sdfs super differential forms
  1079. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sdiff super differential
  1080. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sdms spectral Deligne--Mumford stack
  1081. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sdmss spectral Deligne--Mumford stacks
  1082. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sec section
  1083. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev secs sections
  1084. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ses short exact sequence
  1085. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sess short exact sequences
  1086. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sfmn $f\colon\langle m\rangle\longrightarrow\langle n\rangle$
  1087. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sg supergroup
  1088. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sga $\sigma$-algebra
  1089. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sgas $\sigma$-algebras
  1090. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sh sheaf
  1091. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sha $\SheafFont{A}$
  1092. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shb $\SheafFont{B}$
  1093. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shc $\SheafFont{C}$
  1094. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shd $\SheafFont{D}$
  1095. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev she $\SheafFont{E}$
  1096. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shf $\SheafFont{F}$
  1097. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shg $\SheafFont{G}$
  1098. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shh $\SheafFont{H}$
  1099. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shi $\SheafFont{I}$
  1100. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shj $\SheafFont{J}$
  1101. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shk $\SheafFont{K}$
  1102. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shl $\SheafFont{L}$
  1103. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shm $\SheafFont{M}$
  1104. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shn $\SheafFont{N}$
  1105. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sho $\SheafFont{O}$
  1106. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shp $\SheafFont{P}$
  1107. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shq $\SheafFont{Q}$
  1108. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shr $\SheafFont{R}$
  1109. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shs $\SheafFont{S}$
  1110. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shs sheaves
  1111. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sht $\SheafFont{T}$
  1112. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shtg stable homotopy groups
  1113. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shtgs stable homotopy groups
  1114. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shu $\SheafFont{U}$
  1115. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shv $\SheafFont{V}$
  1116. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shw $\SheafFont{W}$
  1117. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shx $\SheafFont{X}$
  1118. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shy $\SheafFont{Y}$
  1119. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev shz $\SheafFont{Z}$
  1120. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev si simplicial
  1121. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sic stable $\infty$-category
  1122. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sicat simplicial category
  1123. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sicats simplicial categories
  1124. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sics stable $\infty$-categories
  1125. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sierpinski Sierpínski
  1126. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sim simplex
  1127. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sims simplices
  1128. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sis simplicial set
  1129. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev siss simplicial sets
  1130. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sio simplicial object
  1131. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sios simplicial objects
  1132. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smc symmetric monoidal category
  1133. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smcs symmetric monoidal categories
  1134. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smmn smooth manifold
  1135. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smn supermanifold
  1136. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smns supermanifolds
  1137. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smod supermodule
  1138. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev smods supermodules
  1139. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lnc lax naturality constraint
  1140. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev lncs lax naturality constraints
  1141. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev snb stable normal bundle
  1142. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sner simplicial nerve
  1143. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sos sheaf of sections
  1144. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sp spectrum
  1145. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev spa spectra
  1146. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev specr $\Spec(R)$
  1147. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev specrospecr $(\Spec(R),\SheafFont{O}_{\Spec(R)})$
  1148. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev spfrospfr $(\Spf(R),\SheafFont{O}_{\Spf(R)})$
  1149. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev spoint $S$-point
  1150. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev spt $S$-point
  1151. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev spts $S$-points
  1152. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sq square
  1153. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sqs squares
  1154. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sring superring
  1155. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev srings superrings
  1156. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev OTOH On the other hand
  1157. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Otoh On the other hand
  1158. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev otoh On the other hand
  1159. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev srs super ringed space
  1160. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev srss super ringed spaces
  1161. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ss space
  1162. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ssc subscheme
  1163. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sscs subschemes
  1164. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ssma string sigma model action
  1165. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sss spaces
  1166. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev muls multiplicative subset
  1167. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev st such that
  1168. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev stara $*$-algebra
  1169. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev staro $*$-operation
  1170. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev starr $*$-ring
  1171. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev stfc satisfying the following conditions:
  1172. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev TA Tate algebra
  1173. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev TAs Tate algebras
  1174. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev TAS Tate algebras
  1175. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tn $\TateAlgebra{n}$
  1176. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev stfec satisfying the following equivalent conditions:
  1177. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev str structure
  1178. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev strm structure morphism
  1179. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev strs structures
  1180. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev su super
  1181. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev submn submanifold
  1182. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev submns submanifolds
  1183. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sugra supergravity
  1184. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sup support
  1185. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev surj surjective
  1186. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev susc supersymmetric
  1187. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev susy supersymmetry
  1188. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev svs super vector space
  1189. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev svss super vector spaces
  1190. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sws string world-sheet
  1191. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sym symplectic
  1192. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev symn symplectic manifold
  1193. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev symns symplectic manifolds
  1194. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev symor symplectomorphism
  1195. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev symors symplectomorphisms
  1196. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev syvs symplectic vector space
  1197. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ta there are
  1198. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tb tangent bundle
  1199. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tbs tangent bundles
  1200. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tcof trivial cofibration
  1201. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tcofs trivial cofibrations
  1202. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev te there exists
  1203. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tfcas the following conditions are satisfied:
  1204. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tfib trivial fibration
  1205. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tfibs trivial fibrations
  1206. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tfsat The following statements are true:
  1207. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ths Thom space
  1208. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev thsp Thom spectrum
  1209. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev thspa Thom spectra
  1210. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ti there is
  1211. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tkf trivial Kan fibration
  1212. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pdstr PD-structure
  1213. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev pdstrs PD-structures
  1214. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tkfs trivial Kan fibrations
  1215. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tmf topological modular forms
  1216. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev top $\Top$
  1217. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tp topology
  1218. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tqft topological quantum field theory
  1219. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tqfts topological quantum field theories
  1220. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tri trivial
  1221. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev trl translation
  1222. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev trls translations
  1223. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tr transformation
  1224. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev trs transformations
  1225. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ts topological space
  1226. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tsp Thom spectrum
  1227. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tspa Thom spectra
  1228. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tsps Thom spectra
  1229. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev kahlersr $\KahlerDifferentials{S}{R}$
  1230. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tss topological spaces
  1231. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tst t-structure
  1232. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tsts t-structures
  1233. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tsx topological space $X$
  1234. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ttfcae then the following conditions are equivalent:
  1235. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev benabou Bénabou
  1236. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev tw together with
  1237. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ucat $\CatFont{U}$-category
  1238. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uea universal enveloping algebra
  1239. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Feaioc For each $A\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1240. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Feabioc For each $A,B\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1241. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev Feabcioc For each $A,B,C\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1242. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev feaioc for each $A\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1243. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev feabioc for each $A,B\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1244. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev feabcioc for each $A,B,C\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1245. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev aioc $A\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1246. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abioc $A,B\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1247. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev abcioc $A,B,C\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1248. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uioc $U\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1249. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev xioc $X\in\Obj(\CatFont{C})$
  1250. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uni universal
  1251. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uou $(U,\SheafFont{O}_U)$
  1252. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sb $S_{\bullet}$
  1253. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev sbu $S^{\bullet}$
  1254. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev upcht up to coherent homotopy
  1255. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev upcn up to a contractible space of choices
  1256. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev upeq up to equivalence
  1257. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev upht up to homotopy
  1258. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev usmall $\CatFont{U}$-small
  1259. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uuti unique up to isomorphism
  1260. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev uutui unique up to unique isomorphism
  1261. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vb vector bundle
  1262. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vbs vector bundles
  1263. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vec vector
  1264. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vecs vectors
  1265. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vf vector field
  1266. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vfs vector fields
  1267. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vs vector space
  1268. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev vss vector spaces
  1269. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wd well-defined
  1270. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wfs weak factorisation system
  1271. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wfss weak factorisation systems
  1272. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wi with
  1273. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wlg without loss of generality
  1274. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wpd wedge product
  1275. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wrt with respect to
  1276. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev ws world-sheet
  1277. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev dieudonne Dieudonné
  1278. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev wv world-volume
  1279. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev xox $(X,\SheafFont{O}_X)$
  1280. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev xx $X$
  1281. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev yoe Yoneda embedding
  1282. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev yol Yoneda lemma
  1283. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev yoy $(Y,\SheafFont{O}_Y)$
  1284. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev yy $Y$
  1285. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev zlin $\Z$-linear
  1286. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev zt Zariski topology
  1287. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev zz $Z$
  1288. " Multiline abbreviations
  1289. autocmd FileType tex iabbrev stfup satisfying the following universal property:
  1290. \<CR>
  1291. \<CR>\UP
  1293. " Macros
  1294. imap <silent><expr> j, MyFunc('j,', '\cdots')
  1295. imap <silent><expr> j. MyFunc('j.', ',\ldots,')
  1296. imap <silent><expr> j= MyFunc('j=', '\cong')
  1298. imap <silent><expr> j0 MyFunc('j0', '\circ')
  1299. imap <silent><expr> j1 MyFunc('j1', '^{-1}')
  1300. imap <silent><expr> j2 MyFunc('j2', '\sqrt{}')
  1301. imap <silent><expr> j3 MyFunc('j3', '^\flat')
  1302. imap <silent><expr> j4 MyFunc('j4', '\prime')
  1303. imap <silent><expr> j5 MyFunc('j5', '(-1)^{}')
  1304. imap <silent><expr> j6 MyFunc('j6', '\partial')
  1305. imap <silent><expr> j7 MyFunc('j7', '\cap')
  1306. imap <silent><expr> j8 MyFunc('j8', '\iota')
  1309. imap <silent><expr> ja MyFunc('ja', '\alpha')
  1310. imap <silent><expr> jb MyFunc('jb', '\beta')
  1311. imap <silent><expr> jc MyFunc('jc', '\colon')
  1312. imap <silent><expr> jd MyFunc('jd', '\delta')
  1313. "imap <silent><expr> je MyFunc('je', '\varepsilon')
  1314. imap <silent><expr> jf MyFunc('jf', '\frac{}<C-j>{<++>}<++><Esc>10hi')
  1315. imap <silent><expr> jg MyFunc('jg', '\gamma')
  1316. "--------------------------------------------
  1317. imap <silent><expr> ji MyFunc('ji', '\infty')
  1318. "--------------------------------------------
  1319. imap <silent><expr> jk MyFunc('jk', '\k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]')
  1320. imap <silent><expr> jl MyFunc('jl', '\longleftarrow')
  1321. imap <silent><expr> jm MyFunc('jm', '\mapsto')
  1322. imap <silent><expr> jn MyFunc('jn', '\nu')
  1323. imap <silent><expr> jo MyFunc('jo', '\omega')
  1324. imap <silent><expr> jp MyFunc('jp', '\pi')
  1325. imap <silent><expr> jq MyFunc('jq', '\theta')
  1326. imap <silent><expr> jr MyFunc('jr', '\longrightarrow')
  1327. imap <silent><expr> js MyFunc('js', '\subset')
  1328. imap <silent><expr> jt MyFunc('jt', '\times')
  1329. "imap <silent><expr> ju MyFunc('ju', '\\middle|\')
  1330. imap <silent><expr> jv MyFunc('jv', '\varsigma')
  1331. imap <silent><expr> jw MyFunc('jw', '\wedge')
  1332. imap <silent><expr> jx MyFunc('jx', '\cup')
  1333. imap <silent><expr> jy MyFunc('jy', '\psi')
  1334. imap <silent><expr> jz MyFunc('jz', '\zeta')
  1337. imap <silent><expr> jA MyFunc('jA', '\alpha')
  1338. imap <silent><expr> jB MyFunc('jB', '\beta')
  1339. imap <silent><expr> jC MyFunc('jC', '\sqcup')
  1340. imap <silent><expr> jD MyFunc('jD', '\delta')
  1341. imap <silent><expr> jE MyFunc('jE', '\varepsilon')
  1342. imap <silent><expr> jF MyFunc('jF', '\frac{}<C-j><++><Esc>5hi')
  1343. imap <silent><expr> jG MyFunc('jG', '\gamma')
  1344. "--------------------------------------------
  1345. imap <silent><expr> jI MyFunc('jI', '\infty')
  1346. "--------------------------------------------
  1347. imap <silent><expr> jK MyFunc('jK', '\k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]')
  1348. imap <silent><expr> jL MyFunc('jL', '\lambda')
  1349. imap <silent><expr> jM MyFunc('jM', '\mapsto')
  1350. imap <silent><expr> jN MyFunc('jN', '\nu')
  1351. imap <silent><expr> jO MyFunc('jO', '\bigoplus__<Esc>2li^^<++><Esc>2l4x8hi')
  1352. imap <silent><expr> jP MyFunc('jP', '\Pi')
  1353. imap <silent><expr> jQ MyFunc('jQ', '\theta')
  1354. imap <silent><expr> jR MyFunc('jR', '\longrightarrow')
  1355. imap <silent><expr> jS MyFunc('jS', '\Sigma')
  1356. imap <silent><expr> jT MyFunc('jT', '\times')
  1357. imap <silent><expr> jU MyFunc('jU', '')
  1358. imap <silent><expr> jV MyFunc('jV', '\varsigma')
  1359. imap <silent><expr> jW MyFunc('jW', '\wedge')
  1360. imap <silent><expr> jX MyFunc('jX', '\cup')
  1361. imap <silent><expr> jY MyFunc('jY', '\psi')
  1362. imap <silent><expr> jZ MyFunc('jZ', '\zeta')
  1365. imap <silent><expr> jha MyFunc('jha', '\sSets')
  1366. imap <silent><expr> jhb MyFunc('jhb', '\bullet')
  1367. imap <silent><expr> jhc MyFunc('jhc', '\coprod__<Esc>2li^^<++><Esc>2l4x8hi')
  1368. imap <silent><expr> jhd MyFunc('jhd', '\SimplexCategory^\op')
  1370. imap <silent><expr> jhe MyFunc('jhe', '\emptyset')
  1372. imap jhf \begin{proposition}{<++>}{<++>}%<CR><CR>\end{proposition}<CR>\begin{Proof}{Proof of \cref{<++>}}%<CR><++><CR>\end{Proof}<CR><++><Esc>5kA<Tab><++><Esc>k<C-j>
  1373. "<Esc>2jV2jd2kpV2j>kA
  1374. imap jhfd \begin{proposition}{}<C-j>{}<C-j>%<CR><CR>\end{proposition}<CR>\begin{Proof}<C-j>%}<CR>\Dio<CR>\end{Proof}<CR><++><Esc>5kA<Tab><Esc>2jV2jd2kpV2j>kA
  1375. imap <silent><expr> jhg MyFunc('jhg', '\Gamma')
  1376. "----------------------------------------------
  1377. imap <silent><expr> jhi MyFunc('jhi', '\int__<Esc>2li^^<++><Esc>2l4x8hi')
  1378. "----------------------------------------------
  1379. imap <silent><expr> jhk MyFunc('jhk', '\k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]')
  1380. imap <silent><expr> jhl MyFunc('jhl', '\Lambda')
  1381. imap <silent><expr> jhm MyFunc('jhm', '\sum__<Esc>2li^^<++><Esc>2l4x8hi')
  1382. imap jhn \begin{Proof}{Proof of \cref{<++>}}%<CR><++><CR>\end{Proof}<CR><++><Esc>3k<C-j>
  1383. imap jhnd \begin{Proof}{}%<C-j>%<CR>\Dio<CR>\end{Proof}<CR>
  1384. imap <silent><expr> jho MyFunc('jho', '\Omega')
  1385. imap <silent><expr> jhp MyFunc('jhp', '\prod__<Esc>2li^^<++><Esc>2l4x8hi')
  1386. imap <silent><expr> jhq MyFunc('jhq', '\oplus')
  1387. imap <silent><expr> jhr MyFunc('jhr', '\Longrightarrow')
  1388. imap <silent><expr> jlr MyFunc('jhr', '\longrightarrow')
  1389. imap <silent><expr> jhs MyFunc('jhs', '\setminus')
  1390. imap <silent><expr> jht MyFunc('jht', '\otimes')
  1391. imap jhu \begin{theorem}{<++>}{<++>}%<CR><CR>\end{theorem}<CR>\begin{Proof}{Proof of \cref{<++>}}%<CR><++><CR>\end{Proof}<CR><++><Esc>5kA<Tab><++><Esc>k<C-j>
  1392. imap jhud \begin{theorem}{}<C-j>{}<C-j>%<CR><CR>\end{theorem}<CR>\begin{Proof}<C-j>%}<CR>\Dio<CR>\end{Proof}<CR><++><Esc>5kA<Tab><Esc>2jV2jd2kpV2j>kA
  1393. imap <silent><expr> jhv MyFunc('jhv', '\vee')
  1394. imap jhw \begin{definition}{}<C-j>{}<C-j>%<CR><CR>\end{definition}<CR><++><Esc>kki<Tab>
  1395. imap <silent><expr> jhx MyFunc('jhx', '\xlongrightarrow{}')
  1396. imap jhy \begin{corollary}{}<C-j>{}<C-j>%<CR><CR>\end{corollary}<CR><++><Esc>kki<Tab>
  1397. imap jhjf %<CR>%--- Begin Footnote ---%<CR>\footnote{%<CR><++><CR>}<++>%<CR>%---  End Footnote  ---%<CR><++><Esc>4k^<C-j>
  1398. imap <silent><expr> jhz MyFunc('jhz', '\Sets')
  1400. imap <silent><expr> jhja MyFunc('jhja', '\restriction{}<C-j>{<++>}<++><Esc>10hi')
  1401. imap <silent><expr> jhjb MyFunc('jhjb', '\mathbold{}')
  1402. imap jhjq \begin{diagram*}<CR>\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=2.7em, column sep=2.7em, background color=backgroundColor]<CR><CR>\end{tikzcd}<CR>\end{diagram*}%<CR><++><Esc>kkkA<Tab><Tab><Tab>
  1403. imap jhjqa \begin{diagram*}<CR>\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=2.7em, column sep=2.7em, background color=backgroundColor, ampersand replacement=\&]<CR><CR>\end{tikzcd}<CR>\end{diagram*}%<CR><++><Esc>kkkA<Tab><Tab><Tab><Tab><Tab>
  1404. imap jadj \begin{center}<CR>$(F\dashv G)\colon$<CR>\begin{tikzcd}[row sep={4.5em,between origins}, column sep={4.5em,between origins}, background color=backgroundColor]<CR>\CatFont{C}<CR>\arrow[r, "F"{name=F}, bend left=25] &<CR>\CatFont{D}<CR>\arrow[l, "G"{name=G}, bend left=25]<CR>%--- Adjunction Symbol<CR>\arrow[phantom, from=F, to=G, "\dashv" rotate=-90]<CR>\end{tikzcd}<CR>\end{center}%<CR><++><Esc>10k^2la
  1405. imap jft \begin{diagram*}<CR>\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=0.0em, column sep=2.7em, background color=backgroundColor, ampersand replacement=\&]<CR>\mathllap{<++>}<++><CR>\arrow[r]<CR>\&<CR><++><CR>\\<CR><++><CR>\arrow[r, mapsto]<CR>\&<CR><++><CR>\end{tikzcd}<CR>\end{diagram*}%<CR><++><Esc>12k<C-j>
  1406. imap <silent><expr> jhjr MyFunc('jhjr', '\longrightarrow')
  1407. "imap <silent><expr> jhjn MyFunc('jhjn', '\nabla')
  1408. imap jhjn \begin{notation}{}%<C-j>{}<C-j><CR><CR>\end{notation}<CR><++><Esc>kki<Tab>We write
  1409. imap <silent><expr> jhjt MyFunc('jhjt', '\widetilde{}')
  1410. imap <silent><expr> jhjw MyFunc('jhjw', '\widehat{}')
  1411. imap <silent><expr> jhjv MyFunc('jhjv', '\widebar{}')
  1412. imap <silent><expr> jhjx MyFunc('jhjx', '\xlongrightarrow{}')
  1414. imap <silent><expr> jhjca MyFunc('jhjca', '\CatFont{A}')
  1415. imap <silent><expr> jhjcb MyFunc('jhjca', '\CatFont{B}')
  1416. imap <silent><expr> jhjcc MyFunc('jhjcc', '\CatFont{C}')
  1417. imap <silent><expr> jhjcv MyFunc('jhjcv', '\CatFont{V}')
  1419. " ` Macros
  1420. imap `i \index[]<C-j>{<++>}<++><Esc>10hi
  1421. imap `if \index[]<C-j>{<++>}\textbf{<++>}<++><Esc>23hi
  1422. imap `[ \[\]<Esc>hi
  1423. imap `u \ \middle\|\
  1425. function! MyFunc(lhs, rhs) abort
  1426.   return s:is_math() ? a:rhs : a:lhs
  1427. endfunction
  1429. function! s:is_math() abort
  1430.   return match(map(synstack(line('.'), max([col('.') - 1, 1])),
  1431.         \ 'synIDattr(v:val, ''name'')'), '^texMathZone[A-Z]S\?$') >= 0
  1432. endfunction
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