
TIFU by ordering my mother sushi for the first time without instructions.

May 2nd, 2020
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  1. My parents immigrated to Canada 27 years ago from Central America. Just last week my sisters and I realized our parents had never had sushi. Doesn't really surprise me about my dad since he's a pretty picky eater. My mom loves seafood though and said she would be willing to try it but didn't know what to order. I told her to let me know sometime this week and I'll order her some through a delivery app.
  3. So, last night my mom texts me and asks if I can make an order for her and order something "normal" for my dad. I order her a dynamite roll and baked salmon roll to ease her into the flavours. I order my dad some beef udon, put my phone down and go back to watching a movie.
  5. About an hour and half later my phone starts to ring; its my dad. I figure it's to let me know what they think. I answer and he's sounds so angry. As a family we're constantly switching back and forth between spanish and english but this was all spanish, so I knew he was real angry.
  7. It's pretty much "idiot! what did you give your mother? She's screaming like she's dying. Do I need to call and ambulance? She's crying and covering her mouth"
  9. Our family is pretty notorious for pranking eachother and there may have been a time or two when I've messed with my parents food while traveling. This was not one of those times though and I'm confused and have no idea what's going on. I can hear my mom screaming in the background "aaaaaaaaaahh" I tell my dad I have no idea what's going on and the stuff I order is pretty normal standard stuff.
  11. Then I hear it. "ES DA GUACAMOLE"
  13. Yup, my poor mother had mistaken wasabi for guacamole and put all of it on one piece of dynamite roll. After holding the phone away from myself and laughing for a minute I was able to explain to my dad what it was and you're only supposed to use it sparingly.
  15. After a few glasses of water she was fine. Said she loved the rolls and is ready to try the real stuff. This just happened to reinforce my dad's stubbornness to try new foods.
  17. TLDR: mom thought wasabi was guacamole. It wasn't.
  19. ---------------------------------
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