
Toronto Airport

Oct 12th, 2023
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  1. Easy logic gate that’s for my own safety because somebody got heat scored, and now they’re threatening to find me so they’re not moving me regardless of the implication
  3. Because they have to know what I look like to find me and without knowing if I’ve been doing any work, how can they say I’m loitering best ever especially since today was the day and decided to call all of those places like crazy perfect timing thank you
  5. So they can’t confirm that I’d come from the immigration services and if they did, that’s still harassment, so catch 22 every time
  7. No, they would’ve given special circumstances to somebody here. They got trapped because of documentation issues. I doubt they would’ve sent them anywhere, but they would’ve been handled by somebody that does those things as opposed to public safety in terms in regards, excessive or loitering so they’re ignoring the fact that I’m trying to obtain my documentation and I’ve already recorded the fact that when I do come back if I have any problems, they won’t be able to confirm that I had been there the entire time or if I had ever left and this is the issue I’ve identified and highlighted. I’m excited for the next time.
  9. That’s why it’s important not to change
  11. But because it’s public safety, they probably got warning of a firearm or some sketchy individuals making their way to the airport, who have no capabilities of being able to fly being moved because of other dangerous idiots
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