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Dec 28th, 2019
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  3. Factions - Select a Faction (factions have replaced classes for this rendition of TPP DND LA)
  5. NOTE: Every Facttion has a unique "Ultimate Skill" with a big cooldown time between uses. This skill is in addition to any other skills you select later.
  7. Pokemon Trainer Faction
  8. Synopsis: The most popular Pokemon trainers from a distant land
  9. STATS:
  10. Stamina - 1
  11. Strength - 2
  12. Endurance - 1
  13. Intelligence - 2
  14. Resistance - 1
  15. Agility - 1
  16. UNIQUE ULTIMATE SKILL: Top Percentage - Cooldown: Extreme - From the battle window, restart the fight. For the next fight, you can ignore your "STATS" and distribute EVs however you like, and all of your pokemon can have an extra 5th move to use (as long as it is compatible).
  18. Mushroomfolk Faction
  19. Synopsis: Ordinary citizens of the Kingdom driven by the power of power up mushrooms
  20. STATS:
  21. Stamina - 3
  22. Strength - 1
  23. Endurance - 1
  24. Intelligence - 1
  25. Resistance - 1
  26. Agility - 1
  27. UNIQUE SKILL: Super Mushroom - Cooldown: Extreme - From the battle window, restart the fight and choose 3 pokemon to change their abilities to Pure Power, Fur Coat, and Speed Boost, respectively (all 3 pokemon chosen must have a different ability).
  29. Royal Guard Faction
  30. Synopsis: Royal Knights that have risen to elite status in the Princess Peach's company
  31. STATS
  32. Stamina - 3
  33. Strength - 2
  34. Endurance - 3
  35. Intelligence - 0
  36. Resistance - 0
  37. Agility - 0
  38. UNIQUE ULTIMATE SKILL: Toadstool Honor - Cooldown: Extreme - From the battle window, restart the fight and choose one pokemon to gain +10 levels if current level cap is <51, +15 levels if current level cap is 51+ (even over level 100 if applicable), have 252 EVs in all stats, and have King's Shield as a free 5th move.
  40. Industrial Plumbers Faction
  41. Synopsis: Hard working handymen that can unclog your drain in a flash
  42. STATS
  43. Stamina - 2
  44. Strength - 2
  45. Endurance - 2
  46. Intelligence - 0
  47. Resistance - 2
  48. Agility - 0
  49. UNIQUE ULTIMATE SKILL: Different Adaptation - Cooldown: Passive - For the entire adventure, all of the plumber's pokemon always have the Adaptability ability and nothing else, no matter what, except in certain cases of Mega Evolution where the ability may change OR when a move is used to change or swap abilities.
  51. Waluigi Peanuts Faction
  52. Synopsis: A rather mysterious faction that uses their power in unexplainable ways
  53. STATS:
  54. Stamina - 0
  55. Strength - 0
  56. Endurance - 0
  57. Intelligence - 3
  58. Resistance - 0
  59. Agility - 5
  60. UNIQUE ULTIMATE SKILL: Shenanigans - Cooldown: Extreme - Stop the battle and do a !roll 4. If 1, reveal all the enemy's abilities, restart the fight, and mix and match all friendly and enemy abilities however you wish. If 2, reveal all the enemy's moves, and mix and match up to 3 friendly pokemon and 3 enemy pokemon moves however you wish for the next fight, as long as each pokemon has at least one attacking move (this prevents you from selecting new moves for a new team). If 3, reveal all enemy items, and replace up to four of them with a Snowball, Flame Orb, Sticky Barb, Eject Button, or Berserk Gene (cannot use the same item). If 4, reveal all enemy species, and mix and match up to 4 enemy species with each other as you see fit (moves, items, abilities, and EV Spreads are the same, only the species change). Certain boss enemies (very few) are immune to shenanigans and thus only the other pokemon will be affected.
  62. Troopers of Koopa Faction
  63. Synopsis: Soldiers trained in the barracks of Lord Bowser built to withstand extreme conditions.
  64. STATS
  65. Stamina - 1
  66. Strength - 0
  67. Endurance - 3
  68. Intelligence - 0
  69. Resistance - 4
  70. Agility - 0
  71. UNIQUE ULTIMATE SKILL: Bowser Moratorium - Cooldown: Extreme - From the battle window, restart the fight. During the next fight, you can choose which enemy pokemon is sent out first, as well as choose which enemy pokemon is sent out each time an enemy is KO'd.
  74. **STATS - you have 10 points to distribute to add to your stats (each stat caps at 5)
  76. Stamina - raises HP
  77. Strength - raises Attack
  78. Endurance - raises Defense
  79. Intelligence - raises Special Attack
  80. Resistance - raises Special Defense
  81. Agility - raises Speed
  83. All stats cap at 5
  84. 5 - Pokemon can have max of 255 EVs in that stat
  85. 4 - Pokemon can have max of 220 EVs in that stat
  86. 3 - Pokemon can have max of 180 EVs in that stat
  87. 2 - Pokemon can have max of 130 EVs in that stat
  88. 1 - Pokemon can have max of 88 EVs in that stat
  89. 0 - Pokemon can have max of 30 EVs in that stat
  93. Nutsugan - Pokemon Trainer Faction
  94. 1+3 Stamina
  95. 2+3 Strength
  96. 1+0 Endurance
  97. 2+0 Intelligence
  98. 1+0 Resistance
  99. 1+4 Agility
  101. **SKILLS - You can select up to 3 skills for your character to have. Some skills require you to have a certain level in a particular stat to acquire it.
  103. Rally (Stat) (No Requirement) - Cooldown: Passive, n/a - Increases a selected stat by 1 permanently. Cannot go over 5. NOTE: The skill is only for a specific stat, it cannot be moved around to other stats. NOTE 2: You can only have one Rally skill. E.g. "Rally Stamina" or "Rally Agility".
  104. Enhanced Training (No Requirement) - Cooldown: Passive, n/a - Player's pokemon have 60 extra EVs (for 570 total) to distribute
  105. Z Master (No Requirement) - Cooldown: Passive, n/a - Allows you to use Z Crystals (players without this skill cannot use Z Crystals)
  106. STABBY (No Requirement) - Cooldown: Passive, n/a - Choose a Two Pokemon Types. Pokemon of those types can have one STAB move each in their moveset, like STABMons (but no pokemon can have more than one STAB Move). This skill is limited to TWO POKEMON TYPES only, you can't put STAB moves on all your pokemon (unless they all share that type). The STAB move must be legally allowed by the STABmons OM (e.g. Shell Smash not allowed).
  107. Power Buff (Requires 4+ INT) - Cooldown: Medium - Can be cast BEFORE a battle starts in the battle window. For the remainder of the battle period, bless one player's Agility, Strength, and Intelligence by 2 (cannot be cast on self). Player can restart fight before it begins if they want to change their EVs.
  108. Rampart (Requires 4+ Endurance) - Cooldown: Medium - Can be cast BEFORE a battle starts in the battle window. For the remainder of the battle period, bless one player's Stamina, Endurance, and Resistance by 2 (cannot be cast on self). Player can restart fight before it begins if they want to change their EVs.
  109. Advanced Scout (Requires 4+ Agility) - Cooldown: Low - Can be used from the Battle Window (as main battler or watching participant). Can see full moveset of all enemy pokemon. (cannot see stats or held items, use someting with frisk plz)
  110. True Resilience (Requires 5 Resistance) - Cooldown: Low - Pokemon that have Special Defense as their highest stat (doesn't need to be highest base stat, just highest stat after natures/EVs) get Amnesia, Light Screen, and Refresh as free extra moves (can go over 4 move cap, doesn't matter if pokemon is naturally capable of learning themoves or not). Can be used from the battle window (before fight starts). Battle restarts with these changes. NOTE: CANNOT USE MID-BATTLE TO RESTART
  111. Best Shields (Requires 5 Stamina) - Cooldown: Medium - All Pokemon with a non-negative ability (e.g. not Truant or Slow Start or Defeatist) can replace their Ability with Filter for the fight. Can be used from the battle window (before fight starts). Battle restarts with these changes.
  112. Wrestlemania 22xx (Requires 5 Strength) - Cooldown: Medium - Pokemon that have at least 3 Contact Moves can get a 4th Contact Move (100BP or less) of their choice, regardless of compatibility or ability to learn (the 4th move is part of the 4 moveset, it's not an extra 5th move, meaning you will have 4 contact moves). Can be used from the battle window (before fight starts). Battle restarts with these changes.
  114. -
  116. STARTING POKEMON OPTIONS (All pokemon start at level 5, and level up automatically as the adventure progresses. Pokemon movesets can be any legal movesets for that pokemon and level, plus skill bonuses)
  120. Shroomish
  121. Morelull
  122. Paras
  123. Foonguss
  124. +several randomly added ones later
  128. Nutsugan - Pokemon Trainer Faction
  130. STATS:
  131. 1+3 Stamina
  132. 2+3 Strength
  133. 1+0 Endurance
  134. 2+0 Intelligence
  135. 1+0 Resistance
  136. 1+4 Agility
  138. SKILLS:
  139. Top Percentage
  140. Power Buff
  141. Z Master
  142. Advanced Scout
  144. Starting Pokemon: Morelull
  146. --
  147. --
  148. --
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