
Priore's Pastebin

Rome, Italy    9,267 135,297 0 12 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
CMTime extension to retrieve Seconds and time in String format (HH:mm:ss) Oct 8th, 2020 Never 2,328 0 Swift -
Thread Safe Weak Ref Queue May 19th, 2020 Never 1,808 0 Swift -
[OSX] Launch a temporary HTTP mini server May 7th, 2020 Never 580 0 Bash -
[Mac OS X] Optimize GPU performance May 4th, 2020 Never 518 0 None -
replace "??" with function to shorten compilation time Jul 23rd, 2019 Never 432 0 Swift -
Print stack trace just with classes names and method names Feb 1st, 2019 Never 504 0 Swift -
Console logging output in a file Jul 18th, 2018 Never 453 0 Swift -
MySQL helper and base object definition May 11th, 2018 Never 236 0 Swift -
Custom action for a specific share types May 10th, 2018 Never 379 0 Swift -
AES256 decrypt May 5th, 2018 Never 394 0 Swift -
MD5 and SH1 Digest May 5th, 2018 Never 290 0 Swift -
HTML string to NSAttributedString May 4th, 2018 Never 280 0 Swift -
Improve build times for Swift projects Mar 23rd, 2018 Never 577 0 Swift -
TableView HeaderView autoresize Mar 15th, 2018 Never 231 0 Swift -
Prevent UITableView From Scrolling During Updates Feb 2nd, 2018 Never 386 0 Swift -
Jenkins/Xcode build command for IPA creation Oct 4th, 2017 Never 296 0 None -
Auto slide the view when keyboard appears Sep 12th, 2017 Never 334 0 Swift -
Find the view's recursively with Generics Aug 29th, 2017 Never 431 0 Swift -
Convert AVCaptureStillImageOutput to UIImage Jul 7th, 2017 Never 406 0 Swift -
Fade from color to color Apr 3rd, 2017 Never 1,130 0 Objective C -
UIWebView get vertical height Mar 31st, 2017 Never 975 0 Objective C -
Threads Helper Feb 27th, 2017 Never 1,094 0 Objective C -
Identifies if is running from the device or simulator Jul 20th, 2016 Never 1,168 0 Objective C -
Standardize AFNetworking calls Apr 21st, 2016 Never 1,262 0 Objective C -
UILabel correct way to padding left/right Apr 18th, 2016 Never 341 0 Objective C -
Performance examination procedure Mar 18th, 2016 Never 1,052 0 Objective C -
Cancellable dispatch_after Mar 4th, 2016 Never 1,535 0 Objective C -
Scroll direction pulses with a value sensitivity Mar 3rd, 2016 Never 1,106 0 Objective C -
How to get router IP address in Objective-C Feb 27th, 2016 Never 1,225 0 Objective C -
Change value of existing NSLayoutConstraints Feb 18th, 2016 Never 1,096 0 Objective C -
Block execution on main thread Feb 16th, 2016 Never 1,136 0 Objective C -
A custom validator which highlights with the colored border Feb 13th, 2016 Never 249 0 C# -
Correct way for to scroll after of reloadData completion Feb 9th, 2016 Never 1,368 0 Objective C -
Convert GMT date to Italian date Nov 23rd, 2015 Never 1,207 0 Objective C -
Get duration of streaming Nov 23rd, 2015 Never 1,149 0 Objective C -
Capture an image of a view not yet displayed Jul 9th, 2015 Never 1,259 0 Objective C -
Apple APIs to retrieve App information from bundle-id Jun 28th, 2015 Never 583 0 None -
Obfuscate Class and methods in Objective-C Jun 18th, 2015 Never 1,263 0 Objective C -
Validate a email from a string Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 1,340 0 Objective C -
Convert URL to a Tiny URL Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 2,491 0 Objective C -
Thumbnail image from ALAsset with a category Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 1,335 0 Objective C -
Convert video to MP4 from a URL Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 1,369 0 Objective C -
Save jpeg image from CGImageRef Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 1,284 0 Objective C -
Capture a screenshot from mov video types Apr 23rd, 2015 Never 1,250 0 Objective C -
Get informations of the certificate (OS X) Feb 22nd, 2015 Never 2,181 0 Objective C -
AES256 Encrypt/Decrypt Nov 10th, 2014 Never 431 0 C# -
3DES Encrypt/Decrypt Nov 10th, 2014 Never 418 0 C# -
Check valid MPMoviePlayerController video URL Nov 10th, 2014 Never 1,146 0 Objective C -
AVPlayer verify streaming when stalled Oct 29th, 2014 Never 1,384 0 Objective C -
Detect the type of iPhone Device independent from iOS vers Oct 18th, 2014 Never 1,195 0 Objective C -
Convert property names in a text string with their value Oct 10th, 2014 Never 1,155 0 Objective C -
Generate a unique id of a NSObject Oct 8th, 2014 Never 1,190 0 Objective C -
iOS8: correct screen bounds Oct 2nd, 2014 Never 616 0 Objective C -
How to check the end of an audio (AVPlayer) Sep 29th, 2014 Never 1,231 0 Objective C -
How to get duration (HH:MM:SS) from AVAudioPlayer Sep 12th, 2014 Never 456 0 Objective C -
fix the wrong value of sizeThatFits in a UITableViewCell Sep 11th, 2014 Never 1,214 0 Objective C -
Get list of all interfaces on the iPhone - iPad Device Aug 26th, 2014 Never 1,223 0 Objective C -
Settings from a PLIST file Jul 25th, 2014 Never 1,293 0 Objective C -
Loading the XIB dependent on the device Jul 9th, 2014 Never 1,186 0 Objective C -
NSObject set property values with NSDictionary Jul 7th, 2014 Never 1,171 0 Objective C -
Convert NSObject to NSDictionary Jun 23rd, 2014 Never 1,921 0 Objective C -
Tips: a solid dealloc for all classes Jun 23rd, 2014 Never 533 0 Objective C -
Fix the crash in iOS6 when you start a not supported video Jun 9th, 2014 Never 1,205 0 Objective C -
Fixes crash in case of missing of the partial KeyPath May 23rd, 2014 Never 1,303 0 Objective C -
fix for crash when called the reloadData of a UITableView Apr 29th, 2014 Never 1,206 0 Objective C -
Capture blurred UIView Apr 23rd, 2014 Never 1,019 0 Objective C -
NSDictionary to JSON Apr 4th, 2014 Never 1,062 0 Objective C -
Time difference between two dates Mar 14th, 2014 Never 1,063 0 Objective C -
How to never block the interface with NSOperation Mar 13th, 2014 Never 1,162 0 Objective C -
Copy the values of a EntityObject ​​in another EntityObject Mar 8th, 2014 Never 339 0 C# -
Rename all files to... Feb 11th, 2014 Never 245 0 Python -
NSError from NSException Feb 5th, 2014 Never 1,193 0 Objective C -
Filter an NSArray of NSDictionary with NSPredicate Jan 23rd, 2014 Never 898 0 Objective C -
UILabel text size fit macro Jan 16th, 2014 Never 1,068 0 Objective C -
XML formatter for TextWrangler Jan 16th, 2014 Never 265 0 Python -
JSON formatter for TextWrangler Jan 16th, 2014 Never 315 0 Python -
UILabel and text size for iOS 7 Dec 12th, 2013 Never 1,078 0 Objective C -
Convert Unicode string into readable string Dec 10th, 2013 Never 1,018 0 Objective C -
UIWebVew Video Autoplay Dec 3rd, 2013 Never 1,143 0 Objective C -
ASP.NET [C#] Redirect with post data Oct 23rd, 2013 Never 313 0 C# -
iOS SOAP client engine Aug 31st, 2013 Never 1,236 0 Objective C -
MD5 encode NSString Aug 30th, 2013 Never 953 0 Objective C -
Fix for Fecebook SDK when retrieving user permissions Aug 30th, 2013 Never 1,124 0 Objective C -
SHA1 encode NSString Aug 23rd, 2013 Never 914 0 Objective C -
How to create a perfect circle UIView Jul 17th, 2013 Never 1,416 0 Objective C -
How to retrieve the current displayed viewcontroller Jul 11th, 2013 Never 977 0 Objective C -
How to put an image and a bottom text together in a UIButton Jul 2nd, 2013 Never 1,112 0 Objective C -
How to invoke a method in a class via their string names Jun 26th, 2013 Never 936 0 Objective C -
Icon with symbol of the beta version Jun 23rd, 2013 Never 1,076 0 Objective C -
UIWebView asynchronous javascript call Jun 19th, 2013 Never 985 0 Objective C -
Random numbers and random boolean values Jun 14th, 2013 Never 1,429 0 Objective C -
How to manage the image asynchronously from a UIImagePicker Jun 10th, 2013 Never 973 0 Objective C -
SDWebImage extended with alternate URL Jun 5th, 2013 Never 995 0 Objective C -
UIImage from icon app Jun 5th, 2013 Never 1,018 0 Objective C -
User-Agent for all UIWebView in your app Jun 4th, 2013 Never 1,016 0 Objective C -
Set property values ​​from a NSDictionary Jun 4th, 2013 Never 1,524 0 Objective C -
Force Facebook Logout May 20th, 2013 Never 1,347 0 Objective C -
How to use GDC for create a singleton class Apr 5th, 2013 Never 904 0 Objective C -
Play Audio Streaming in Backgrund mode Apr 2nd, 2013 Never 981 0 Objective C -
How to load Twitter Timeline Widget in a UIWebView Mar 31st, 2013 Never 1,368 0 Objective C -