
Max2201111's Pastebin

3,100 99,459 0 3 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
cele OKK Jul 26th, 2024 Never 89 0 Python -
posledniii v OK Jul 26th, 2024 Never 79 0 Python -
opraveno stalemate Jul 26th, 2024 Never 167 0 Python -
good kladna hodnota 1000 Jul 26th, 2024 Never 201 0 Python -
posledniii v Jul 25th, 2024 Never 108 0 Python -
posledniii Jul 25th, 2024 Never 112 0 Python -
poslednii Jul 25th, 2024 Never 106 0 Python -
joo pozice v matu > 0 Jul 25th, 2024 Never 92 0 Python -
opravene vse Jul 25th, 2024 Never 197 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 12 Jul 24th, 2024 Never 89 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 4 opraveno H i to ostatni Jul 24th, 2024 Never 81 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 4 opraveno H Jul 24th, 2024 Never 99 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 4 Jul 23rd, 2024 Never 108 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 3 Jul 22nd, 2024 Never 40 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK 2 Jul 22nd, 2024 Never 113 0 Python -
posledni cerny bily pesec OK Jul 22nd, 2024 Never 146 0 Python -
posledni pq Jul 22nd, 2024 Never 99 0 Python -
s BREAKEM! AaCcEe Jul 22nd, 2024 Never 130 0 Python -
the best and last one with print of optimal moves Jul 19th, 2024 Never 131 0 Python -
posledni ale douhy vypopcet Jul 19th, 2024 Never 109 0 Python -
mene vystupu OK AP Jul 19th, 2024 Never 311 0 Python -
LAST best ale moc vystupu Jul 19th, 2024 Never 284 0 Python -
promotion P to Q, very good OK Jul 19th, 2024 Never 101 0 Python -
reti bad Jul 18th, 2024 Never 100 0 Python -
LAST OK eve2 Jul 18th, 2024 Never 30 0 Python -
LAST OK eve Jul 18th, 2024 Never 108 0 Python -
last pawns to queens Jul 18th, 2024 Never 48 0 Python -
last s PATy OK Jul 18th, 2024 Never 39 0 Python -
even EVE is OK Jul 17th, 2024 Never 110 0 Python -
amzonka LAST 33 minut OK very good Jul 17th, 2024 Never 30 0 Python -
POSLEDNI s Amazonkou Jul 17th, 2024 Never 124 0 Python -
LAST GREAT Jul 17th, 2024 Never 106 0 Python -
VERY GOOD LAST ONE Jul 17th, 2024 Never 158 0 Python -
LAST VERY GOOD vse OK Jul 17th, 2024 Never 127 0 Python -
FUNKCNI LAST OK ascii! Jul 17th, 2024 Never 111 0 Python -
neohodnocenych pozic NULA!!ale spatne hodnoty Jul 15th, 2024 Never 30 0 Python -
bez neohodnocenych pozic!! LAST ONE NEJLEPSI Jul 15th, 2024 Never 26 0 Python -
bez neohodnocenych pozic!! LAST ONE Jul 15th, 2024 Never 113 0 Python -
bez neohodnocenych pozic!! Jul 15th, 2024 Never 126 0 Python -
posledni s -2000/2000 Jul 14th, 2024 Never 41 0 Python -
last bez # Jul 14th, 2024 Never 47 0 Python -
posledni bez # Jul 14th, 2024 Never 45 0 Python -
tak toto je dost dobre A zmeneno pozic 4 Jul 14th, 2024 Never 51 0 Python -
posledni s 12 a OK legal_moves LAST Jul 14th, 2024 Never 42 0 Python -
posledni s 12 a OK legal_moves Jul 13th, 2024 Never 57 0 Python -
posledni very good the best jeste ASCII pridat Jul 13th, 2024 Never 69 0 Python -
very good legalni tahy OK Jul 13th, 2024 Never 55 0 Python -
aktualizace hodnot OK?? Jul 12th, 2024 Never 78 0 Python -
rychle a spravny pocet pozic Jul 12th, 2024 Never 60 0 Python -
odladene OK vse ale hodnoty jsou stale 0 Jul 12th, 2024 Never 86 0 Python -
cele OK!! Jul 12th, 2024 Never 88 0 Python -
nejlepsi ale BEZ pass a8a7 Jul 12th, 2024 Never 25 0 Python -
nejlepsi ale s pass a8a7 Jul 11th, 2024 Never 82 0 Python -
very good Uz se figury nemnozi Jul 11th, 2024 Never 87 0 Python -
dost dobre petr hloubka bez ladicich vypsiu Jul 11th, 2024 Never 96 0 Python -
odladena posledni verze Amazonka, Cyryl a Eve (pro Petra) opraveny strelec Jul 10th, 2024 Never 117 0 Python -
odladena posledni verze Amazonka, Cyryl a Eve (pro Petra) Jul 10th, 2024 Never 88 0 Python -
konecne spravne H1, G2 aA HURA Jul 10th, 2024 Never 107 0 Python -
KONECNE H1 JE NAPADENO OD A8!! Jul 10th, 2024 Never 93 0 Python -
vice kralu K v legal tazich Dobre Jul 9th, 2024 Never 111 0 Python -
konecne amazonky v legalnich tazich Jul 9th, 2024 Never 95 0 Python -
konecne kontrola PSEUDO_LEGALITY aA Jul 9th, 2024 Never 117 0 Python -
OK vlastni kral v sachu aAbBkK ale bez legal moves A Jul 9th, 2024 Never 166 0 Python -
konecne stavi vlastniho krale k do sachu very good Jul 9th, 2024 Never 146 0 Python -
K bez sachu od a!!konecne Jul 9th, 2024 Never 201 0 Python -
amazonky lepsi but not cool Jul 9th, 2024 Never 131 0 Python -
push a pop implementovany dost dobre ale s malo vystupy KB bez A Jul 9th, 2024 Never 147 0 Python -
opraveny kod dost dobre AKkBb BEZ KONTROLY BARVY v pseudo_legal! Jul 8th, 2024 Never 184 0 Python -
posledni Aa legalni OK Jul 8th, 2024 Never 235 0 Python -
the best amazon Jul 7th, 2024 Never 204 0 Python -
hura, uz amazonky maji utoky Jul 7th, 2024 Never 172 0 Python -
posledni amazonky clekem OK az na a namisto A Jul 7th, 2024 Never 177 0 Python -
bezchybne bBkK OK very good Jul 7th, 2024 Never 156 0 Python -
uz se zobrazuji kralove Kk! spolu s Aa Jul 7th, 2024 Never 319 0 Python -
very good attacks_mask NOPar fixed AKakBb Jul 6th, 2024 Never 686 0 Python -
opraveny kod dost dobre AKkBb Jul 5th, 2024 Never 87 0 Python -
opraveny kod dost dobre AKkBb Jul 5th, 2024 Never 692 0 Python - Z3 Jul 4th, 2024 Never 951 0 Python -
bishops amazons BB good OK Jul 4th, 2024 Never 877 0 Python -
OK AEC ale moc vystupu Jul 3rd, 2024 Never 667 0 Python -
lepsi 23 pozic porad hraje jako b Jul 3rd, 2024 Never 614 0 Python -
divny vystup s 1 pozici KOD Jul 3rd, 2024 Never 581 0 Python -
divny vystup s 1 pozici Jul 3rd, 2024 Never 562 0 Python -
konecne petr s Amazonkou Jul 1st, 2024 Never 669 0 Python -
ultimate very good amazonka 5 exact Jul 1st, 2024 Never 509 0 Python -
ultimate very good amazonka 4 exact Jul 1st, 2024 Never 473 0 Python -
ultimate very good amazonka 2 not exact Jun 30th, 2024 Never 526 0 Python -
ultimate very good amazonka Jun 30th, 2024 Never 456 0 Python -
no A printed Jun 29th, 2024 Never 578 0 Python -
still doesn't work A in ASCII Jun 29th, 2024 Never 512 0 Python -
Amazon Bob Cyryl Jun 28th, 2024 Never 561 0 Python -
nefukcni CNN cista 1.000 Jun 27th, 2024 Never 549 0 Python -
amazonka,bob a cyril, Petr posledni verze still 0 pozic Jun 27th, 2024 Never 432 0 Python -
amazonka,bob a cyril, Petr posledni verze Jun 27th, 2024 Never 371 0 Python -
podivnost s interpolaci Jun 26th, 2024 Never 601 0 Python -
display image fractal like range(5) Jun 26th, 2024 Never 514 0 Python -
konecne OK VK CNN a DNN se vsim vsudy Jun 26th, 2024 Never 321 0 Python -
posledni anejlepsi VK very good CM almost diagonal Jun 25th, 2024 Never 573 0 Python -
generovani nahodne matice podle rady profesora Petra Dostala Jun 25th, 2024 Never 574 0 Python -
konecne OK vladimir CNN a DNN Jun 25th, 2024 Never 452 0 Python -