
Ityizhuo's Pastebin

3,040 53,224 -1 3 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
scrollbox with mark Oct 22nd, 2021 Never 14,186 0 CSS -
Aeroblade font Oct 14th, 2021 Never 2,681 0 CSS -
scrollbox with image or gif as background Sep 27th, 2021 Never 9,637 0 CSS -
britney crd code Sep 26th, 2021 Never 3,699 0 CSS - embeds Sep 23rd, 2021 Never 6,366 0 CSS -
lippies crd Sep 7th, 2021 Never 5,024 0 CSS -
additional content when hovered + recommend instructions. cr itzhuo pls Jul 30th, 2021 Never 2,660 0 CSS -
bratz doll font Jul 26th, 2021 Never 1,422 0 None -
button that changes color when hovered Jul 23rd, 2021 Never 321 0 None -
mother bear Jul 21st, 2021 Never 442 0 None -
button swing Jul 21st, 2021 Never 281 0 None -
underline animation Jul 21st, 2021 Never 338 0 None -
watermelon font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 530 0 None -
pixel poiiz font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 1,303 0 None -
pirates font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 742 0 None -
magnolia font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 385 0 None -
porkys font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 379 0 None -
warm wishes font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 996 0 None -
happy chicken font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 139 0 None -
risalah font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 306 0 None -
deliosa font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 717 0 None -
gummy font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 515 0 None -
bouncy font Jul 20th, 2021 Never 201 0 None -