
Muskie's Pastebin

25,997 5,134 0 12 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Working Social Buttons Oct 2nd, 2013 Never 1,320 0 HTML -
secondaryDomain.html Jun 23rd, 2013 Never 695 0 HTML -
primaryDomain.html Jun 23rd, 2013 Never 696 0 HTML -
Twitter Search Results into Valid RSS feed Mar 4th, 2013 Never 312 0 PHP -
Methods for finding audio previews with PHP Mar 3rd, 2013 Never 653 0 PHP -
Twitter Display Requirements CSS Feb 28th, 2013 Never 216 0 CSS -
PHP Code for Searching Twitter and Displaying Tweets Feb 28th, 2013 Never 166 0 PHP -
YouTube Search Function Feb 17th, 2013 Never 509 0 PHP -
Merging Feeds into a single RSS Feed Apr 27th, 2012 Never 567 0 PHP -