
Fernando_Fiore's Pastebin

brazil, são paulo    2,005 5,092 0 3 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
HPGCC2 libwin Feb 8th, 2023 Never 1,335 0 C -
wxAuiMDIParentFrame with splitter and toolbar Aug 6th, 2021 Never 1,409 0 C++ -
ive found the cure: CPropertyPage OnApply Oct 16th, 2020 Never 182 0 C++ -
CMyMDITabOwner Sep 29th, 2020 Never 133 0 C++ -
CMDISplitterFrameImpl Sep 22nd, 2020 Never 132 0 C++ -
atlsplit2.h - see BEGIN_CHANGE Sep 21st, 2020 Never 133 0 C++ -
WTL-MDI-SPLITTER with edit controls fixed Sep 17th, 2020 Never 129 0 C++ -
mdi cut,copy and paste Sep 16th, 2020 Never 152 0 C++ -
fixed cut,copy and paste in tabbed view Sep 11th, 2020 Never 143 0 C++ -
fixed cut,copy,paste with splitter Sep 6th, 2020 Never 172 0 C++ -
Untitled Sep 2nd, 2020 Never 145 0 C++ -
traits Aug 30th, 2020 Never 229 0 C++ -
CHandleT Aug 29th, 2020 Never 181 0 C++ -
BaseConverter Aug 6th, 2020 Never 623 0 C++ -