
EmilySamantha80's Pastebin

2,043 7,074 0 7 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Microsoft Graph functions using Graph PHP SDK Mar 31st, 2022 Never 1,113 0 PHP -
Count lines of code Nov 30th, 2018 Never 293 0 PowerShell -
Validate date/time input Aug 8th, 2018 Never 213 0 JavaScript -
JavaScript Pong Oct 27th, 2017 Never 552 0 JavaScript -
BCrypt implementation in Oracle 12c PL/SQL.sql Jan 28th, 2020 Never 495 0 Java -
Find the longest alphabetical sequence in strings.sql Jun 2nd, 2017 Never 236 0 T-SQL -
Truly simple async/await for synchronous code Dec 15th, 2016 Never 225 0 C# -
CMyShoe (C# version of my first C++ program) Jul 29th, 2016 Never 232 0 C# -
Format exceptions as detailed strings Mar 7th, 2017 Never 244 0 C# -
Assembly information Mar 7th, 2017 Never 230 0 C# -
BaseX math (Math for numbers with any character set) Dec 15th, 2016 Never 230 0 C# -
Image manipulation Dec 8th, 2016 Never 252 0 C# -
ICS calendar item creation Dec 8th, 2016 Never 285 0 C# -
MD5 hash generator from files Dec 8th, 2016 Never 442 0 C# -
Minimalist Telnet client with scripting capabilities Aug 22nd, 2016 Never 287 0 C# -
ISO 8601 Date/Time and Week Date utility class Aug 4th, 2016 Never 275 0 C# -
Full featured Active Directory client in C# ADComputer.cs Dec 8th, 2016 Never 419 0 C# -
Full featured Active Directory client in C# ADGroup.cs Dec 8th, 2016 Never 433 0 C# -
Full featured Active Directory client in C# ADUser.cs Dec 8th, 2016 Never 366 0 C# -
Full featured Active Directory client in C# ADContext.cs Dec 8th, 2016 Never 258 0 C# -