
DigitalMag's Pastebin

4,967 57,880 0 5 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
md => html table generation Jan 14th, 2021 Never 1,040 0 Python -
lines counter Dec 4th, 2021 Never 985 0 Python -
requirements.txt Jun 11th, 2021 Never 283 0 None -
fp via js May 9th, 2021 Never 420 0 JavaScript -
Popen stdin/stdout Feb 2nd, 2021 Never 347 0 Python -
procesman Feb 1st, 2021 Never 1,134 0 Python -
custom logging level Jan 25th, 2021 Never 1,018 0 Python -
docker mysql Nov 12th, 2020 Never 1,399 0 Bash -
Test: when a_print is executed: before print(9) or until Nov 11th, 2020 Never 914 0 Python -
simplest friendship asyncio with sync Nov 11th, 2020 Never 780 0 Python -
simplest async hello world Nov 11th, 2020 Never 848 0 JavaScript -
the simplest async hello world Nov 11th, 2020 Never 1,033 0 Python -
asyncio hello world Nov 11th, 2020 Never 793 0 Python -
confuse with homonymous variables defined with var inside promise and defined by let outside Nov 8th, 2020 Never 499 0 JavaScript -
smtp ssl python Oct 8th, 2020 Never 4,303 0 Python -
the simplest perfomance benchmark (node) Oct 7th, 2020 Never 1,042 0 JavaScript -
the simplest perfomance benchmark (python) Oct 7th, 2020 Never 968 0 Python -
ts/js context problem on replace (resolves b bind, but fact) Jul 22nd, 2020 Never 1,568 0 JavaScript -
simplest bundler Jul 21st, 2020 Never 1,357 0 JavaScript -
The simplest RSA implementation with the smaller q/p values Jul 13th, 2020 Never 2,962 0 Python -
The simplest RSA implementation Jul 13th, 2020 Never 1,218 0 Python -
Triple keys generation Jul 10th, 2020 Never 1,197 0 Python -
Find prime digits in range Jul 5th, 2020 Never 1,295 0 C++ -
searchPrimeDigits Jul 5th, 2020 Never 3,612 0 Nim -
checking apportionment for big numbers Jul 5th, 2020 Never 1,001 0 Python -
the fastest approach to find prime digits (for big digits) Jul 5th, 2020 Never 1,098 0 Python -
Improved search of const combinations for the Diffie_Hellman Jul 5th, 2020 Never 952 0 Python -
decorator with parameters to lambda Jul 5th, 2020 Never 1,474 0 Python -
finding the best combination of constants in Diffie-Hellman Jul 4th, 2020 Never 1,458 0 Python -
Simple Diffie_Hellman Jul 4th, 2020 Never 1,517 0 Python -
key manager for dict (unique key autogeneration) Jul 4th, 2020 Never 1,428 0 Python -
Perfomance reading Jun 26th, 2020 Never 1,635 0 Python -
Perfomance Jun 26th, 2020 Never 1,628 0 Python -
lazy ienumerables benchmarks Jun 13th, 2020 Never 1,087 0 C# -
ObservableHashSet Jun 8th, 2020 Never 1,485 0 C# -
From/To Unix time Jun 7th, 2020 Never 1,072 0 C# -
Serialize/deserialize string Jun 3rd, 2020 Never 1,249 0 C# -
Benchmark on big data PGSQL (by several millions note)) May 6th, 2020 Never 387 0 Python -
Benchmarks on Count Agregate for big data May 6th, 2020 Never 381 0 Python -
Анонимные классы Java Apr 10th, 2020 Never 374 0 Java -
MVVM WinForms /* simple sample*/ Mar 27th, 2020 Never 418 0 C# -
Event trigger inside another class instaed initialized place Mar 20th, 2020 Never 470 0 C# -
Interface Sample (C#) Mar 13th, 2020 Never 436 0 C# -
file watch mark Feb 19th, 2020 Never 333 0 JavaScript -
JS async problem Feb 16th, 2020 Never 963 0 JavaScript -
Less (based on gulp) Feb 16th, 2020 Never 411 0 JavaScript -
Regex python/node bench Feb 10th, 2020 Never 426 0 Python -
Page hangs Feb 1st, 2020 Never 454 0 JavaScript -
Numba benchmark: list as param (500x vs numpy, without - 4x) Jan 31st, 2020 Never 557 0 Python -
Numba benchmark (create|return) [] (4x) Jan 31st, 2020 Never 415 0 Python -
try/regex compile banchmark Jan 29th, 2020 Never 401 0 Python -
Numba benchmark range (1000x) Jan 7th, 2020 Never 426 0 Python -
Python str benchmark Dec 24th, 2019 Never 411 0 Python -
popstate Sep 23rd, 2019 Never 424 0 JavaScript -
draft for django-enum Apr 29th, 2019 Never 417 0 Python -
Forms without helptext Jan 14th, 2019 Never 399 0 Python -
CustomModelForms Jan 14th, 2019 Never 437 0 Python -
label_classes Dec 31st, 2018 Never 394 0 Python - Dec 23rd, 2018 Never 451 0 Python -