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>submitting nightlies for invitationals

a guest
Sep 29th, 2019
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  1. Fuck the Chiefs and fuck (Raid)niggers. Handegg > Divegrass, I swear this is totally not a reaction to being the second team eliminated. Dude trust me.
  3. Pregame:
  4. - Start on Preset 1.
  5. - Do not fuck with the starting lineup. At all. Even if everyone is purple, do not touch anything.
  7. During match:
  8. - If down by multiple goals at any point, go +1.
  9. - If trailing at halftime: switch to preset 3, sub in a third CB, go +1 if not already there.
  10. - Subs at 69'. Most tired CB out for Florida Man. 77 DMF out for whichever other 77 DMF is better conditioned, if they're the same condition put in Alex Jones. If Pulisic is still shitting the bed (ie he hasn't scored a goal) sub him out for Freedom Ain't free. :DD, otherwise sub out the RMF for The Original Brexit.
  11. - If trailing at sub time and the halftime preset change hasn't been done yet do it then.
  12. - If still trailing at 77' set Captain America and the central CB (or both CBs, if still on preset 1) to join the attack and go +2.
  14. If the nightly somehow didn't go through just ignore all this meme shit and play the entire match on preset 3 +1.
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