
Moving In (A Yordle Story)

Sep 4th, 2020
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  1. “Moving In (A Yordle Story)”
  3. Far away from the League of Legends, the sprawling metropolis of Piltover began yet another sleepless night; as the sun set on a long day, the neon and Hextech lights began to illuminate the streets, and the buildings which towered over them.
  5. Among these buildings was an apartment complex, one among many in the neighborhood which reeked of two particular scents; baby powder, and well-used diapers. This place was known as Bandle Heights, a building which housed and catered to the needs of Yordles both local and foreign. Despite being in the middle of the city, it was quite the secluded place, to the point where its residents would freely walk around in nothing but their poofy undergarments.
  7. This rang true especially for Tristana, whose modeling job for Super Soakers gave her a large suite on the upper floors. Not only did she have a near-infinite supply of diapers, but also a Hex-bot which cleaned up after her...on the rare occasion she wanted to be clean, that is.
  9. This night, however, just so happened to be one of those rare occasions...
  11. Looking at the clock on the wall, the Bandle Gunner hastily grabbed a spare diaper from a cabinet, before sitting down on a large leather couch in her living room. She looked down at her diaper, which was only slightly soggy; two pale blue lines on the front gave away her damp disposition.
  13. "Well, no use holding it in~" She grinned, squatting on the cushiony furniture with gusto. Out rushed a flow of daytime pee, built up from hours of drinking light ale and water in her bathtub, which was also subject to the occasional squirt from her flower. To make things more decadent, she had been taking bubble baths in swimming diapers, and at some point the leaks turned into patches of yellow suds and bubbles among the bath. No wonder she smelled foul.
  15. The diaper continued to sag and swell, catching up with her yellow waterfall with great efficiency. After all these were Super Soakers; and for once, the endorser of the brand actually cared for its product. She slowly rubbed the front of her now-yellowed pamper, as her rear grew heavy with warm, weighty urine. The plastic began to kiss the leather cushions ever-so-gently, causing only a slight squish against her derriere. As the urine began to pool inside her padding, Tristana sighed once more before standing up from the squat, letting her padding hang freely between her thighs. She leaned over to glance at her swollen bottom, before giving her butt a playful shake, causing the diaper to slosh loudly as it smacked against her legs. Droplets of pee began to leak from the leg guards, onto the couch. It wasn’t a big deal for the shortstack, however; that’s what her robo-maid was for.
  17. “Hey, Anne! I need a change!” She hollered out, getting off the couch with great caution. Pee continued to leak out of her pamper, onto the tiled floor. In the heat of the moment, Tristana decided that she could be a naughty little Yordle for a bit, and pressed the front of her padding against her delicate flower. With a satisfied sigh, the sloshing and squishing obscured the sounds of Anne’s hover module, and the maid noticed what the resident baby was up to.
  18. “Tristanaa~ What are you doing?” Anne asked, in a soft, motherly tone.
  20. “Oh!” The cannoneer jumped a little, turning around to see her helper. “I was just--uh--” As she tried to come up with something, another spurt of pee escaped into her padding, causing the tapes to strain even further.
  22. “--enjoying yourself? Don’t worry, dearie. I can’t punish you for doing that.” She smiled, hovering over to the Yordle’s side. “Although, you should probably save it for Poppy, yes? I’m sure she’ll enjoy it more than I do.” Tristana blushed hard at the thought, as the android caretaker gently removed her tapes.
  24. PLAP!
  26. With a loud splat, Tristana's heavily-soaked diaper undid itself on the living room floor, prompting the robo-maid to ball it up and set it aside.
  28. "So, uh...when Poppy comes around, could you change her? She’d appreciate it. The trip from Demacia to Piltover is pretty long.” She added, as she stood bow-legged, being gently wiped down by her android maid. As the wet wipes caressed her thighs, she began to suck on her thumb with bliss, once more in a fuzzy headspace.
  30. “Of course, dear. It’s my job, after all.” Anne grinned, taping on another pair of pampers on the shortstack. She immediately picked her up with one arm, while the other cleaned up the spilled pee with a highly-absorbent cloth.
  32. The gunner didn’t realize it at first; she was far too used to the Hex-bot rocking her to sleep every night to notice. “Hrmh?” She asked, thumb still in her mouth.
  34. “Oh! Oops. You didn’t ask to be picked up this time. Sorry, sweetie.” She gently put her down on the now-clean couch, her padded butt crinkling against the soft cushions.
  36. “Don’t worry about it. I...really like it, anyway. Now, uh...could you help me dress up? I need to look good for Poppy.” She sheepishly asked, before putting a thumb in her mouth once more, almost automatically.
  38. “Of course, Tristana. Come, now~” The electric lady gently took a hold of Tristana’s free hand, leading her to a wardrobe…
  40. ----
  42. Meanwhile, on the streets of Piltover, an inter-city bus had stopped at its final port, prompting the three passengers onboard to get off. Among them was Poppy, who carried her hammer along with a large briefcase. At this point, the overalls she wore were ready to burst, the denim around her crotch and rear visibly puffed up by the heavily-filled diaper underneath.
  44. Thankfully for her, the other two people sat towards the front, while she stayed in the back row. For the most part, they couldn’t be able to smell her.
  46. ‘Ugh...what a ride. Good thing my diaper’s comfy.’ She thought to herself, getting out of the now-smelly seat. With every step she made, loud sloshing and squelching filled the air, and her straining overalls swung between her thighs. The Hammer Keeper was too tired to notice this, however, much to the dismay of the bus driver.
  48. “Oh, man!” The driver pinched his nose, as the pigtailed warrior neared the front. “You know we took three refueling stops, right?”
  50. “Hey, I fell asleep, okay?” She was too tired to say more, and squishily exited the bus. Before her stood the intimidating city of Piltover, which she had only heard stories of. All she knew was that, thanks to Heimerdinger’s influence, it was a second Bandle City, in some aspects. Soon, she would come to know just what that would mean.
  52. As the evening went on, Poppy continued to walk down the city streets, keeping in mind the landmarks Tristana mentioned to her weeks ago. All the while, her stink kept most people away from her, with the occasional fan asking for an autograph or a photo with the hammer. Despite being tired, she was steadfast in her journey, and despite the weight packed into the bottom of her overalls, she continued onward.
  54. “Turn left on sixth street...and--aha!” Around the corner, she saw a series of buildings which faced a park, occupied by what appeared to be fellow Yordles.
  57. “Yep. Smells like the world’s largest daycare. This is the place.” She fanned the air with her hand, chuckling as she scanned the buildings for Tristana’s apartment. Seeing the Bandle Heights sign, she sighed with relief as she entered the complex.
  59. Stepping into the lobby, she immediately took notice of the elegant decor; the Hextech chandelier above her head shone a warm yellow, while empty couches and lounge chairs waited to be used. It almost looked like a five-star hotel, but it sure didn't smell like one. The cool, airconditioned lobby had the scent of light talcum powder, along with the occasional hint of pee or even the warm mess that all Yordles knew and loved.
  61. "Oh, miss Poppy! Finally arrived, haven't you?"
  63. “Uh...yeah! I’m here.” She looked up at the robot’s pixel-formed face, waiting for her to say something.
  65. “Well, lady Tristana is waiting for you, and I’m so glad that you’ve decided to move in! I am your friendly neighborhood Hex-Bot concierge, Lily! If you need anything, you can call the front desk~” She bowed, her hover-pads humming in reply.
  67. “O-oh! Thanks, Lily. I didn’t expect, uh--robots--to be here. I mean--yeah, this is Piltover, you know, technology and all, but--”
  69. “Don’t you worry, dear. Me, and all my sisters, are all designed to cater to the needs of every Yordle that comes through the front doors! And before you ask, don’t worry, we don’t mind the smell~” She reassured the Hammer Keeper.
  71. “Whew. That’s a relief.” Poppy giggled. “Oh! Uh, before I go, can I have the key to the apartment? Since I’m--uh--moving in.”
  73. “Of course!” And with that, her hand summoned pixellated particles in her palm, and the key materialized in an instant.
  75. Poppy grabbed hold of it, saying her thanks before squishily toddling over to the elevator. As the load in her overalls swung and strained, Lily giggled a little. Yordles were truly the epitome of infantile incontinence.
  77. The little juggernaut knew this well, from first hand experience and then some. Very soon, this belief would be reinforced.
  79. She noticed that one of the elevator doors was about to close, and so she ran after it. Her diaper squished and crinkled even louder, only matched by the boots she wore on the daily. The large lobby's space caused it to echo out, although the dead of night brought her no attention, other than Lily, and whoever she would run into…
  81. "Hey! Wait up!" Poppy hollered out, barely reaching the lift. A little brown, furry hand stopped the closing doors and pushed them back.
  83. As she turned around the corner, she saw who held the door for her.
  85. "P--Poppy?!" The fellow Yordle said, jumping back a little.
  87. "Kennen?!" She blushed, seeing his extremely childish outfit. The little ninja-assassin was clad in nothing but a t-shirt, training pants, and a pair of blue slippers. The pull-ups were once as blue as his footwear, but seeing the Demacian hero, it grew a shade of warm yellow.
  89. "H-hey..." The usually serious shinobi soaked his training pants as he stuttered. His brain was on danger mode. He usually would have dropped a smoke bomb, but all he had were the clothes on his back and the sag in his padding. He tried to cover his accident with the shirt he wore, to no avail.
  91. The Hammer Keeper stepped into the elevator, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Ken, you don't need to hide your accidents, you know. Isn't this Yordle country?"
  93. "Yeah...I guess." He sighed, letting go of his shirt.
  95. She then pressed the button to her floor. "So...what brings you here? Shen being harsh on your potty training?"
  97. "Mm...not really. Shen and Akali don't really mind anymore. I just--I wanted a break, I guess." He leaned against the wall. "A break from all those hectic humans. I mean, don't get me wrong--I love helping people! It just tires me out." He admitted, grunting a little.
  99. Poppy nodded, staring at his growing, ballooning pull-up. "Yeah, I get what you mean." She blushed a little, looking away from his accident.
  101. The lightning-warrior took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. However, he had failed to notice that his fellow Yordle's overalls were packed to the brim.
  103. He coughed heavily before he could say a word. "Poppy! Oh, man...when did you go potty?!"
  105. "Oh! Uh...several times...on the bus trip going here." She blushed, looking away. "I--I thought you got used to the smell!"
  107. "Well... I think I was too busy peeing myself to smell your stink. Ninja focus, you know?" He fanned the air in front of his nose. He took another whiff. "Hm. Actually, it's not that bad."
  109. Poppy sighed. "Well, that's a relief."
  111. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask...why're you moving in? What happened to your house in Demacia? Too human-y?"
  113. "Nah. I just--uh...I'm gonna be with Tristana now. I--I mean--as friends, you know? Big baby Yordle friends! Playmates!"
  115. "Oooh~ I had a feeling you two would get along…" He nudged her with his elbow, eyebrows raising and lowering.
  117. "Hey! It's not like that! I think…" She flustered.
  119. Kennen chuckled, and gave her a reassuring pat on her shoulder. "Don't worry Poppy, I'm just messing with ya. Besides, this is Yordle country, as you said. Love is in the air! And stinky diapers, too." He giggled, giving her loaded pamper a poke.
  121. "Yup." She giggled, as the elevator dinged. The doors opened promptly and the juggernaut stepped out, and the little shinobi followed suit, their undergarments squishily crinkling in their wake. They stood in front of the closing elevator, which opened to a balcony-esque layout, the open-air courtyard below visible to those who looked down.
  123. "Oh? We're on the same floor?" Poppy raised an eyebrow.
  125. "Yeah! I'm in 1503. Down the hall, there." He pointed to a corner of the floor.
  128. "Oh! I'm in 1515." She said, looking at her key. "I guess I'll see you around, huh?"
  130. "Yep. See you, Pops." With that, the two walked in opposite directions, to the privacy of their own homes.
  132. Eventually, the Hammer Keeper reached the apartment in question, and gulped. She knocked on the door, and shifted in her stinky padding.
  134. 'Wait, why did I knock? I have a key! Oh, no, but wouldn't that be awkward to just--walk in like that? On the first day, too? It's too late now! I just need Tristana to open the--' Her thoughts were interrupted by an answer to her knocking.
  136. "POPPY!!!" The door swung open, and an energetic cannoneer sprung out of the apartment, hugging her with great velocity. In her usual fashion, she was dressed in a light yellow dress, barely covering her freshly pampered derriere.
  138. "Woah! Easy there, Trist! You almost knocked me down!" She laughed, hugging her back. "Good thing this diaper's really heavy, huh?"
  140. "Yep! Hehe...I'm just really happy to see you, Pops." Tristana chuckled, getting out of the hug. "Come on in!"
  142. The two walked into the high-class apartment, which made the tiny titan awestruck. "Woooooah. This place is HUGE!"
  144. "Heck yeah it is! Being a stinky lil' diaper model really does pay off, I guess. And speaking of stinky butts…" Tristana walked over to her friend, and unbuttoned her straining overalls.
  146. "Hey!"
  148. *FWOOMPH!*
  150. The denim outfit easily undid itself, revealing the true extent of Poppy's massive mess. The former shade of white was overtaken by strong yellows and subtle browns, the tapes and leg-guards straining for dear life. The babyish designs were barely visible in the warm sea of her potty breaks, and the muddy accidents practically made those designs disappear. The diaper itself sagged down to her knees, as bloated as a Yordle's diaper could be. Well, without any magical aid, at least…
  152. "Woah! You didn't change at all, did you?" Even the Bandle Gunner was taken aback by the sight.
  154. "I mean...have you seen human rest stops? The changing tables are so tall! I didn't wanna ask some random lady to put me up there and change me…"
  156. "Aww, poor you. Good thing Anne's here."
  158. "Anne?--WOAH!" She was cut off by the low whirring of a hover module, and was picked up off the ground in a flash. The juggernaut was being held from under her armpits, and her saggy pamper dangled in the air.
  160. "Oh, sorry, Poppy. I didn't mean to scare you, dear." The android cooed, as the stinky tank turned her head.
  162. "It's okay. I get spooked a lot. So you must be Lily's sister, huh?"
  164. "Oh, one of many!" The android beamed, beginning to sway and rock her gently, holding her closer. "After all, with so many stinky babies, you'd need a whole army to change them!"
  166. "Stinky...babies?" Poppy gave her a quizzical look, head and floppy ear tilting.
  168. "Oh--well, maybe not the baby part, no, but you sure are smelly~" Anne giggled, tickling the Hammer Keeper's tummy.
  170. "H-hey!" She said in between giggles. "Can I get a change now?"
  172. "Yes, Poppy. Right away~" She cooed, gliding gently to the nursery.
  174. At the changing table, Poppy was laid down on her back, her packed pampers straining and squishing as her bottom made contact with the fuzzy, carpet-like surface. As she lay there, Anne removed her undone overalls, leaving her in an undershirt and her stinky padding.
  176. "My, my. Quite an impressive load, we have here. Are you comfy, dear?" She cooed, grabbing a pair of fresh padding.
  178. "Y-yeah." Poppy replied, looking to the android's electronic expression.
  180. "Great~! I'll make it quick. I know you and Tristy have quite the friendship...I wouldn't want to delay your playdate~" She assured, untaping the shortstack's undergarments.
  182. "P-playdate? Uh...yeah! You could say that…" She blushed hard, chuckling nervously. "We're pretty tight, I guess."
  184. Anne gave off an electric smile as she wiped down Poppy's muddy butt, before balling up her fudged huggies, tossing them in a nearby pail.
  186. "As tight as the tapes on your diaper?" The robo-helper giggled, powdering up the tiny tank's crotch.
  188. "Heh. Yup. Maybe even a little more." She grinned, feeling the robot mommy lifting her bottom, sliding the thick padding underneath her rear.
  190. "Well, I won't be bothering you two so much. I know Tristy really misses you, and she told me she wanted to spend some...quality time with you." She smiled, taping up the little tank's pamper.
  192. "Quality...time? Yeah, that sounds right." Poppy had a slight feeling as to what that meant. As she pondered, Anne picked her up from the table and sat her down on the nursery floor. Clad in nothing but a white t-shirt, red sneakers, and her thick padding, the little Hammer Keeper felt a little more relaxed.
  194. "Thanks, by the way." She got up, smiling at Anne. "Those overalls were making me sweat, anyways."
  196. "My pleasure, miss Poppy. Now go on, dear. Don't keep Tristana waiting. I'll be fixing up your bedroom while you two are busy." Anne smiled back, patting Poppy's pampered posterior.
  198. "Well, alright. See ya later!" She beamed, waddle-running out of the room. Anne saw her padded rump shake and giggled silently.
  200. "What a bunch of babies…" The android muttered, carrying the Keeper's overalls to the laundry room.
  202. As Tristana sat on the couch, legs spread wide, she looked up from her phone to see her best friend in a brand new getup. "Oooh! Shakin' it up a bit, huh?" She perked up, her butt crinkling as she moved in her seat.
  204. "I--I guess. Heh...I don't wanna look out of place in Yordle country, you know? Besides, it's the off-season. Might as well stay comfy."
  206. The gunner nodded her head. "I getcha. The humans that do pass through here are used to our diapers anyhow, so no use in hiding 'em, right?" She patted her pampered crotch, which was staring Poppy right in the face. It was slightly damp, with a light shade of yellow and two light blue lines popping up among babyish prints.
  208. "Diapers…" She snapped out of her staring. "--y-yeah! No need to keep 'em secret." Poppy blushed a little, looking away from her best friend's soaky padding.
  210. "So!" Tristana stood up, and slipped into her sandals. "You hungry? I could go for a late night snack. Maybe show you around the neighborhood! Don't worry, lots of places are still open. I mean, it's Piltover! Nothin' really closes."
  212. "Well...I am pretty hungry, I guess. Why not?"
  214. And with that, the two pampered shortstacks left their apartment, in search for something good to eat. Walking down the districts and sidewalks which was known as Little Bandle, Tristana and Poppy chatted about rumors and happenings around Valoran, from political tensions between Demacia and Noxus, to hearsays of affairs between fellow Champions. For once in a while, the two were not interrupted by rabid fans, as many Yordles did not truly understand the appeal of the League of Legends. Perhaps, they simply wanted to live their diapered lives without turmoil.
  216. "Hmm. Pretty quiet, huh? Didn't think the big city would be so peaceful." Poppy noticed the lack of energetic Yordle sounds.
  218. "Well, it's eleven. Most of 'em go home at nine or so. Lots of 'em are families, too. That's a lot of diapers to watch over."
  220. "Really? Huh. That's neat. And the humans are alright with...the smell? I mean, like, it's an entire borough of...babies."
  222. "Yeah, they don't mind. Yordles have been here for a while, really." Tristana said, looking up, and stopping at an inconspicuous-looking door. It was colored black, with a silver push handle. It was smothered in marker graffiti, all except for one sticker which said 'Happiness Is A Warm Diaper' .
  224. "Heh. Is this the place?" Poppy chuckled at the little message.
  226. "Heck yeah it is! C'mon. I'm getting hungry, too." Tristana opened the door with a smile, and it showed a spiral staircase. The walls were bare concrete, and so was the floor. Compared to the rest of the district, it seemed a bit out of place.
  228. Poppy reluctantly followed along, unsure of what to expect. As they started going up the stairs, the Hammer Keeper was met face-to-face with the posterior of her best friend. It was even soakier than it was awhile ago; she probably leaked a little as they walked. The smell of her pee and talcum powder filled the Demacian hero's nose, the scent which she longed for. Despite not growing up in Yordle country, Poppy knew that each Yordle always smelled differently. There was something about Tristana's smell, however, that always pulled her in…
  230. "Hm?"
  232. Without realizing it, the pigtailed tank had pressed her nose against the cannoneer's squishy rear. She reeled back a little, blushing madly.
  234. "Gah! I'm so sorry! I--"
  236. Tristana giggled. "Hey, don't sweat it. I mean, if I were behind your soggy butt I'd wanna give it a good sniff, too. But let's save it for later, alright? When we're all alone~" She teased, shaking her saggy butt in her face before continuing up the stairs. At this point, Tristana's dress stopped serving its purpose.
  237. 'W--why am I so frisky tonight? First staring at Kennen's pull-ups and now Tristy's diaper?! I thought I was tired, not in heat!' Poppy thought to herself, following suit, eyes still on her best friend's plump, yellow bottom.
  239. As they continued up the small staircase, both of them could hear music coming from upstairs. It was tranquil, smooth jazz; music mostly reserved for quiet, intimate bars and cafes. They reached the second floor, seeing another push door, this time appearing far less roughed up than the one outside.
  241. The Bandle Gunner pushed it open, and it revealed a quaint little cafe, with not a single customer in sight. The wooden floor and walls were lit up with amber hex-tech lights, and the music which they heard echo in the stairway was made clearer. At the counter, next to a glass display of cakes and pastries, there sat a familiar figure, her face blocked by an open comic book.
  243. "Zoe?" Poppy called out, and the figure put down her comic book, revealing the Aspect of Change sucking on a big, blue and yellow pacifier. Pulling it from her mouth, she greeted the two with glee.
  245. "Hey you two! How are my two favorite stinky pants? Oooh, Poppy's showing off! Did you finally move into Yordle town?" Zoe beamed, leaning against the counter, floating slightly.
  247. "Oh, yeah. Just arrived awhile ago. It's pretty nice here."
  249. "I agree! Lots of cutie pies around here to baby--oh, I mean, befriend! You know how it is." She smirked, looking to Tristana.
  251. "Heck yeah. Now, speaking of knowing how it is, could you get me the usual stuff? And make that double for miss Hammer Keeper here."
  253. "Yeah, got it! Oh! I gotta change though…" She walked into the kitchen behind her, and the two saw her filled-up training pants swaying between her legs.
  255. "Jeez. Does everyone wear diapers around here?" Poppy asked, as Tristana led her to their spot; a comfy booth parallel to the counter.
  257. "Hey, like you said; this is Yordle country! Zoe wants to fit in, you know. Besides, she seemed like the baby type, anyways. I doubt she wears when she's outside of Little Bandle, though." The gunner replied, squishily sitting down. The warmth surrounded her crotch, and she purred a little.
  259. "Who knows? Maybe she really likes 'em. Can't blame her." The tiny tank shuffled into her seat, leaning against the table.
  261. As they waited for their late-night meal, the two continued their small talk, which was something many Yordles were generally good at for some reason. They say that their childlike wonder contributes to that greatly. Of course, there were the rare exceptions such as the Mechanized Menace and the Tiny Master of Evil, but thankfully the two best friends were leagues away from them. All the while, the automated water service powered by Hextech machines kept them hydrated. More importantly, it kept their diapers hydrated as well.
  263. Poppy hardly noticed it, but after about ten minutes of waiting, the poofy padding between her bare legs was plush, warm, and ballooning out from her crotch. The plain white had been overtaken with a saturated yellow, enough to make it substantially heavier. The teddy bears on the tape zone would be scrambling for dry land if they were alive.
  265. Tristana, however, was a different story. There was a little technique she had developed during her time as a diaper model, which was known as the Trickle Trick. Many times, she had accidentally let the flood gates loose too soon, thoroughly soaking up her padding before the picture could be taken. Even worse, when she was told to pee, she would leak uncontrollably. While she was a Yordle, the Gunner was slightly bigger than her kin, and this included her bladder. Of course, even though her employers were quite forgiving, she knew that she had to find a way to not leak.
  267. And so, she simply squirt out her pee little by little, or at least, the pee that she could feel, into her padding. Slow wettings allowed the diaper to absorb it more efficiently, with a lower chance of puddles forming inside the pamper. Who knew that Tristana's tactical genius worked outside of the battlefield?
  269. Needless to say, her diaper was about as soaked as her best friend's. The talking distracted both of them from their friskiness, for now at least.
  271. "So, you know, I ran into Kennen before I got to our apartment…why's he wearing trainers? Would you know? 'Cause, uh...he told me that Akali and Shen are alright with diaper duty."
  273. "Ah, Kennen. He's probably not gonna let those pull-ups collect dust, you know. He's already leaked through them enough times to make the courtyard smell like pee. Seriously. Although...maybe I shouldn't have been doing those peeing contests in his place…"
  275. "Peeing contests?" She blushed hard once more.
  277. "Hey! It's in our diapers, okay? Well, for Ken, in his trainers. So he gets a head start, you know? I don't wanna make it unfair for the little guy."
  279. 'Hnng! Peeing contests!? Leaky Kennen?! If we were at home I'd be humping the bed right now!' The Hammer Keeper thought to herself, sneaking a hand to rub her crotch.
  281. "That's fair--oh!" She looked down at her diaper. "I peed. A lot."
  283. "Hah! The water went right through ya!" Tristana giggled.
  284. "Hey, you peed too, you know." She looked under the table, seeing Tristana's diaper even more saturated than before. The blue lines were now a deep blue, and the baby patterns were drowned in a golden ocean.
  286. The cannoneer looked under the table in retaliation. "I know~ Woah! Looking good over there. I just wanna give it a good rub, y'know?"
  288. The tank blushed even deeper. "Hey! I thought you said we'd save it for later!" She shout-whispered.
  290. "I know, but I've been excited all day, you know--Mmm...squishy…" Tristana shout-whispered back, rubbing the bulky squish between her crotch.
  292. Poppy grew ever-bashful. She knew it was a bit wrong to be frisky in public, but she loved seeing her best friend's squishy diaper…
  294. 'Maybe we could have a quickie--' Her thoughts were interrupted by a third voice.
  296. "Why are you two talking under the table?." Zoe said, out of nowhere
  298. "Gah!" Tristana got jumpy, hitting her head on the underside of the table. "Ow!"
  300. "Ah! Are you okay? Sorry! I should have been more, like, obvious." The Twilight Aspect apologized, hiding half her face with the tall milkshakes on her tray.
  302. "I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout it. All that talking made me hungry!" She rubbed her hands together, eyeing the food and drinks that Zoe put on the table.
  304. "...Yeah. I'm starving." Poppy admitted, trying to get her mind off her friskiness.
  306. On the table, there were two simple, but effective dishes; chicken tenders with waffles, and a side of mashed potatoes, drizzled with pepper and special Bandle spices. The two tall chocolate milkshakes complimented the childish cuisine quite well, and considering the cosmic entity that made them, it made it taste even better.
  308. "Enjoy!" Zoe giggled, hiding the front of her pullup with her tray. She walked back to the counter, her training pants even fuller and plumper than awhile ago.
  310. "Didn't you say you were gonna change?" Poppy asked, and the girl froze.
  312. "Oh! Uh...yeah! And then...I didn't. I...kinda like it, to be honest. Besides, it's not that full…" She patted her supple trainers, which bounced a little.
  314. "By Yordle standards, yep! No wonder Yuumi let you work here. You fit right in, kid!" Tristana beamed.
  316. "Thanks! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be reading some comics!" She hopped over the counter with the sag in her wake, and squishily sat on her stool. The Aspect of Change, who refused to change, picked up her pacifier and continued sucking on it.
  318. As they enjoyed their meal, their tummies grew a little, making them forget about their physical fitness as Champions in the League. The richness of the chocolate and the softness of the chicken brought them back to simpler times, even for Poppy who grew up differently. They both felt like little Yordles enjoying a late, late dinner.
  320. The two were mostly silent as they scarfed down their meals, shocked by how good it was. After about an hour, they leaned back, burped a lot, and rubbed their full, pudgy tummies, which comfortably sat above their soaky diapers.
  322. " that was worth the bus ride." Poppy exhaled and smiled, lifting her leg sideways to let out a little fart, the padding slightly muffling it.
  324. "Heh. I'm glad you liked it, stinky~" Tristana replied, letting the floodgates loose as she slouched down. Thankfully, she was wearing her extra-absorbent diapers. A loud hiss made the two giggle uncontrollably; the sugar rush became a sugar crash, and for their short bodies, it was like being drunk.
  326. "We should...get a change. I guess." Poppy lazily admitted, shifting her position to lie down on her side of the booth. Her gushing, saturated padding faced in Zoe's direction; it looked like she was on a changing table, awaiting to be cleaned. In reality, the sugar from the waffles and milkshake had made her a sluggish little shortstack.
  328. "Mmmnh...soggy." The Bandle Gunner groaned, trying to stand up. Instead, the weight of her heavily soaked diaper caused her to stagger a little, and so she gave up, squishily sitting back down.
  330. As the two were rendered nearly immobile by their infantile sugar crash, a portal and a magical floaty sound was heard. Not far from where they sat, a new voice appeared from the blue.
  332. "Zoe! Why are you still in that soggy--oh, I mean--stinky, trainer? I told you to change, remember?"
  334. Poppy looked up from where she laid down, and her big, half-closed eyes spotted a floating book, and a little swishing tail. The magical figure was scolding the Twilight Aspect as she sucked on her paci bashfully.
  336. "Sorry, Yuumi...I, distracted." She blushed, sucking
  338. The cat sighed, placing a friendly paw on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I just don't want you to get a rash, isn't that right, Book?"
  340. A poof of golden dust appeared, almost like her mode of transport said yes.
  342. "See? Now, it's getting late. How about you change and head to bed? It's been a long day. About time I get my shift done!"
  344. "Aww, fanks Yuumi!" She beamed, hugging the floaty cat with glee, binky still in her mouth.
  346. The feline giggled, and hugged her with soft fluff. "Anytime! Now get your stinky butt upstairs, you little rascal!" She teased lightly, ruffling her gravity-defying hair with her paw.
  348. With that, the Twilight Aspect grabbed her comic book and squishily proceeded back to her apartment, her loaded pull-ups in tow. They say that she didn't change until the next morning, since Yuumi was busy holding the fort.
  350. And with the shifts transitioned, the mystical feline took note of the two half-awake Yordles in her cafe, both equally soaked, although Poppy's light poots seemed to add some extra scent.
  352. " two! Look at you two! Pair a' big babies~" She cooed, and with a flick of her paw their table was cleaned, the cutlery and tableware sent to the sink.
  354. "Yeah...I guess that's right." Poppy admitted, crossing her legs in a futile attempt to hide her soggy bottom. The padding ballooned out still, its yellow warmth obvious by looks alone.
  356. "Hey, Poppy, no pants this time? That's a surprise. Oh, are you moving into the neighborhood?!" Her tail wagged and ears perked up.
  358. "Uh-huh! And she's gonna be...with me! Roomies!" Tristana slurred her words, her little body ready to have a food nap.
  360. "Oooh! That's great news!'s kinda late. I don't think you two would get down the stairs safely. Oh! I can help! I've been around here for some time, as you may know, Tristy~" With another flick of her paw, a golden circle appeared before them.
  362. "And if I'm correct, you two live in Bandle Heights?"
  364. "Y--yeah…" Poppy replied, before gasping. Her tummy rumbled. "Uh oh! S-sorry, Yuumi!"
  366. She moved her legs to a wider position, holding her bent knees with her hands. "I..gotta…"
  368. BRAAAAAP!!!
  370. Immediately, the absorbed pee in her thick padding was met with a rush of mush, and her pudgy tummy shrunk a little as her diaper grew ever-thicker, and stinkier. The mass of her pampered rear grew doublefold, and the yellow on her diaper was now dotted with light shades of brown, and the fresh scent of a pushy to boot. In that one movement alone, her dinner was now in her diaper, and Poppy felt much better.
  372. "Ahh...that's..good." She sighed, letting her legs down. The little fighter looked to Yuumi once more, and her face flushed red.
  374. "Oh! I'm sorry! So sorry! I shouldn't have done that!"
  376. "No, no! It's alright! This is Yordle town! Right? And besides, I'm used to my customers going potty in their seats. I mean, I need to be used to it, you know? And you need to get used to it, too! Moving in here, and all. Oh, and nice push, by the way. Good job getting it out!" A poofy paw patted the Hammer Keeper's bottom, squishing it slightly.
  378. Tristana looked over the table, and saw the state of her best friend's underpants. The friskiness came back.
  380. 'Oh, man! It's like a giant water balloon, but it's got some stinky mud inside to make it heavier! Kinda like what Teemo and I used to prank those bullies with...but it's around her waist! Hnng!'
  382. "Yeah! That's...pretty good, Pops! I can't wait to beat you once my stomach gives me the order!"
  384. "Heh...thanks, guys. I mean it. You know what? I think I'll like it here. Being a stinky Yordle all day, all night...and with my best friends, too!"
  386. The three beamed and giggled amongst each other, with Tristana squishing around as she bounced in her seat.
  388. "You're damn right you'll like it! Now...uh…" Tristana got off her side of the booth, and waddled haphazardly, before stopping to hold the table.
  390. "Woah! Okay. I feel kinda woozy."
  392. "You okay, Trist?" The tiny tank got up, fudgy huggies in tow. As she stood next to her friend, the padding sagged below her knees. Thankfully, her eight-ton hammer made loads like this nothing but child's play.
  394. "Gah...I don't think so. I feel like sleepin'."
  396. "Hey, Yuumi, could you give us a lift? With that, uh, portal thingy?"
  398. "Well, I'm glad that you two can stand up! 'Cause I had no idea what to do if you couldn't walk through the portal."
  400. "Heh. Be glad you don't serve drinkies here…" Tristana added, sucking on her thumb.
  402. "Yup! Hehe. Now, you two need a good night's sleep! And Poppy, make sure that Tristy gets all the food out, now! Don't want her to have a sugar hangover~"
  404. "Got it. Thanks again, Yuumi!" Poppy smiled at her, grabbing hold of Tristana's arm to help her walk.
  406. "Fankss…" The gunner muttered, almost asleep.
  408. "Good night, you two! And be safe and stuff!" The feline beamed, as Poppy walked through the portal.
  410. And with a magical, cosmic poof, the two were in the lobby of Bandle Heights. Lily, who kept true to her nighttime duties, took notice of the two.
  412. "Miss Poppy! Miss Tristana! Are you okay?" She hovered over to their sides, carrying both of them in one arm each. "It must have been quite the night out, yeah?" She looked at their well-used diapers with a smirk.
  414. "Well...wasn't even that long, but…was good. Yeah~" The gunner then grunted silently, smiling as she did her business. Both Lily and Poppy heard no toot nor poot, but the squelching of her diaper and the rumbling of her tummy told all. Even the Hammer Keeper could feel the warmth of her load, despite only being an arms' length away. The soaky, sloshy padding expanded out a little more, its plastic growing ever-smoother with every ounce of her load. The padding around her waist was at a near-perfect shape, as round and as ripe as a summertime watermelon.
  416. "Better…" Tristana sighed, drifting off to sleep in the arms of the trusty robot.
  418. "Wow...that's pretty darn good. I gotta admit." Poppy said, pressing a hand against her best friend's bottom. It was like a warm, cushy pillow.
  420. "Well, Miss Poppy. She is not a diaper model for nothing! Now, let's get you two to bed. Straight away!"
  422. "Yeah, that'd be nice."
  424. A pacifier made from her Hextech materializer found its way into Tristana's mouth as Lily brought them to the elevator.
  426. "Can...can I have one? Please?" Poppy asked.
  428. "Sure, dear." With that, a red and yellow one was stuck between her lips. As they waited for the elevator's arrival, the android concierge looked to the pigtailed warrior.
  430. "Oh, and I just wanted to know. How do you like Little Bandle so far, Miss?"
  432. "I…" She looked to Tristana and her plump pamper, for a moment.
  434. "...I'll be staying for a while."
  436. "Splendid." Lily gave an electronic smile, as the elevators opened.
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