
Endtown RPG Session #15

Nov 14th, 2015
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  3. #endtownrpg: (no topic set)
  4. [11:56] == GM_Tour [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  5. [11:57] <GM_Tour> I don't think so, its just easier as a GM to assume that everyone is traveling together.
  6. [11:58] <Clayton_R> I get it, I just wan't sure if I should assume I was till with the group.
  7. [11:58] <GM_Tour> True.
  8. [11:59] <GM_Tour> So, everyone up to date on the new speed mechanic?
  9. [12:00] == GMsoon [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  10. [12:00] <Clayton_R> I read your post yesterday, butI'm going to go read it again to refresh myself
  11. [12:00] <EverettMallory> I'm not up to date with it
  12. [12:00] <Snapper_Jack> wait what
  13. [12:00] <GM_Tour> Contortion Tight muscle control allows you to bend and squeeze through spaces smaller than your body. This is useful for slipping through impossible passages and narrow escapes. In game this means that your character can roll to squeeze into things that would fit characters in smaller size classes. For instance, a medium size character would squeeze through things that a short character would be able to like prison bars or a collapsed mine shaft. For a rule of t
  14. [12:01] <GM_Tour> For a rule of thumb, contorting a size class down is a penalty of -40 starting at 60 and for each point in Speed you gain a bonus +20 to your roll. Please refer to the following table.
  15. [12:01] <GM_Tour> To squeeze down 1 size class Roll 60 or higher. To squeeze 2 size classes down ( ie, Medium to Tiny) Roll 80 or higher. To squeeze 3 sizes down. Roll 120 or higher!
  16. [12:01] <GM_Tour> Bonus to contortion if Speed is 7. +20 to roll. If speed is 8. +40 to roll. If speed is 9. +60 to roll. If speed is 10. +80 to roll.
  17. [12:01] <EverettMallory> ...
  18. [12:02] <EverettMallory> No... this brings nightmares to me
  19. [12:02] <GM_Tour> Well, I haven't actually presented a fail condition for it.
  20. [12:03] <Snapper_Jack> At this point you may want to just call speed agility.
  21. [12:03] <GM_Tour> So then it would be the SAM system?
  22. [12:03] <EverettMallory> Fucking
  23. [12:03] <EverettMallory> Escape Artist bullshitery
  24. [12:04] <EverettMallory> I recall that long /tg/ post about a gnome hiding in someone's asshole by fucking around with a super munchkin build
  25. [12:04] <GM_Tour> Well it's like what does Speed benefit outside of combat? You can walk to your destination faster than the other guys?
  26. [12:04] <Maels> Yes. It was a DC80 check.
  27. [12:05] <GM_Tour> That's terrible
  28. [12:06] <GM_Tour> So, we're to people short right now.
  29. [12:06] <EverettMallory> It was horrible... very horribl
  30. [12:06] <EverettMallory> e
  31. [12:06] <Snapper_Jack> I always though it would make more sense for initiative to get speed bonus instead of a mind bonus, but I guess that's still part of combat.
  32. [12:07] <GM_Tour> Yeah, it's kind of a split decision.
  33. [12:07] <EverettMallory>
  34. [12:07] <GM_Tour> I refuse to look at that. I don't want to.
  35. [12:08] <GM_Tour> As much as I'd like to have an spd+mind=int formula I'm trying to keep it simple.
  36. [12:10] <GM_Tour> So people think fast in this world now.
  37. [12:10] <GM_Tour> Anyway. We still are missing 30% of the party, I'm giving them 10 minutes, sound fair?
  38. [12:11] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  39. [12:11] <Clayton_R> Sounds fine... What might we be doing with a small group though? Investigating?
  40. [12:12] <GM_Tour> Well, yes.
  41. [12:12] <Snapper_Jack> Okay, so the Beaver lab a ssistant is totally a Cylon right?
  42. [12:12] <Maels> I think he blew his ears out at woodstock.
  43. [12:13] <GM_Tour> Oh dear god. I was not prepared for that. Excuse me.
  44. [12:13] <EverettMallory> You read it
  45. [12:13] <EverettMallory> I CAN TELL
  46. [12:13] <EverettMallory> ONCE YOU GO 3RD EDITION YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK
  47. [12:14] <Maels> NEVER EVER
  48. [12:14] <Maels> The only way back from that hell is to go through Pathfinder too.
  49. [12:14] <EverettMallory> PF is 3.85E
  50. [12:15] <Maels> Eh, 3.75 in my mind.
  51. [12:21] <GM_Tour> Welp. Gave them a shot.
  52. [12:21] <GM_Tour> Everyone ready to begin?
  53. [12:21] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  54. [12:21] <EverettMallory> Sure
  55. [12:21] <GM_Tour> Okay, Primary Doc:
  56. [12:21] <Clayton_R> mmhmm
  57. [12:21] <GM_Tour> Quick guide:
  58. [12:21] <GM_Tour>
  59. [12:22] <GM_Tour> If you're here I'm assuming you mastered character creation.
  60. [12:22] <GM_Tour> We join our party outside of Mallard's lab. They have just been given the news: Infiltraitors in the colony! Mutts in Disguised!
  61. [12:23] <GM_Tour> The colony is in lockdown until this passes.
  62. [12:23] <Snapper_Jack> I'm thinking I'm going to make a back up. In case snapper croaks. or makes that weird silent hissing noise turtles make.
  63. [12:23] <GM_Tour> To prevent a riot this information is surpressed.
  64. [12:24] <GM_Tour> That too, made me laugh.
  65. [12:24] * EverettMallory clears his throat "Sooooo... professor. On a scale of 1 to $(@#%! How $(@#%ed we are right now. And how much time do we have to snoop these... things out?"
  66. [12:25] <GM_Tour> Anyway, the best lead you have is that these mutts were assigned to the "Warm Welcome" hostle.
  67. [12:25] <GM_Tour> *Hostel.
  68. [12:25] * Clayton_R glances briefly at the supplies he was given when joining the colony, pocketing them in his backpack and tossing the referral to see Mallard about his mask obcession
  69. [12:26] <GM_Tour> Mallard, who is at the stoop, says, "Pretty $(@#ed. We can keep them from getting out and I'll man the radio sniffer but they probably will try something to get outside or send a message."
  70. [12:27] <GM_Tour> "At least we know what they look like: Two humans in robes. That leaves about 200 suspects in the colony."
  71. [12:27] * Clayton_R shrugs, "So are we going door to door at the Hostel then?"
  72. [12:28] == Maels has changed nick to DJ_Max
  73. [12:29] * EverettMallory rubs the back of his head "Great... and these are mutts in a populated area so useage of heavy ordanance explosives is prohibited."
  74. [12:29] * DJ_Max was doing a thing, now they aren't. He starts to pay attention.
  75. [12:29] <DJ_Max> "We'could jus' ask if'n the dude in front hasn't seen anyone comin' out of there room eva' or somethin'..."
  76. [12:30] <GM_Tour> (Well it's a good idea. Gotta plan for how you'll deal with them and where they would go.)
  77. [12:30] <EverettMallory> Well yeah that's good, but it's a Mutt you know. Just pointing at him with fingers and go "BLAM BLAM BLAM" isn't going to solve a problem.
  78. [12:31] <EverettMallory> Even though we're a bunch of misfit Saturday Morning toons, I don't think imaginary guns would work here.
  79. [12:31] <GM_Tour> (Not unless you're psychic or have dittos)
  80. [12:32] <Clayton_R> "We may want to monitor the exits of the Hostel too... yeah. Are we authorized to use weapons on these things? I don't have anything to defend myself now that my gear is locked up... If we can't use weapons,what then? Call the rats?"
  81. [12:33] <GM_Tour> You actually haven't had the chance to ask.
  82. [12:33] <EverettMallory> Are you insane, those idiots wouldn't find peanuts in a Snickers bar.
  83. [12:33] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@E475E7A8.125E489C.D162F2AD.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  84. [12:33] <DJ_Max> "Well...If'n Mallard lets us keep the blasters... it might not matter."
  85. [12:33] <EverettMallory> Besides I doubt firearms work on Mutts as well as thermite
  86. [12:33] <EverettMallory> Or any other metal fire
  87. [12:34] <GM_Tour> Mutts are made of plastic primarily. They aren't ghosts.
  88. [12:34] <GM_Tour> Hey MW
  89. [12:34] <Manalisha_Walker> ((Sorry late, had to borrow a laptop. What's happening?))
  90. [12:34] * Clayton_R asserts, "I still DON'T have a weapon though... So what are we going to do if we encounter them one on one?"
  91. [12:34] <EverettMallory> ( I always assumed they had metal plating, GM )
  92. [12:35] <GM_Tour> (Nope, advanced plastics. Straight from Aaron. Some I'd assume have metal components but these ones were made to not be magnetic.)
  93. [12:36] <EverettMallory> ( Okay then. It was always vague so I assumed metal. But that actually makes more sense )
  94. [12:36] <DJ_Max> "...Improvising is more my style then yours... yeah."
  95. [12:36] <Manalisha_Walker> ((Oohh, I'd assumed the same thing, interesting.))
  96. [12:37] * DJ_Max would move to take out that blaster he still had. After all. Clayton was probably more a crack shot.
  97. [12:37] <EverettMallory> ( So instead molotovs work. )
  98. [12:37] <GM_Tour> Anyway, you guys haven't actually asked anyone to see if you can have heavy ordinance.
  99. [12:37] <Clayton_R> I assumed we couldn't in edntown, but hey, no time like the present
  100. [12:38] <GM_Tour> Normally yes. But you're not exactly in a normal situation, are you?
  101. [12:38] <Snapper_Jack> I've still got my bat.
  102. [12:38] <GM_Tour> True.
  103. [12:39] <Manalisha_Walker> Where are we at, currently?
  104. [12:39] * Clayton_R sighs and turns around stopping in front of Mallard. "Hey Doc, what kind of weaponry is authorized for this? I used heavy ordinance up top, do you think you might have anything like that down here?.. at least something could get the job done with these Mutts."
  105. [12:39] <GM_Tour> Outside of Mallard's lab.
  106. [12:39] <Clayton_R> we are still at Mallards
  107. [12:40] <GM_Tour> "I can give you a blaster" he says.
  108. [12:40] <Manalisha_Walker> <stands beside Clayton, dreading the possibility of dealing with the rats again to get her preferred weapon. She's seen blasters, but she's not familiar with them.
  109. [12:40] <Clayton_R> "I don't know how to use that. Can you give me operating instructions?"
  110. [12:40] <GM_Tour> "You guys really should keep that discreet though. You should also -give them back- when we're out of this."
  111. [12:41] <EverettMallory> Well... I think I'm quite incapable of handling a gun
  112. [12:42] * DJ_Max nods "Yeah, we got it Mallard, don' worry man."
  113. [12:42] <GM_Tour> "Here you go..." he hands Clayton and Walker a pair of blasters, "Wind to load, narrow destroys, wide stuns, blah blah figure it out." He stomps back into his lab.
  114. [12:43] <Manalisha_Walker> "Th-thank yo-" she starts, but he stomps away before she finishes
  115. [12:43] * EverettMallory scratches his head "He's friendlier than my ex-boss... well my ex-boss pre-mutation."
  116. [12:43] * Clayton_R seems puzzled with the Doctor's nonchalant-ness with dangerous weaponry. "Thanks... This should work a lot better than a flamethrower."
  117. [12:43] == Martin_Baron [~qwebirc@31523F6C.B9D706B3.24415153.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  118. [12:43] <GM_Tour> Heyo.
  119. [12:44] <Manalisha_Walker> ((I'm sorry Clayton, but what is your character? I never caught his description, eheh))
  120. [12:44] * Clayton_R begins inspecting his blaster, comparing it with Walker's to see if they were individually built, or were made in some standardized way.
  121. [12:45] <Clayton_R> ((It's fine, I'll link you to my pastebin: ))
  122. [12:45] <GM_Tour> So, actions?
  123. [12:45] == MartinBaron [~qwebirc@31523F6C.B9D706B3.24415153.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  124. [12:45] <MartinBaron> Finally, couldn't connect for some reason.
  125. [12:46] <GM_Tour> Freaky.
  126. [12:46] <Manalisha_Walker> ((Thanks!)) "Oohh...We never had anything like this in the force. Welp..."
  127. [12:46] <MartinBaron> (Ah dammit, I'm late again aren't I? Sorry. Mind if I get the text I missed)
  128. [12:47] * EverettMallory looks them over since he has a chance now "Well if I had these few years ago I wouldn't be in such a sorry state."
  129. [12:47] <GM_Tour> From Clay:
  130. [12:47] <DJ_Max> "I know the feelin' Everett. Trus' me though, ya' state can always get more sorry."
  131. [12:47] <Clayton_R> (( Here are some pics too. and ))
  132. [12:47] <Manalisha_Walker> (Oooh, yeah, that's right.)
  133. [14:47] * EverettMallory cracks a worried smile "That's what I'm always afraid of."
  134. [14:48] <Manalisha_Walker> <with that, Walker pockets her new blaster out of sight. "So, where should we start looking?"
  135. [14:48] <GM_Tour> (Oh dear, I just got a pastebin for what Martin missed.
  136. [14:49] <GM_Tour> Register shows that the mutts were assigned to the Warm Welcome Hostel.
  137. [14:49] <MartinBaron> (You do? Mind if you link it so I can add in what I missed?)
  138. [14:49] <GM_Tour>
  139. [14:49] * EverettMallory walks in a circle with his hands outstreched "Well I would guess the hostel. But you know I'm new here so I don't know where to go."
  140. [14:49] <Clayton_R> "Doc said to the new arrivals went to the Hostel... I guess we'll start there."
  141. [14:50] <Snapper_Jack> "They may have ditched their cloaks by now, so be wary."
  142. [14:50] * Clayton_R nods in agreement. "That is a very strong possibility... You guys want to start heading over there now?"
  143. [14:51] <GM_Tour> You arrive at the hostel. It's a building of somewhat poor condition. Less likely from age and more likely from high traffic.
  144. [14:51] <MartinBaron> "Alright, so say we do find these robots... What then? Just start blasting with drill shots and hope for the best, or what?"
  145. [14:52] <GM_Tour> It has a simple double door up front.
  146. [14:52] * EverettMallory looks up at the building "So... do you think a huge group of people armed with blasters and with paranoid look in their eyes will upset the tentants?"
  147. [14:52] * Clayton_R shrugs "I think I have an idea."
  148. [14:52] <GM_Tour> It is currently morning.
  149. [14:52] <Snapper_Jack> "Do NOT fire drill shots. that shit will go through several buildings."
  150. [14:52] <EverettMallory> And given poor condition of this building...
  151. [14:53] <MartinBaron> "Fine, fine. But then what can we do? Not like we can stun the tin cans, they're completely metal."
  152. [14:53] <Manalisha_Walker> < Cautiously, Walker takes a sniff of the surroundings
  153. [14:53] <Manalisha_Walker> .d 1d100+55
  154. [14:53] <Internets> :: Total 147 / 155 [94%] :: Results [92] ::
  155. [14:54] <GM_Tour> You smell many species going in all directions. Any number of machines. Too much traffic. You need something you know is their scent.
  156. [14:54] <Snapper_Jack> "I don't know how tough these things' armor is, but I haven't met anything yet that didn't die with a crushed head."
  157. [14:54] <GM_Tour> If you enter the building you would see a manager and a large room full of bunks.
  158. [14:54] <Clayton_R> "We can tell the the people in charge of the building that Mallard sent us here to get a count on all the new tenants in Endtown. Then we can go door to door with new human arrivals... and from there, we can stun them right?"
  159. [14:55] <GM_Tour> Sure.
  160. [14:55] * EverettMallory shivers "Well the last two Mutts I've met almost killed me... until a spray of molten iron and aluminium killed them."
  161. [14:55] * Clayton_R clarifies... "new human tenants, that is... they were disguised as humans right?"
  162. [14:55] * MartinBaron leaves the blaster in his pocket and keeps a hand on the club. It wont do much, but at least it wont be completely useless.
  163. [14:56] <Manalisha_Walker> "Those must be some, very sophisticated mutts..."
  164. [14:56] <GM_Tour> So ask around?
  165. [14:56] <Snapper_Jack> "I thought they were disguised as mutants."
  166. [14:57] <GM_Tour> (Yeah, those were destroyed by DJ you have two left. They are disguised as TMs)
  167. [14:58] <EverettMallory> Wait wait
  168. [14:58] * Clayton_R shakes his head, "Nope. Doc said humans."
  169. [14:58] <EverettMallory> Didn't you guys scoop like a scrap of cloak or something off of those two mutts you killed?
  170. [14:59] <GM_Tour> (Was that DJ or Gray?)
  171. [14:59] <EverettMallory> (Gray I believe)
  172. [15:00] * DJ_Max was there, he did deal with those things, but then again there was a bit of time weirdness at that point.
  173. [15:00] <GM_Tour> (*Boogy noise*)
  174. [15:00] * Clayton_R paces around the group outside before he finally asks, "Shouldn't we just go ask the building manager guys?... Maybe not all at once either... might look a tad suspicious."
  175. [15:01] * EverettMallory points at himself "Should I do the talking? Or one of the... more older residents"
  176. [15:02] <Snapper_Jack> 'Might be best if you ask Clayton. One human asking about new human arrivals won't seem suspicious."
  177. [15:02] <GM_Tour> Go and ask, Clayton?
  178. [15:02] * Clayton_R steps forward, "Beats me. I would just ask whoever has the best silver tongue here... I already look pretty suspicious myself... heh."
  179. [15:03] * Clayton_R relents. "Alright. I'll ask"
  180. [15:03] * DJ_Max nods. Its very true. "Afta' all...from the looks of 'ya...ya' clearly...adjustin'." he notes tapping his mouth a bit. What with Clayton's mask and all.
  181. [15:03] <GM_Tour> You go there. There a cow comes up and greets you.
  182. [15:04] <GM_Tour> (For the record, not maude, completely different slumlord cow.)
  183. [15:04] <Manalisha_Walker> (Aahh)
  184. [15:04] <DJ_Max> (There are just many of them, like Nurse Joy.)
  185. [15:04] <GM_Tour> "Ah, hellooo. Are you a new tenant?"
  186. [15:05] <MartinBaron> (Daw)
  187. [15:05] * Clayton_R gives a slight wave of his right hand. "Heh, I don't think so... I'm kinda new new here Ma'am... and I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting. You know where I might find some more humans to get better acclimated?"
  188. [15:05] <GM_Tour> "...Guess that is going around. What's with the-- ah, nevermind."
  189. [15:06] <GM_Tour> "Well, we do have some new Marys just before you!" She flips a notepad, "So, what's your name?"
  190. [15:07] * Clayton_R arches an eyebrow. "Clayton... You need me to sign a guestbook or something?"
  191. [15:07] <GM_Tour> "Everyone is new here. The hostel handles new citizens before they can move into the -bigger- living arrangements."
  192. [15:08] <GM_Tour> "Yes." She hands you the notepad, "Signature and CitNumber please."
  193. [15:08] <GM_Tour> "I'll put you right next to their bunk."
  194. [15:09] * Clayton_R sighs, recalling an easier time as he signs the paper.
  195. [15:09] <GM_Tour> She looks at your gasmask, "I'm sure you'll get along like flies and...Yeah."
  196. [15:09] <EverettMallory> (BRB)
  197. [15:09] <GM_Tour> (Noted)
  198. [15:10] <Manalisha_Walker> <blinks, quietly glancing at her new ID card for her CitNumber, pausing a moment to eye her picture before pocketing it again.
  199. [15:10] <GM_Tour> She waves you to the main room. There you see the downtrodden and dejected sitting in bunk after bunk. After awhile she shows you to an empty bunk with a chest at the base.
  200. [15:10] * Clayton_R finishes signing. "There... what room am I assigned to?"
  201. [15:11] <GM_Tour> "You don't get a room. You get a bunk!"
  202. [15:11] * Clayton_R pauses, "Oh... how quaint." He forces the praise.
  203. [15:12] <GM_Tour> "And here we are!" She waves at one of them. "Number 37. Your friends sleep here." She points to two empty bunks.
  204. [15:12] <GM_Tour> She puts her hands on her hips and sighs, "We don't get many religious folk around here lately."
  205. [15:13] * Clayton_R clears his throat. "Thank you very much for you assistance." He extends his arm, trying to be polite.
  206. [15:13] <GM_Tour> He swoops in for an unwelcome hug.
  207. [15:14] <GM_Tour> "It's okay. You're out of the terrible wastes now!" And she trots off.
  208. [15:14] * Clayton_R surveys the room more closely now that she is gone
  209. [15:14] <GM_Tour> You now know that where they sleep! If they sleep?
  210. [15:14] <Manalisha_Walker> <chuckles to herself, bemused by that exchange.
  211. [15:15] <Clayton_R> (Do I roll to search the room for clues?)
  212. [15:15] <GM_Tour> Well, sure.
  213. [15:15] <GM_Tour> You know their bunk so that is a good place to focus.
  214. [15:15] <EverettMallory> <I take I'm with Mana and Clay?>
  215. [15:15] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+30
  216. [15:15] <Internets> :: Total 109 / 130 [83%] :: Results [79] ::
  217. [15:15] <GM_Tour> yes
  218. [15:16] <GM_Tour> Looking around, you find...Their bunk! And in their bunk... You find brown thread!
  219. [15:17] <Manalisha_Walker> <after signing herself in below Clayton, she steps up to the bunk assigned to her. Some small part of her finds comforting familiarity in these spartan conditions.
  220. [15:17] * Clayton_R hums to himself, and turns back around toward Walker. "Hey Walker, can you catch a scent off of this?"
  221. [15:17] <Manalisha_Walker> "Hm? Oh sure! What is it?"
  222. [15:17] * Clayton_R shows her the thread he found
  223. [15:17] * EverettMallory signs up next cursing... another bunkhouse. He wishes he would get at least something that resembles a dorm.
  224. [15:18] <Manalisha_Walker> <takes a sniff of it
  225. [15:18] <Manalisha_Walker> .d 1d100+55
  226. [15:18] <Internets> :: Total 126 / 155 [81%] :: Results [71] ::
  227. [15:18] <GM_Tour> Smell: Plastics and Ozone. You smell the smell going east, to the center of town.
  228. [15:19] <Clayton_R> "Got anything?"
  229. [15:19] <Manalisha_Walker> "Mmmh, yeah...that's one of them alright." she replies, nodding gravely
  230. [15:19] <GM_Tour> Engage tracking?
  231. [15:19] * Clayton_R perks up. "Great. Do we have a heading?"
  232. [15:19] <Manalisha_Walker> "It's going....that way." She points east after turning her head side to side a bit, getting bearings. (Yup)
  233. [15:20] <GM_Tour> You go to the center of town. There you follow the cent right to...The clocktower.
  234. [15:21] <DJ_Max> "Ah jeez, wha' time is it?"
  235. [15:21] * EverettMallory looks at DJ "Clobbering time"
  236. [15:21] <GM_Tour> It is now 3 in the afternoon.
  237. [15:21] <GM_Tour> Okay, you are getting points for that.
  238. [15:21] * Clayton_R chuckles
  239. [15:21] <Manalisha_Walker> <stops in front of the clock tower.> "There. That's, conspicuous." staring up at it's height
  240. [15:22] <GM_Tour> Enter the clocktower?
  241. [15:22] <Manalisha_Walker> Yup
  242. [15:22] <Clayton_R> "I agree... What might the mutts be doing in the middle of town, much less that tallest structure too."
  243. [15:23] <GM_Tour> You go in there. In there, you see a mutant looking at the paper.
  244. [15:23] * EverettMallory looks at the structure "Well if I could say "This is as cliche as it gets", but I'm bound to find out that it's even worse... say is there any radio equipment installed there?"
  245. [15:23] * MartinBaron pulls out the blaster and sets it to drill, ignoring Snapper's command from earlier.
  246. [15:23] * Clayton_R keeps his hands close to his blaster
  247. [15:23] <Snapper_Jack> "Someone should watch the door. Make sure none of them make a run for it."
  248. [15:24] <DJ_Max> "I'll do it."
  249. [15:24] <DJ_Max> "Ain' nothin' gettin' past me wit'out a imprint of my foot."
  250. [15:24] <GM_Tour> The man with the paper fold it and glares at you, "Can I help you?" he asks
  251. [15:25] <Snapper_Jack> "Did you see a human or group of humans come in here?"
  252. [15:25] <EverettMallory> In robes
  253. [15:25] <GM_Tour> "Yeah, two. Silent types."
  254. [15:25] <Manalisha_Walker> <Walker regards the mutant reading the paper a moment, and nods in agreement with Snapper>
  255. [15:25] <Snapper_Jack> "Are they still here?"
  256. [15:25] * Clayton_R adds. "I think they might be lost. You know where they went?"
  257. [15:25] <MartinBaron> Shoving the blaster in his pocket to avoid suspicion, Martin asks "Where'd they go? The top?"
  258. [15:26] <GM_Tour> "They just ran up there. Stayed looking at the town for afew hours then walked out. Not a word."
  259. [15:26] <Clayton_R> "Oh... comforting."
  260. [15:26] <Snapper_Jack> "manalisha, can you still track them?"
  261. [15:26] <Clayton_R> "Did you see where they were headed, what were they wearing?"
  262. [15:28] <Manalisha_Walker> "I see...I can try."
  263. [15:28] <GM_Tour> You track them again, they are headed north.
  264. [15:28] * EverettMallory pokes Clayton "Robes, genius, robes."
  265. [15:29] * Clayton_R glares at Everett. "They can change clothes, you know..."
  266. [15:29] <Clayton_R> "It doesn't hurt to ask and verify our leads."
  267. [15:29] == Greenstripes [] has joined #endtownrpg
  268. [15:30] <GM_Tour> Hello.
  269. [15:30] <Manalisha_Walker> <After stepping out of the tower, she points North. "There...they continued that way."
  270. [15:30] <Greenstripes> WHOA
  271. [15:30] <Greenstripes> hello there
  272. [15:30] <Greenstripes> so many people
  273. [15:30] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  274. [15:30] <Manalisha_Walker> Imagine that :p
  275. [15:30] <DJ_Max> "Well...least I won't have to worry about my ears ringin'."
  276. [15:30] * Clayton_R regroups with Walker, following her lead
  277. [15:30] <GM_Tour> (Sorry, I was distracted. I'm back now.)
  278. [15:31] <EverettMallory> I wish we had a Mystery Machine to drive around the town with
  279. [15:32] <GM_Tour> (Its not a bad idea.)
  280. [15:32] <Greenstripes> (can somebody pls link the googl doc, the thread is gone)
  281. [15:32] <GM_Tour>
  282. [15:33] <Greenstripes> (thx very much)
  283. [15:33] <GM_Tour> Anyway, you follow the scent.
  284. [15:33] <GM_Tour> There you get to a movie theater.
  285. [15:34] <GM_Tour> The scent leads inside.
  286. [15:34] <MartinBaron> "This the place Mana?"
  287. [15:34] * Clayton_R seems genuinely surprised. "Oh... wonder what's playing..."
  288. [15:34] <GM_Tour> "Attack of the Crawling Saucers"
  289. [15:35] * EverettMallory sighs from all the running "Well for one it won't be the science fiction double feature. That would've been too corny... OH GOD DAMMIT"
  290. [15:35] <Snapper_Jack> "Terminator?"
  291. [15:35] <Manalisha_Walker> "Well, the next place they were at...Dont know if they're still there or not..." walking about to see if the scent continues onward or not
  292. [15:35] * EverettMallory looks at the movie name again "OUT OF ALL THE MOVIES, YOU HAD TO PICK THIS ONE."
  293. [15:35] * Clayton_R smiles, he has some fun company
  294. [15:36] <GM_Tour> Leading inside you go straight into the showroom.
  295. [15:36] <GM_Tour> There the lights are out and the movie plays.
  296. [15:36] <MartinBaron> "I can understand a clocktower, but why a movie theater? Why'd they come here?"
  297. [15:36] <GM_Tour> The scent leads to the audience.
  298. [15:36] <EverettMallory> "Certainly not for that movie"
  299. [15:36] <GM_Tour> (To avoid conversation?)
  300. [15:37] * Clayton_R frowns, he doesn't like this... too dark for good accuracy. He whispers to the group, we need to cover the exits."
  301. [15:38] <Snapper_Jack> "I've got the front door. covered."
  302. [15:38] <MartinBaron> "I'll get the back."
  303. [15:38] <Manalisha_Walker> <nods to Snapper and Martin, drawing a deep breath
  304. [15:39] <EverettMallory> You know there's a lot of civvies here. If someone starts shooting it's gonna be widespread panic.
  305. [15:39] * Clayton_R shrugs. "I guess I'll search the aisles, I guess it'll be less suspicious"
  306. [15:39] <EverettMallory> That might not be a bad idea.
  307. [15:39] * DJ_Max looks to the others. "Guess I'm with you guys." he says quitely. They're in a movie after all. He'll help SEARCH as the exits are covered.
  308. [15:39] * Clayton_R briefly searches the room for an usher
  309. [15:39] <GM_Tour> You cover the exits.
  310. [15:40] * EverettMallory wonders if his short stature would help him do some sweeps along the less occupied rows
  311. [15:40] <GM_Tour> Since this is a dark room, roll perception to see if you find them (90<
  312. [15:40] <Manalisha_Walker> <stays with Clayton as he examines the room
  313. [15:40] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+15
  314. [15:40] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+30
  315. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 108 / 130 [83%] :: Results [78] ::
  316. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 54 / 115 [46%] :: Results [39] ::
  317. [15:40] <Manalisha_Walker> .d 1d100+35
  318. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 73 / 135 [54%] :: Results [38] ::
  319. [15:40] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100+20
  320. [15:40] <Internets> :: Total 58 / 120 [48%] :: Results [38] ::
  321. [15:41] <GM_Tour> You find them clayton.
  322. [15:41] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+35
  323. [15:41] <Internets> :: Total 64 / 135 [47%] :: Results [29] ::
  324. [15:41] * DJ_Max can see the wires on the movie screen!
  325. [15:41] <GM_Tour> Middle of the aisle in the middle of the rows.
  326. [15:41] <GM_Tour> Lots of movie goers around them.
  327. [15:41] * Clayton_R taps on Walker's shoulder, pointing to the mutts. "Let's see if we can lure them to a more secluded area."
  328. [15:42] <GM_Tour> (Excuse me a minute.)
  329. [15:42] <EverettMallory> (I didn't do the roll, sec...)
  330. [15:42] <EverettMallory> .d 1d100+40
  331. [15:42] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 140 [57%] :: Results [40] ::
  332. [15:44] <Manalisha_Walker> <silently nods, noticing them
  333. [15:44] <GM_Tour> (I am back.)
  334. [15:45] <GM_Tour> You have found them. They seem to be sitting there completely still, motionless, looking into space more than the movie.
  335. [15:45] * Clayton_R nods too, "I'll go alone, stay close behind, notify the others if possible."
  336. [15:45] <GM_Tour> You guess by the screaming, there is about 15minutes left before the movie ends and the lights come on. Continue to wait?
  337. [15:46] <GM_Tour> You are not waiting, right.
  338. [15:47] <Manalisha_Walker> No
  339. [15:47] <Clayton_R> (Well I didn't think the movie was so close to ending, perhaps we should just wait, it might be safest for civies)
  340. [15:47] <GM_Tour> You wait.
  341. [15:47] <GM_Tour> TIME PASSES
  342. [15:47] <MartinBaron> Anxious, Martin taps the blaster in his pocket as he sits near the emergency exit door as he waits for the mutts to appear and make their move.
  343. [15:47] <GM_Tour> The movie has ended. The "leave now" tune plays as the patrons leave.
  344. [15:47] * Clayton_R keeps a close eye one them. He cranks up his blaster and sets it to stun
  345. [15:48] <Snapper_Jack> *Allows the non-robed patrons past him
  346. [15:48] * DJ_Max took a seat and actually got slightly invested in the movie.
  347. [15:48] * Clayton_R keeps the blaster out of sight
  348. [15:48] <GM_Tour> The mutts are getting up to leave and are going torward Walker.
  349. [15:49] <GM_Tour> Stop them?
  350. [15:49] <Snapper_Jack> (STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM.)
  351. [15:49] <Clayton_R> (Does that mean they are headed toward me too?)
  352. [15:49] <GM_Tour> (Ah, I assumed you were taking either ends of aisles. Sure, yeah you too then.)
  353. [15:49] <EverettMallory> (Hmmm... I have a really crazy idea.)
  354. [15:50] <EverettMallory> (How empty is the theater right now?)
  355. [15:50] <GM_Tour> About half empty, getting emptier.
  356. [15:50] <Greenstripes> (tense9
  357. [15:50] <Manalisha_Walker> Yup, she stands her ground in front of them. "Pardon me sirs. I'd like to conduct a brief interview about your moviegoing experience..."
  358. [15:50] <EverettMallory> (Okay scratch stepping on their robes to dely them )
  359. [15:51] <GM_Tour> (haha)
  360. [15:51] <Snapper_Jack> "Everyone else please make your way out of the theatre. theere's nothing to see here."
  361. [15:51] <GM_Tour> The robed men both turn to you blankley.
  362. [15:51] * DJ_Max meanwhile has gotten up and is waiting.
  363. [15:51] * Clayton_R stands his ground along with Walker, preparing to fire
  364. [15:52] <GM_Tour> They stare at walker.
  365. [15:52] * Clayton_R gestures to the others for them to converge on the robed Mutts
  366. [15:52] <Manalisha_Walker> "If you'll come this way, for confidentiality reasons, you understand..." motioning them to follow her to a janitor closet
  367. [15:53] <Snapper_Jack> (Nothing suspicious here. nope.)
  368. [15:53] <GM_Tour> The stare for a while and then slowly move their heads from side to side, indicating "no"
  369. [15:53] <GM_Tour> Still, their delay has made them the last in the theater.
  370. [15:54] <Clayton_R> (can I roll for persuasion, or does that not work on mutts?)
  371. [15:54] <DJ_Max> "...And that's the credits...I didn't know Johnny walker was in this..."
  372. [15:54] <Snapper_Jack> "Well we'll just ask you the first question here then. What do you folks know about mutts?"
  373. [15:54] <Snapper_Jack> (How many of them are there?)
  374. [15:55] <Clayton_R> (two)
  375. [15:55] <GM_Tour> (Two, and not really. They are mutts!)
  376. [15:55] <Manalisha_Walker> <she curls her lip and nudges Clayton, whispering "Do it."
  377. [15:55] * EverettMallory dashes down and grabs their robes to pull them down
  378. [15:55] <GM_Tour> At this point a mutt veers and swings at walker!
  379. [15:56] * Clayton_R draw his weapon and fires it point blank at the mutts
  380. [15:56] <GM_Tour> I think we should roll intiative.
  381. [15:57] <Internets> :: Total 63 / 135 [46%] :: Results [28] ::
  382. [15:57] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+30
  383. [15:57] <Internets> :: Total 94 / 130 [72%] :: Results [64] ::
  384. [15:57] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100+20
  385. [15:57] <Internets> :: Total 33 / 120 [27%] :: Results [13] ::
  386. [15:57] <EverettMallory> .d 1d100+40
  387. [15:57] <Internets> :: Total 108 / 140 [77%] :: Results [68] ::
  388. [15:57] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+15
  389. [15:57] <Internets> :: Total 77 / 115 [66%] :: Results [62] ::
  390. [15:58] <GM_Tour> .d 1d100+10
  391. [15:58] <Internets> :: Total 99 / 110 [90%] :: Results [89] ::
  392. [15:58] <Manalisha_Walker> (Guh, dont have my pastebin on this laptop I forget what it is *facepalm)
  393. [15:58] <Clayton_R> (1d100+mindstat*5)
  394. [15:59] <Greenstripes> (how do you change your name on rizon?)
  395. [15:59] <Manalisha_Walker> .d 1d100+35
  396. [15:59] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 135 [39%] :: Results [18] ::
  397. [15:59] == GM_Tour has changed nick to [new
  398. [15:59] <[new> /nick [new name]
  399. [15:59] == [new has changed nick to GM_[new
  400. [16:00] <Greenstripes> (thx. Also, when can i join in?)
  401. [16:00] <GM_[new> Anyway....
  402. [16:00] <GM_[new> Evee! Your turn!
  403. [16:00] <GM_[new> (What's your character again?)
  404. [16:01] == Greenstripes has changed nick to Simon_Michaels
  405. [16:01] <MartinBaron> (Would you mind linking your character sheet?)
  406. [16:01] <Simon_Michaels> (
  407. [16:02] <EverettMallory> (NOW WOULD BE A BAD TIME!)
  408. [16:02] <GM_[new> Simon, roll intiative!
  409. [16:02] <Simon_Michaels> (understood!)
  410. [16:02] <GM_[new> Regardless, Everett, your turn!
  411. [16:03] <EverettMallory> My turn is simple - dash to pull the cloaks down to entangle them
  412. [16:03] <GM_[new> Okay, well roll to make a basic strike then.
  413. [16:03] <GM_[new> Just to see if you grab.
  414. [16:04] <EverettMallory> .d 1d100+20
  415. [16:04] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 120 [38%] :: Results [26] ::
  416. [16:05] <GM_[new> You grab, you tug, the mutts seem to have abit of a problem with this!
  417. [16:05] <GM_[new> Their turn!
  418. [16:05] <GM_[new> One is going to punch Everett!
  419. [16:06] <GM_[new> .d 1d100+20
  420. [16:06] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 120 [31%] :: Results [18] ::
  421. [16:07] <GM_[new> Technically it's a miss.
  422. [16:07] <GM_[new> The other one produces a knife!
  423. [16:07] <GM_[new> Clayton's turn
  424. [16:08] <Clayton_R> (aiming is a single action right)
  425. [16:08] <GM_[new> Right
  426. [16:08] <GM_[new> +5 to your roll though.
  427. [16:08] <GM_[new> Might make the difference
  428. [16:09] * Clayton_R aims his blaster and fires a the mutt with a knife
  429. [16:09] <Clayton_R> (doesn't aiming lower the cost needed for a hit too?)
  430. [16:09] <GM_[new> Roll to hit
  431. [16:09] <GM_[new> Correct.
  432. [16:09] <GM_[new> I did write it like that.
  433. [16:09] <GM_[new> So get 35 or better
  434. [16:10] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100
  435. [16:10] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 100 [19%] :: Results [19] ::
  436. [16:10] <Clayton_R> (damn)
  437. [16:10] <GM_[new> Roll damage.
  438. [16:10] <GM_[new> On a crit, you would have hit your friends
  439. [16:11] <Clayton_R> (I add the +5 to this one right)
  440. [16:11] <GM_[new> Well, I guess you don't need to.
  441. [16:11] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100
  442. [16:11] <Internets> :: Total 95 / 100 [95%] :: Results [95] ::
  443. [16:11] <GM_[new> Well that's two actions.
  444. [16:11] <GM_[new> aiming and shooting.
  445. [16:12] <Clayton_R> I finish up my turn by cranking up my blaster
  446. [16:13] <GM_[new> Martin's turn.
  447. [16:13] <MartinBaron> I'm going to move up to the knife-wielding mutt and try disarming it
  448. [16:14] <MartinBaron> (What's the roll for disarming again? Just a normal melee?)
  449. [16:14] <GM_[new> By knocking it out of it's hand?
  450. [16:14] <MartinBaron> (Eh, that'll work, yeah.)
  451. [16:14] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  452. [16:14] <Internets> :: Total 101 / 145 [69%] :: Results [56] ::
  453. [16:15] <GM_[new> The knife flies out of his hand!
  454. [16:15] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  455. [16:15] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 25 [96%] :: Results [9] ::
  456. [16:15] <GM_[new> 24 damage to his hand.
  457. [16:15] <GM_[new> Two more actions
  458. [16:16] <MartinBaron> Oh nice. I'll start caving its head in caveman style.
  459. [16:16] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  460. [16:16] <Internets> :: Total 109 / 145 [75%] :: Results [64] ::
  461. [16:16] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  462. [16:16] <Internets> :: Total 20 / 25 [80%] :: Results [5] ::
  463. [16:16] <GM_[new> 20 to its head.
  464. [16:16] <MartinBaron> One more strike to the same place.
  465. [16:16] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  466. [16:16] <Internets> :: Total 107 / 145 [73%] :: Results [62] ::
  467. [16:16] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  468. [16:16] <Internets> :: Total 17 / 25 [68%] :: Results [2] ::
  469. [16:17] <GM_[new> The rubber face is torn from the blow and his now visible headlight is sparking.
  470. [16:17] <GM_[new> There is a crack in his plastic!
  471. [16:17] <GM_[new> Snappers turn!
  472. [16:18] <Snapper_Jack> I'm by the door, how far is it to the mutts?
  473. [16:18] <GM_[new> About ten feet.
  474. [16:18] <GM_[new> 15 walking around banisters and such.
  475. [16:19] <Snapper_Jack> Fuck it what's the roll to throw my bat?
  476. [16:19] <GM_[new> Same to strike.
  477. [16:19] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d100+5
  478. [16:19] <Internets> :: Total 87 / 105 [82%] :: Results [82] ::
  479. [16:19] <GM_[new> Hit.
  480. [16:19] <GM_[new> Roll damage.
  481. [16:20] <GM_[new> I think it's safe to assume that strength is added.
  482. [16:20] <Snapper_Jack> Uh, Just a second, I never bothered writing down how much damage a bat did.
  483. [16:21] <GM_[new> Bat or club: 15+1d10, +2 if nail or sharp objects are attached to the club. $25
  484. [16:21] <Snapper_Jack> thanks
  485. [16:21] <GM_[new> (So aiming and throwing need to be rewritten. I think that's some progress for the system there.)
  486. [16:21] <Snapper_Jack> .d 1d10+65
  487. [16:21] <Internets> :: Total 75 / 75 [100%] :: Results [10] ::
  488. [16:21] <DJ_Max> (MECHANICS)
  489. [16:22] <GM_[new> Target?
  490. [16:22] <GM_[new> One with knife or not knife.
  491. [16:22] <Snapper_Jack> tknife guy
  492. [16:22] <MartinBaron> Geez, I think the bat went straight through and got stuck in the wall
  493. [16:23] <GM_[new> You hit the mutt hard, there is a big THWAP and it clearly was thrown off balance for a second.
  494. [16:23] <GM_[new> (This would actually be a big wound if they weren't robots.)
  495. [16:23] <GM_[new> DJ!
  496. [16:23] <GM_[new> Your turn!
  497. [16:24] <Simon_Michaels> (you're killing those robots for half an hour now)
  498. [16:24] <GM_[new> Yes.
  499. [16:24] <Snapper_Jack> (They're tough robots)
  500. [16:24] <GM_[new> Have you rolled intiative?
  501. [16:24] <Snapper_Jack> (And yeah these sessions tend to go pretty slowly.)
  502. [16:25] * DJ_Max did. Yes. And now he's going to move and ATTACK THE ROBOTS He'll use a chair to get a leg up and help MARTIN with a kick.
  503. [16:25] <DJ_Max> >Help martin by kicking the robot, clarification.
  504. [16:25] <GM_[new> Okay.
  505. [16:25] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  506. [16:25] <Internets> :: Total 61 / 100 [61%] :: Results [61] ::
  507. [16:25] <GM_[new> That's one action for the gymnastics
  508. [16:25] <GM_[new> And there you go.
  509. [16:26] <GM_[new> Damage
  510. [16:26] <DJ_Max> .d 1d10+8
  511. [16:26] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 18 [55%] :: Results [2] ::
  512. [16:26] <GM_[new> plus strength
  513. [16:26] <DJ_Max> Which is 8. SO
  514. [16:26] <DJ_Max> 18?
  515. [16:26] <GM_[new> +16
  516. [16:26] <DJ_Max> So 18 total!
  517. [16:26] <GM_[new> 28 damage!
  518. [16:27] <GM_[new> That's enough regardless.
  519. [16:27] <MartinBaron> (Oh yeah, woops, forgot to add in my damage boost. It's just a +8, but it's better than nothing)
  520. [16:27] <GM_[new> The mutts head breaks into pieces and it falls to the ground.
  521. [16:28] * DJ_Max still has time, might as well move to deliver another kick to that other Mutt too!
  522. [16:28] <GM_[new> (Right, yeah, oi and I got the math wrong anyway.)
  523. [16:28] <GM_[new> Okay.
  524. [16:28] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  525. [16:28] <Internets> :: Total 76 / 100 [76%] :: Results [76] ::
  526. [16:28] <GM_[new> You've got acrobatics right?
  527. [16:28] <DJ_Max> I do.
  528. [16:28] * DJ_Max has a 2 in it.
  529. [16:29] <GM_[new> Just checking, roll damage
  530. [16:29] <DJ_Max> .d 1d10+8
  531. [16:29] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 18 [83%] :: Results [7] ::
  532. [16:29] <DJ_Max> >+ another 8, so 23
  533. [16:30] * DJ_Max will proceed to end his turn there.
  534. [16:30] <GM_[new> Round 2. Everett!
  535. [16:32] <GM_[new> Wait...
  536. [16:32] <EverettMallory> How badly damaged the mutts are looking and am I still holding them by the robes
  537. [16:32] <GM_[new> Walker!
  538. [16:32] <GM_[new> Your turn!
  539. [16:32] <GM_[new> Pretty badly!
  540. [16:32] <GM_[new> The one holding the knife was literally just destroyed by everyone.
  541. [16:33] <GM_[new> You are still grasping the robes of the other one.
  542. [16:33] <GM_[new> Which just took a kick to the chest.
  543. [16:33] <GM_[new> But right now it's Walker's turn
  544. [16:34] <Manalisha_Walker> <Tries to pull the Mutt down to the floor with the robe
  545. [16:34] <GM_[new> Roll to grapple.
  546. [16:34] <GM_[new> Which is a standard strike.
  547. [16:35] <Manalisha_Walker> .d 1d100+5
  548. [16:35] <Internets> :: Total 61 / 105 [58%] :: Results [56] ::
  549. [16:35] <GM_[new> You grab on.
  550. [16:35] <GM_[new> What's your strength?
  551. [16:35] <Manalisha_Walker> 4
  552. [16:36] <GM_[new> It's stronger than you.
  553. [16:36] <GM_[new> 7
  554. [16:36] <GM_[new> Everett's turn!
  555. [16:37] <Manalisha_Walker> <Attempted to bring it down, but she overestimated herself, and was unable to budge it
  556. [16:38] <GM_[new> (True. But you are still grappling it so it isn't going to run away.
  557. [16:38] <EverettMallory> Is the knife laying around where I can grab it?
  558. [16:38] <GM_[new> Aren't you already holding it?
  559. [16:38] <MartinBaron> (So now we can fight it Slavic style; aka curb stomp it to scrap)
  560. [16:38] <GM_[new> Sorry, got confused.
  561. [16:38] <GM_[new> Yeah.
  562. [16:38] <GM_[new> It's within reach.
  563. [16:39] <EverettMallory> Okay Step one... grab it, step two STAB STAB STAB STAB
  564. [16:39] <GM_[new> (I'd like to be done soon here.)
  565. [16:39] <Simon_Michaels> (that sounds about right martin
  566. [16:39] <GM_[new> Roll to strike.
  567. [16:41] <GM_[new> (I'm actually in a hurry here. If you don't reply it a minute I'll consider your turn a pass.)
  568. [16:41] <EverettMallory> (Sec
  569. [16:41] <EverettMallory> .d 1d100+20
  570. [16:41] <Internets> :: Total 75 / 120 [62%] :: Results [55] ::
  571. [16:41] <GM_[new> Hit. damage.
  572. [16:42] <EverettMallory> (1d10 + STR? )
  573. [16:42] <GM_[new> Knife: 10+1d10
  574. [16:42] <EverettMallory> .d 1d10+10
  575. [16:42] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 20 [95%] :: Results [9] ::
  576. [16:42] <GM_[new> So it's 10+1d10 plus str
  577. [16:42] <EverettMallory> (4 str... still woah NERD RAGE!)
  578. [16:43] <GM_[new> 28
  579. [16:43] <GM_[new> Plink plink, you make plastic bits fly.
  580. [16:43] <GM_[new> Mutts turn.
  581. [16:43] * EverettMallory yells "DIE YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION"
  582. [16:43] <GM_[new> He is going to punch everett.
  583. [16:43] <GM_[new> .d 1d100+20
  584. [16:43] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 120 [20%] :: Results [4] ::
  585. [16:43] <GM_[new> Miss.
  586. [16:44] <DJ_Max> (The rage continues.)
  587. [16:44] <GM_[new> He attacks again.
  588. [16:44] <GM_[new> .d 1d100+20
  589. [16:44] <Internets> :: Total 94 / 120 [78%] :: Results [74] ::
  590. [16:44] <GM_[new> Hit.
  591. [16:44] <GM_[new> . 1d100+40
  592. [16:44] <GM_[new> .d 1d100+40
  593. [16:44] <Internets> :: Total 96 / 140 [68%] :: Results [56] ::
  594. [16:44] <GM_[new> 96 to your chest.
  595. [16:44] <EverettMallory> ( That's a death...
  596. [16:45] <EverettMallory> ( I only have 80 HP )
  597. [16:45] <Simon_Michaels> (WHOA)
  598. [16:45] <Clayton_R> (fug)
  599. [16:45] <MartinBaron> (Hoh shit)
  600. [16:45] <GM_[new> You can be in urgent condition if you want.
  601. [16:45] <EverettMallory> ( Sure. )
  602. [16:45] <GM_[new> Clayton! Your turn!
  603. [16:45] <DJ_Max> (Aww man. That hurts.)
  604. [16:45] <EverettMallory> ( Let's go with urgent )
  605. [16:45] <Simon_Michaels> (Rest in peace Eve)
  606. [16:45] <Snapper_Jack> Damn son
  607. [16:46] * Clayton_R shakes his head and withdraws his blaster, equipping his own knife to stab the robot with his own knife
  608. [16:46] <GM_[new> (Well, its freakin' topsiders! Did you expect patty cake?!)
  609. [16:46] <EverettMallory> ( Kinda was unprepared for making a new character but I'll consider doing this now )
  610. [16:46] <Clayton_R> (whoops didn't proofread)
  611. [16:46] <GM_[new> I will gives points for knife on knife action.
  612. [16:46] <GM_[new> But he's disarmed.
  613. [16:47] <MartinBaron> (If you don't mind me asking, what's urgent condition? Can't find it in the rules)
  614. [16:47] <GM_[new> Also, red panda just got knocked back hard.
  615. [16:47] <GM_[new> Wait!
  616. [16:47] <GM_[new> I'm sorry.
  617. [16:47] <GM_[new> That's not their damage.
  618. [16:47] <GM_[new> Everybody rewind.
  619. [16:47] <GM_[new> .d 1d10+40
  620. [16:47] <Internets> :: Total 48 / 50 [96%] :: Results [8] ::
  621. [16:47] <Manalisha_Walker> Was gonna say, they get a d100 with damage? lol
  622. [16:47] <GM_[new> Okay. You take 48
  623. [16:48] <DJ_Max> >Backtracks
  624. [16:48] <GM_[new> Like I said, I'm in a hurry.
  625. [16:48] <GM_[new> Clayton!
  626. [16:48] <GM_[new> Your turn.!
  627. [16:48] * Clayton_R equips his old knife to shank the damn mutts
  628. [16:49] <GM_[new> Okay, that's a move and a strike.
  629. [16:49] <GM_[new> Argh. Alright. I got to pause for a sec.
  630. [16:49] <EverettMallory> ( This just means I'm severely wounded not dead yay )
  631. [16:49] <GM_[new> I'll be back in about 10 to 15 minutes, okay?
  632. [16:49] <Snapper_Jack> that gives me time to eat.
  633. [16:49] <GM_[new> brb
  634. [16:49] <EverettMallory> (I'll make a quick phonecall )
  635. [16:50] <Simon_Michaels> I'll stay right here
  636. [16:50] <MartinBaron> (Eating will take me 20 minutes, but the cafeteria closes in an hour. I think I'll risk it.)
  637. [16:50] <MartinBaron> (I'll be back)
  638. [16:51] <Simon_Michaels> so, can anyone tell me how the hell did this session come to the group infiltrating a cinema with robed mutts in it?
  639. [16:51] <MartinBaron> I will real fast
  640. [16:51] <Clayton_R> (It's a long, slippery slope buddy)
  641. [16:51] <MartinBaron> If you've read the previous session, Mallard told us that due to Gray's discovery of disguised mutts, there might be two in Endtown that look vaguely similar
  642. [16:51] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@E475E7A8.125E489C.D162F2AD.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  643. [16:52] <MartinBaron> Surprise surprise, there is. He sends us out to deal with them and we went to a tenant to find them
  644. [16:52] <MartinBaron> She shows us their beds and we find the robes they're wearing
  645. [16:52] <MartinBaron> Mana gets their scent and we go to the clocktower. Not there, then we go to the movie theater and find them in the middle staring off into space
  646. [16:52] <Simon_Michaels> which leads to today
  647. [16:53] <Simon_Michaels> and an hour long punchfest
  648. [16:53] <Simon_Michaels> gud
  649. [16:53] <MartinBaron> We block the exits and wait for movie to end, everyone leaves and then we start butchering them. Oh, and the panda possibly has broken ribs after that punch
  650. [16:53] <MartinBaron> ANYWAY, I'm off
  651. [16:53] <Simon_Michaels> so, who decides what happens in the story, what quests are given
  652. [16:53] <Simon_Michaels> seeya Baron
  653. [16:53] <Simon_Michaels> and thx for the recap
  654. [16:54] <MartinBaron> DM, though he doesn't have any stories written down and is mainly improvisation the story
  655. [16:55] <Simon_Michaels> Cool.
  656. [16:55] <MartinBaron> Might be willing to hear our ideas of things to do, though he decides whats what
  657. [16:55] <MartinBaron> Now I'm off
  658. [16:55] <Simon_Michaels> Cant wait to actually get involved with this rpg thing
  659. [16:56] <EverettMallory> ( Back )
  660. [16:56] <Simon_Michaels> Ey everett
  661. [16:57] <Simon_Michaels> how are your ribs doin?
  662. [16:57] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@E475E7A8.125E489C.D162F2AD.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  663. [16:59] <Simon_Michaels> Manalisha
  664. [16:59] <Simon_Michaels> What a name
  665. [16:59] <Manalisha_Walker> Yup, lol
  666. [17:00] <Simon_Michaels> Tell me, Manalisha, how did you get your character into this ongoing session?
  667. [17:01] <Simon_Michaels> how do you introduce your character in this rpg?
  668. [17:02] == GM-mobile [] has joined #endtownrpg
  669. [17:02] <Manalisha_Walker> I'm actually practicing her character for a fancomic I'm working on
  670. [17:02] <GM-mobile> Okay, I'm back.
  671. [17:02] <GM-mobile> Eato.
  672. [17:02] <Simon_Michaels> nice, Manalisha
  673. [17:02] <Simon_Michaels> Was it Tastey?
  674. [17:03] <GM-mobile> Clay, you were attacking?
  675. [17:03] <Clayton_R> yep, stabby stabby
  676. [17:03] <Manalisha_Walker> The name's a reference to a Fleetwood Mac song
  677. [17:03] <MartinBaron> Back
  678. [17:03] <GM-mobile> Roll to stab
  679. [17:04] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+35
  680. [17:04] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 135 [28%] :: Results [3] ::
  681. [17:05] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@E475E7A8.125E489C.D162F2AD.IP] has quit []
  682. [17:05] <GM-mobile> Miss.
  683. [17:05] <GM-mobile> Roll again, just for the sake of it.
  684. [17:05] <Clayton_R> sure
  685. [17:05] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+35
  686. [17:05] <Internets> :: Total 108 / 135 [80%] :: Results [73] ::
  687. [17:06] <GM-mobile> Miss! Ha-ha, no. Roll damagw
  688. [17:07] <Clayton_R> .d 1d10+3
  689. [17:07] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 13 [100%] :: Results [10] ::
  690. [17:07] <GM-mobile> Wait, you have 7 speed? I keep forgetting that.
  691. [17:07] <Clayton_R> yep
  692. [17:07] <GM-mobile> Knives are 10+d10.
  693. [17:07] <EverettMallory> (Clay is the fastest)
  694. [17:08] <Clayton_R> .d 1d10+10
  695. [17:08] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 20 [95%] :: Results [9] ::
  696. [17:08] <GM-mobile> 19 damage!
  697. [17:08] <MartinBaron> (No, I have 9 speed)
  698. [17:09] <GM-mobile> (We have alot of speedsters.)
  699. [17:09] <DJ_Max> (Its true.)
  700. [17:09] <GM-mobile> Kay, next.
  701. [17:09] <Snapper_Jack> It's amazing I got to this fight at the same time all of you did at all.
  702. [17:10] <GM-mobile> Forgive me but I forgot the initiative roll table.
  703. [17:10] <MartinBaron> Guess that's me.
  704. [17:10] <MartinBaron> I'll keep doing what works best: clubbing shit to pieces
  705. [17:10] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  706. [17:10] <GM-mobile> I think snapper is next.
  707. [17:10] <MartinBaron> Specifically the head
  708. [17:10] <Internets> :: Total 134 / 145 [92%] :: Results [89] ::
  709. [17:11] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  710. [17:11] <Internets> :: Total 23 / 25 [92%] :: Results [8] ::
  711. [17:11] <EverettMallory> (Dam Son)
  712. [17:11] <GM-mobile> We damage!
  713. [17:11] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  714. [17:11] <Internets> :: Total 73 / 145 [50%] :: Results [28] ::
  715. [17:11] <GM-mobile> Yep, that's abit.
  716. [17:11] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  717. [17:11] <Internets> :: Total 21 / 25 [84%] :: Results [6] ::
  718. [17:11] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  719. [17:11] <Internets> :: Total 87 / 145 [60%] :: Results [42] ::
  720. [17:11] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  721. [17:11] <Internets> :: Total 21 / 25 [84%] :: Results [6] ::
  722. [17:12] == Manalisha_Walker [~qwebirc@E475E7A8.125E489C.D162F2AD.IP] has joined #endtownrpg
  723. [17:12] <GM-mobile> This is brutal really.
  724. [17:12] <GM-mobile> That's enough.
  725. [17:12] <Clayton_R> (having connection problems Walker?)
  726. [17:12] <Manalisha_Walker> (Yup)
  727. [17:12] <Manalisha_Walker> (SHould be fine now though, heh)
  728. [17:12] * MartinBaron continuously smashes the Mutts head with the club, pieces of plastic flying as he attacks.
  729. [17:13] <GM-mobile> Function ceased!
  730. [17:13] <GM-mobile> Combat end!
  731. [17:13] <Snapper_Jack> *goes to retrieve bat
  732. [17:13] * EverettMallory groans from the seats... "Guys... I think I'm not good."
  733. [17:13] <Simon_Michaels> *champagne pops*
  734. [17:14] <GM-mobile> Simon! You dropped your popcorn during the movie.
  735. [17:14] <Snapper_Jack> "Mallory gonna be okay?"
  736. [17:14] * Clayton_R sighs loudly, "That was easier than expected, but" He turned to face Everett, "Oh jeez!"
  737. [17:14] * MartinBaron finishes his attack, placing the club in his pocket as he takes a seat to catch a breather.
  738. [17:14] <GM-mobile> You have finally finished and discovered... Whatever the hell is happening here?
  739. [17:14] <EverettMallory> I dunno. I feel like a truck hit me.
  740. [17:14] <Simon_Michaels> oh
  741. [17:14] <Simon_Michaels> OH
  742. [17:15] <Simon_Michaels> IM IN
  743. [17:15] <Manalisha_Walker> <stands to the side of the fallen mutt a moment, before running to Everett
  744. [17:15] * Clayton_R leans over the red panda. "You got @#%&ed up man..."
  745. [17:15] * DJ_Max goes to see if Mallory is...somewhat okay. He does have first aid so... maybe he can make sure he's at least good to walk.
  746. [17:15] <GM-mobile> Everett is badly wounded.
  747. [17:15] <GM-mobile> He suffers...
  748. [17:16] <GM-mobile> .d 2d10
  749. [17:16] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 20 [75%] :: Results [9, 6] ::
  750. [17:16] <EverettMallory> "Well of course I *$%@!ed up. I went against a Mutt with a knife. What was I thinking."
  751. [17:16] <Simon_Michaels> (ok, how do i do the * [my name] thing?)
  752. [17:16] <GM-mobile> 15 stress
  753. [17:16] <MartinBaron> "$*@! , stop moving. I know a little bit of first aid, I might be able to help out a bit too." Martin says, getting up from his seat to look over Everett's wounds.
  754. [17:16] <DJ_Max> "...Well stabbed the hell out of it real good."
  755. [17:16] <MartinBaron> (I thought he got punched)
  756. [17:17] <GM-mobile> He did
  757. [17:17] * Clayton_R stands up and waves to Snapper. "I think we need to get him to a hospital."
  758. [17:17] <EverettMallory> "Well the only thing moving is my jaw, man. I don't want to move anything else."
  759. [17:18] <GM-mobile> Oh, its just half your hp, panda up!
  760. [17:18] <Simon_Michaels> (guys, how do i do the third person speak?)
  761. [17:18] * Clayton_R nods. "You need to keep still Everett, wait for the paramedics"
  762. [17:18] <MartinBaron> (Rank 1 in first aid, that's rolling above a 60 right?)
  763. [17:18] <Snapper_Jack> "Damn. Alright two of you pick him up and get him there. The rest of us figure out how to deal with the scrap heaps."
  764. [17:18] <MartinBaron> (./me)
  765. [17:18] <DJ_Max> (/me)
  766. [17:18] <GM-mobile> (By doing that.)
  767. [17:18] <EverettMallory> /me
  768. [17:18] <Simon_Michaels> (thx)
  769. [17:19] <GM-mobile> Anyway, let's end session here.
  770. [17:19] <GM-mobile> Let's go over xp.
  771. [17:19] <Snapper_Jack> alrighty then
  772. [17:19] <EverettMallory> Alrighty
  773. [17:19] * Simon_Michaels enters the area, remembering the popcorn he so carelessly abandoned in the cinema hall
  774. [17:19] <Clayton_R> I agree. We went a little long today.
  775. [17:19] <GM-mobile> Just alittle.
  776. [17:19] <Snapper_Jack> these fight scenes can reallt drag along yeah.
  777. [17:20] <Simon_Michaels> damn right
  778. [17:20] <GM-mobile> When we have 6 people its inevitable.
  779. [17:21] <Simon_Michaels> ok, so next week, when we continue this charade of sadness, pain and robot parts, I'm entering the scene of the crime in the cinema to get my popcorn back
  780. [17:21] <Simon_Michaels> right?
  781. [17:21] <GM-mobile> Right.
  782. [17:21] <Simon_Michaels> copy that
  783. [17:21] <GM-mobile> Xp.
  784. [17:21] <Simon_Michaels> my character never goes on tours of duty, which means hes always low on food coupons.
  785. [17:21] <GM-mobile> +5 to walker for tracking them down.
  786. [17:22] <Manalisha_Walker> :D
  787. [17:22] <GM-mobile> +5 to panda for holding their robes.
  788. [17:23] <GM-mobile> +10 to everyone for taking down two mutts.
  789. [17:23] <MartinBaron> Oh right, I forgot to ask. When you level up, it's +100 to the XP requirement to level up? So I get to level 2, it's 200 xp required, then 300 for level 3?
  790. [17:23] <GM-mobile> And +25 for saving endtown.
  791. [17:23] <GM-mobile> I wasn't prepared for super sniffer.
  792. [17:24] <EverettMallory> MVP today?
  793. [17:24] <Clayton_R> I vote Walker, she really saved us some tie tracking these mutts down
  794. [17:24] <Clayton_R> *time
  795. [17:24] <GM-mobile> That's a good question!
  796. [17:24] <EverettMallory> True
  797. [17:25] * Manalisha_Walker beaming
  798. [17:25] <Simon_Michaels> btw, about that scrap from mutts. Is it all taken by the party or is there some chunks of circutry still left there?
  799. [17:25] <GM-mobile> True, I actually had a time table you were working on. Bad things were going to happen at night.
  800. [17:25] <Clayton_R> (inb4 good doggie)
  801. [17:25] <GM-mobile> That's up to the party.
  802. [17:26] <MartinBaron> Oogh, well it's a damn good thing we got right to it. I vote Mana for MVP too
  803. [17:26] <GM-mobile> +10 to poodle.
  804. [17:26] <DJ_Max> Tracking is a very useful.
  805. [17:26] <MartinBaron> If you don't mind me asking, what would've happened?
  806. [17:26] <MartinBaron> Mass murder?
  807. [17:26] <Manalisha_Walker>
  808. [17:27] <GM-mobile> They were going to attack security or Mallard to get a radio
  809. [17:27] <GM-mobile> But you know, laying low during the day.
  810. [17:27] <MartinBaron> Well, no big losses with security, but that would've been bad with Mallard.
  811. [17:27] <GM-mobile> Anyone level up.
  812. [17:27] <GM-mobile> ?
  813. [17:27] <MartinBaron> Anyway, the circuitry we're gonna bring to Mallard. Proof he's dead and all that
  814. [17:28] <Snapper_Jack> last week
  815. [17:28] <Clayton_R> Nope. I'm at 60/200 (level 2)
  816. [17:28] <MartinBaron> Nope. Did last week though, got 6 skill points
  817. [17:28] <MartinBaron> *in total
  818. [17:28] <Snapper_Jack> Still not sure if I should spend my points now or wait 5 more levels to get and extra main stat point.
  819. [17:28] <Simon_Michaels> Is there any evidence left that those things were mutts?
  820. [17:28] <Manalisha_Walker> Maybe? Dont have my sheet on hand, but once I get my pc fixed I'll have all that.
  821. [17:28] <GM-mobile> True. I'm going to revisit initiative.
  822. [17:29] <GM-mobile> I'd go for the stat.
  823. [17:29] <Snapper_Jack> you mean besides the piled of metal and plastic?
  824. [17:29] <GM-mobile> You're birder immobile at this rate.
  825. [17:29] <Simon_Michaels> and blood maybe (Everett)
  826. [17:29] <EverettMallory> I'm wondering how many "off" days I'll get for hospital stay
  827. [17:29] <Clayton_R> I still think we handled the mutts well, we cornered them with no civilian casualties, and minimal damage on our end
  828. [17:29] <MartinBaron> I'd assume they look like mutants in a big cloak with no head and a metal-stump neck
  829. [17:30] <GM-mobile> You know, that's true!
  830. [17:30] <MartinBaron> Well, you only took 50 damage. I got down to 20 HP and I was back in the fray after two days
  831. [17:30] <GM-mobile> Hmmm
  832. [17:30] <MartinBaron> Mutants do heal fast, you know
  833. [17:31] <GM-mobile> It was kinda crazy to fight these guys in hand to hand.
  834. [17:31] <EverettMallory> Yeah I know
  835. [17:31] <EverettMallory> I KNOW RIGHT
  836. [17:31] <GM-mobile> +10 to xp for preventing a panic.
  837. [17:31] <MartinBaron> Well, unless we had bullet-guns, we couldn't do anything but get into melee with them. Maybe chuck stuff at them, but that's iffy
  838. [17:31] <Clayton_R> I might've been more dangerous to use the blasters though
  839. [17:31] <Clayton_R> *It
  840. [17:31] <GM-mobile> +10 for letting people out of the theater first.
  841. [17:32] <Simon_Michaels> GM, you've seen my character sheet, and it looks legit. Do i need some extra skills for radio knowledge or am i good to go with what i already have.
  842. [17:32] <GM-mobile> So, put +20 on there for doing good.
  843. [17:32] <MartinBaron> Kept it nice and quiet too. Not a soul (except Simon) knows about the brutal smashing we did
  844. [17:32] <Snapper_Jack> >The tank was the only one fighting at range
  845. [17:32] <GM-mobile> I gotta consider that Simon.
  846. [17:33] <DJ_Max> >400!
  847. [17:33] <GM-mobile> Could you email your sheet to and I can look it over?
  848. [17:33] <Simon_Michaels> ok
  849. [17:33] <Clayton_R> I'd say we kept a pretty low profile too searching for the mutts t
  850. [17:34] <GM-mobile> Yeah.
  851. [17:34] <Simon_Michaels> well, i have engineering and electronics under invention
  852. [17:34] <MartinBaron> Really, almost every mission we've been on has been very quiet and low profile.
  853. [17:34] <Simon_Michaels> I wanted to go with the sound engineer setup
  854. [17:34] <MartinBaron> Surprising considering how much fire power we're packing and the fact we have a Not-Teenage and not-ninja mutant turtle on our team
  855. [17:34] <GM-mobile> That is a complete lie Martin.
  856. [17:34] <EverettMallory> ... fuck and I have engineering
  857. [17:35] <MartinBaron> Like I said, almost every.
  858. [17:35] <MartinBaron> ... By Mallard anyway
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