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- A charred wooden beam flew through the air. Sam ducked under it. The next one hit his left arm, shattering the elbow. More debris, a torrent of it, drove Sam back. Suddenly, there was Caine, not ten feet from him.
- Caine’s hands were raised over his head, fingers splayed, palms out. Sam clutched his shattered left elbow with his right hand.
- “Game over, Sam,” Caine said.
- Something blurred behind Caine and he reeled. He clutched his skull.
- Brianna stood over him, brandishing her hammer.
- “Run, Breeze!” Sam yelled, but too late. Even as he staggered backward, Caine fired at point-blank range and Brianna flew backward into the wall, through the wall.
- Caine jumped after her through the opening.
- Sam fired into the wall, burned a hole. Through it he could see Caine blowing away the next wall.
- Sam felt the floor buckle beneath him.
- The building was collapsing.
- He turned and ran, but all at once the floor was gone and he was running in midair, falling, and the building with him, all around him, on him.
- He fell and the world fell on him.
- Gone, Chapter 44
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