
[Verdant] Horrorterror Rituals

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. Horrorterror Ritual:
  3. [Requirements]
  4. If a Servant is required for your specific ritual, Servant and Caster cannot be owned by the same person. For example, if Player has character A and B, they cannot use character A as the Caster and character B as the Servant. Instead, they must get another Players character to take one of these roles.
  6. NOTE: If you are taking a 'No Servant' Sacrifice with a Special Curse, you may only receive the Special Curse ONCE.
  7. Any Subsequent castings of the Solo Sacrifice will roll from the God's Curses.
  9. [Roll Order]
  10. First: Pick which God your character is summoning-- pay attention to the sacrifices required and if a Sacrifice Roll is required for Success. Only One sacrifice per Summoning is required for the specific God you pick. On Successful Sacrifice Roll, or if no Roll is Required, first complete the following Rolls, then do the specific Boon and Curse rolls for your Selected God and Ritual.
  12. --> (If Required) Sacrifice Roll > General Boon/Curse > God Specific Boon > God Specific Curse <--
  14. General Boons/Curses:
  15. Roll 1d20.
  16. 1. You die.
  17. 2. You lose a leg.
  18. 3. You are now physically repulsive to goldbloods-and-under for 1 IRL week.
  19. 4. You fall out of love with your matesprit. Can regain affection.
  20. 5. You are compelled to tell the truth for the next IRL week. No lies, no white lies, etc.
  21. 6. You are given fins, regardless of caste.
  22. 7. You now have a large horn growing out of their forehead.
  23. 8. You lose a cullable mutation and gain a mutation decided by the moderators in order to balance said character.
  24. 9. You grow a tail which resembles a fish's or some sort of amphibian creature's. (Mermaid's Touch)
  25. 10. You become obsessed with your physical appearance--this obsession manifests as vanity.
  26. 11. You gain skin of pitch, with hair and eyes of white. (Touched By The Gods)
  27. 12. You gain skin of pitch, with hair and eyes of white. (Touched By The Gods)
  28. 13. You gain skin of pitch, with hair and eyes of white. (Touched By The Gods)
  29. 14. You gain skin of pitch, with hair and eyes of white. (Touched By The Gods)
  30. 15: You gain skin of pitch, with hair and eyes of white. (Touched By The Gods)
  31. 16: You now have the 'Withering' modifier. -2 to all combat rolls.
  32. 17. You now have a beautiful singing voice which draws listeners closer. (Siren's Call)
  33. 18. You lose one of your psionic abilities. (No impact on those without psionics.)
  34. 19. You drop down two blood castes (A Tyrian would become Purple, Violet would become Blue. Rusts and Bronzes gain two castes.)
  35. 20. You gain scarring on your back-- no special design, merely scarring.
  37. Additional rolls for those Touched By The Gods:
  38. Roll 1d5.
  39. 1. You gain a psionic known as 'Magykk': you can cast white energy bolts which slice through clothing, can burn characters, in general acts as a psionic light beam.
  41. 2. You gain a psionic known as 'Emissary's Shadow': you seem to emanate shadow energy, which can disorient opponents in combat.
  43. 3. You gain a psionic known as 'Sharp Wits': -when using Wandkind-, you gain +1 to combat rolls when using Wands as stabbing weapons.
  45. 4. You gain the ability to breathe underwater, regardless of caste.
  47. 5. You gain angel's wings *or* wings made of tentacles, writhing darkness, etc, as determined by character. These wings do not count as a cullable mutation but do indicate to society that you are dangerous/protected by the Angels/some sort of holy or demonic entity. These wings grant flight.
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